A bachelor party, a wedding, and a birthday - That was an eventful week (Completed 10/15)

Day Three - Part One
The Wedding Rehearsal

Wednesday was wedding rehearsal day. We were all meeting at the location at 7:00pm so I had all day to entertain myself. I had gotten 5 day park hoppers for this trip so I could do whatever in the parks today. Lindsey did not have park tickets for today. Her plan was to hang until her husband's flight landed in the afternoon and then they were also checking in to Pop.

I woke up feeling a lot better. I was at about 75% which, given the past 2 days, was amazing. I had enough energy to want to do something but I also didn't want to overdo it because tomorrow was the big wedding day. I had decided the night before that I was going to go into Magic Kingdom for a bit today. It was really weird that I was on day 3 at Disney and I hadn't been to the Magic Kingdom yet. That's usually the first AND last place I go for each trip. However, I didn't feel the need to do early entry or even rope drop today. So, I slept until about 7:30 and then got up and showered and got ready quietly (Lindsey was still sleeping.)

About 8:30am, Lindsey got up and wanted breakfast. Hmmm...breakfast actually sounded good. Yay!!! I truly was on the mend finally. I waited for Lindsey to get dressed and we headed up to Pop food court. Lindsey got the breakfast bowl with tots, gravy, eggs, and bacon. That sounded like too much food to start with. In fact, everything sounded a bit heavy for my first real meal in days. I asked if I could just get some scrambled eggs and a little bacon. I know Disney bacon is controversial. Most people hate it because it tends to be a bit...limp. But I love it. I also love the scrambled eggs which, I believe, are powdered eggs. I'm weird but I look forward to having both of these things at Disney when I go. :confused3 We sat down to eat. I actually ate about half of the eggs and a couple of the bacon strips and felt so much better! Lindsey went off to look through the shop at Pop (did I mention she was a shopper?? LOL) and I headed out to get a bus to MK.

While I was on the bus, I was making a plan for the day. Yes, I was feeling better but how much did I want to push? I decided that I wasn't going to do any rides today. I still had Friday and Saturday to do MK so I was going to focus on looking through the shops, getting some photos, and hopefully seeing some cavalcades. Is that a "waste" of a ticket? I think for some people, it absolutely would be. But I am so lucky to have been to Disney so many times in the past AND I was contemplating getting another annual pass so a day of just wandering didn't seem to be a waste of a park ticket to me at all.

First up once in the park, I stopped for a picture in front of my summer home.
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Honestly, I don't do a lot of photos of just me ever. As a fluffy girl, I don't like photos of myself. But, as I've gotten older and started being more accepting of myself, I realized that I was missing out on memories so I've started to get more photos taken.

After this, I started wandering the stores. I needed to get some small souvenirs for people at work. I also was looking for my birthday presents. I knew that I was probably going to get a spirit jersey and a new pair of ears (because I ALWAYS get those) but I was also looking for something new and different to treat myself to. Right away, I found these great clip magnets that came in a set of 5. Perfect...2 packs and everyone back at school is taken care of. I spotted 3 spirit jerseys that I liked but I was waiting to buy. First, I didn't know which one I liked the best and 2nd, I still had 2 more days. I always hold off in case I see something else that I like better. As for ears, I was on the hunt for a specific pair. I had seen one of the Disney Land tic toc people with the Infinity Stone ears and I wanted those. So I scoured the Emporium - nothing. I went across the street to the ear/hat place - nothing. Where could these ears be? A very nice CM came over and asked if I was looking for something in particular. Yep - where can I find the infinity stone ears? She said - "Oh, you can't get those here. They are only at Disney Land. We can't sell them because of the deal with Universal here in Florida." Well - rats. Ok, time to rethink ears I guess.

