High School Class of 2015

So, what is everyone getting their graduate for graduation? We are going to get DD a new laptop for school, but I also want to get her something meaningful, but I just haven't found the perfect thing yet.

She has run around with the same group of 9 girls since about 7th grade. I got each of them a personalized mug with a picture of all 9 of them and am having a cakepop bouquet put in each mug. I can't wait to see them. The mugs turned out so cute!
Oh The Places You'll go, by Dr Seuss, with $5 in each page, along with a paid for college education. She talked us into a new laptop junior year for Christmas. Still deciding on the party thing. Donna
So, what is everyone getting their graduate for graduation? We are going to get DD a new laptop for school, but I also want to get her something meaningful, but I just haven't found the perfect thing yet.

She has run around with the same group of 9 girls since about 7th grade. I got each of them a personalized mug with a picture of all 9 of them and am having a cakepop bouquet put in each mug. I can't wait to see them. The mugs turned out so cute!

Laptop. She is chomping at the bit to get at it, lol. Party is Sunday with family and she has to wait till then to open it.
We have two weeks until my daughter's graduation. Prom is tonight with some of DD's friends sleeping here afterwards.

She will be commuting to a local State University in the fall so we are getting a car for graduation. Yes...I know...it sounds insane!. I always thought it was crazy for parents to give their kid a car for high school graduation.

She has been driving a 2001 Ford Escape that has been great. Recently, however, we have had to put about $1000 of repairs into it. In addition, my son just got his license and since our high school is 25 minutes away and he does year round sports, he needs a car. Sooo....we decided to let him use the Escape and we will get her a newer car that will hopefully see her through many years. We also want her to have something reliable to commute in as well as for getting back and forth to work.

We went back and forth on whether we should surprise her or not. We have decided, however, that it might be more fun for her to pick it out on her own. We also don't plan on getting a brand new car, but maybe a 2012 or 2013.

When we realized her tutition will only be about $7000 a year, buying a car actually seems really cheap. She was accepted to five schools...all with scholarships, but the others would have been $24,000 to $40,000. Buying her a car is still much cheaper than one year for her to live on campus.

I think she will be totally surprised because DH is due to get a car from work in July and we told her we would just let her use his old car. But it is a standard that both kids hate driving and also has almost 150,000 miles on it. In addition, the Escape will not last forever.

Can't believe how fast the years went!
Congrats to everyone with kiddos graduating!
We are definitely in a whirlwind for the next couple weeks! Thursday night is the Senior awards banquet- DD doesn't know what she's getting. It could be monetary or not, but you only get a letter asking you to come if you are receiving something. My BIL is graduating from University of Maryland on Friday, so we have family coming into town and they will be staying until DD's graduation. So right now I'm just trying to get my house clean! DD has prom Friday- her and I will not be going to the BIL's graduation. She's excused from going to school that day so her last day of real school is Wednesday. While the seniors are still technically in school- once the AP testing is done, there are other standardized testing that you only go to school for if you need that test to graduate, or like my 10th grader, are taking PARCC tests. So, it seems like there hasn't been many days of school in May for her. Next week is mostly just graduation rehearsal and the senior picnic, and then Friday is the BIG day!!! Graduation is at 9am and the party is that night.

It's a very exciting time, and I'm really trying not to be sad. Since DD is doing Marching Band/Color guard at her new school, she has to move in 8/5. That just seems so soon. DH and her are going to orientation in June- I'm staying behind because the boys will still be in school. Everyone else doesn't get out until 6/18.

I'm also searching for that perfect gift, and I feel like everything has been done already. I already told her to not expect it until she leaves. I just don't have time in the next week to come up with something really creative. We did get her best friend (it's a joint graduation party) a really cool photo blanket of photos of them over the years. I was going to urge the grandparents to get her a new laptop, but since she's doing honors college, she is issued one at school.
DS has ten days left. Graduation is on the thirtieth. He's already registered for classes for the fall at TU, orientation is in August. He applied for a private room, if he doesn't get it, he'll commute. He's hoping for the dorm room, so he'll have a place to rest between classes (he has health problems). We only have to pay room and board, so we told him we'd pay for a car or a dorm room. He picked the dorm room.

Congratulations to everyone with a kiddo graduating. I'm part-excited, part feeling like I'm going to hyperventilate.
Like most everyone else, we're heading into graduation with a mix of excitement and sadness. DS's graduation ceremony is the 31st and his last day of school is the 27th. He takes his placement tests this Saturday and we're busy getting ready for his party.

DH's graduation is done, so now I can focus on preparing for the party and DS's graduation.

College prep stuff (buying stuff for dorm room, etc) will have to wait until this summer. lol
Well, my son graduated today! It's done! Hallelujah! We're going to Disney World! No, not today, but since we are Florida residents, I think we might just pop up there next week for the day and celebrate :goodvibes

Bring on college!
Graduated yesterday! Cannot believe how fast the time has gone. It was a very nice ceremony and we were all pleasantly surprised when they announced my DD had received another small scholarship from the Music Parents Association. This should cover her books for the year.

Feels really strange this morning that she does not have to get up for school today!

Congratulations to everyone else celebrating this milestone!
Graduation was yesterday and the party was Saturday.

