AK to ASM Transportation question


<font color=deeppink>I HATE it when I miss somethi
Oct 21, 2003
I have a PS at Rainforest in AK for 5:45, since the park closes at 5pm, will I have problems getting a bus back to ASM? I have read that the last bus is at 7pm. I wonder if it would be better to drive to AK that day, since we will have our truck with us....


I think taking your truck might be a the thing to do.ASM is in the same area of WDW property as AK so you shouldn't be fighting any traffic.I think driving yourselves is an excellent idea! :sunny:

Have a great time!
Thank you thats what I thought!

It now looks like according to the park hours etc.. that we may be heading from AK back to ASM to catch a bus to MK for spectro that night....having the truck will cut quite a bit of time off no doubt!

Thanks again
Disney runs special Rainforest buses to get you back to your resort until 8:30 pm.

You can also catch a park-to-park TTC bus at that hour that will take you to the TTC where you can hop the monorail to get to MK. No need to go back to the resort. P2P buses run until after midnight even to closed parks since people often park at one theme park and end up at another. They need to be able to get back to their cars at the end of the night.


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