A couple of questions


Earning My Ears
Feb 28, 2001
First time poster.....

We are heading to WDW (Caribbean Beach) in Sept./Oct. and there are a few things I am unclear about. I've read a lot on this board and I'm sure someone can help. Not sure if this is the right board for these ???, but many of you are very knowledgeable, so......

1) If we are thinking about using one of our flex options for a character breakfast, say at the Grand Floridian, can and should I be making reservations now???

2) Same question for the Hoop-de-doo.....should I reserve now??

3) If I have already booked online, should I still be looking for various discounts that I would be able to apply to price??

4) What the heck is upsell??? And would it do me any good to look into it if I have already booked online??

Thanks in advance for the help.

Doug (biggest kid of all, then 3 others-12,9,4, plus DW)

null :D <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Welcome to the DIS Doug!

(1) You can make your priority seating request for most Character Breakfasts 120 days in advance. Those in the parks (Cinderella's, Crystal Palace) can be make 60 days in advance.

(2) If you want to do Hoop-de-doo, get your reseravtions now. If your family can make the latest show, you may be able to save some money. Ask about possible discounts.

(3) It depends. Where did you book online? Through Disney or through a travel agency? Can you cancel your booking?

(4) An "upsell" is when a better hotel is offered to you at a low price because the level of hotel you are inquiring about is sold out. You really can't ask for one, it has to be offered to you when calling Central Reservations (CRO).

-- Robin
Thanks Robinb. Guess I better make some reservations now. I booked online thru Disney. I know, I know, that's not gonna sit well with this board, but there are many reasons for me not having the time to "do it right". So I am guessing that unless I cancel and redo it some other way, that there are not any types of discounts that will help me. Am I right?


Hi, Doug--hop over to the resorts board and read about the Annual Pass discounts, and upsells that folks have been getting. DON'T CANCEL your reservation until you have what you want. To get an annual pass discount, one adult member of your party would have to possess an annual pass (or a voucher for the pass) at the time of check-in. So, yes, you can book it over the phone, and then get your annual pass. Keep reading these posts. It only gets better. ;)


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