8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #14

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I figured they already started it and forgot to tell us! :rotfl: I couldn't find it if they did! LOL!

ROTFL - we just made too much trouble Steph - your a bad, bad influence........:rotfl2: OK can someone post the link to SmugMug? Is it true that our Pirates website is down? Can someone help this incompetent fool figure out how to post pictures?

Did I mention that Cpt Jack danced a jig? :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Got pictures if anyone is interested.

When I was in line to leave (dh was with our luggage and children waiting at the front for me) the people behind me starting making rude remarks about *the people from the Disboards*. And that we were the reason it was taking so long to get off the ship -- because we had all of those *stupid door decorations*. I can NOT keep my mouth shut so, I had to turn around and say something to them..... Of course being the nice person I am I had a smile on my face the entire time and I spoke in a pleasant tone of voice. ;)

Too funny....could you help me understand how they thought that door decorations caused a delay in getting off the boat? Did the magnets break the security screening equipment?:lmao:

OK... did my inventory... I have 14 Colombia stamps... that is my next lowest number... So I will get my hands on 14 Panama stamps... and will try to get those who would did not get my FE a new copy.

So far I have:
Joan1’s friend

on my list...

Thanks again SIL, as I mentioned, this was my favorite FE gift. I hate to call out any one gift as a favorite as there were so many excellent gifts, but as a kid I collected stamps so this was an awesome for me! It'll end up in our scrapbook -- June's actually at a friends tonight scrapbooking already!
:worship: :worship: It must of been one of those other ones starting trouble again. But service with a smile - thanks Steph!

Either that or we just don't know our own reach. And as you said, it was probably one of the ST's parents just upset at us for complaining about their ST's. I'm been absent but I'm sure you all have touched on THAT subject. :lmao:


I ran into Magical Pins (and....the girls name is slipping my mind....) on the bus to Animal Kingdom Wednesday! LOL!
DH & the kids wouldn't let me say anything when we were on the bus, they made me wait until we got off --we weren't close to them BUT, no one was between us. DH & the kids find me way too embarrassing most of the time. :)
When I was in line to leave (dh was with our luggage and children waiting at the front for me) the people behind me starting making rude remarks about *the people from the Disboards*. And that we were the reason it was taking so long to get off the ship -- because we had all of those *stupid door decorations*. I can NOT keep my mouth shut so, I had to turn around and say something to them..... Of course being the nice person I am I had a smile on my face the entire time and I spoke in a pleasant tone of voice. ;)
so us having "stupid door decorations" caused a delay in disembarking?
Some people are so stupid.......
I'm glad you responded to that!

OK... did my inventory... I have 14 Colombia stamps... that is my next lowest number... So I will get my hands on 14 Panama stamps... and will try to get those who would did not get my FE a new copy.

So far I have:
Joan1’s friend

on my list...
Oh Sil... you are so sweet!
VERY MUCH appreciate you going to the trouble to do this. I'd be glad to pay for the shipping or anything like that. I would just love to have it for our photo album of this trip!!!

We saw this while delivering our FE gifts, but sadly, it never made it to our room either. I guess there were a lot of rooms!!

We did the same thing. We made sure a couple of the SM gifts were hand delivered to avoid them disappearing.

When delivering FE gifts, we also noticed one room that had several very nice magnets that you buy from the Disney giftshops (the ones that cost $4 to $5 each). I'm not sure we would have done that. We actually personalized our magnets and it seemed to work as nothing seemed to disappear from our room.
I noticed that too.
In fact one of the rooms right next to ours had some of those magnets on it- and the SECOND DAY of the cruise they attached a paper to them saying "I saw you steal my magnet"- and that paper stayed there the entire cruise. So apparently someone stole one of their magnets on the first day of the cruise! :(

ROTFL - we just made too much trouble Steph - your a bad, bad influence........:rotfl2: OK can someone post the link to SmugMug? Is it true that our Pirates website is down? Can someone help this incompetent fool figure out how to post pictures?

Did I mention that Cpt Jack danced a jig? :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Got pictures if anyone is interested.

I wanna see the pictures. :lmao:
I agree with your DH.. defintiely pathetic!
I did not get a topper either!
Ohwell, I hope whoever took it enjoys it- we don't really have an antennae (that sticks out) to put it on anyway. So maybe whoever took it can actually put it to good use! hehe

If I'm remembering correctly- 4boons is the family that was behind us on the flight to DFW.... directly behind DH & Rita. ;) Agree they are super nice! :)

We received two toppers, but they were both SM gifts not FE gifts. One of them was found in the dining room today by my MIL's dog and it's history!
I can soooooooo picture you saying this with a smile on your face Sil! Thanks for the pleasure of meeting you. Hope Rosie (?) got to make good friends with Cpt Hook. Can't wait to sail with you again and for the start of a wonderful tradition. Hip Hip Hooray.


I was nice to meet you too. I am so sorry I was not able to pull off a poker tourney while on board.

As for Capt Hook....

Yes, the smaller one is Rosie... and with the help of CM Naomi from New Zealand, she got Rosie "over" Hook. Rosie became quite attached to Naomi and was crying about leaving her...

