A Jolly Holiday with Masseys: THE TRIP REPORT - WDW Dec2019

Congratulations on baby Dominic!He's adorable! So happy for Danielle. If you have to loose her might as well be to Disney. Then you csn visit here there.

Thank you! I can't think of a better place to loose her to than Disney but it is very far away. I like the idea of visiting her but Dennis says he's done until 2023, she will have to come home.
Welcome to the world Dominic! He is so perfect and Michelle looks amazing! Love that he is already wearing Disney clothes!

Congrats to Danielle on her internship! How wonderful for her! I am sure she will do wonderful!
Lots of wonderful news! Welcome to Dominic, congratulations to Michelle, Jimmy, and all of you! What does John Paul think about his baby brother? I bet his big sister is thrilled with him. She is old enough now to be a help when she is with them. So exciting, and Michelle does NOT look like she just had a baby! Beautiful pair!
And SO exciting for Danielle! Congratulations to her!
They do that, don't they?

Yes they do.

Welcome to the world Dominic! He is so perfect and Michelle looks amazing! Love that he is already wearing Disney clothes!

Thank you!! We spent lots of time looking for newborn clothes while we were there. They really don't have much at all, way less that when John Paul was born.

Congrats to Danielle on her internship! How wonderful for her! I am sure she will do wonderful!

Thank you! I hope she continues to enjoy her journey.

Congratulations to you all!!
Fab news all round! You must be so proud!

Thank you! I'm very proud and feeling very blessed.

Lots of wonderful news! Welcome to Dominic, congratulations to Michelle, Jimmy, and all of you! What does John Paul think about his baby brother? I bet his big sister is thrilled with him. She is old enough now to be a help when she is with them. So exciting, and Michelle does NOT look like she just had a baby! Beautiful pair!

Thank you! John Paul loves his little brother but does try very hard to still get attention. Gia loves him too and is such a great big sister. Michelle does look great.

And SO exciting for Danielle! Congratulations to her!

Thank you! She's very excited for the next step.
Hey Sweet Friend!

Finally back online after too long without the nets. Been a long and crazy week with the storm and life, at least for us, is getting back to normal.... just in time to move to Arizona.

We both agree that our favorite experience for the trip was the Candlelight Processional. Danielle and I both were really looking forward to this but Dennis did not know what to expect and he was blown away.

Definitely something I've always wanted to do, but never have. Been quite a spell since I"ve done a Christmas trip... maybe some year soon.

We're also getting ready for the new baby. I was really worried we would have that baby before we even came back.
And now you have a beautiful new grandbaby boy! Congrats!!

How is everyone else's Christmas season coming along? Do you have your decorations done? Are all your presents purchased and wrapped?

Kinda weird and ho-hum this year. My folks decided to go up to VA to my sis's place leaving my son and I here (and my other sister) mostly alone-ish. We didn't decorate much at all since I'm on call both Christmas Day and the day after and none of us will really be around much. OH well. But I was finished last week with everything and feel ready in that dept.
Well I am way behind! December always kicks mu butt!

We welcomed Dominic into the world today. He tried to come Thursday while we were still in Disney World, but stayed put until today. He was born @ 2:16 pm. Both mother and baby are doing well.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! He looks perfect!

She had applied for a profession internship with Disney in Hospitality Leadership Food and Beverage.
So much good news! That is amazing.

She can't live with other CPs since she may be working over them. She was told she would be working in Disney Hollywood Studios but not where. This is her dream and can lead to a full time leadership position. I may be losing her to Disney.
Amazing that she moving up already. At least it is a fun place to visit her!
Just checking in - hope your holidays were wonderful this year, and you're enjoying your new grandson! We're heading back to Disney in a few weeks (mid-February) - you'll have to let us know where we might catch a glimpse of Danielle!
Finally back online after too long without the nets. Been a long and crazy week with the storm and life, at least for us, is getting back to normal.... just in time to move to Arizona.

And now you have settled in and even taken a trip to Disney.

Definitely something I've always wanted to do, but never have. Been quite a spell since I"ve done a Christmas trip... maybe some year soon.

Yes you do! I would do it again.

And now you have a beautiful new grandbaby boy! Congrats!!

Thank you! He's growing like a weed, only cuter.

Kinda weird and ho-hum this year. My folks decided to go up to VA to my sis's place leaving my son and I here (and my other sister) mostly alone-ish. We didn't decorate much at all since I'm on call both Christmas Day and the day after and none of us will really be around much. OH well. But I was finished last week with everything and feel ready in that dept.

