Adult meltdowns.....

I almost had a meltdown this last trip. I was consumed with planning and prepping for this trip for a few months. Now I know only the people here can/would appreciate all the hard work that goes into reservations, planing out every day, ADRs, and ALL the packing that goes along with it. Not to mention the cleaning and laundry to get ready and then laundry when you come back. Anywho we live 5 hours from WDW. I drove all the way down. Well after 5 exhausting days, driving 3 hours on the way home I ask DH to drive the rest of the way. 30 minutes into him driving he nods off and starts vering off the road. I then proceeded to loose it and have a meltdown.
:rotfl2::rotfl2:Sorry , but just funny, has happened to us :lmao::lmao:LOL. Hope the trip was great!!!!
Unfortunately I have had a couple of meltdowns myself. My first one was on our very first Disney trip. It was myself, my hubby, our two boys, and my mom and dad. We were on our very last day in the parks, which was MGM at the time. We were all tired and getting cranky, and I was sad because it was our last day. We went to have lunch at the Prime Time Cafe, when my oldest son started to have a meltdown himself and I started to cry. So I'm sitting there at the table at the Prime Time, just crying. Not like loud sobbing, but it was about to get there :rolleyes1 I finally pulled it together because I didn't want our waiter to see me. How embarrassing.

My second meltdown happened on our last trip back in 08. I had planned and planned and we were having such a marvelous time. On our very last night, we were at DTD and my son and I had a disagreement about where we were going to eat. I started to cry, and my husband said, "look guys, mom is crying at Disney on the last night of our trip, she's so sad". Boy, that made the tears flow more :sad1: I just really wasn't ready to go home I guess.

Now we're going back in May, and this really will be our last trip for a number of years. Unless I can work my magic :wizard:
I forgot to mention that when I had tromped over the bridge (acting like a 16 yr old,I am 40) and met up with the rest of our group (all tear stained , eyes swollen and not wanting to speak w/ DH my DN 8 comes up hugs me , looks around and says " mom said your mothly friend must be here.. where is he?" .That is what made me laugh and realize what a juvenile I was acting like. Just had to give DH a kiss and on trip in June will buy him something special.

:lmao::rotfl::flower3:, that was too funny!!!!
We witnessed a doozy on one of our trips...we're all sitting around on the curb in front of the castle waiting for the 3pm parade. There's a man sitting by himself about 3 people down from us...all of a sudden this woman (I'm assuming the wife) comes flying at him with a stroller and proceeds to lay into him in what may have been Tagalog or similar. Screaming at the top of her lungs, getting right in his face...he's just staring straight ahead like she's not there. She finishes up and then shoves the stroller at him (child included) and storms off into the crowd. He looked like he been there done that a million times before. Funny thing was, she shows up again about 15 minutes later to watch the parade and they both acted like it hadn't happened at all:confused3
OMG That was my mother!!! :rotfl2: How long ago was that???!!!??? Did she have dark hair? Kind of big and curvy? That was my little sister that was in the stroller!!! :laughing: Who knew?? They say it's a 'small small world!' :lmao: Let's just say that good ol mom and dad are now divorced and even though mom still has a 'meltdown' once in awhile, my DS and I live too far away to experience it first hand! :thumbsup2
OMG That was my mother!!! :rotfl2: How long ago was that???!!!??? Did she have dark hair? Kind of big and curvy? That was my little sister that was in the stroller!!! :laughing: Who knew?? They say it's a 'small small world!' :lmao: Let's just say that good ol mom and dad are now divorced and even though mom still has a 'meltdown' once in awhile, my DS and I live too far away to experience it first hand! :thumbsup2

Seriously?:confused3 That is amazing....I am glad to hear you are doing well.:love: I
Unless it took place 25 years ago- yep it could have been good old mom! :rotfl2: It sounds like something crazy she would do!
Unless it took place 25 years ago- yep it could have been good old mom! :rotfl2: It sounds like something crazy she would do!

