Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

I got to be some very strict mom's object lesson on Philharmagic. The waiting area was pretty close to empty, there were maybe 50-60 people there for the show, the doors open to the theater, we pick a row, and, horror of horrors, stopped in the middle and sat down. We ended up just sitting down as Goofy announces a second time to move all the way over, filling in each available spot (rebels that we are, I think we even had an empty seat or two between members of our group)
This family behind us proceeds to climb over us, with the mom loudly telling her kids that "WE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE MADE FOR A REASON" and they sat at the very end. I couldn't help but laugh. (That didn't go over well either.) I'm sure the middle row anarchists were mentioned more than once by that family.
My hubby and I both had our moments at the same time. It was our arrival day. We had just checked into our room at POFQ and he really wanted to get something to eat at the food court before going to MK. It wasn't crowded at all. I think there were only a few people in there getting food. I went to one food area with my daughter and he went to another. After ordering I went to look at the other food items- like chips or muffins or something when I hear in a very loud and angry voice, "Are you going to take my order or are you just going to stand there and talk?!? Or maybe I can just get a manager to help me!!! ". Apparently, the CMs behind the counter were just standing around talking and didn't see him come up. He was too "hangry" (the result of being tired and hungry) to have any patience. Well he got his food and we sat down. I had to wait for my sandwich to be prepared. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting, seeing other people who ordered after us get their food. I went up to the counter and asked about my order. The CMs looked at each other like they "forgot" to make my sandwich. Well they had just finished an order for someone else (who came in after me) that was the same as mine so I took it without a care.
I can empathize. People use tactics like this all the time to advance in line, get a better spot, etc. It drives me crazy because I'm that type of person who thinks up a huge long strategy to make sure I am NOT the person asking other patrons who have patiently waited a long time to "let me through" or "scooch over" because my party is waiting for me. I'm sure there are scenarios that are beyond control, but still, most of us would happily do this for a SINCERE person, but most of the fakes have tarnished us.

I am usually on my best behavior, even to the point to where I might even accept a bit of abuse, but my two biggest weaknesses to keeping my temper are line jumpers and bus etiquette. Line jumpers: 'nuff said. However, with buses...I know everyone is tired and did their part to show up early, and you never know anyone's situation like perhaps they recently had surgery on their foot etc, but I have a soft spot for moms very late in their pregnancy and them not having a spot to sit. Yes, I do realize they are on their way to or from a park where they will (or just did) spend the better part of hours and hours on their feet, but I can't help it. Them and those with tiny kiddos that I'm sure would have a hard struggle to remain balanced in the event that the bus driver had to suddenly brake or take sharp turns. I've never been pregnant at Disney, but I've had my little guys (2, 3, so on) that I couldnt carry because the bus was too crowded and my entire ride was full of misery and anxiety from fear they'd topple over and get hurt if the bus made sudden movements/or stops. I will always get up for those two types and make my family members do so too. I know I know :o

I know, if a mother with kids gets on, I will stand and tell them to sit. I also have some telling me to have a seat and they will stand, I'm 60 and they must think I'm a senior,:confused3 LOL, I'm on my feet most all day anyway so riding the bus is no different. I'd much rather stand and let a mother with kids sit than have her stand with here kids.
We leave in a week for Dis, after the one year anniversary of losing my mother. I'm really struggling right now.:( this post made myday.Thanks

It would not have been so bad if she hadn't said it so loud in a frantic voice! Just, "excuse me, can I get through" would have sufficed. So sorry about your lose, have fun at Disney!!!
I know, if a mother with kids gets on, I will stand and tell them to sit. I also have some telling me to have a seat and they will stand, I'm 60 and they must think I'm a senior,:confused3 LOL, I'm on my feet most all day anyway so riding the bus is no different. I'd much rather stand and let a mother with kids sit than have her stand with here kids.

Yeah, living in NYC public transportation is my way of life, and I have developed pretty good subway and bus balance, so I VERY rarely sit even when there are open seats. And if I do sit, the second the bus is down to five open seats, I'm standing.

I look at it as a way to get in some extra core work. :)
Yeah, living in NYC public transportation is my way of life, and I have developed pretty good subway and bus balance, so I VERY rarely sit even when there are open seats. And if I do sit, the second the bus is down to five open seats, I'm standing.

