A Savanna, A Wizard, and Oodles of Food - AKL/DxDP/WWoHP (COMPLETE!)

Another great update! I am so excited to go to WWoHP. It looks so amazing. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Three Broomsticks, I really want to go there for lunch. Did you have Butterbeer? Here in the UK they have a Harry Potter studio tour where they filmed the films. It's filled with original sets and props, and they sell Butterbeer. I can't wait to have some more. It is yummers!
I think I was only two updates behind, so I'm glad you TR was bumped up this morning.

I think the Harry Potter section of IOA looks so amazing. I don't really follow Harry Potter so I'm sure it would be even more impressive if I did. It just looks fascinating.

With my June trip up in the air its certainly fun to entertain the possibility of Universal Studios visit.

Thanks for all the amazing photos!
Wonderful photos again Jenny. I never seem to take photos inside the shops. I think the best thing about the whole WWOHP is also its worst. Everything is SOOOOO authentic that the shops are so small inside.

Of course as I was writing this comment, I continued to read you saying the EXACT same thing. LOL!

I certainly appreciate the authenticity, but during Spring Break time, you just can't get in them.

I so totally missed the hanging ears. So cool!!!!

And yes, a chocolate frog was a MUST!

Looking forward to Three Broomsticks. I haven't gotten to eat there yet, but have been inside (mostly on the Hogs Head side of course).
Oh how I miss HPP. It was awesome! I does get very crowded though. And you are right the shops are hard to get through with big crowds.

They did a great job though!!
Excellent reviews. Did you guys just do Islands of Adventure? or did you do Universal as well?
Holy cow, I haven't edited this in almost NINE MONTHS?! :eek: :sad2: :faint:

Many apologies for my (LONG) absence from the DIS! To make a long story short (well, shorter), the months of my disappearance were crammed with multiple interviews and a fabulous new job, followed by packing, moving, unpacking, and getting used to my new surroundings. The learning curve and my heavy travel schedule kept me away longer than I wished, but it's finally slowed down enough that I can jump back in and finish this report off!

I hope a few of you will come back - I promise my updates will not usually be nine months apart! :rotfl: I'd love new followers as well - feel free to join us! I also look forward to catching up with all of your reports - it appears from the trip report board that I have quite a few new ones to join! :yay:

I will have a brand new, shiny post for all of within a day or two! (Now, what is my photobucket password again? :confused3 ;) )
JENNY!!!! Welcome Back!! I seem to remember you leaving for another sister trip and then poof, gone, so I was definitely concerned. So So So So So glad to hear everything is good AND that you're going to finish this TR!!!!! :hyper:
Even though most of the merchandise went a bit over my head, those shops look amazing. I can see how a HP lover could get lost for hours in there. So many unique things!

Yes, it was fantastic! I think even a non-Harry Potter fan would be impressed by the obvious attention to detail. They also have so many things that are just not available anywhere else! :thumbsup2

Another great update! I am so excited to go to WWoHP. It looks so amazing. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Three Broomsticks, I really want to go there for lunch. Did you have Butterbeer? Here in the UK they have a Harry Potter studio tour where they filmed the films. It's filled with original sets and props, and they sell Butterbeer. I can't wait to have some more. It is yummers!

Thanks! My Three Broomsticks review will be up shortly (as in, this evening! Finally!) and I don't think you'll be surprised by my reaction. You'll especially not be surprised of my reaction to the Butterbeer! :laughing:

I think I was only two updates behind, so I'm glad you TR was bumped up this morning.

I think the Harry Potter section of IOA looks so amazing. I don't really follow Harry Potter so I'm sure it would be even more impressive if I did. It just looks fascinating.

With my June trip up in the air its certainly fun to entertain the possibility of Universal Studios visit.

Thanks for all the amazing photos!

Harry Potter WAS amazing! I was so glad we took a day away from Disney property (the horror!) and had the opportunity to experience it! As I mentioned, Anika has seen the movies (once, I believe?) but not read the books, but she also thought it was pretty spectacular. :goodvibes
Wonderful photos again Jenny. I never seem to take photos inside the shops. I think the best thing about the whole WWOHP is also its worst. Everything is SOOOOO authentic that the shops are so small inside.