Our Christmas ended up being pretty different too thanks to Covid.
Well I am way behind! December always kicks mu butt!

It kicks my behind too.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He looks perfect!

Thank you!!

So much good news! That is amazing.

It really was a banner day in our family.

Amazing that she moving up already. At least it is a fun place to visit her!

I'm very proud of her for putting herself out there.
Just checking in - hope your holidays were wonderful this year, and you're enjoying your new grandson! We're heading back to Disney in a few weeks (mid-February) - you'll have to let us know where we might catch a glimpse of Danielle!

Thanks for checking in. I'm so sorry I've been absent but hopefully I won't be anymore. We are all enjoying Dominic.

Congrats on your upcoming trip. I really wanted to see FARTS but sadly it won't be happening this year. Danielle will be saying goodbye to Epcot this Friday and saying hello to DHS starting on the 25th. I'm about to post more details on that.
Long overdue Life Update

No we haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, just been really busy. A Disney trip, new baby and Christmas really did us all in.

Our Christmas was very quiet and very small. We had a Covid scare on Christmas Day so I ended up cooking for Dennis, Michelle, John Paul and me. Dominic was here too but he was ok with just his bottle. I got my booster shot the afternoon of the 30th. I wasn't feeling too good on New Years Eve so that went by unnoticed. Dennis did get Covid the following weekend but somehow I avoided it. I took an at home test on the Tuesday and a rapid PCR test on the Friday, both were negative. I'm not sure how I escaped Rona. I'm thinking it was due to just having had the booster.

Dominic is growing so fast and changing everyday. He was born with a full head of hair but has since lost the top part. It is slowly growing back.


John Paul is a great big brother. He is still as busy as ever. He ran the kids race in the Louisiana Marathon on Saturday. The was his third race. Maybe someday he will do a Disney race.

Danielle kept busy through the holidays working. She was so busy she didn't even have time to go to the parks. I think she went once after our visit and didn't make it back until about a week ago. I really missed her during the holidays. She worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We Facetimed both days but it just wasn't the same. She was scheduled to work until 2:30 am New Years Eve and then had 4 days off before being deployed to ESPN. We of course booked her a flight home for New Years Day. She ended up testing positive for Covid on the 30th. She missed working New Years Eve and had to cancel her trip home. :sad1: She did get to do her official graduation photo before she got Covid.

She works her last shift as a CP in Epcot on Friday. She is working a 6 day work week this week due to the crowds. Saturday is her only day off this week and her PI (Professional Internship) starts Sunday the 23rd. She has to move out of her current apartment in Building 5 Bagheera and move into Building 20 Enda on the 23rd. She starts 8 weeks of training on the 25th in DHS. She will have Sundays and Mondays off while she trains and learns all positions for her area. She will be in the Backlot Express area and Echo Lake. She was so glad she didn't get Sunset Market. She worked one shift there at the beginning of her program and didn't care for it too much. She received lots of welcomes from all the people she will be working with. If you're in the parks from the 25th on she will be in costume for her 8 weeks of training, once her training is over she will be dressed in business casual. She's really going to miss Epcot and festivals but is looking forward to her new adventure.

I'm hoping to take a solo trip the week before Easter. Dennis keeps saying he's done with Disney but he also hates missing out. I'm curious to see if he sticks with his statements. I should know within the next month if I'll be able to do the trip. We are all hoping Danielle can make a trip back home but it doesn't look good. She doesn't have the flexibility to trade shifts around anymore.

Fingers crossed I can get another update up so I can finally finish this trip. The next update with be the monorail loop Christmas decorations. I'm so glad I did this because the decorations this year weren't near as good as they were in 2019 except for GF.
You lot have been busy! I also escaped covid even though my husband had it pre Christmas. Thankfully he wasn’t too bad as he’d had all his jabs and booster but the whole isolation bit us a pita!
lots of fantastic happenings for you guys too🎉
Dominic is adorable and very much like his big brother 😍
Exciting times for Danielle too. Love the graduation photo. I really hope you get to see eachother in person soon. I’m betting Denis caves and does Disney one more time to see his girl :rotfl: Crossing my fingers for your solo trip too.
Can’t wait for the monorail loop update. Love me some Christmas decor 🎄🎄🎄
Thanks for the update. Dominic is such a cutie :)

I totally agree! He is sooo cute.

You lot have been busy! I also escaped covid even though my husband had it pre Christmas. Thankfully he wasn’t too bad as he’d had all his jabs and booster but the whole isolation bit us a pita!