I also took some time to explore the crystal store. I love looking at everything in this store. Will I buy something here? Nope. The things that I really want are stupid expensive and the stuff I can afford, I don't really want. But I do love taking time to look at the really big crystal castle. And the tiaras. I love tiaras. In fact, I just bought myself a replica of Princess Diana's wedding tiara that I will wear on the first day of classes (because sometimes you have to put on your crown and remind people who you are!!!) I also went into the jewelry store. Again, I love browsing in here but I never buy anything. However, this time I found a couple of rings that I was attracted to (I also love a good sparkle.) Hmm...maybe THIS is that unusual thing I was searching for for my birthday. Time will tell.

About that time, I heard the music for a cavalcade coming up Main Street. I hustled out to the curb and took my phone out to take pictures. I also usually don't take pictures of parades and things, but I knew I was going to do a trip report when I got back and what is a trip report without pictures??

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Right after this, I looked in my app and saw that the Dapper Dans were coming out in a few so I parked myself on a curb and waited.
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It was about 11:30 now and I decided it was time to head back to Pop. I was craving some pool time and it looked like it was going to be a great afternoon for that. I headed out to the buses but stopped for a couple of photos on the way out.
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As I got to the bus stop - there was a bus waiting!!! Yay for good bus luck. I hopped on and we were pulling out to Pop a few minutes later. On the way, I texted Lindsey to see what she was up to. She was already at the pool so I told her I was on my way to join her. Grab me a chair and I'll see you soon!

Up next: pool time and the rehearsal

Great news that you're feeling better. So happy you were finally able to eat and get some park time.

MK is my favorite. I would prefer to start and end there too.

The girls and I love to look at the pretty, shiny stuff too and occasionally get something.
I think that type of morning is wonderful especially as you were feeling better and didn’t want to push it!
Years ago when we could afford to stay at GF and Poly (great pre pandemic deal in the late summer use to only run me 250-350 a night at these resorts!) I use to saunter in to MK for an hour or two and I loved it!
Perfect timing for the cavalcade and Dapper Dans!
MK is my favorite. I would prefer to start and end there too.
There's just something about MK for me. It will always be my favorite park.
I think that type of morning is wonderful especially as you were feeling better and didn’t want to push it!
Years ago when we could afford to stay at GF and Poly (great pre pandemic deal in the late summer use to only run me 250-350 a night at these resorts!) I use to saunter in to MK for an hour or two and I loved it!
Perfect timing for the cavalcade and Dapper Dans!
I have almost never in the past taken an "easy" trip. Being sick at the beginning of this trip forced me to slow down a bit. Coming home not being exhausted and having my body hurt in eleventy billion ways was an eye opener. I'm going to keep the "saunter into parks" a bit for my next trip and see what happens.
Day Three - Part Two
Let's rehearse this wedding!

We left off as I was headed back to Pop to get in some quality pool time. I LOVE pool time. I spend 2 hours every day in the summer, laying on a lounge chair and reading or sitting on a bench in the pool and reading. I usually don't take the time for it at Disney though. In fact, I haven't even packed a swimsuit for the last couple of YEARS of trips. But I did this time and I was going to take advantage of a beautiful April day. I quickly threw on my suit and my cover up, grabbed my book and some water, and texted Lindsey to see what pool she was at. My room was actually close to both the 50's pool and the main pool. She was at the main pool so I headed over.

I quickly spotted her and got settled. We were both just happy laying in the sun and reading. Eventually, we got warm and headed to take a dip in the pool. Ok, that was a little chilly. I know they say those pools are heated but it didn't feel like it today. We stayed in about 5 minutes and headed back to the chairs. Shortly after, Lindsey decided she was going to head back to shower and hopefully get her room number so she could move her stuff before her husband arrived. Since she said she was taking an "everything" shower, I decided to stay at the pool a bit longer.

After about an hour, I realized that even though I had applied sunscreen, I was starting to get quite red on one side of my body. It was also about 2:30 now and we were going to head to dinner about 4:30 before the 7pm rehearsal. I went back to the room to change, put on some makeup, etc and found that Lindsey was gone so she must have gotten her room. I texted her to find out that she was literally in the room right next door!! Well, that was going to be convenient.

