Adult meltdowns.....


Food & Wine Festival Forever
Jul 19, 2009
I was just reading a couple of threads and I hear a lot about kids having "meltdowns " in the parks. This made me think ... when kids meltdown it is usually due to heat , being excited and being over tired ect. , they are to kids and just can not cope like adults should but do not always due. You know the old saying "DO WHAT I SAY...NOT AS I DO". So I thought I would start a Thread of Adult Meltdowns.... for all those kids that do as they are told and those that try suck it up but just have had enough.

I will start. In November our whole family goes to WDW (24 of us ,kid ages 2-18) Well when you have 24 people there is a lot of stop and go , "where is so and so?" "wait for such and such" "we will meet you here", " If you cann't find us call us on so and sos cell phone" and the one that did it for me " I will wait for you right here while you get this"..... We were in WS for F&W ( we started in Mexico) I am usually the "even tempered one" so we have made to several booths ( forgot to mention we had spent the whole day at AK) and have done the usual stops and go and everyone is tired but , we are going to do this thing. Now the kids are being champs if not looking around asleep in the stroller. We get to France and I tell Hubby and everyone else I am going to myself and DD23 a flute of NEUVO. DH says OK I will wait right here next to the food booth with everyone else. So I waite in line get the NEUVO and walk over to designated wait place ... no DH No DD . I start to look around , mind you it is dark and DH is wearing black shirt and jeans and it is now dark out . Well I have now walked in all the shops ,and other nooks and crannies no one . The next step "call me on my cell" I do this 3/4 times no answer .... the temper is starting to rise . I again look all around nobody ( like we tell our kids if you can not find me stay at the spot where we were last at I will come for you). I decided to take this advice and go back to said wait spot , and wait for another 15 or so minutes. I then use cell again no answer....time to start walking across bridge to UK and who comes walking towards me ..DH who says " Oh there you are..I was looking for you , we went and saw the show in UK." . the tears start to come and that was it for the evening. I was soooo mad but now it is funny to remember, I guess lesson learned never stand alone in line and get out if you can not see your party.
I wasn't there, but Mrs. Homie saw it. While I was riding slides at TL and DW was lounging at the pool, she saw a young boy of about 12 and the guy he was with (I'm assuming his stepdad) get into it. The boy was saying things to the effect of "You're not my dad! You can't make me!" and the guy was saying mean things that I won't repeat here, yelling and cursing at the top of his lungs. Eventually Security showed up and told him to tone it down or he would be escorted from the park.
Actually, I had an adult meltdown this year.

I am approaching 50 and did not grow up in this incredible technology age.... I took along two companions last year; very nice girls who are in their mid 20's and work at the local watering hole I eat at every night. I paid for the room; they just paid for their plane ticket and dining plan. Let me say, these are two wonderful girls that have enriched my single life many times over; I enjoy sitting at the bar and hearing about all the things that happen to everyone there.

After a night of enduring (as a very light sleeper) their phones in between our beds beeping constantly during the night until about 3:00 am, due to constant texts back from DE, I was a bit cranky.

During the next day, they were texting constantly and chattering back and forth about stuff. I was immensely enjoying their chatter about school and stuff, but got somewhat annoyed at the constant texting and not paying attention to where they are walking.

That night, it became painfully clear that one of the girls was having "issues" with her boyfriend, and they are constantly texting each other, every few minutes. She is huffing and sighing and I think - you know, I paid for this trip to take you, I should have some say in what goes on here... but I held my tongue.

Finally, I was just about at my limit when.... we walked into the Grand Floridian from the monorail for dinner. The first girl walked through the door, and had this big huge smile on her face, drew in a breath, and said, "Oh my gosh, this is beautiful. The tree, the gingerbread house. Everything is breathtaking." The second girl, still texting on her phone to her boyfriend, says, "OMG, why do I have to deal with this now."