I mothers family is Italian.... we have a few in the family who are capable of the same. My dad is a "Head DR." as he like to call himself go figure... He has a field day with them hahaha.
OMG That was my mother!!! :rotfl2: How long ago was that???!!!??? Did she have dark hair? Kind of big and curvy? That was my little sister that was in the stroller!!! :laughing: Who knew?? They say it's a 'small small world!' :lmao: Let's just say that good ol mom and dad are now divorced and even though mom still has a 'meltdown' once in awhile, my DS and I live too far away to experience it first hand! :thumbsup2

I'm guessing it's just history repeating itself because this happened in Dec. '08 (unless of course you are very, very young or there's a HUGE age gap between you and your little sis!) :) Actually the woman was Asian...probably a size 2 and not taller than about 5'2"....
I have two to discuss. The 1st happened on our day at Hollywood Studios. Mind you my husband is not a "big" fan of Disney but will tolerate it. Anyway, my girls and I usually go in the am and come back in the afternoon with my dh and ds. That am my dd was not tall enough to ride RNR so we changed her shoes on the break (Healys) so she can ride. She was just a few cms short. I had fast passes and my dh says he doesnt want to ride. So I tell him we are going to ride and I will be back. I guess he thought we would be on and off in 5 mins. Turns out our wait was about 45. By the time we came back he was livid. I am ready to go. You have me sitting out here in the hot sun with our son dripping ice cream down his arms while you ride something you should have ridden this morning. I felt bad but at the same time I didnt. I figured we both have phones. Why didnt he just walk around in the area. Or go to the little "food stand" right outside the entrance to the ride. I just thought there were more possibilities than just waiting right outside the ride.
The next one happened at Universal. Same trip. Again involving my dh. The basics of it is that he does not like the heat. Period. He gets hot very easily and has foot problems. Well anyway. This particular day it had rained HARD as soon as we got there. DH says lets just go to the movies before getting in. I think this is a waste of time because we have movie theaters at home and no Disney or Universal. So he says come on lets just see Transformers. It had just been released. So we go in to see the movie. Well the volume doesnt work. And I wanted to go and get our money back. DH says I would really like to see the movie ask them if we could watch the next one. They agree because most of the people in the theater were going to do that. We were at least 1 hr in the movie.
Nonetheless, we spent almost 4 hours at the movies. We finally go in the park, ride Jimmy Neutron, and Twister. DH is now hungry. So we stop and eat and then he says OK lets go. We were only in the park for about 1.5 hour. DD is now crying saying why does he always do this? Youngest DD is also crying saying can we just take him back to the hotel and come back without him? I was also pissed. And I went off. I told the girls we would be back as soon as they opened the next day.
I know he felt bad because he was ready to pay for any souvies the girls wanted. But I was so pissed because I had to listen to how hot it was outside, his feet hurt, Im hungry, I dont want to ride this, pick something else. I spent so much time planning, hoping, wishing, dreaming and then listening to whining the whole time. Mind you it was his decision to go during the summer. I wanted to go in March. He said lets go this summer when we have more time. Go figure. But with all that said, I wouldnt want to go without him.
I will admit that I had a meltdown. My family and I was at WDW in Aug 09 for our very first trip to WDW. The day of arrival our transportation to WDW was great: no wait times at the airport, flight was on time, first off the plane, first to receive out luggage, and our towncar service had us out of the parking lot in no time. Everthing crashed when we arrived at ASMovies. They gave us the wrong room and then they could not find the stroller we rented from on off site location. It took about 2 hours to get everthing right. We decided to eat at the food court. We had QSDP and I had read everthing about how to use it and what to look was nothing like I had thought it would be like. I was so confused about where to go and what to get...and DS8 drops his tray in the middle of the food court. It was the last straw...all I could do was stand there and cry. Here I was, a 31 year old woman crying over a dropped tray of food. :rotfl: I can laugh about it now.

