2-Way Radios


Earning My Ears
Mar 31, 2001
Does anyone know anything about the "waterproof" models? Do they work well? What brand would you recommend? We would like to stay under $100 per pair if possible. Thanks
I know Motorola makes a waterproof bag for their FR series of 2 Way Radios. That might be a better option than paying for a new set of waterproof radios. Good Luck.
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A word of caution with these things. Our technicians find a number of radios/cell phones in the ride tracks after park hours during nightly inspections which are finished with their lifespans, if you catch my drift. All items are turned-in to Security when found, but everything found is destroyed and worthless. If you chose to ride me barges with your carry-on please be advised that your articles are never really water-proof and may end up in Davy Jones' locker. (my water pumps are very large and unforgiving.)But be assured, the bright side does exist: water-logged-or- not, you will see your devices again upon contacting guest services. Please protect your belongings, and hold on.


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