Of course as I was writing this comment, I continued to read you saying the EXACT same thing. LOL!

I certainly appreciate the authenticity, but during Spring Break time, you just can't get in them.

I so totally missed the hanging ears. So cool!!!!

And yes, a chocolate frog was a MUST!

Looking forward to Three Broomsticks. I haven't gotten to eat there yet, but have been inside (mostly on the Hogs Head side of course).

I completely agree - those shops are so darn small! I thought they were bad in February - I don't want to think of entering them in March or mid-July! :crazy2:

I loved those ears! And the chocolate frogs! And everything! :laughing:

Three Broomsticks review, coming up!

Oh how I miss HPP. It was awesome! I does get very crowded though. And you are right the shops are hard to get through with big crowds.

They did a great job though!!

They did a fantastic job! I'm glad we had a chance to experience it on a less crowded day. I'm sure it made for a less hectic experience! :thumbsup2

Excellent Post. Now I wish we were going to Universal during our trip in October.

I hope you had a great time on your trip! If you didn't have a chance to experience the Wizarding World, I would highly recommend that you try and fit it in sometime! ::yes::

Excellent reviews. Did you guys just do Islands of Adventure? or did you do Universal as well?

We attempted to squeeze both into one day. We hit the highlights, but we certainly didn't see as much as if we'd had two days. It was still pretty fun, though! :woohoo:
Thank you all for coming back!!! :banana: I've missed you guys!

Yahoo you are back!!! Look forward to reading more!

Next post, coming up! ;)

Glad to hear you're back.

Thanks! Glad to be back! :upsidedow

JENNY!!!! Welcome Back!! I seem to remember you leaving for another sister trip and then poof, gone, so I was definitely concerned. So So So So So glad to hear everything is good AND that you're going to finish this TR!!!!! :hyper:

Thank you! Yes, we had sister trip #2 last May (with hopefully another trip report? However, this one needs to be finished first! :rotfl:)

I can't wait to share more!

Great pics! :goodvibes

Thanks so much! Given how many I have, I think I had far too much fun taking them! :rotfl2:
Three Thumbs Up for Three Broomsticks!
Day 5& - Part V

Here we are at Three Broomsticks (with three broomsticks! See above the door?):

I was both incredibly excited and a bit hesitant about lunch at Three Broomsticks. Super excited, because seriously, where else would a Harry Potter fan eat?! However, this was a quick service restaurant and I feared the food would be sub-par given how fast they had to feed so many people.

If last night's dinner should've taught me anything, it's that quick service spots can be full of surprises. :goodvibes

Three Broomsticks gives you plenty of clues about their menu, starting with the sign outside that advertises their most popular items:

As you walk through the door and through the queue (which was surprisingly empty at 11:15), they also provide another menu that lists all of your options, including their "Great Feast":

A section of the line also included a line-up of all the actual plates so you get a visual representation of what is available. Not a bad idea with a (likely) large selection of foreign guests! The Great Feast looked pretty neat, but after a bit of deliberation we decided to get two different dishes and share them.

We chose the Chicken and Ribs Platter (with roast potatoes and corn on the cob):

As well as the Fish and Chips:

Soda is not available in the Wizarding World (another request of Jo Rowling), but there is selection of water, iced tea, lemonade - and, oh, this...


Since I couldn't pass up the second specialty drink in the Wizarding World, I also ordered a Pumpkin Juice:

I'm sure several of you that have been following along are now thinking, "So, you ordered two drinks for yourself?!" As you may remember (or perhaps not - you would've read about it months ago!) my sister drinks a grand total of four things: water, milk, orange juice, and coffee. No other juice and certainly no carbonated beverage of any kind. Period.

Well, not only does Disney have some dining magic, but I believe Harry Potter may have some as well. (Harry Potter? Magic? :laughing:)

Not only did I get her to hold the Butterbeer:

I got her to DRINK IT!


A bit into our meal she decided that since we were in the Wizarding World she should give it a try! After her first sip I couldn't pry it out of her hands! My parents could hardly believe it when I told them that Anika drank something other than water. I was glad I had photographic evidence to back me up. (She also had her usual beverage, through - you can see her bottle of water right in front of her!)