I was proud of myself because I did not yell at DS8!
I have another one ... We were again on our yearly big family family trip and were in AK at The T REX ride. It was a hot day , we had gone to bed late and gotten up early and we all no what this can do to a 3yr old. DN is was three and she is very petite ( she will not except that she is to little no matter what) All the other kids even DN who was 4 by only a few mths could ride. She had been so excited and then to be told she was not a big enough girl yet was the like the sky had fallen to her , not to mention all the other kids had really made this ride into something that was a must do. DN proceeds to meltdown, DSIL tells her lets go ride the the other rides..NOPE now she is really starting to go and for such a little person she has some lungs. DSIL then says let go get a treat at the store puts her in the stroller ( she is now sobbing , dragging her feet and telling us how mean we are) we get said treat she takes it looks at it and proceeds to throw it on the ground let out a wail....that was it poor DSIL just starts crying. It was mid trip and again had been very high alert couple of days , she could not deal anymore with that situation . To our surprise when DN saw DSIL crying she stopped came over and said " Don't cry Mommy you a very good" of course DSIL hugged her , and started crying even more (tears of relief now) we went and got them both a treat. It is funny to laugh at now.
I mothers family is Italian.... we have a few in the family who are capable of the same.

Nope- mine is not Italian- she is just crazy!! :lmao: Thankfully though my DS and I can recognize the signs before she blows so we get off the phone quick with her. It's OK though, when I was a kid I was embarrassed, now I just know that 'mom's not all there.' Really! We make lots of jokes, and it gets us through! :rotfl: But in all seriousness, everybody in the family knows that she has problems, so now we have support from b/c they have seen it too!
I have two to discuss. The 1st happened on our day at Hollywood Studios. Mind you my husband is not a "big" fan of Disney but will tolerate it. Anyway, my girls and I usually go in the am and come back in the afternoon with my dh and ds. That am my dd was not tall enough to ride RNR so we changed her shoes on the break (Healys) so she can ride. She was just a few cms short. I had fast passes and my dh says he doesnt want to ride. So I tell him we are going to ride and I will be back. I guess he thought we would be on and off in 5 mins. Turns out our wait was about 45. By the time we came back he was livid. I am ready to go. You have me sitting out here in the hot sun with our son dripping ice cream down his arms while you ride something you should have ridden this morning. I felt bad but at the same time I didnt. I figured we both have phones. Why didnt he just walk around in the area. Or go to the little "food stand" right outside the entrance to the ride. I just thought there were more possibilities than just waiting right outside the ride.
The next one happened at Universal. Same trip. Again involving my dh. The basics of it is that he does not like the heat. Period. He gets hot very easily and has foot problems. Well anyway. This particular day it had rained HARD as soon as we got there. DH says lets just go to the movies before getting in. I think this is a waste of time because we have movie theaters at home and no Disney or Universal. So he says come on lets just see Transformers. It had just been released. So we go in to see the movie. Well the volume doesnt work. And I wanted to go and get our money back. DH says I would really like to see the movie ask them if we could watch the next one. They agree because most of the people in the theater were going to do that. We were at least 1 hr in the movie.
Nonetheless, we spent almost 4 hours at the movies. We finally go in the park, ride Jimmy Neutron, and Twister. DH is now hungry. So we stop and eat and then he says OK lets go. We were only in the park for about 1.5 hour. DD is now crying saying why does he always do this? Youngest DD is also crying saying can we just take him back to the hotel and come back without him? I was also pissed. And I went off. I told the girls we would be back as soon as they opened the next day.
I know he felt bad because he was ready to pay for any souvies the girls wanted. But I was so pissed because I had to listen to how hot it was outside, his feet hurt, Im hungry, I dont want to ride this, pick something else. I spent so much time planning, hoping, wishing, dreaming and then listening to whining the whole time. Mind you it was his decision to go during the summer. I wanted to go in March. He said lets go this summer when we have more time. Go figure. But with all that said, I wouldnt want to go without him.

