AAA 4 Day Hopper Pass


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2001
The 4 Day Hopper pass I recently purchased from AAA has the year 2000 printed on them. Are they still accepted in 2001?
Hi. We bought our Hopper Passes in Jan 2001 and went to WDW in Feb/Mar and we were able to use them. I don't know why they are selling passes that say 2000 on them, but yes it is true they never expire.
I purchased Hopper passes from AAA with the year 2000 date on it and I got the year 2000 prices.

How did you get 2000 prices for the hopper pass? From these postings it appears that going through AAA may not be the best way to obtain good prices? What should I expect to pay for a 4 day hopper pass and should I purchase it before we go or when we get there? Haven't decided yet if we are staying on or off site. Probably off site to save some bucks.

Calvin--A few of the AAA seem to have some of the old tickets available. AAA tickets are discounted about 5%. Basically the same discount as everyonelse.
I think the prices depend on which AAA you're dealing with. My local AAA sold me 4 day park hoppers in Feb/2001 for $182.50 each. Yes, they have the year 2000 on the front, but they're as good as any other park hopper. I got the impression from the agent when I bought them that every AAA may not have the same prices/products for sale.


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