Our little thread of BIG Resort Changes~2013 Spring RC installment

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Happy Mother's Day to All the RC Mom's & Grams !

We are officially in the TEENS!!!!

19 days!!!

Dani :banana: 19 Days :banana:

Happy Mother's day to the most fabulous ladiesever!!!!!

Sheila, hugs! I know today is bittersweet, thinking of you!

JeanetteHappy Mother's Day to you too! I had the strangest dream last night. My eldest boy, Shawn was allowed to come back for 24 hours. I bought him a new Yankee Shirt to wear back to Heaven and made him one of his favorite meals Mac & Cheese and My "hoop de Doo Beans. We stayed up for the entire 24 hrs and then he had to leave. I was so happy in the dream but woke up it was 3 am and I felt so sad. Idid fall back to sleep around 5 am but No dream with Jason like I was hopeing.

We were suppose to go out to dinner today, Bob was taking His Mother and myself but he is not feeling good today so that is off. My other Ddil texted me this am so it is all good. :)

Well....first they watched the video that DH made, it had clips from all of our trips since 2010, they looked so little!! And throughout the video at different points it said "remember this???" "we want to go again!!" "pack your bags girls...we are going this wednesday!!"

They watched the whole video, and said....nothing!! DH and I looked at eachother like what the??? We had to play it again and get them to read it out loud and then they finally got it!! So yes, then it dawned on them!

DD8 thought we were 'pranking them'!! :confused: Anyhoo, they are running around the house now like mad! :goodvibes They are so excited about BOG and Star Wars!!

jenny Kids sure are something, I can just picture you and DH sitting there waiting for squeals of joy and there was nothing :laughing:
Happy Mother's Day RCers!!!

Jenny - What an amazing moment! I bet your whole family is over the moon right now! :cloud9:

DetTigsGal - Happy Belated Birthday. LOL at Pains in Full! :lmao:

Disneydreamin - Yay for the TEENS! :cool1: Sorry about the family drama :hug:

I have a minor RC to report. We have decided to do another super-duper split!!! I switched out 2 nights at the YC for 2 nights RPC TPV :lovestruc

New itinerary:
Poly CL - 8/7-8/10
GF RPC TPV - 8/10-8/12 (my b-day is the 11th :wizard:)
YC CL - 8/12-8/15
AKV Kidani - 8/15-8/17

Ooooh, as I'm typing an email from the GF IPO just popped up. Great response time, I just booked last night! Off to see if I can book a cabana for my birfday... :love:

Happy Day to all of you lovely ladies :grouphug:

i_heart I love everyplace your staying! Gonna stow away in your suitcase :rotfl:
:daisy: Happy Mother's Day!! Ladies you are all the best!! :daisy:

Today, I rec'd a yummy fruit basket & wonderful card from my DS Paul...wow, didn't expect it, it made my day since we won't see him... my Sam have me a hug and card....we might go out later for dinner or just stay home, bbq and rent a movie... or go play mini golf. Life is good.

Iheart: Wow, love all your resorts!! And I think RPC is a perfect RC to celebrate your Bday!!

Pas, Enjoy a day off with your great kiddos and Brian!! :hug:

Dani, Enjoy your Mom time with the kiddos! So sorry about the family drama :hug: And yay for 19 days!!

Christine, enjoy you day with Sophia and Mia...sure Toby with be with you too. :hug:

Well....first they watched the video that DH made, it had clips from all of our trips since 2010, they looked so little!! And throughout the video at different points it said "remember this???" "we want to go again!!" "pack your bags girls...we are going this wednesday!!"

They watched the whole video, and said....nothing!! DH and I looked at eachother like what the??? We had to play it again and get them to read it out loud and then they finally got it!! So yes, then it dawned on them!

DD8 thought we were 'pranking them'!! :confused: Anyhoo, they are running around the house now like mad! :goodvibes They are so excited about BOG and Star Wars!!

Jen, so funny :rotfl2: Well they will probably never be able to sleep tonight!

It already feels like forever since we got back (even though it's been what, 2 weeks, lol!) ..and September seems sooooooo far away.....:faint:

MM, but just think of all the fun you will have RCing!! looking forward to reading about all your changes...:goodvibes

Happy Mother's Day to All the RC Mom's & Grams !

JeanetteHappy Mother's Day to you too! I had the strangest dream last night. My eldest boy, Shawn was allowed to come back for 24 hours. I bought him a new Yankee Shirt to wear back to Heaven and made him one of his favorite meals Mac & Cheese and My "hoop de Doo Beans. We stayed up for the entire 24 hrs and then he had to leave. I was so happy in the dream but woke up it was 3 am and I felt so sad. Idid fall back to sleep around 5 am but No dream with Jason like I was hopeing.