At 4:30, I stepped outside to meet both her and her husband Kyle who had finally arrived. The rehearsal (and the wedding ceremony) were going to be at Port Orleans Riverside on the Oak Manor lawn. Lindsey and Kyle had gotten a reservation at Boatwrights for a date night. I was not about to crash that - let the married couple have their date after being apart for 5 days. Scotty and Stephen had also made plans to have dinner there before the rehearsal. Also not going to be a third wheel for the about to get married couple. However, neither Lindsey/Kyle or I wanted to try to get Disney transportation over to Port Orleans and then have to get back after the rehearsal and whatever we did after that. I volunteered to drive over. They could go have their dinner and I would get something in the food court, read my book, and explore a little. Lindsey looked a little worried about me being on my own after driving them over but I assured her it was really not a problem at all. I travel a lot by myself and have no problem dining alone or entertaining myself.

I found my way to the quick service area and then started looking for something that sounded good to eat. I was actually a bit hungry. I saw the pasta and thought that might be a good 2nd meal but then I saw the french dip sandwich. I am a sucker for a good french dip. And I also found that I wanted some fries. Since it was only about 5pm, it was really dead in the food area so I was able to order and get my food quickly. I easily got a table and settled in to read and enjoy my food. Unfortunately, that is not what happened. The meat on the sandwich was smoked. I've never had a french dip with smoked meat. And that did not sit well in my stomach. I was able to pull off some of the bun and dip it in the au ju which did not taste smoked. I also ate my fries. Sigh - I should have gone with the pasta but it was enough to fill me up.

After I ate, I wandered outside to sit by the river. I watched the horse drawn carriages come and go, watched the boats come in and leave, and just generally watched people while also reading. It was gorgeous weather and I was very content. I also found someone who worked there to ask for directions to Oak Manor lawn since neither Lindsey or I knew where to go. About 6:45, Lindsey and Kyle found me outside and we moseyed over to Oak Manor.

As we got there, we finally met the other two people in Scotty's party - Madison and Kate. They both worked with Scotty in Magic Kingdom and had become very close friends of his. Lindsey, Madison, Kate, and I had been communicating by text for a couple of months but had never met in person. However, Madison had already been kind enough to zoom into my Career and Portfolio class to talk about careers at Disney and working in a leadership position so I at least knew what she looked like. Soon enough, everyone was there and we were also introduced to Stephen's wedding party. How wonderful was it that both parties were all female. We were also introduced to Stephen's mom. I already knew Scotty's parents from his time as my student at Lindenwood. The Disney wedding person quickly got us started and walked us through the ceremony. After going through it once, she asked if we thought we should do it again. Well, of course. Better to rehearse it twice.

After that, the two parties went their separate ways with their respective grooms. Scotty's party decided that we were going to head to the Dahlia lounge at Coronado. He had a room there for the night. We all headed to our cars and met up in the lobby of the Coronado tower. Scotty showed us his room (which was beautiful and now on my bucket list of places to stay) and then we headed up to Dahlia. We found an area outside that was big enough for Lindsey, Kyle, Madison, Scotty, Kate, Kate's service dog (a beautiful golden doodle who was delightful and really loved being pet when he was released from duty), and me.

Lindsey, Kyle, and Madison

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Kate (with no dog. I guess I didn't get pictures of him.)