Wow, I can so commerserate with you! I feel your pain. My DH is the downer and my kids always ask if we can go without him LOL.
Nope- mine is not Italian- she is just crazy!! :lmao: Thankfully though my DS and I can recognize the signs before she blows so we get off the phone quick with her. It's OK though, when I was a kid I was embarrassed, now I just know that 'mom's not all there.' Really! We make lots of jokes, and it gets us through! :rotfl: But in all seriousness, everybody in the family knows that she has problems, so now we have support from b/c they have seen it too!
That is great that you can have a sense of humor and understand that it is not her fault , therefore giving her and the family support, There are a lot of people who do not have a strong family and are put off to the side. I think that is wonderful and wish you all the best. Jenn V.
In May '07, we were heading out of Epcot after a long, hot day. I had a water bottle with maybe 1/4" left in bottom. My DD9 was walking in front of me. I took the cap off & threw the remaining water on her back. I was thinking it might feel good in he heat. She turned on me & yelled "MOM!!! How could you do that to me???" like I had slapped her or something. I was just trying to be playful, not mean. I was embarrassed because a number of people stopped & stared. We ducked into Spaceship Earth. I rode with my DD14 & as soon as we got into the dark, I just lost it. I started bawling, having my own pity party - I'd spent so much time & effort planning this trip because I wanted it to be the "perfect" vacation, this was the thanks I got, I'm tired of being taken for granted, blah, blah, blah. My DD14 sat there like nothing was going on. I had composed myself by the time the ride was over. Apparantly my DH had spent the ride lecturing my DD9 about yelling at me because she immediately came over, hugged me & apologized. It's funny now but was not the least bit funny then.
Last year, my group was waiting in line for Jungle Cruise behind a rather large family. As far as lines go, this one wasn't too long, 45 minutes at the most. We decided not to Fast Pass because...well, it's Jungle Cruise. Why waste it on that when you can do it with Thunder Mtn? Anyway, they were fairly pleasant, but after a while the father of the group became impatient, mainly because he had seen other people getting to skip him and board the ride fast. When his group finally made it to the front of the line, he complained loudly to the cast member there. This poor kid explained to him the concept of the Fast Pass, but he just didn't get it. "They paid extra to go first?" "No, sir. It's free." "I didn't get one!" "Yes, sir. You have to pick them at the stations out front." After this conversation circled and repeated itself, the man lost his cool. "IT'S NOT FAIR TO MAKE ME WAIT IN LINE WHILE OTHER PEOPLE CAN SKIP!" he ranted. His shouting became a little abusive, and the other people in line began to speak up and tell the guy to chill. Eye rolls abounded. How can you not grasp the concept of Fast Pass?

To the cast member's credit, she never once fired back at the guy and was very polite. I'm just glad I didn't get stuck on a boat with that dude.
Last year, my group was waiting in line for Jungle Cruise behind a rather large family. As far as lines go, this one wasn't too long, 45 minutes at the most. We decided not to Fast Pass because...well, it's Jungle Cruise. Why waste it on that when you can do it with Thunder Mtn? Anyway, they were fairly pleasant, but after a while the father of the group became impatient, mainly because he had seen other people getting to skip him and board the ride fast. When his group finally made it to the front of the line, he complained loudly to the cast member there. This poor kid explained to him the concept of the Fast Pass, but he just didn't get it. "They paid extra to go first?" "No, sir. It's free." "I didn't get one!" "Yes, sir. You have to pick them at the stations out front." After this conversation circled and repeated itself, the man lost his cool. "IT'S NOT FAIR TO MAKE ME WAIT IN LINE WHILE OTHER PEOPLE CAN SKIP!" he ranted. His shouting became a little abusive, and the other people in line began to speak up and tell the guy to chill. Eye rolls abounded. How can you not grasp the concept of Fast Pass?

To the cast member's credit, she never once fired back at the guy and was very polite. I'm just glad I didn't get stuck on a boat with that dude.

ME TOO:cool1:
I am sorry to say, I grabbed the phone away from her and started lecturing her right then and there. I kept my voice low, but said, "You know, life is a series of choices, and you can either continue to ruin all of our vacations by constantly carrying on a feud with your boyfriend who is hundreds of miles away, or you can live in the moment and enjoy the rest of the vacation with us. You have a choice."

I wouldn't call that a "meltdown" at all ! I would call that good parenting !

(I realize you were not the parent, but you know what I mean...)

Call it good 'adult mentoring', instead. You got the point across in a firm tone, and sounds to me like you really reached her.

How much better our society would be with more people such as yourself in it. I for one think you did a VERY good thing !



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