I avoided some of Dennis' isolation by being out of town. He had flu symptoms and was a typical man (he swore he was dying for a few days). He still has a small cough.

Dominic is adorable and very much like his big brother 😍

Yes he is!

Exciting times for Danielle too. Love the graduation photo. I really hope you get to see eachother in person soon.

Me too!!! I miss her so much.

I’m betting Denis caves and does Disney one more time to see his girl :rotfl: Crossing my fingers for your solo trip too.

I'm thinking he will cave too. I'll go without him with not issues too.

Can’t wait for the monorail loop update. Love me some Christmas decor 🎄🎄🎄

No we haven't fallen off the face of the Earth
Phew. I was worried that maybe you didn't hold on tight enough and got flung off.
A Disney trip, new baby and Christmas really did us all in.
That'll do it!
I ended up cooking for Dennis, Michelle, John Paul and me. Dominic was here too but he was ok with just his bottle.
I got my booster shot the afternoon of the 30th. I wasn't feeling too good on New Years Eve so that went by unnoticed.
Hope the ill feeling was gone by the next day. I haven't celebrated New Years Eve in decades. Just don't get the fuss.
Dennis did get Covid the following weekend but somehow I avoided it.
How was/is he?
He ran the kids race in the Louisiana Marathon on Saturday. The was his third race. Maybe someday he will do a Disney race.
Good for him!
Unfortunately, my dreams of running at Disney are fading. I haven't been able to run for 2 months now, due to injury and work.
She worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
That happens. Did that myself this year.
We Facetimed both days but it just wasn't the same.
She ended up testing positive for Covid on the 30th. She missed working New Years Eve and had to cancel her trip home. :sad1:
Oh, no! Not good timing. :(
Dennis keeps saying he's done with Disney but he also hates missing out.
Ha! Sounds like the rest of us saying that Disney is pricing us out... but we keep going.
Great to hear from you! December is always a busy month, but put a Disney trip and a new grandson in there, and I'm sure it was hectic! Dominic is just adorable, and you can see a lot of John Paul in him. Our Christmas was bigger this year than last - my mother was so happy to have all her kids and grandkids for Christmas dinner. My nephew and his wife came into town - we hadn't seen them in over two years, so it was really nice.

We've somehow managed to escape Covid in my immediate family (knocking on wood...), but extended family members, lots of friends and most of my clients have had it - luckily everyone has had a mild case and all are well now.

So exciting for Danielle starting this new adventure. We'll be in DHS on 2/22 and will look for her - I'll most likely be with a group of teenage boys with light sabers :goodvibes

Hope Dennis is on the mend, and looking forward to your monorail resorts Christmas decoration pictures!
Phew. I was worried that maybe you didn't hold on tight enough and got flung off.

I was hanging on with all my strength.

Hope the ill feeling was gone by the next day. I haven't celebrated New Years Eve in decades. Just don't get the fuss.

I was better by that night. When I was young I always wanted to do something and we didn't. Now, I'm so over it but Dennis actually was looking at dinner by the river to see the New Year in. That's a first for him.

How was/is he?

He's better but still has a small cough.

Unfortunately, my dreams of running at Disney are fading. I haven't been able to run for 2 months now, due to injury and work.

I hope you heal soon and get to make a race now that they are back.

Ha! Sounds like the rest of us saying that Disney is pricing us out... but we keep going.

I might do a better job of staying away if I didn't have a piece of me there.
Dominic is just adorable, and you can see a lot of John Paul in him.

He does look a lot like JP at that age. I can't wait to see the differences and similarities as he grows.

Our Christmas was bigger this year than last - my mother was so happy to have all her kids and grandkids for Christmas dinner. My nephew and his wife came into town - we hadn't seen them in over two years, so it was really nice.

I'm so happy you got to enjoy a big family Christmas. We did do cookie night pretty big, but Christmas was a bust.

We've somehow managed to escape Covid in my immediate family (knocking on wood...), but extended family members, lots of friends and most of my clients have had it - luckily everyone has had a mild case and all are well now.

Lucky for you! It really is everywhere.

So exciting for Danielle starting this new adventure. We'll be in DHS on 2/22 and will look for her - I'll most likely be with a group of teenage boys with light sabers :goodvibes

Please keep an eye out for her. I think her normal schedule will be 11-8. If the guys like burgers and chicken nuggets, Backlot is the place to be. Danielle said it has the highest sales of the CS location due to the menu for the picky eaters.

Hope Dennis is on the mend, and looking forward to your monorail resorts Christmas decoration pictures!

Dennis is better, just a nagging cough.


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