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Scotty and Madison

Then came the dilemma - what to drink? I actually wanted something with a bit of alcohol but I also didn't want to push it. Nothing on their drink menu really sounded good. So, when the waitress came, I ordered a tall Tito's with orange and pineapple juice and a splash of Sprite. Scotty was quickly intrigued and changed his order to be the same (except I think he got a double). It was delightful - refreshing, tasty, and not too much for my recovering body.
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We spent probably 3 hours just hanging and chatting. And then Lindsey gave me the signal to check my phone. I saw a text from her that said that Kyle was ready to go. He is a true introvert and he had been peopling for several hours - with people he didn't really know. He had also been up since 4am Florida time to catch his flights down. She was wondering if I was ready to go or if they should call an uber. I quickly texted back that I was ready and we could leave whenever. First, we had to solidify plans for the next day. Scotty was going to pick Lindsey and I up at Pop at 3:30 to head to Animal Kingdom Lodge to get ready. We would meet Madison and Kate there at 4 to dress and then head to the wedding. Shortly after, Lindsey, Kyle and I said our goodbyes and headed to the car and back to Pop.

Up next: Does that say 85% chance of a storm DURING the outdoor ceremony???
I always bring my suite but haven't been in a pool in years. We have a resort day planned next month and I'm going to try to finally have some pool time.

Riverside is one of my favorite resorts. We saw a wedding setting up last April when we were there. It's so beautiful. I hope the rain held off for the ceremony. My middle child got married on the Poly beach in 2015. Rain was predicted but held off. It did rain while we were all napping and made for a nicer night when we hit a park.

Never been to Dahlia, but it sounds like it was a great place to relax and visit. We did stay a few nights and tower and loved it. I would really like to stay there again.

Looking forward to the wedding.
I always bring my suite but haven't been in a pool in years. We have a resort day planned next month and I'm going to try to finally have some pool time.
Do it!! It makes you feel so relaxed. Being sick this trip allowed me to see the benefits of relaxing a bit and not going from early entry to close. I'm going to start taking it easier on future trips. Or so I say now.
Riverside is one of my favorite resorts. We saw a wedding setting up last April when we were there. It's so beautiful. I hope the rain held off for the ceremony
When were you there? It may have been us.
Glad you were starting to feel better on this day! Some MK time wandering the shops sounds lovely.
Ugh, I get so frustrated with the Marvel drama. I wish items were available on both coasts.

Sorry about your French dip being smoked. With how expensive Disney food is, it's very annoying when the meal doesn't pan out. But your drink at Dahlia sounds delicious. I might have to make that next time the kids have juice in the house. :rotfl:

I had to laugh at the text trying to relieve the introvert of peopling. Because that's 100% me. My husband knows if I've sent him a message when we're at a friend's house, it's because I've reached my limit. :laughing:

Looking forward to hearing all about the wedding, and I'm hoping that 85% chance of rain doesn't pan out!
Ugh, I get so frustrated with the Marvel drama. I wish items were available on both coasts.
Well, here's the thing...I found out AFTER I bought a pair of ears that World DID in fact have the Infinity stone ears. They were at World of Disney. But now I know for (hopefully) Thanksgiving. And honestly, I do love the pair of ears I got instead.
But your drink at Dahlia sounds delicious. I might have to make that next time the kids have juice in the house.
DO IT!! It was delicious. And it's now my go to when at a bar and I don't have a specific cocktail in mind.
I had to laugh at the text trying to relieve the introvert of peopling. Because that's 100% me. My husband knows if I've sent him a message when we're at a friend's house, it's because I've reached my limit.
Yep. I'm an extroverted introvert so I can people when needed but I was also ready to head out. Especially since I knew that the next day was going to be a LOT of peopling with folx I don't know. Ahh weddings...the chance to meet a bunch of people you will never see again.
Day Four Part One
Let's get Married!

Thursday dawned very overcast. The forecast for the day was rain and storms - especially at wedding time but clearing later in the evening. Scotty had said he didn't care if the ceremony itself had to move indoors (it would go from Oak Lawn Manor at Port Orleans to one of the ball rooms in the Contemporary) but he would be really disappointed if it kept raining because part of the reception was seeing the fireworks at Epcot. We were all keeping our fingers crossed and eyes on the weather updates.

