Airfare For Toddler


Earning My Ears
Mar 4, 2001
I really need some advice for this one.I'm planning a trip to WDW for October with my husband and 2 boys ages 6 and 17 months.At the time of our departure our son will be 2 years old on that day.My question is how do I book the airplane flight knowing he wont be 2 years old until the day of our departure.Also will the airline make me pay for his seat going home.Please all responses will be greatly accepted.
As far as I know you will pay for your son depending on if you would like him to have his own seat. Even if he is under 2 you will still have to pay if he is going to have his own assigned seat. Many airlines offer 50% off for kids under 2.
I'm pretty sure that all airlines now require that children have their own seat at the age of 2YO. So, if you're departing on his birthday, I think you'll need to purchase a seat for him.

You might want to call the airline and ask them.

<span style='font-size:8.0pt;
font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#666699'>’79 Poly, ’80 Cont, ’81 Disney Inn, ’82 Poly, ’83 Fairway Villas, ’84/’85 Off-site condo, ’87 Days Inn<o:p></o:p></span>
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<span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:red'>Next trip: Nov ’01 Cont</p>
Actually, it will be a lot more comfortablle aand safer if your little one does have his own seat. Done the lap thing before, it's not as easy as it seems. And I have always been told, that if a child takes a seat, you have to pay for them. I have never been able to get my kids at 50%, but I felt that if there is any type of turbulance, they are just safer in their own seat buckled in.

We've travelled when my daughter was under 2 when we left & 2 when we returned. We asked the reservations agent & we had to buy a ticket because it is FAA regulation that all children of 2 years and older have their own seat. So, if you are buying round trip will have to purchase one for your toddler. It's much safer if your child has their own seat anyway. Hope this helps. :)

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I wouldn't take a chance on the airlines. Buy the ticket! I was told they can ask for proof of age and if child is over 2, can be refused admission on the plane if you don't have a ticket for the child.
I would suggest buying a seat anyway, regardless of age, and using their car seat. I know it's an extra couple hundred dollars, but it will make your flight so much easier. Do you really want to hold your 2 year old on your lap for the entire flight? And, for that matter, what 2 year old is going to sit still for that long?

You should be able to get his seat for the 50% reduced fare. As long as you buy round trip, and he's not 2 at the start of travel. I don't think you'll have any problems. I agree with the other posters though... for saftey and sanity, buy him is own seat.
We flew when my son was two (a few years ago, rules may have changed) and we were told he could still be a lap child, but if we bought a seat and used a car seat the fare would be half price. For peace of mind, we bought the seat. You might want to check and see if the airline you are flying offers that.


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