A few weird things we saw people do on our trip

I was on a bus heading to EPCOT a couple weeks ago and on the bus there was a guy reading a computer science book. There was nothing rude about it, it was just something you don't see everyday at Disney World.::yes::

If you had said a teenager I would have said it was my son. He spent the whole day in HS last September sat outside rides reading a book, whilst the rest of the family rode the rides. He had just bought a Star Wars book in the Star Tours gift shop and couldn't wait to read it. He is not a big ride fan at all, and must preferred to wait outside quite happily reading his book. He must have looked strange to lots of people too.:rotfl2:

He also once feel asleep whilst waiting on a bench in Universal Studios, he didn't want to ride Twister and waited on a bench outside and when we came out he was asleep! Lol


This really takes the fire out of those pool hopping arguments, huh?

Seriously? Did they get kicked out? I am appalled . . . :confused3 :scared1: :eek:
Last week we heard a Dad drop an F bomb on his daughter in Mickey's Judges Tent. It was time to meet Mickey and the little girl was having a hard time getting untangled from the stuff she was carrying. Instead of helping her, Dad says, "Get up here" (with an F bomb in there). The girl didn't even look up, so obviously she's used to it, but a CM said, "That's OK, Princess" and helped her get up there with Mickey. It was definitely not so :sad2: magical for that family or anyone around them.

It always makes me sad to hear these stories. It really makes you wonder how many situations like this the CMs see on a daily basis?

I'm not so sure this belongs here, it happened at our resort, POR. While sitting in the hot tub a small boy ran up to his dad holding himself doing the gotta go dance. The dad had the boy come into the hot tub then turned him around and told him to pee! DD and I got out and that was the last time we went into the hot tub!

:scared1: That is horrific! And I'm sure the disgusting dad probably didn't hesitate to do the same thing. Unbelievable!!!:furious:
I'm curious... why is it that whenever some of you see others doing something reprehensible you automatically assume that they are foreigners ??? Americans do weird and tacky things too, like telling their kid to pee in the hot tub. :scared1:

For what it's worth I don't recommend you soak your feet in any fountain in Paris unless you want to pay a hefty fine. Did that once in high school as a dare and there went my allowance.
I saw a mom in Akershus washing her baby's "poopy" bottom in the sink at Akershus. :eek:
I saw a mom in Akershus washing her baby's "poopy" bottom in the sink at Akershus. :eek:

At least it wasn't the drinking fountain. I can't get over hearing about using them as baby Bide (spelling?). I'm a reserved, non-confrontational, quiet person but I'm sure to say something directly and involve a cast member if i see a baby getting a cleaning in a drinking fountain!
We try to steer our kids around those "not so nice to witness" situations like public use of nature as a potty and very drunk idiots that think its ok to be that way in a family park. It makes me furious when we are in line and HEAR the nasty way people talk to each other or about someone. We don't speak like that at home (the big 10 point curse words) and although I'm not shielding my kids from life and it's experiences, I sure don't want them to hear it at WDW. They grow up too fast and WDW is supposed to let us ALL be kids for a little. You can imagine my horror when we were at HS (then MGM) in line for a ride when the bonehead group in front of us were making fun at a fellows pink tee shirt that read "real men wear pink" The one guy- who was in his 30's, I'm sure) said to the other guy in line something about the only pink he wanted to wear was a certain part of his girlfriends anatomy on his face. Of course I'm cleaning it up quite a bit, but I was almost sick! :mad: Their wife/girlfriends were in line with them and were mock shocked, but then broke out in huge laughter. Thank goodness my kids didn't hear, but I made it very clear that I didn't appreciate the comment and they had no right to talk that way in a family atmosphere where little kids could hear them. The guy apologized but then when he turned around he told the other I should get the stick out of my you-know-what. Now, I know that I'm a girl, and girls shouldn't hit, but I'm a big girl and I'm sure the punch I wanted to give him would have hurt for quite some time. The only saving grace was that we were at WDW!:furious:
I know what you mean. It baffles me that people are percieving this man as some sweet innocent child. Over at wdwmagic, once I defended him from a few posters who were saying things about him. Pretty soon he was pm-ing me and cyber stalking me over there. He is nothing but a pot stirrer and a troll looking for attention. It's actually kind of sad.