I had planned for today to be super low key in case Scotty needed anything done for the wedding. I slept in until about 8, showered, and then headed out to the food court for some breakfast. I was actually hungry!!! Lindsey's tot bowl yesterday had looked pretty good so I decided to try that. I knew I wouldn't eat it all but I was ok with that. It was pretty quiet in the food court so it didn't take long to get my food and a bottle of water. I found a table and pulled out my book. The tot bowl was tator tots, scrambled eggs, country gravy, and then crumbled bacon on top. It was...not good. I don't know why I didn't like it because I like all of the separate ingredients, but it just didn't hit the spot. I picked through and ate tots and some eggs and decided that was enough. While I was sitting there, a CM who was cleaning the dining room stopped and asked about my book. We had a lovely conversation about books where I convinced her to try this book series (The In Death series about Eve Dallas by JD Robb in case you were wondering) and then she moved on. I think I walked through the shop again and then wandered back to my room.

I spent the morning just relaxing - reading and surfing Facebook. Soon it was lunch time. I thought I probably better eat again because it was a LONG time until the reception dinner (after fireworks.) I headed back to the Pop food court. It was still really overcast and had gotten quite dark and windy. I decided to just grab some food and head back to my room so I hopefully wouldn't get caught in the rain since I had already washed my hair. I grabbed a slice of pizza and headed back to the room. I had just gotten back into the room when the storm hit - heavy rain, thunder, wind. But, we had hours until the ceremony so hopefully this would be a not so long Florida storm. I ate some of the pizza and decided that wasn't very good either. Striking out with food today but at least I was eating.

Scotty was picking us up at 3:30 so about 2pm I started to get ready. Yes, Scotty's side of the party was getting together to get ready but I didn't want to have to haul all my makeup and hair stuff over to the room (and then leave it there and not have it for Friday) so I did my hair and makeup in my room beforehand. I packed up my dress, shoes, my clutch purse and then noticed that Lindsey had left her dress in my room when she moved. Guess I'd better grab that too. About then, I get a text from Lindsey - do you have hairspray? Yep. Can Kyle come get it? Also yep. I grabbed it and walked to the door and met Kyle. Lucky for the rooms being right next to each other because it was still pouring.

Scotty got us at 3:30 and the rain had stopped!!! No word from the coordinator about moving inside so we were hopeful everything was on track. Lindsey and I quickly loaded into Scotty's car and off we went to Animal Kingdom Lodge. Scotty and Stephen had chosen this as the resort they would spend their wedding night (and the next night) in and had decided that Scotty and his party would use the room to get ready while Stephen and his party got ready at their house (which is only 7 minutes from the entrance of Magic Kingdom). I had never been to Animal Kingdom Lodge. Boy is that beautiful. It quickly got added to my bucket list. Scotty's room was overlooking the Savanah.

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We stood on the balcony for a bit and soon Kate and Madison arrived with snacks and drinks and we started to get ready. However, I had to fall back into my professor days with both Lindsey and Scotty first. Lindsey needed to write her best person speech still and Scotty needed to write his vows and neither had started. Momma Stacy made them sit down and write their stuff before they could do anything else. It was very similar to when they were in school and would come hang out on the sofa in my office and I would make them do their homework. Kate and Madison started on their makeup and soon we were all getting dressed.

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Scotty was wearing a traditional Scottish kilt for the wedding (along with his dad, nephew, and uncle.) In case I haven't mentioned this - Scotty is Scottish. Scotty is just the nickname we gave him in college because he is Scottish (and boy does his accent come out when he is drunk or angry.) So, it took a bit to figure it all out and get him in all the pieces. While we were dressing, Scotty got a text from one of his guests asking about how to get to the alternate site for the ceremony. Umm...what?? The sun was out and it was gorgeous outside. But she insisted that she had gotten a message saying that the ceremony had moved to the indoor location. None of us had gotten that message. And panic started to bubble. But - when you have a wedding party of all stage managers - panic is not allowed. Lindsey quickly texted Stephen and HIS best person to see if they had heard anything. I grabbed Scotty's phone and texted the wedding coordinator. Kate and Madison texted some other guests. And the answers all came back - no one else had gotten this message. Finally, we heard from the coordinator and she said nope - we are outside. Things are great!