I look at it as a way to get in some extra core work. :)

I usually dont even bother sitting if I know its going to be close to a full bus. I always head straight for the back door, then we're the first ones off :)
I once had a foreign lady try to worm her way in front of me at a parade. A friend and I had been sitting for an hour in our spot and wanted to photograph the parade. I told the lady no, that there wasn't any room. She got mad but stood behind us. As the parade started and I lifted my monster camera to my eye, she pushed up between us. So I turned my camera vertical, which meant my elbow went up. After being poked in the face with my elbow (legitimately--I was shooting!) she got madder and left. CM's ended up escorting her out when she tried to cut in front of a family next to us with kids. She was there alone with her husband, and while the husband was nice and polite, she could have cared less who she trampled to get to the front. I wore a satisfied smile when I saw her being led away.
I usually dont even bother sitting if I know its going to be close to a full bus. I always head straight for the back door, then we're the first ones off :)

Yeah, it's pretty rare that I sit. I think the last time I was with my parents (we still go even as an all-adult family) and my dad was like "Just sit!" I think he thought I was being impatient by standing.
Oh and I yelled at a lady during wishes who stuck her big dslr camera with external flash on it over my shoulder and shot fireworks with it. I was shooting on a tripod with no flash and she blinded me and ruined a couple of my exposures. She snapped that she got the best pictures like that when I politely asked her to stop. I finally yelled at her that she was blinding everyone, ruining my photos and she needed to go learn her camera. She stomped off. I got several thank you's from people around us. Same trip as the parade lady. Sigh.
I really can't say if I have been rude to other people, unless I accidentally photo bomb a picture or stop in front of someone as we are walking down Main Street or some place else. Oh wait, I can remember a couple of times where people try to cut in front of us, we may either say something a little snarky to them as they walk by or if it is a really large group of people (especially waiting for Philharmagic or any of the like attractions to open), would wall them off from trying to get ahead us. I really do try to limit myself and my kids from doing anything that is rude to others, but sometimes it just happens. However, I will say that I am a victim of being that mother where when I get hot and cranky and my kids are getting on mine and each other's nerves, I will turn around and say something to them, sometimes loudly just to get them to stop. I have been known to say something so crazy that it could definitely make it on one of those "Craziest things you ever heard at WDW" threads on the Disboards :rotfl:.
I usually dont even bother sitting if I know its going to be close to a full bus. I always head straight for the back door, then we're the first ones off :)

I try to maneuver right to the back of the bus. People, for some reason, always seem to want to stop in the middle, and maybe it's a bit rude to squeeze by them, but the back is usually empty and there's often even seats left. Plus, I can sit down without feeling like I should offer my seat to someone more needy. "I would, if I could, but I'm jammed into the far back corner. Oh well!" ;)
Dh's meltdown was being blocked by the second MNSSHP parade. I forgot all about the second parade, and after riding the old Fantasyland Dumbo we were done for the evening. We should've walked towards Tomorrowland, but we didn't. We were trapped and he lost it. Now anytime a parade is about to happen we tease him. :D

My meltdown, busses. The Epcot Resorts have a terrible bus system ... there's no other way to put it. It stinks! I nearly lost it one morning during 7:45am to 8:30am trying to make it for EMH at MK. We had 3, yes 3 busses for Downtown Disney in a row and nothing else. Who is going to DD at 8am? Not 3 bus loads. In fact, no one ever hopped on any of them. Anyway, the bus stop was crammed with people and upon the third bus arriving when you could make out the destination I think most of us murmured "seriously, again!" It was one quiet bus ride to MK when it finally arrived at 8:30am. Everyone was annoyed. Don't forget, we had to stop at Swan/Dolphin (we got "lucky" and didn't stop at YC & BC because we were packed) and by the time we got there we missed 20 minutes of EMH which we needed since our CRT reservation was at 10:00am. Oh the busses! :headache:
I got to be some very strict mom's object lesson on Philharmagic. The waiting area was pretty close to empty, there were maybe 50-60 people there for the show, the doors open to the theater, we pick a row, and, horror of horrors, stopped in the middle and sat down. We ended up just sitting down as Goofy announces a second time to move all the way over, filling in each available spot (rebels that we are, I think we even had an empty seat or two between members of our group)
This family behind us proceeds to climb over us, with the mom loudly telling her kids that "WE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE MADE FOR A REASON" and they sat at the very end. I couldn't help but laugh. (That didn't go over well either.) I'm sure the middle row anarchists were mentioned more than once by that family.