I actually have to send Naomi a picture of Rosie's first day of school picture...
I agree with your DH.. defintiely pathetic!
I did not get a topper either!
Ohwell, I hope whoever took it enjoys it- we don't really have an antennae (that sticks out) to put it on anyway. So maybe whoever took it can actually put it to good use! hehe

If I'm remembering correctly- 4boons is the family that was behind us on the flight to DFW.... directly behind DH & Rita. ;) Agree they are super nice! :)

UGH!!! I know that I put one in yours.....
I don't have an antennae (since we have the same vehicle I bet you figured that one out! LOL!) but, I put them on the ends of pencils. :)

ROTFL - we just made too much trouble Steph - your a bad, bad influence........:rotfl2: OK can someone post the link to SmugMug? Is it true that our Pirates website is down? Can someone help this incompetent fool figure out how to post pictures?

Laura, I was on my best behaviour during this cruise. ;)

Too funny....could you help me understand how they thought that door decorations caused a delay in getting off the boat? Did the magnets break the security screening equipment?:lmao:

It'll end up in our scrapbook -- June's actually at a friends tonight scrapbooking already!

That's pretty much what I said to them. :rotfl: Us and our crazy door decorations! :rotfl2:

I am so jealous that June is already scrapping!
My house still looks like an explosion of clothes (mostly piles of clean clothes now), Disney *stuff* and travel *stuff* hit the entire downstairs! LOL! DH did put most of the suitcases in the attic this morning!
And we spent about 4 hrs going through stuff at the old house.......
OK guys - Steve and I have to fly to Fed Ex to pick up boxes - meanwhile - I'm having deja vu - the dryer on the washing machine is taking up two sessions. Good thing I don't have to pay for this.

Anyway, gotta fly but here is a teaser!



Thanks Laura! Love it!!!!

On my flight to LA I began to assemble the FE gift. The flight attendants were asking me what I was doing. I said I am making a gift for some friends I am going on a cruise with. Her response.... "you have a lot of friends!"
"Now you all know the rest of the story... good day!"

Yes Sil, you do have a lot of friends! Thanks for the great FE gift.

I was wondering if the roaming gnome found his way home to your cabin. Glad to see you got it back.
UGH!!! I know that I put one in yours.....
I don't have an antennae (since we have the same vehicle I bet you figured that one out! LOL!) but, I put them on the ends of pencils. :)
When I read you put out antennaes I automatically figured that meant you left me one and it got stolen. I knew you wouldn't leave me out! :hug:

Yep, same vehicle... bummer about no antennae to put the toppers on huh? But yes, pencil toppers is good. Atleast that way they can't get stolen. I read on this board quite awhile back about people actually stealing mickey toppers off vehicles! What is this world coming to. wahhhhhhh
Not to throw accusations out there - but I think there was some anomosity from folks from a competing board... and the STs were in full representation...

As nicely as I can, please let's not do this. There is no need to fuel any anomosity. I have to say that I actually met some of those who aren't on the DIS and admit that I was surprised...no, more likely shocked...to find that they were nothing like I had imagined or dreaded.

I met quite a few people the last couple days...and even outside the terminal waiting for DH to return with the rental car...who had not heard of the DIS or any other board until the cruise and were excited about the possibility of being part of a group and participating in their next cruise more like they had witnessed on the ship. Some people don't like that kind of planning. To each his own. This was the first cruise where my family didn't have a list of activities to attend each day and I have to admit that as anti-social as it might sound I enjoyed that for a change. It was just what we needed as a family. This allowed DS to make some friends who I didn't even know before the cruise because he had the time to do so.

I have read comments that people think the decorated doors are gaudy and even a hazard. LOL! Then you have others ... like Aly & AJ ... who comment that they think it is really "cool" that people do that. This isn't the first cruise where door magnets or FE gifts have disappeared, unfortunately. People are going to have differing views and opinions. As annoying as some of the things that happened on the cruise were, try not to let them sour the experience.

I have been majorly upset with myself about losing one of our SD cards. I have no pictures from getting on the bus 8/17 to before our Palo dinner 8/25. Since we were not alone on the ship, I am getting pictures...some really great ones of our family actually...from others who were with us or happened to recognize us and took a picture. Having that picture of us taken from the shore leaving LA is priceless and totally unexpected. :) My DS told me not to be upset with myself about that and it is great that we have the pictures of us on the new continent so he can share them with his class. DD's favorite thing was horseback riding in Aruba so they are happy...I should be too. :goodvibes
My house still looks like an explosion of clothes (mostly piles of clean clothes now), Disney *stuff* and travel *stuff* hit the entire downstairs! LOL! DH did put most of the suitcases in the attic this morning!
And we spent about 4 hrs going through stuff at the old house.......