We were suppose to go out to dinner today, Bob was taking His Mother and myself but he is not feeling good today so that is off. My other Ddil texted me this am so it is all good. :)

SheilaI have been thinking of you today. :hug: Shawn was coming to be with his Mom on her day and having his fav meal... Mac & Cheese and Hoop de Doo beans sound carb-tastic!! Perhaps Jason is waiting for tonight:hug: Sorry that Bob is not feeling well, hopefully the 3 of you will be able to have your special dinner later this week. Happy that both DDIL's reached out to you this week. :flower3:
Happy Mother's Day RCers!!!

Jenny - What an amazing moment! I bet your whole family is over the moon right now! :cloud9:

DetTigsGal - Happy Belated Birthday. LOL at Pains in Full! :lmao:

Disneydreamin - Yay for the TEENS! :cool1: Sorry about the family drama :hug:

I have a minor RC to report. We have decided to do another super-duper split!!! I switched out 2 nights at the YC for 2 nights RPC TPV :lovestruc

New itinerary:
Poly CL - 8/7-8/10
GF RPC TPV - 8/10-8/12 (my b-day is the 11th :wizard:)
YC CL - 8/12-8/15
AKV Kidani - 8/15-8/17

Ooooh, as I'm typing an email from the GF IPO just popped up. Great response time, I just booked last night! Off to see if I can book a cabana for my birfday... :love:

Happy Day to all of you lovely ladies :grouphug:

Now that's what I call a split stay!! DH would have a heart attack if I tried something like that!

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JeanetteHappy Mother's Day to you too! I had the strangest dream last night. My eldest boy, Shawn was allowed to come back for 24 hours. I bought him a new Yankee Shirt to wear back to Heaven and made him one of his favorite meals Mac & Cheese and My "hoop de Doo Beans. We stayed up for the entire 24 hrs and then he had to leave. I was so happy in the dream but woke up it was 3 am and I felt so sad. Idid fall back to sleep around 5 am but No dream with Jason like I was hopeing.

Sheila: I am sending out huge hugs to you, that must have been painful waking up from that. Thinking of you lots.:hug:
Sheila: I am sending out huge hugs to you, that must have been painful waking up from that. Thinking of you lots.:hug:

Thinking of you, Sheila. *hugs*

Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely ladies!!

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JeanetteHappy Mother's Day to you too! I had the strangest dream last night. My eldest boy, Shawn was allowed to come back for 24 hours. I bought him a new Yankee Shirt to wear back to Heaven and made him one of his favorite meals Mac & Cheese and My "hoop de Doo Beans. We stayed up for the entire 24 hrs and then he had to leave. I was so happy in the dream but woke up it was 3 am and I felt so sad. Idid fall back to sleep around 5 am but No dream with Jason like I was hopeing.

We were suppose to go out to dinner today, Bob was taking His Mother and myself but he is not feeling good today so that is off. My other Ddil texted me this am so it is all good. :)

I'm sure it was quite painful to awaken from that dream. How sweet that you got to spend a few moments on Mother's Day with your dear Shawn, even if only in a dream. :hug:

My dear dad was quite the Yankees fan. Perhaps he is up there talking sports with your dear son :flower:

i_heart I love everyplace your staying! Gonna stow away in your suitcase :rotfl:

You're invited! ::yes::

Today, I rec'd a yummy fruit basket & wonderful card from my DS Paul...wow, didn't expect it, it made my day since we won't see him... my Sam have me a hug and card....we might go out later for dinner or just stay home, bbq and rent a movie... or go play mini golf. Life is good.

Iheart: Wow, love all your resorts!! And I think RPC is a perfect RC to celebrate your Bday!!

Thanks Janet :goodvibes

What a wonderful gift from DS :hug: Enjoy your day!

Now that's what I call a split stay!! DH would have a heart attack if I tried something like that!

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DH loves to hop around just as much as I do, so it's all good :)
Yeah, I'm pretty much done with 'em. My mom has always said they were selfish and I just thought it was her not wanting to share, but now I see it like she does.

Thank you!! The longer I have it, the more excited I am about it.

Have fun!! We went over SWW last year and it was so neat!!


Have a safe trip!!

Did you ever notice a lot of noise at night on the balcony of a PV room? I can't wait to see on ours and relax.


Well I'm going to hang out with my sister's fur babies tomorrow. My sister posted this pic of Holly, her Beagle, on FB...

The poor baby girl had her teeth cleaned and 3 growths removed and has staples (you can see one of the places on the leg in the left of the pic). My sister and hubby have to work tomorrow and I hate to think of her at home without someone watching her.

