HalloweenTime at DLR Superthread #5-- HALLOWEENTIME STARTS SEPT. 9!! SOLD OUT!!

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Today is our first day I the parks and it's going to be so hot.... I'm trying not to let it get me down
It was hot even at the end of October last year. We typically don't do afternoon breaks, but had to several days. The saving grace is that it always cooled down at night.
October had been hotter the last couple of years and this one looks like its going to be hot too. two years ago on thanksgiving I was in shorts and tshirt and flip flops. I always joke that I havent seen fall since we spent october break in New England. I always say it goes straight from summer to winter here but then my friend from Toronto says we have no winter here-just a drizzly windy Fall and nothing we see here can count as winter. California weather is certainly warm, but atleast its not humid.
Aside from the parade and fireworks what are the MUST DOs of a MHP? We are going on Oct 29th and I am feeling a little lost as this will be different from any other DL trip we have made. We wont be in the parks in the morning as we only have the MHP tickets so we will be there to get in at 4 and then try to do as much as possible throughout the night until the party is over. We will have 4 adults and 3 girls ages 9, 8, and 6.

It really depends on what your priority is? the main attraction for us is the ambiance, treat trails and short lines for rides. This year the parade will be a main priority. So we just wander around enjoying the ambiance, hang out by the rivers of America (so cool with the the fog and cadaver dans) hit every ride we walk by and we do all the treat trails. My daughter loves the treat trails but they really aren't anything spectacular.
Don't wait in any lines to do a treat trail, the ones towards the front of the park are ridiculously long at the beginning of the party. They thin out as the night goes on. The most we waited for a ride was about 10 minutes, that was for ghost Galaxy, haunted mansion will have a long line so if you are coming another day, skip it on the party night.

Also, keep in mind when you first get there the park will be packed. Grab some dinner, people watch and hang out.....ride lines will be long until the non party guests clear out
I'm really curious about how strict they're being about the time costumes come in. Anyone notice anything on Friday? I'm not going until the 10th so I have a few more parties to watch to see what they're allowing. Would love to get in ready to go before the crush of party only guests show up even if it's just an hour ahead of them.
I have seen people that look like they are in costumes today and it's not even a party day....

It has been hot but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Busier than I thought though. We have gotten to just about everything using FP's though. We are currently taking a break at the hotel before we go back. We did have churro's, Dole Whips, and corn dogs today! We also were able to get a poison apple mug.
Its not so much hotter but the heat against that black top makes the temp feel like its 10 degrees more, I swear! Luckily nights are cooler. Living 2 years in Texas with this humidity I bet my family can brave any CA weather these days lol We are originally from Northern CA and I remember going 2 years ago in October and thinking it was miserable. It's all in how you prepare yourself. I hate heat but I plan for it so its not a surprise.
I have seen people that look like they are in costumes today and it's not even a party day....

Oh I hope that means they aren't going to be strict at all on a party day with a very obvious costume.

Thanks for the input :)
108 Degrees today!!! I've always wanted to do a mickey party but if I knew it was going to be this hot I would have never driven down here for this.
108 Degrees today!!! I've always wanted to do a mickey party but if I knew it was going to be this hot I would have never driven down here for this.
I hope you can have fun anyway. It's a good time to get soaked on Splash Mountain and Grizzly Rapids. Never stop drinking water.
108 Degrees today!!! I've always wanted to do a mickey party but if I knew it was going to be this hot I would have never driven down here for this.
October has always been hot and unpredictable with weather these last few years, just try to make the best of it. Drink water, stay in the shade, and take breaks.
Holy cow! That is insanely hot for SoCal! Wow. Im in Phoenix and it is supposed to top out at 90 today.
Holy cow! That is insanely hot for SoCal! Wow. Im in Phoenix and it is supposed to top out at 90 today.

The whole bay area in NorCal is experiencing a small heatwave too. We are hitting 95-100 today and yesterday and that's not even inland where it's worse.
We have been in Sept. in Anaheim where its been over 100 and it's just miserable unless you go early , break by 1/2pm then return after 5-6pm. It's where you don't plan to do everything but prioritize , hydrate , sunscreen and sneak into indoor rides/areas as much as possible. After that we decided if we can't stay walking distance it's not worth to go especially during hot periods.
Only 18 days left until our Disneyland trip!!! I'm so excited!!!

I was just wondering if you guys know when IASM is closing for its Xmas makeover? Last year we went when it was closed and it was such a bummer. It's tradition to ride it first thing in the morning!
We are modifying are costumes because it's so hot!!kinds bummed but we will just have to roll with it, can't get heat stroke over authenticity.
Oh no! We will be there October 24th! I love IASM and will be disappointed to miss it! :(
Yowzers the weather channel is only reporting 92 degrees for Anaheim which is hot enough. It's 100 where I am too so I feel you pain. I taught PE outside at 2:30 in the afternoon :beach:. To those headed out to DL this weekend and next week they are predicting weather in the 80's :dancer:
View from IASW show the projections and still offer a good show.

I was listening to The Dis Unplugged and I heard it mentioned that the Headless Horseman doesnt begin the parade at IASW and he entered the parade a bit further down the route. So I you want to see the HH I would find a spot closer to Main Street.

I would also like to know if anyone has found the monkey bride in HMH yet and where I would be able to find her.

This was also mentioned in the Dis Unplugged- monkey bride is in the attic on the left on a platform at eye level-for a better explaination of where to find monkey bride listen to the Dis unplugged.
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