At this point, it was time to head to Oak Lawn Manor for pre-ceremony photos. Scotty ordered a Minnie Van to take us over. And...another bucket list item crossed off. I had never done a Minnie Van. It was lovely - big enough to fit all 5 of us in our wedding outfits comfortably. The driver was great and chatted about the wedding and about working for Disney (since Scotty, Kate, and Madison all work for the mouse as well.) Soon enough, we got to Port Orleans. We needed to head to Scotty's parents' room so his Dad could check Scotty to be sure we had all the pieces of the kilt on properly. Who knew that it was so specific about how the shoes were tied up the calf, which way the spats went, and how the purse thing (can't remember the term for that) draped on the waist?? Once checked, we headed over to Oak Manor Lawn.

Up next: photos, first look, ceremony, and reception
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Glad to hear the storms seemed to have moved on before the ceremony and reception! As someone who had a tropical storm hit the day of her outdoor wedding, this makes me very happy for Scotty.
Traditional Scottish wear is very involved! But how great that he made sure to incorporate that into his wedding.

Oh dear, sounds like it was good for you to be there in order to get those speeches and vows written!

I've never been in a Minnie van before, either, so it's nice to hear they were roomy and convenient.
Glad to hear the storms seemed to have moved on before the ceremony and reception! As someone who had a tropical storm hit the day of her outdoor wedding, this makes me very happy for Scotty.
Traditional Scottish wear is very involved! But how great that he made sure to incorporate that into his wedding.
It was very cool to see the men in his family in their traditional wear. It's also why the wedding colors were navy blue and forest green. All of Scotty's party were in navy blue - any style of dress as long as it was blue. Stephen's party were in forest green. He had picked out 4 styles of dress and they could choose whichever they liked from that. It was funny that 2 chose one style and 2 chose another so he had matching sets.
Oh dear, sounds like it was good for you to be there in order to get those speeches and vows written!
Yep. Lindsey and I had actually worked on her speech a bit while she was staying with me but she never wrote anything down. We just talked about what things she would say (and what she wouldn't.)
I've never been in a Minnie van before, either, so it's nice to hear they were roomy and convenient.
They really are. I'm not sure how expensive they are but it was certainly fun. I might try again sometime in the future.
So happy the weather had already passed. DD got married on the beach at the Poly and rain was predicted. It held out until after we were done.

Love that the theme was Scottish. The colors sound just perfect.
Day 4 Part Two
Let's get married!!!

(Fair warning - this post is all about the wedding. No park time or anything. Skip it if you don't want to hear about a Disney planned wedding.)

We left off heading over to the ceremony site. It was time for pictures (Scotty and Stephen wanted all the pictures pre-ceremony because of the reception), first look, and the exchange of vows. Scotty and Stephen wanted to keep the vow exchange between the two of them so they each wrote a letter to each other and read the letters out loud privately right after their first look. I think that is a great idea and keeps it very personal and intimate. Here are some pre-ceremony pictures.
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This was the location for the ceremony. It looked out to the river at the back.

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Scotty's wedding party.

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The full wedding party.

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The ceremony itself was beautiful. I was fighting back tears for a lot of it. And quicker than I would have thought, they exchanged rings and their first kiss and we were walking back down the aisle. We were supposed to head right for the buses that would take the entire wedding to Epcot but the photographer had come up with one last idea for a fun wedding shot and grabbed the wedding party. I present - Scotty and Stephen's wedding as the Kardashians.