I am sorry to say, I grabbed the phone away from her and started lecturing her right then and there. I kept my voice low, but said, "You know, life is a series of choices, and you can either continue to ruin all of our vacations by constantly carrying on a feud with your boyfriend who is hundreds of miles away, or you can live in the moment and enjoy the rest of the vacation with us. You have a choice."

God, I felt awful and she started to cry. I wanted to crawl under the floor and just disappear.

You know, she got herself together, hugged me, and told me that I was right and how sorry she was..... and we never had a problem after that.
I hate to admit that the last night of our anniversary trip last February I had a bit of a meltdown. It was the only time it rained our entire trip, and we had JUST walked into the MK. I was really worried about my camera getting wet and I started to get grumpy with DH. He didn't see why I was so upset with the rain (we lived through a very rainy trip with our kids the previous June and I never grumped once). Up to that point, it'd been great. No arguing, no griping about anything from either of us...probably the best trip we've taken to date. For whatever reason, whether it was because I was sad it was our last night or that I was missing our kids, or a combo of the two...I went OFF. I feel like such a louse for that one...but even though he grumped back, he did go off and buy me a ridiculously expensive poncho so that the camera wouldn't get wet, lol. He's a good guy....and I've felt awful ever since. Usually...our trips are pretty calm, even with the I'm not sure what caused that one.
We'll never forget the meltdown that occurred between a dad and his girlfriend (with his 6-8y/o son looking on absorbing it all) on the way up the water slide in Blizzard Beach during our first trip years ago. Horrible Horrible language :sad2:accusations, was so awful. I have to remember that some people use WDW as a last-resort type of "healing vacation"....but instead the relationship breaks beyond repair:sad1:
I've never seen as many adult tantrums as I did the trip we just got back from yesterday. We saw so many cranky people it was insane. The one that stood out most and I still can't get over it was at Crystal Palace. We were seated and about 10 minutes later a family of 4 was seated next to us. The dad walked in ranting and raving about the price, the food, and anything else he could rant about. He was very vocal. One point he gets up and yells at his wife that its ridiculous and out he goes. Few minutes go by he comes back and again ranting and arguing at his wife, can't say with because she just sat there looking at he kids. The worst was their one kid dropped his napkin the father picked it up and threw it at the kids face. He was about 5 at most. I felt so bad for them no one ate more then 3 bites of their food before the father pretty much told them lets go. Totally makes me wish the tables in restaurants were not so close. You want to avoid being "nosey" but when you are so close to the table next to you, you almost feel like you are part of it all.
I am sorry to say, I grabbed the phone away from her and started lecturing her right then and there. I kept my voice low, but said, "You know, life is a series of choices, and you can either continue to ruin all of our vacations by constantly carrying on a feud with your boyfriend who is hundreds of miles away, or you can live in the moment and enjoy the rest of the vacation with us. You have a choice."

God, I felt awful and she started to cry. I wanted to crawl under the floor and just disappear.

You know, she got herself together, hugged me, and told me that I was right and how sorry she was..... and we never had a problem after that.
Good for you!!! It sounds like that is exactly what she needed! Tough love :)
Good for you!!! It sounds like that is exactly what she needed! Tough love :)

Thank you.

I tell you what, I am by no means a confrontational person, but I had just had enough........ it wasn't about the money at that point, it was about us all having a good time and salvaging the last six days of our vacation.

