4 day hopper vs. 5 day hopper plus


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2001
Hi, my family will be at Disney for 6 days in March. I am trying to save money anywhere I can but I also want to get the best value. The 5 day will cost me about 200.00 more, but I think it may be worth it. Any opinions. Thanks
If you are definitely going to the water parks, consider the Park Hopper +, but if you are not interested in the water parks, you might want to consider the regular Park Hopper 5 day pass. Remember, the park hopper + only gives you 2 entries into the water park, not unlimited.

My suggestion would be to buy the regular 5 day Park Hopper and then buy individual passes to the water parks, but that is only my suggestion.
When I did the comparison between the 4 day hopper and 5 day hopper, I was amazed that the 5 day hopper was the better deal.

I didn't look at the plus passes though.
Just a thought to add to your plans. My family has said that they would prefer planning to spend one day at the resort. They love the watermice and hanging around playing video games and having an unscheduled day. I am thinking that 1/2 way through the vaction I will plan a relax day and we will go to a nice dinner and watch the fireworks at the Poly's beach. We are all looking forward to it.
Thanks for all the input. I did a comparison and to buy a 5 day hopper and a single ticket to T.L.was only slightly($3) I would get two days with the plus pass, so I think I will go with that. Thanks again for all your help, you guys are great <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


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