I got a lot of PMs from him and other people on this board, but I never considered it cyber stalking. :confused3 I hate to talk about someone who can't be here to defend himself, but he used to PM people all the time when they were friendly to him. I thought it was nice, and I'm sure if you would have said you weren't comfortable with it, he would have stopped. :thumbsup2
I'm curious... why is it that whenever some of you see others doing something reprehensible you automatically assume that they are foreigners ??? Americans do weird and tacky things too, like telling their kid to pee in the hot tub. :scared1:

I spent a summer working in an amusement park -- about a month of it in kiddieland. That place was like one big litter box from all the people who allowed their kids (boys in particular) to pee all over the place. I have a son and I think it's completely ridiculous!

On a separate topic, our local playground is like that too. They didn't used to have a restroom, so parents were constantly having their boys pee along the fenceline. :furious:
Indeed they are. My Grandma always used to say that 'you have to eat a bit of dirt before you die'

A recent report in the UK medical press has linked obsesive cleanliness in childhood with the development of auto-immune conditions. (ones where the bodies own natural immune system turns against part of itself)

Reports have suggested that children with pet dogs and therefore greater exposure to germs are less likley to develop these types of disorders.

in other words 'a bit of muck will do you good' :thumbsup2

I suppose that really we should be making the distinction with 'safe germs' helping the devolpment of normal healthy bodies and 'pathogenic germs' which could cause nasty illness

Anyone remember "pox parties" from the old days? When your friend got the chicken pox so your mom and everyone else's mom took you over there so you would get them too and get it out of the way? Wouldn't today's parents have a hissy with this? :lmao:

A few weeks ago, my parents and I were in EPCOT for Illuminations. We were happily standing near the railing in Canada and to my Dad's right there was a couple with a little girl (and maybe another kid or two). The little girl crawls in between my mom and I and I hear the mother say, "right there near the lady's foot." Well, I look down and lo and behold, right near my right foot is a frog. The little girl reaches through the bars and touches the frog, who (smartly) jumps a little bit away. The mom then yells at the little girl saying she'll get warts and busts out the hand sanitizer. No big deal.

I had to comment on this not because of the appalling behavior of the little girl but because I would FAINT dead away if I looked down and saw a frog near me. I am TERRIFIED of frogs (for no rational reason) and it never dawned on me that I might run into the little buggers at WDW. I'll now have to be constantly vigilent so y'all won't come back here and post something about some crazing lady :faint: when she saw a frog. :eek:
For what it's worth I don't recommend you soak your feet in any fountain in Paris unless you want to pay a hefty fine. Did that once in high school as a dare and there went my allowance.

You mean they didn't consider that your cultural background might include putting your feet in public fountains?

So, then, why are people on this thread appalled that we might be "judgmental" about people sticking their nasty feet in OUR fountains?
I saw a mom in Akershus washing her baby's "poopy" bottom in the sink at Akershus. :eek:

What kind of freak does that?!!! No wonder people get the NoroVirus..ack. I even feel sorry for you for witnessing that act of horror. :scared1:
Well, this isn't really gross, as much as just strange. Last weekend, I was riding the tram back to the parking lot in AK. As we pull up to "Dinosaur" parking, everyone on board the tram can see a woman next to her car sitting in a child's stroller, breastfeeding. Her other son, about 3, was standing next to her (and I'm sure probably wanted in that stroller!). Now, please, no flames, I have nothing against a woman's right to breastfeed. It was just the whole appearance that made me question it. I mean, trams PACKED with guests were coming through every couple of minutes, and there were more than a few people on my tram who looked over or wondered aloud about it. She did look pretty silly, a grown woman, sitting in a child's stroller.
So, then, why are people on this thread appalled that we might be "judgmental" about people sticking their nasty feet in OUR fountains?

I guess for the same reason that people feel the need to lynch someone who admits to reusing a mug. :duck:

Nothing irritates me more than my compatriots acting like idiots in a foreign country and pretending it's a "cultural" thing. Except when people ***ume that every person who acts like an idiot must be a foreigner.