The day after we returned, she broke up with him.
We'll never forget the meltdown that occurred between a dad and his girlfriend (with his 6-8y/o son looking on absorbing it all) on the way up the water slide in Blizzard Beach during our first trip years ago. Horrible Horrible language :sad2:accusations, was so awful. I have to remember that some people use WDW as a last-resort type of "healing vacation"....but instead the relationship breaks beyond repair:sad1:
So interesting because my ex-husband and I used WDW as the last resort, relationship test thing. I mean, if you can't get along in WDW, there's an issue! We didn't have any public issues, but it was definitely the realization of the end.
I've never seen as many adult tantrums as I did the trip we just got back from yesterday. We saw so many cranky people it was insane. The one that stood out most and I still can't get over it was at Crystal Palace. We were seated and about 10 minutes later a family of 4 was seated next to us. The dad walked in ranting and raving about the price, the food, and anything else he could rant about. He was very vocal. One point he gets up and yells at his wife that its ridiculous and out he goes. Few minutes go by he comes back and again ranting and arguing at his wife, can't say with because she just sat there looking at he kids. The worst was their one kid dropped his napkin the father picked it up and threw it at the kids face. He was about 5 at most. I felt so bad for them no one ate more then 3 bites of their food before the father pretty much told them lets go. Totally makes me wish the tables in restaurants were not so close. You want to avoid being "nosey" but when you are so close to the table next to you, you almost feel like you are part of it all.

You know, I have to say, I want to cry when I read this story. You see this far too often.

I never married, and never had children, because I focused so much on my career. I have never regretted it, but I surely would have made a good wife and a wonderful mother.

When I see kids being treated like this, especially out in public, with one parent having the meltdown and the other one in just disbelief or too scared to say anything - you want to just cry. I know not every marriage is perfect, and raising children can be very hard - but I would bet that this husband is probably no different at home - and it is just so sad.

And how sad to subject other people to this kind of behavior.... too bad you did have to sit so close to them.
I've never seen as many adult tantrums as I did the trip we just got back from yesterday. We saw so many cranky people it was insane. The one that stood out most and I still can't get over it was at Crystal Palace. We were seated and about 10 minutes later a family of 4 was seated next to us. The dad walked in ranting and raving about the price, the food, and anything else he could rant about. He was very vocal. One point he gets up and yells at his wife that its ridiculous and out he goes. Few minutes go by he comes back and again ranting and arguing at his wife, can't say with because she just sat there looking at he kids. The worst was their one kid dropped his napkin the father picked it up and threw it at the kids face. He was about 5 at most. I felt so bad for them no one ate more then 3 bites of their food before the father pretty much told them lets go. Totally makes me wish the tables in restaurants were not so close. You want to avoid being "nosey" but when you are so close to the table next to you, you almost feel like you are part of it all.

And at this point is usually when I say something like "hey buddy/pal/missy, I'm trying to enjoy my meal and your mouth is ruining it. Zip it!!". If you want to fight take it back to your room. I have no problem telling someone, in no uncertain terms, that they are being an idiot and ruining my experience.
Things aren't always what they seem. On our first trip to the world together, my dh was the rottenest companion - so bad, in fact, I vowed never to go on another trip with him again, and for years, I didn't - we went camping.

Anyway, on this terrible trip, We stayed at SOG, arrived after a twolegged flight after a day of work, rented a car. It was AWFUL. He shut down. He didn't want to do anything. Ride anything. Eat anything. See any parades or fireworks. NOTHING. and ONE night, he got roaring drunk, which I had never seen before or since.

Fast forward about 6 years. I'm on the internet, with some friends, who were having a discussion about how to smooth the way for kids with Autism at the world. Talking about sensory overload, and so forth. . . and I'm thinking that sounds a LOT like dh. I went in the other room and described it to him. He stiffened - eyes straight ahead and said "TOO MANY PEOPLE!". Wo.

So, I went with girlfriends, and in 2000 he ASked me, if I would take him to the world and show him what I loved so much. SO, I got a room at the Beach club (location). We flew non stop in the morning after breakfast, I had a towncar pick us up. I made lots of sit down priority seatings and made sure he got lots of rest, and hydration. It was the best trip ever! And he thanked me :). A couple years later, we bought into the DVC at HIS request.
I was just reading a couple of threads and I hear a lot about kids having "meltdowns " in the parks. This made me think ... when kids meltdown it is usually due to heat , being excited and being over tired ect. , they are to kids and just can not cope like adults should but do not always due. You know the old saying "DO WHAT I SAY...NOT AS I DO". So I thought I would start a Thread of Adult Meltdowns.... for all those kids that do as they are told and those that try suck it up but just have had enough.