Whew. It seems so strange that everything is all done, but he still has baseball. LOL He starts his full time summer job next Monday.
Graduated yesterday! Cannot believe how fast the time has gone. It was a very nice ceremony and we were all pleasantly surprised when they announced my DD had received another small scholarship from the Music Parents Association. This should cover her books for the year.

Feels really strange this morning that she does not have to get up for school today!

Congratulations to everyone else celebrating this milestone!

Congrats!!! This is similar to what my DD recieved- the music leadership scholarship from the music boosters. :)

Graduation and Party are complete!!! And all the relatives are finally out of my house! :cool1:
OK, almost finished lol.

DD has to fill out thank you cards and send pics. We have a nice picture of her holding her diploma in her cap and gown. The photo people were taking pics before the graduation.

We are sending the pics out in the thank you cards.
We have two weeks until my daughter's graduation. Prom is tonight with some of DD's friends sleeping here afterwards.

She will be commuting to a local State University in the fall so we are getting a car for graduation. Yes...I know...it sounds insane!. I always thought it was crazy for parents to give their kid a car for high school graduation.

She has been driving a 2001 Ford Escape that has been great. Recently, however, we have had to put about $1000 of repairs into it. In addition, my son just got his license and since our high school is 25 minutes away and he does year round sports, he needs a car. Sooo....we decided to let him use the Escape and we will get her a newer car that will hopefully see her through many years. We also want her to have something reliable to commute in as well as for getting back and forth to work.

We went back and forth on whether we should surprise her or not. We have decided, however, that it might be more fun for her to pick it out on her own. We also don't plan on getting a brand new car, but maybe a 2012 or 2013.

When we realized her tutition will only be about $7000 a year, buying a car actually seems really cheap. She was accepted to five schools...all with scholarships, but the others would have been $24,000 to $40,000. Buying her a car is still much cheaper than one year for her to live on campus.

I think she will be totally surprised because DH is due to get a car from work in July and we told her we would just let her use his old car. But it is a standard that both kids hate driving and also has almost 150,000 miles on it. In addition, the Escape will not last forever.

Can't believe how fast the years went!

Our son graduates on the 25th of June and we just got him a car too. He is going away to a college , 5 hour drive and a community that isn't really bus friendly so this will make it easier on him to get home on holidays and get what he needs there. He is paying his own education we are paying for his housing and food. Worked at McDonalds a few years. We are so proud that he wants to pay for what he can.

We too thought no way we would be buying him a car either but it sure makes life easier for me right now too since he got it a few weeks ago to get to and from work and school. Now that just means we will have to get one from my dd when she graduates...lol He got a 2011 Honda Civic.

We only had his prom on Friday. This month is going to go fast.
On the college front, we have almost all the med appts. scheduled for June.

That includes getting out her wisdom teeth and a bone graft at the end of the month. She has to go back to the ortho and get some more work, gak. I have to wrangle that mess. She has to get 2 lateral implants which now that she need a bone graft this process will take almost 2 YEARS!!! :faint:

Her college orientation is June 15th, so we will be done with all that jazz soon.

It is flying by. Oh and we are selling our house on top of this. :crazy:
So many of you are ahead of us. Tonight DD has her senior dinner cruise. Crummy weather for it, but hopefully they will have fun. Sunday is the awards brunch. June 19th for graduation. Just picked up immunization forms from the doctor. Orientation is July 7and 8th.
I had to share this because I thought this was funny... It's been 2 weeks since graduation and we are done with all of the out of town guests and celebrations, thank you notes have been written and mailed, hotel rooms and return flights are booked for when we drive my son to college and leave him and the car there, basically we are sitting in a holding pattern until August 27th. So my son is starting to work more and more hours at his job, and this past weekend he worked a double shift on Sunday. He left the house at 9 in the morning and got home last night after midnight. He was really dragging his butt when he walked in the door, and the first thing he said was, "I'm so tired. Can I go back to being a kid again?" Welcome to adulthood, kiddo! :welcome:
Question for all you parents about grad parties. DS is inviting his friends to his grad party, but I didn’t invite their parents. I know them, we've spoken, but not well enough I felt the need to invite them. I did invite two friends (son is friends w/ their boys), but it is mainly family.

I on the other hand am being invited by the parents of all his friends! Honestly, I don’t feel bad I didn’t invite them, it’s that I simply can’t afford to go to all these parties and give gifts.

Anyone run into this? DS plans on going to all of them.
You do not have to give a gift for starters. So that should not be a concern.

We just had a simple family party.

Invites for dd are just for her, not us. I would not sweat it. If you do not want to go, then skip it.
We are not having a party at all. Well take him out for dinner after and that will be about it. Our graduation is on a Thursday night at 5:00 pm so most of your families will be still at work and would have to travel 2 hours to get here so I won't put that on them. None of my niece or nephew's had parties either. Come to think of it we only celebrate and party for there sacraments at the church and an odd birthday party when they were very young.

Only allowed 4 to come to the ceremony and we are a family of 4 so we could invite one more person. It will be a long one since there are over 230 graduating this year. I know my family is proud of him graduating, may get a card in the mail may not from some but that is ok too. It is our milestone in our little family we will celebrate together all is good.


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