OK, now I remembered mine! All through the thread, I'm thinking "of course, I've been someone else's rude story, but I would have been oblivious the time (or else I wouldn't have behaved that way) so I'm not sure what my story is"

I'm the other family in your story! (Not literally on your trip, but you know what I mean). We did it when the theater would be pretty full but not jam-packed. A couple in front of us would be the first in their row and, therefore, should have been all the way in the farthest seats. My large family and several others file into the row when the couple stops abruptly and sits down.

I made no effort to squeeze, move my backpack, or turn sideways or avoid their feet as we went past. My dad admitted he stepped on a foot on purpose.

I believe it's Disney's park and we're guests who are expected to follow their rules, BUT I also believe someone else behaving poorly in my opinion does not give me the right to engage in my own bad behavior! Major fail on my part.

Just as we tell the story of the rude couple who can't follow directions, I'm sure we (deservedly) star in their "rude jerks who think they're Disney's rule police" story!
As I get older, I get crankier. I've yelled at a few people over the years--typically because they were doing something rude, like taking flash photographs in a dark ride. I know that they didn't understand what I said, so I've probably made some snide comments to CMs along the lines of "You should really enforce the no flash photography rule" or some such.

I got really annoyed twice this past May. The first was at the self-serve restaurant at the Contemporary. I was in line behind a family of grandparents and their grandkids. They were on a meal plan, but had absolutely no clue what they were doing. There was only one CM working registers. Meanwhile, I'm holding ice creams that are starting to melt because the people just couldn't understand what the CMs were telling them about snack credits (there was no language barrier here, as far as I could tell). I made a rude comment to the CM that she really needed to get another cast member out here to process the rest of the line while she was helping this one group.

The second was at Fantasmic. There were a number of people attempting to take flash photographs of the show, particularly one slightly behind and to the right of me. Every time they flashed, I was blinded out of the corner of my eye. I finally made a loud comment about people needing to learn how to use their cameras properly. I was almost tempted to get up and find a CM to remove the offending person, but didn't. I've seen Fantasmic enough times that I just suffered through it, somewhat content in the knowledge that none of their pictures would actually show anything.

What is ironic about these incidents is that normally I'm very conscious of the needs of everyone around me and that something I do is not impeding on their enjoyment. So when my son tries to talk to me or ask questions in a crowded theatre, I quiet him down so it doesn't interfere with other's enjoyment. Yet, when other people's (possibly unintentional) rudeness impacts me, I get really irritated and might be rude myself if it goes on long enough.
Standing in line for Soarin for a looooong time. All of a sudden two girls (about 10 years old or so) appear behind me that were not there before. A few minutes later a notice them wave at their parents about 20 people back. The parents pushed through the crowd to catch up. Apparently, the parents thought it was ok to keep sending their kids further and further up the line, then pretend to be 'catching up'. Of course the people around us noticed, but no one said anything to them. I VERY loudly told my kids that they were breaking the rules and what they were teaching their children to do was wrong. Finally the guy yelled at me because apparently he 'paid good money' for his ticket and shouldn't have to stand in line!! What???? Needless to say I let him know very loudly what I thought about that's and in the end they ended up leaving. There just happened to be 2 CMs in training in the line ahead of us and they offered to give my family a front of the line pass for our troubles. I declined, of course. I don't mind waiting my turn, but I expect that everyone else should wait there's, too! To this day, whenever I start to get angry about something, my kids say, "Calm down, Mom! Remember Florida??" Kind of a running joke in our house now! :oops:
I was just sitting there watching the show. They kept using their camera and putting me up on the screen. No matter what I did or didn't do it simply wouldn't stop. At the end of the show some cast member came up to me and handed me this sticker that said I was "that guy". So yes, I've been that guy before. :)
I was just sitting there watching the show. They kept using their camera and putting me up on the screen. No matter what I did or didn't do it simply wouldn't stop. At the end of the show some cast member came up to me and handed me this sticker that said I was "that guy". So yes, I've been that guy before. :)

I'm so confused. what show? who is "they"? What screen?
Sounds like Monster Inc. Laugh Floor. There is always a "That Guy" that stars in the show. Some people like the unasked for attention, others don't.


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