I believe quite a few people on these boards have explained their thoughts on what Butterbeer tastes like and I agree with most of them. It reminded me of a form of cream soda - with a bit of a twist that I couldn't put my finger on. It was excellent! Heck, considering I got the water-only gal not only to drink it but to LOVE it, it was definitely a win!

The Pumpkin Juice? It was okay. Tasty (especially as this girl loves her pumpkin!) but it just didn't compare with the wonder that was Butterbeer. :cloud9:

As for the food, it was excellent as well! The fish and chips was great competition for the same dish at the Rose & Crown - not a crumb was left. The chicken was also fabulous. It was slightly smoky and roasted perfectly. The potatoes were also very, very good - much better than I was expecting from quick service potatoes! The ribs were good, but not nearly as good as the chicken. I think if we would ever go back we would just get the chicken (to go with our next order of fish and chips!).

I managed to get a few photos of the interior of the restaurant while we were enjoying our meals. It was as spectacularly themed as the rest of the Wizarding World:

Three Broomsticks also had its share of illusions and surprises - here's a glimpse of one of the maids cleaning the upstairs "rooms":

So fun!

It was a super speedy and tasty lunch. Even with all of my extra picture taking and relaxing with our food and Butterbeer, the whole meal only took thirty minutes. I think it was one of the fastest meals we had all week!

Final Thoughts - Three Broomsticks
What a FANTASTIC edition to the Wizarding World! If you're in any way a Harry Potter fan (and heck, even if you're not!) the restaurant and the food are really darn good. We would return again in a heartbeat for the fish and chips, chicken, and roasted potatoes. And seriously, where else can you have BUTTERBEER with your meal?! This is an absolute must-do. If others in your party want to eat elsewhere, send them on their merry way and enjoy your lunch in the world of Harry Potter. :love:

With full stomachs and one souvenir Butterbeer mug down, we were off to explore the rest of the park!

Up Next: Islands of Adventure (the non-Harry Potter sections)
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Holy cow, I haven't edited this in almost NINE MONTHS?! :eek: :sad2: :faint:

Many apologies for my (LONG) absence from the DIS! To make a long story short (well, shorter), the months of my disappearance were crammed with multiple interviews and a fabulous new job, followed by packing, moving, unpacking, and getting used to my new surroundings. The learning curve and my heavy travel schedule kept me away longer than I wished, but it's finally slowed down enough that I can jump back in and finish this report off!

I hope a few of you will come back - I promise my updates will not usually be nine months apart! :rotfl: I'd love new followers as well - feel free to join us! I also look forward to catching up with all of your reports - it appears from the trip report board that I have quite a few new ones to join! :yay:

I will have a brand new, shiny post for all of within a day or two! (Now, what is my photobucket password again? :confused3 ;) )

Oh my gosh, I have wondered what happened to you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Love your latest update. The butterbeer...frozen or not? My fave was frozen. YUMMY!
Wow, it feels like I've been waiting for this update for months. :rolleyes1

OMG Jenny, you're a wizard by getting Anika to drink the Butterbeer. That just goes to show how good Butterbeer really is. :drinking1

I don't think I've read a bad review of 3 Broomsticks. For a QS, it all looks fantastic.
Welcome back to the DIS boards. Glad to see a post! :thumbsup2

Three Broomsticks looks like a cool place to eat. DH and I are definitely heading to Universal next October and we can't wait to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I'm still not so sure about the butter beer. :rotfl:
We are planning our first trip to WDW and are staying at AKL so I was delighted to find your trip report. It's one of my favorites so far. Thanks for posting it!
Joining in really late but all caught up!:goodvibes

You've had such a range of ADR choices, it's a shame you didn't get to try Raglan Road :( I'm looking forward to trying that restaurant in July!
Test Track is a favourite of mine (and my families) too and just like you and your sister can ride it multiple times in a row! :thumbsup2
Your trip to the WWoHP looked lovely and you got your sister to drink the ButterBeer! I can tell your Harry Potter fan with all your detailed photos!

Can't wait to read more popcorn::


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