I will start. In November our whole family goes to WDW (24 of us ,kid ages 2-18) Well when you have 24 people there is a lot of stop and go , "where is so and so?" "wait for such and such" "we will meet you here", " If you cann't find us call us on so and sos cell phone" and the one that did it for me " I will wait for you right here while you get this"..... We were in WS for F&W ( we started in Mexico) I am usually the "even tempered one" so we have made to several booths ( forgot to mention we had spent the whole day at AK) and have done the usual stops and go and everyone is tired but , we are going to do this thing. Now the kids are being champs if not looking around asleep in the stroller. We get to France and I tell Hubby and everyone else I am going to myself and DD23 a flute of NEUVO. DH says OK I will wait right here next to the food booth with everyone else. So I waite in line get the NEUVO and walk over to designated wait place ... no DH No DD . I start to look around , mind you it is dark and DH is wearing black shirt and jeans and it is now dark out . Well I have now walked in all the shops ,and other nooks and crannies no one . The next step "call me on my cell" I do this 3/4 times no answer .... the temper is starting to rise . I again look all around nobody ( like we tell our kids if you can not find me stay at the spot where we were last at I will come for you). I decided to take this advice and go back to said wait spot , and wait for another 15 or so minutes. I then use cell again no answer....time to start walking across bridge to UK and who comes walking towards me ..DH who says " Oh there you are..I was looking for you , we went and saw the show in UK." . the tears start to come and that was it for the evening. I was soooo mad but now it is funny to remember, I guess lesson learned never stand alone in line and get out if you can not see your party.

I forgot to mention that when I had tromped over the bridge (acting like a 16 yr old,I am 40) and met up with the rest of our group (all tear stained , eyes swollen and not wanting to speak w/ DH my DN 8 comes up hugs me , looks around and says " mom said your mothly friend must be here.. where is he?" .That is what made me laugh and realize what a juvenile I was acting like. Just had to give DH a kiss and on trip in June will buy him something special.
I have a story about myself. We went last march on the 25th for Dh's 29th birthday, it was great!! Perfect weather, the crowds were not too terrible, it was just nice. Anyway, it was me, DH, DD6, DS5, and DS15 months( at the time!), my mom and father in law. So Dh and crew except me and the little guy go on BTMR and we wait, everything is fine, they all decided I should go with them again right away, DH stays with little guy. So we go on and come back no DH, no little guy. Try calling, no answer. Start to worry. So they finally show up, crowd getting worse, I find out there was a HUGE diaper malfunction!! I had just changed him a little while before, and felt so bad about my poor husband having to deal with that on his birthday!! So he says he thinks he did not do a very good job cleaning him up so I said I would go check. So I am trying to get to the bathroom and no one would get out of my way, I am usually pretty considerate with the stroller, and was trying to be at that time too, but I said excuse me to these people in my way, really loudly, they looked at me and continued to stand there,this made me so mad!! I yelled"GET OUT OF MY WAY OR I WILL RAM YOU WITH THIS THING!!!!"The woman of the group looks at me and says "D***, I feel sorry for your kids!!!" I say, "I feel sorry for your kids for having such STUPID parents who do not understand what EXCUSE ME means!!!" they moved and I got to the bathroom and my mom came with me and I started to cry because I felt so bad about all of it!! We are going back on the 31st with an almost fully potty trained 2 year old so I hope no accidents this time!!
Things aren't always what they seem. On our first trip to the world together, my dh was the rottenest companion - so bad, in fact, I vowed never to go on another trip with him again, and for years, I didn't - we went camping.

Anyway, on this terrible trip, We stayed at SOG, arrived after a twolegged flight after a day of work, rented a car. It was AWFUL. He shut down. He didn't want to do anything. Ride anything. Eat anything. See any parades or fireworks. NOTHING. and ONE night, he got roaring drunk, which I had never seen before or since.