Gosh I'm glad I'm not the only one (and since you said it first I can confess the same hehe)
Our house is the same- piles of clean clothes (although I did get most of it put up last night I do still have 2 suitcases of clean clothes still in the suitcase and 2 small sofas are still covered in piles. I think our family has too much clothing and I intend to do something about it soon.... starting with a massive sweep thru all the drawers and closets and taking them to the nearest goodwill & salvation army! for real...... does Claire want Rita's hand me downs? LOL), a few suitcases with disney stuff that is sorta kinda not all still in the suitcases (piles around the suitcases- looks like the suitcases exploded there in the formal dining room area... I swear I'll get it all put up someday!)
Only a few empty suitcases. But I plead a very busy week as my excuse! I was kept hopping all week but yes, I spent time here too when I could have been unpacking and putting stuff up. I want to stay in denial that the TOAL is over- just a little while longer please......

Did you just move? Whatcha mean stuff at the old house?
I wanna see the pictures. :lmao:

I have pics of your dh during *Magic Quest*...... :rotfl2:

We received two toppers, but they were both SM gifts not FE gifts. One of them was found in the dining room today by my MIL's dog and it's history!

I am NOT happy right now!!!! I'm pretty sure I put a *Princess* one in y'alls since June has to be a *princess* surrounded by all males! ;)
I did have a rhyme and a reason as to how I picked the topper for the room.......Even though it might not have made sense to the recipient. :)

Obviously EVERYONE on the FE didn't get a topper since I had 100 and there were 140 rooms BUT, I do know that I put them in the FE of people that I felt I *knew*. kwim? The other gifts were good, too. So, I don't think anyone got slighted! But, come on! A Princess topper was perfect for y'alls gift! LOL! And I'm sure I added candy since you have 3 boys! LOL!

Elvis (10ds) was not happy with me when he found out the candy I had brought was for other kids FE gifts! :rotfl2:
I'm probably late to the party with this, but I found a thread that tracked our trip.


There are some pics of the Magic leaving San Pedro on the first few pages.

This post has a link to download 134 images from the hi-res cam at the first set of locks:

And a video of us going under the Centenniel Bridge

I'm not done with the thread, so there may be more images later on too.
I have been majorly upset with myself about losing one of our SD cards. I have no pictures from getting on the bus 8/17 to before our Palo dinner 8/25. Since we were not alone on the ship, I am getting pictures...some really great ones of our family actually...from others who were with us or happened to recognize us and took a picture. Having that picture of us taken from the shore leaving LA is priceless and totally unexpected. :) My DS told me not to be upset with myself about that and it is great that we have the pictures of us on the new continent so he can share them with his class. DD's favorite thing was horseback riding in Aruba so they are happy...I should be too. :goodvibes

Oh I'm so sorry about the SD card. I know that has to be so disappointing. :( Did you lose it on the ship? Do you think there is a chance it might show up later? Your DS is a sweetie... all comforting mom about it. What a sweetheart!
I have pics of your dh during *Magic Quest*...... :rotfl2:
Well lay em on me... they probably came out better than my pictures did. LOL

I still can not believe he did that... so out of character for him! :banana:
OK guys - Steve and I have to fly to Fed Ex to pick up boxes - meanwhile - I'm having deja vu - the dryer on the washing machine is taking up two sessions. Good thing I don't have to pay for this.

Anyway, gotta fly but here is a teaser!


What a beautiful photo, you both look great. Did you get married there or a vow renewal?

Oops won't let me quote the image of the photo
Gosh I'm glad I'm not the only one (and since you said it first I can confess the same hehe)
Our house is the same- piles of clean clothes (although I did get most of it put up last night I do still have 2 suitcases of clean clothes still in the suitcase and 2 small sofas are still covered in piles. I think our family has too much clothing and I intend to do something about it soon.... starting with a massive sweep thru all the drawers and closets and taking them to the nearest goodwill & salvation army! for real...... does Claire want Rita's hand me downs? LOL), a few suitcases with disney stuff that is sorta kinda not all still in the suitcases (piles around the suitcases- looks like the suitcases exploded there in the formal dining room area... I swear I'll get it all put up someday!)
Only a few empty suitcases. But I plead a very busy week as my excuse! I was kept hopping all week but yes, I spent time here too when I could have been unpacking and putting stuff up. I want to stay in denial that the TOAL is over- just a little while longer please......

Did you just move? Whatcha mean stuff at the old house?

I am the Queen of procrastination and dh is the King. ;)
We moved in Feb. -- we lived in the other house for 17yrs and I thought it was our *forever* house. It was packed to the gills (both attics, garage & all 4 bdrms.....) with our stuff. Dh decided to we needed a new house and BAM we bought a new house! LOL! I never had time to even think about packing, moving, etc...it just happened! LOL!
We sold the house right before we left for the cruise. And now we have to get all of our stuff out of the house -- actually dh made a deal that we only *have* to take the stuff we want and the new owners have to get rid of everything else......
It's tough for me since I want ALL of my stuff! LOL! Dh did tell me today that this house has really nice floored attic space and he wouldn't mind putting everything I want in there for now. :goodvibes
Mike, I so miss you guys!!!

We miss you and Kev too! You guys were just as we imagined, and then some. We had a blast, didn't we? The kids loved having you join them for dinner while we were at Palo. They think we're all nuts!

By the way, did Linda and I mention how drop-dead-gorgeous you looked?
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