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We then boarded two chartered buses and headed to the backstage area of Epcot, close to Italy. We had to wait on the buses for about 30 minutes while they processed security for us and then we were escorted through a back gate and to the bridge in Italy for the pre-reception cocktail hour and Luminous.


I had never seen Luminous and wow, this was an amazing view. Plus a place to sit, have a drink and some snacks?? It was amazing. I was still being cautious however and didn't drink. I stuck to water and then, as we were heading into the American pavilion for dinner and dancing, I allowed myself a treat of a diet coke. Ok, I know that sounds weird but, I used to have a HUGE diet coke addiction. Like 4 liters of diet coke a DAY! I stopped cold turkey in 2012. I had gastric bypass early in 2013 and my doctor said no carbonation. It actually causes your stomach to stretch. And I didn't have any carbonation until October of this year. I got sick and really, really wanted a Sprite. So, I bought one and let it go flat in my fridge. And - it didn't make me nauseous (which any type of carbonation even if it had gone flat did up to this point.) And so, I started allowing a TINY bit of soda into my life. If I wasn't going to drink at this wedding, I was going to treat myself in some way and diet coke it was.

We were held on the bridge in Italy while the park cleared and then we were escorted by CMs with red light up wands to the American pavilion. As we passed the concert area, we saw a sound check for Jodi Messina happening. I guess I never thought about when they would do sound checks for the bands that perform at the flower and garden series but after park close makes perfect sense. Our table assignments were done in the cutest way. Instead of place cards, it was chocolate!! And instead of table numbers, each table was named after a Disney night time show.

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I found myself at a table with Lindsey and Kyle. The rest of the table was actually Stephen's family. At first, I thought that was a bit weird. Stephen's wedding party and their partners were all together at a table but Scotty had split his party up. But hey - turns out I really like Stephen's mom, brother, sister-in-law, and god parents so it was a fun table. Dinner was served buffet style and boy was it delicious. The famous Brown Derby Cobb salad, marbled potatoes, chicken teriyaki bao buns, mac and cheese, braised short ribs in a red wine sauce, and a tomato basil soup. I was so happy all my sickness had passed because this food was too good to pass up.

After dinner, we had the mother/son dances, the best person speeches, the cake cutting and soon it was time to hit the dance floor. And the DJ never slowed down for the entire rest of the party. Scotty and Stephen had requested no slow songs and no Taylor Swift (sorry Swifties) but the dance vibe kept going until the end of the party. Oh, and the cake flavors were also delicious - vanilla with raspberry jam, carrot cake, and a florida orange cake with guava filling.

I'm almost at my picture limit. I'll continue in the next post.
WOW-what an incredible wedding!
I just love all the personal touches and the Kardashian style photo is amazing.

Day Four, Part Three
The wedding continues

Here are some pictures of the reception.
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At some point, they brought out pop corn and Mickey pretzels with cheese sauce. I was so full but who can pass up a Mickey pretzel. I also grabbed a box of popcorn to take back to my room. People slowly started to leave and soon it was about 1:15. They had buses waiting that would leave every half hour to take people back to where they parked or their resorts. Lindsey, Kyle, and I decided we would take the 1:30am bus. The whole thing was scheduled to be done at 2am anyway so we didn't feel like we were leaving too early. But, as we looked around, we realized there were only about 10 people left at this point. We found Scotty and Stephen and said congratulations one more time. They weren't leaving for a honeymoon for about a month so I knew I'd see them again before I left. We were escorted out to a waiting bus and soon taken back to Pop Century. I collapsed in bed about 2:30am. It was an amazing day but this old lady was tired. And sore!! Dancing on that marble floor in dress shoes is no joke on these old knees but I had to keep up with these young kids!! Anyway -lights out with no alarm set for the morning. Friday was going to be another solo day and I was going to take it at my own pace.

Up next - Magic Kingdom on my own
Wow! What an amazing wedding. The pictures are gorgeous and everyone is having such a good time.


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