OMG my iPhone almost gave me a heart attack. You know how when you put stuff in folders it will have a red bubble with white numbers, like the folder you have your email in. The number of new emails shows in the red bubble? Well I have a WDW countdown thingy (actually 2 of them now) in my WDW folder. I just looked at it and it says 246. I was like what the....??. When I opened it, I realized that each of the apps shows us as being 123 days from our trip and is just adding them together. It just freaked me out. No way I am waiting 246 days to go back to WDW.

No, we didn't have much noise at all. Just a bit that you'd expect coming from the pool, nothing too bad at all. We were on Zebra trail 4 th floor. I think our room was in second pod. And with balcony door shut, can't hear anything.

Happy Friday to all and thanks for all the AP congrats, lovelies. :grouphug:

Well, I have a change to announce! (I don't really get to say that often so that in and of itself is exciting to me. :joker: )

Actually, I can blame this change on my hubbo... and you guys. :rotfl2: He actually suggested a split. Him. Not me. So I did it. We're staying the first few nights at POP and the last at AKL. It was the amazing RC peer pressure that has me dying to check out AKL. You naughty women, you. Tsk, tsk. :grouphug:

You warned me about APs. ::yes:: It was warp speed, wasn't it? :lmao: At the turnstiles? Oh wow. We were thinking of going on the Friday, early... because the thought of going on either the Saturday or Sunday is frightening. :scared:

Thanks so much, our Princess of POP! :hug: I think we'll add the Building 3 request to the reservation (assuming they've got standard rooms), Miss M just adores Lady. We leave the day after her last day of school... not going to say anything until that morning.

She was being rotten last night RIGHT after I booked it... was so tempted to cancel. She was being sweet again this morning though. :crazy2: Durn 6 year olds disguised as teenagers. :rolleyes2

No email here. That happened to me two years ago though... I got a pin for FD about a week after we got back from our trip. :rolleyes2

Will you be able to post from Disney? To tell us how insane the first SWW is? :crazy2: You're going to be a SWW pro! You know, when you guys are there ... so is my main man, Boba Fett. (Well, the actor who played him anyway.) :lovestruc

Safe journeys, Linda. :goodvibes

Thanks! :goodvibes It's a tad convoluted but at our Target stores here (U.S.), if you have their Red Card (either the debit or credit), you get 5% off all purchases including gift certificates. They sell $50 Disney GCs. Our Disney Stores sell the AP vouchers as well as regular tickets and you can use the GCs to pay for them. The woman at the Disney Store knew exactly what I was doing; she said, "You must have a Target Red Card! That's such a good deal." Phew, I was worried she was going to fuss about it at first. :blush:

That poor baby! She's so cute. Enjoy your Holly time. :goodvibes

You stick to your guns about the ILs. When it's time to go, don't let them guilt-trip you. :hug:
I'm going to have to go check out our new Target store maybe this week. Things were too crazy at work last week, and I was too tired after work to bother I have heard on the news the pricing isn't as low as the U.S. stores!!

So mad...I took DD4 to the playground by our house and about 7 teenagers come and take over the equipment. Swearing, being sexually inappropriate with eachother, swearing more...I let them have the eye a bit and then asked them to stop cursing around the kids. One of the larger guys then says "What are you going to do about it??? There are 7 of us and only 1 of you, we can do whatever the H**l we want." All the girls just stood and giggled at the boys.

:mad: Really, I waited for DD8 to come over, and told her to go home and get Daddy who works for the city. Guess what DD8 says "Daddy is in the bathroom" :headache: Finally they scattered when I started walking back towards the house. Told DH that while he was having his after work bathroom meeting I was being threatened by a group of hoodlums!!! :furious:

Sometimes being a 5 foot nothing can be a little irritating. Felt a little helpless and stupid. Please please tell me my kids will not end up like that.

Ok, vent over.

Back to our regularly scheduled program....:cool2:
that's disgusting behaviour. So sorry.

Just made a change!! :-) switching our ADR at Raglan Road to Kona. We'll skip DTD this time around and if we really need to go, we can stop on our way out on the last day.

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Love Kona! Then I go downstairs to browse thru Wylands, and then a Dole Whip for dessert

We are officially in the TEENS!!!!

19 days!!!

DetTigsGal Happy Belated!!!

Happy Mothers Day to all. Who ordered the rain? Been hot and sunny all week, but today it's pouring, sheech!
Well....first they watched the video that DH made, it had clips from all of our trips since 2010, they looked so little!! And throughout the video at different points it said "remember this???" "we want to go again!!" "pack your bags girls...we are going this wednesday!!"

They watched the whole video, and said....nothing!! DH and I looked at eachother like what the??? We had to play it again and get them to read it out loud and then they finally got it!! So yes, then it dawned on them!