Fast forward about 6 years. I'm on the internet, with some friends, who were having a discussion about how to smooth the way for kids with Autism at the world. Talking about sensory overload, and so forth. . . and I'm thinking that sounds a LOT like dh. I went in the other room and described it to him. He stiffened - eyes straight ahead and said "TOO MANY PEOPLE!". Wo.

So, I went with girlfriends, and in 2000 he ASked me, if I would take him to the world and show him what I loved so much. SO, I got a room at the Beach club (location). We flew non stop in the morning after breakfast, I had a towncar pick us up. I made lots of sit down priority seatings and made sure he got lots of rest, and hydration. It was the best trip ever! And he thanked me :). A couple years later, we bought into the DVC at HIS request.
I and my DH are the same way, especially when there are a lot of us together and it is constant break neck speed to do and be everywhere.When we go together we have a great time.... with everyone it is fun to a point, we down time. That was part of my "meltdown " to wound up and on constant high alert.:dance3:
I forgot to mention that when I had tromped over the bridge (acting like a 16 yr old,I am 40) and met up with the rest of our group (all tear stained , eyes swollen and not wanting to speak w/ DH my DN 8 comes up hugs me , looks around and says " mom said your mothly friend must be here.. where is he?" .That is what made me laugh and realize what a juvenile I was acting like. Just had to give DH a kiss and on trip in June will buy him something special.

That is just about the cutest thing I have ever heard!!!! Funny when an 8 year old can get us back on track. :)
I have a story about myself. We went last march on the 25th for Dh's 29th birthday, it was great!! Perfect weather, the crowds were not too terrible, it was just nice. Anyway, it was me, DH, DD6, DS5, and DS15 months( at the time!), my mom and father in law. So Dh and crew except me and the little guy go on BTMR and we wait, everything is fine, they all decided I should go with them again right away, DH stays with little guy. So we go on and come back no DH, no little guy. Try calling, no answer. Start to worry. So they finally show up, crowd getting worse, I find out there was a HUGE diaper malfunction!! I had just changed him a little while before, and felt so bad about my poor husband having to deal with that on his birthday!! So he says he thinks he did not do a very good job cleaning him up so I said I would go check. So I am trying to get to the bathroom and no one would get out of my way, I am usually pretty considerate with the stroller, and was trying to be at that time too, but I said excuse me to these people in my way, really loudly, they looked at me and continued to stand there,this made me so mad!! I yelled"GET OUT OF MY WAY OR I WILL RAM YOU WITH THIS THING!!!!"The woman of the group looks at me and says "D***, I feel sorry for your kids!!!" I say, "I feel sorry for your kids for having such STUPID parents who do not understand what EXCUSE ME means!!!" they moved and I got to the bathroom and my mom came with me and I started to cry because I felt so bad about all of it!! We are going back on the 31st with an almost fully potty trained 2 year old so I hope no accidents this time!!
Cheers!! to you I would have done the same thing. I t is amazing how some adults have no sense of manners, and you truly do feel sorry for their kids.
I almost had a meltdown this last trip. I was consumed with planning and prepping for this trip for a few months. Now I know only the people here can/would appreciate all the hard work that goes into reservations, planing out every day, ADRs, and ALL the packing that goes along with it. Not to mention the cleaning and laundry to get ready and then laundry when you come back. Anywho we live 5 hours from WDW. I drove all the way down. Well after 5 exhausting days, driving 3 hours on the way home I ask DH to drive the rest of the way. 30 minutes into him driving he nods off and starts vering off the road. I then proceeded to loose it and have a meltdown.
Thanks JLVermillion!! They made me so mad!! The rest of the day was great and way less stressful!!

DH says there are meltdowns that are "accidents" and you want to crawl away and hide because it is just not you. Then there are:scared1: MELTDOWNS:scared1:that are well deserved and with any luck teach the ignorant a lesson .... remember what comes around go around 3 xs . So those people have probably acted like to many a well mannered person who just let it go. You made them think! I thank you for that.:banana::cheer2::cheer2:princess:


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