"a little bit of Disney" and then some universal (day 2)


Jul 27, 2000
Sat. morning, April 7th 2001. The alarm goes off once again. We awake, dress, gram some bagles, muffins and juice and we are off to meet the 7:25am shuttle.

We had a couple of favorites at Islands of Adventure that we wanted to do one more time before heading over to Universal Studios. We were at the gates prior to opening and at 8:00am sharp they opened. We had our last ride on Spiderman, the Hulk and Dueling draggons and by 8:45am we were off to Universal Studios for the day.

No crowd at all here!!! We had never seen Twister so this was our first stop,after grabbing express passes for Hitchcock and Hanna Barbarah for later. We both enjoyed Twister a lot. Just like the movie!!! The cue area was not very good here but the attraction itself was. It was neet to be in the set of the house from the movie after a tornado hit it and the tornado scene from the drive in part of the move seemed pretty lifelike (well as lifelike as I suppose you can make a tornado without people getting too wet or blown away)

Next we headed for Back to the future, an old time favorite. Just have to bump Biff back where he belongs.

0 wait time for Men in Black so we tried this next. This was new from our last trip too and although, neither of us really got into the movie, the ride was fun and better than "Buzz" at Disney (although I like that movie better). I didn't score much as I was too busy looking at everything. Hubby scored close to $2??,??? points. 2 employees all dressed up like men in black jumped onto the car in front of us at the last minute and rode with those folks since their car was not full. Thought that was cute.

ET was next.... We promissed our kids we would see ET and say hi and take pictures for them so we did. This is another favorite. Love flying on those bikes to help ET get home.

Terminator 3D was next. This has to be the best 3D attraction around!!! I had forgotten how good it was. Very enjoyable,live action along with the movie and only a 15 min wait.

It was now about 11:30 and we were both starving so we headed over to the Hard Rock Cafe with our $50.00 gift certificate I had gotten at work. A milk shake and the sampler appitizer to start. Both excellent. We had a railing seat upstairs so we also had a nice view and it was not at all crowded since we were there so early. For lunch I enjoyed the BLT and Hubby enjoyed the Barbeque Sandwich. Both came with fries, coleslaw and his also came with beans. Both excellent, very hot, fresh, and good size portions. We didn't use our entire gift certificate so we planned on returning later for a drink.

Now Back to the studios. We used our express passes to see Hitchcock and Hanna Barbara and then just strolled around looking in shops and taking some pictures.

About 3:00 we went back to the room for showers and a nice nap to rest up for our evening at citywalk.

We met my uncle who lives in Orlando at City walk this evening and spent the evening going from club / restaurant to club / restaurant to check them out and have a drink and/or snack. Margaritavill was my favorite. They had beach chairs outside that you could sit in and have a drink as you people watched. We sat at the bar for awhile, had a margarita and watched the "volcano blow". By around 8:30 or so it was starting to get crowded as people were pouring out of the parks into city walk and/or the parking deck. It was just fund to walk around and watch the sights. We could see the fireworks from the stunt show at Universal from Citywalk. This was nice, however, hubby missed them because he went back to put some packages in the car (we drove instead of the shuttle since parking is free after 6:00pm) and he lost the car for about 45min. We finally made it back to Hard Rock Cafe to finish-up our gift certificate with a drink and glass to take home. We also had a late night snack at the bar, wings, spinach/cheese dip with chips, and a grilled chicken salid. A great ending to our trip.

We said our goodbys around midnight to Universal and my Uncle Mark and headed off to the hotel for a good nights sleep before our 8hr. drive home on Sunday.


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