DD8 thought we were 'pranking them'!! :confused: Anyhoo, they are running around the house now like mad! :goodvibes They are so excited about BOG and Star Wars!!
pixiedust: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to All the RC Mom's & Grams !

JeanetteHappy Mother's Day to you too! I had the strangest dream last night. My eldest boy, Shawn was allowed to come back for 24 hours. I bought him a new Yankee Shirt to wear back to Heaven and made him one of his favorite meals Mac & Cheese and My "hoop de Doo Beans. We stayed up for the entire 24 hrs and then he had to leave. I was so happy in the dream but woke up it was 3 am and I felt so sad. Idid fall back to sleep around 5 am but No dream with Jason like I was hopeing.

We were suppose to go out to dinner today, Bob was taking His Mother and myself but he is not feeling good today so that is off. My other Ddil texted me this am so it is all good.
Maybe Jason will stop by tonight Sheila :hug:

Today, I rec'd a yummy fruit basket & wonderful card from my DS Paul...wow, didn't expect it, it made my day since we won't see him... my Sam have me a hug and card....we might go out later for dinner or just stay home, bbq and rent a movie... or go play mini golf. Life is good.Pas, Enjoy a day off with your great kiddos and Brian!! :hug:
Awwwww!!! So proud of Paul...how thoughtful!!! You're a great Mom, Sam and Paul are blessed!!!!

Update the RC trip list....BLT is now CR GW GV and beach is New Smyrna ;) Saving 4 figures.....I got the bestest cards EVA!!!!

Just checking to say HI! Just finished up with DD9's softball game and now we will be heading off to pick up our new fur baby!!!!! :dance3:

Yes, we are getting another kitten. She is 8 weeks old and beautiful and will hopefully become great friends with Lao Che!! Her name will be Nala! :love:
Congrats Candace!!!

DetTigsGalHappy Belated Birthday!!!!pixiedust:

We are officially in the TEENS!!!!

19 days!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all our great Resort Changin' Moms!

(Jeanette, why do you have an Atrium Club ticker? Where's BLT?)​
I never ch-ch-changed it.......:blush:
Wishing my RC moms a VERY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY ❤


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Happy Mothers Day to all of you :)

Sheila- continued good thoughts to you on this day.

Jen- too funny, that is so the way my boys would have acted.

I'm in Western PA for the night, Valpo tomorrow to pack up Brendan.
Jeanette - I think New Smyrna will be good. :-) Disney then beach? Perfect vacation! I miss the ocean...I don't think DH would let me sneak in a day trip to the beach though...not when we're paying Disney prices!!

Working on the photo autograph books right now...instead of grading papers...oops... :-)

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Koh1977 said:
Jeanette - I think New Smyrna will be good. :-) Disney then beach? Perfect vacation! I miss the ocean...I don't think DH would let me sneak in a day trip to the beach though...not when we're paying Disney prices!!

Working on the photo autograph books right now...instead of grading papers...oops... :-)

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Thanks !!! I think it'll rock!!
Busy day today.princess Bree is 6!! Dh is sick with a tummy bug and little guy has his preop visit with ent...good times never stop...miss my gals!!!
Since planning our trip so long ago, we have changed resorts 4 times! Is this abnormal?

We planned our trip so long ago. We did not want to spend the money on a Deluxe resort and decided on POFQ based on someone I work with who said it was the best moderate. We booked. After looking at pictures, I was not thrilled with the main pool or the food court.

My husband talked about how much he loved The Grand Californian in California when we were at Disneyland so I switched to surprise him. He found out by looking at The Disney Boards - I did not think he looked at all. He did not want to spend the extra $2K.

We watched a lot of You Tube videos and changed to Port Orleans Riverside.

After reading many reviews - I got interested in Coronado Springs since it supposedly has a more adult feel. So we decided on our final resort - Coronado Springs King Business Class.
Since planning our trip so long ago, we have changed resorts 4 times! Is this abnormal?

We planned our trip so long ago. We did not want to spend the money on a Deluxe resort and decided on POFQ based on someone I work with who said it was the best moderate. We booked. After looking at pictures, I was not thrilled with the main pool or the food court.

My husband talked about how much he loved The Grand Californian in California when we were at Disneyland so I switched to surprise him. He found out by looking at The Disney Boards - I did not think he looked at all. He did not want to spend the extra $2K.

We watched a lot of You Tube videos and changed to Port Orleans Riverside.

After reading many reviews - I got interested in Coronado Springs since it supposedly has a more adult feel. So we decided on our final resort - Coronado Springs King Business Class.

You are not abnormal, in fact you fit in quite nicely here! :rotfl: 2K is a big upgrade, and from what I understand the business class at Coronado is very nice! Welcome!!:goodvibes
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