The only person I know who would be crazy enough to stick his feet in a fountain in Disney World is from the Bronx.... and he has done muccccccccccch worse. The guy's banned from a Walgreens for Pete's sake :)
Anyone remember "pox parties" from the old days? When your friend got the chicken pox so your mom and everyone else's mom took you over there so you would get them too and get it out of the way? Wouldn't today's parents have a hissy with this? :lmao:

Absolutely!!! The phone tree would start ringing the minute someone was diagnosed with chicken pox. "Did you hear? Little Tommy has it! We're going right over. Will we see you there?"

I grew up surrounded by animals, kids, and dirt, which blessed me with a healthy functioning immune system. (Being around animals and dirt between 0-12 months old prevents a multitude of immunity/allergy problems!) My kids don't have the luxury of being raised on a farm - so I made sure they picked up every germ possible in day care. :rotfl:
Did you know the whole "standing in line" thing is also pretty rare in the rest of the world? I would hope that most people from other countries would clearly see that we "queue" here, but in most other countries, that just ain't the case.

This is why DH and I only stand in character lines at WDW instead of DL were we go more often. DL has a lot of guests from Asian countries and most of them don't queue so much as mob. A character has to only step onto a street before getting a huge mass of these foreign guests literally in their face. I don't get mad about it though because they literally don't realize they are doing anything wrong.

I can't tell you though how totally refreshing it was to go to WDW where I could stand in a proper queue and know exactly how many people were in front of me. :cloud9:

Biggest clue that we don't bath our feet in fountains at WDW, There was not a 10-30 min.wait for a turn.:rotfl2:

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I once saw a woman get out of the pool, and lay her baby down to get the swimsuit off and some dry clothes on. Anyway, she took off the swim diaper, and instead of using a babywipe to wipe the baby's bottom, she walked over to the pool with her naked infant, and dipped the baby (up to the baby's waist) in the pool for a cleaning.

This is why public pools have so much chlorine in them that they make most people's eyes burn. If people would stop using them as a toilet and bathtub, it wouldn't have to be like that. :headache:

It makes me furious when we are in line and HEAR the nasty way people talk to each other or about someone. We don't speak like that at home (the big 10 point curse words) and although I'm not shielding my kids from life and it's experiences, I sure don't want them to hear it at WDW.

If I overhear someone cursing and using very foul language in line at Disney, I say something. It is usually along the lines of mentioning that children are present as well as adults who shouldn't have to hear that kind of language. It's worked every time and most of the time, other guests have thanked me for saying something.

Also, I've never experienced the large line cutting tour groups but you can be assured that there is NO WAY they will be getting by me. I have happily let a parent with a small child by to catch back up to their party because little ones sometimes have to go unexpectedly. However, if you are a large group of people that feel you don't have to wait, you'd better find a line that I am not in. I will block you for all that I am worth and will happily tell you that you may not cut. Disney CMs can and have removed line cutters from lines. I've seen it many times at DL. I'm sorry it doesn't seem to be enforced as well at WDW.
Okay...:surfweb: after following this thread and the line jumpers...doesn't the management at WDW know what is going on???? :rolleyes1 Do they tolerate this rude behavior? Has anyone actually gone to Guest Relations? I'm curious because we'll be there in July and I'm getting apprehensive. I have a VERY low threashold for ignorance and line jumping :eek:

I personally saw 2 cm's approach a group of line jumpers. I wanted to stand up and cheer!:cool1:
Ok so this is not at Disney and it is actually more a story of an employee making us feel like we were doing something weird or wrong.

My fiance and I went to a water park at the Jersey Shore one day and it was starting to get a little chilly bc the wind picked up. We decided to go in the hot springs, which was basically a luke warm pool without the swimming. Anyway we sat in and were just relaxing a bit. My df put his arm over my shoulders to try to help me to get warm. A minute late her decided to give me the tiniest peck on the cheek when out of nowhere a lifeguard all of a sudden in front of EVERYONE yelled at us "HEY! This is a family place!" Everyone looked and just started at us. No one had even been paying attention or if they were did not care about a tiny pec on the cheek. Now everyone was looking at us like we had been doing something really inappropriate. I was mortified!!! When I say this was a small peck I mean it! I do not mind certain forms of PDA like hugs or holding hands or even like a quick kiss hello/goodbye but I am not the type of person that would just start making out in front of everyone at a water park. And that was what he made it seem like. We stayed a few more minutes as to not shoe that we were so embarrassed, but we left after that. He was so rude!


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