DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM - A Spring 2013 Adventure! *COMPLETE* 11/20

SO happy for you!! :goodvibes Hope you get AKL- we'll see you in May if you do! :)
So excited for you!! I have followed your other trip reports and I'm so happy you are doing a report about your upcoming adventures with DCP!!!!

Thanks for sharing your adventure with this...I will definitely be following along!
January 20th, 2013


Hi Jess. :wave:

Congratulations and Good Luck. What an exciting adventure you are embarking on.

I love your cat. Looks like she wants to stow away in your suitcase and go with you.

Have a great time!
January 20th, 2013 (Part 2) – I’M HOME! FOR REAL THIS TIME!

The flight was really smooth and we all agreed that it went by super fast! I utilized that free wifi and before I knew it we were making our descent!

The entire flight the sky was absolutely GORGEOUS. By the time we were landing there was a sunset!


We arrived in Orlando about 15 minutes early! I WAS HOME AND IT SMELLED SO GOOD!

We walked right over to the FAKEORAIL!!!!


We left the plane and went to baggage claim! Our bags took quite a while to get to us, but after about 15-20 minutes of waiting, all of our suitcases were accounted for! WOOHOO!

From there we split up! Mark and his Mom took the Magical Express to Coronado.


Mom and I took a little shuttle to long-term parking. Mom found Brooke, we loaded her up, and we made our way to DISNEY WORLD!

We were soon approaching THESE PURPLE SIGNS. And finally I come here with the comfort knowing that I DON’T HAVE TO LEAVE ANY TIME SOON. Life is just too good.


We drove right to Coronado Springs. Mark and his Mom only beat us there by a little bit, and once they were done checking in they went to their room. They were in Cabanas 9B!



I walked into the Coronado Springs lobby and I just got tears in my eyes. It's SO BEAUTIFUL THERE. It was such an emotional moment for me. I was hit with a wave of excitement and disbelief and OH MY GOD DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY!!!!!!




The line at check-in was very long because the Magical Express just arrived. However, they filed us through and we got our room information.


We were placed in Casitas 5! WOOHOO I LOVE CASITAS!!!!

From there we drove over to Cabanas and we met up with Mark and his Mom at Bus Stop 4 so we could go to dinner!

The Downtown Disney bus picked us up and dropped us off at the Marketplace! We went right to Wolfgang Puck for dinner! It was food time!


We ordered and got a nice half table/half booth. It wasn’t very crowded which was SUCH a relief. Usually when I’m in there it’s packed!

I ordered the 4-cheese pesto pizza, which is one of my Wolfgang Puck FAVORITES. It was just as good as I remembered and I was so happy to be reunited.


Mark ordered the Mac and Cheese which is my other WPE favorite. He let me have a bite and I was SO HAPPY. I need to make sure I go back to get that again. YUM. He inhaled it so he definitely loved it!


Mark also got some Cheesecake that he LOVED. He said it was really good.


My Mom got the butternut squash soup, which is what she always gets at WPE. As well as a beet salad!



Mark’s Mom got a salad and a brownie.

Miranda texted me and told me to come visit her. She was working over in Apricot Lane over at Downtown Disney! It was open till 11 pm so we had 45 minutes to visit with her! We got all caught up and looked around the store. I had never been in there before and it was really cute!

We talked to Miranda about our CP’s, her jobs, our school, and lots of other stuff. YAY FOR US ALL LIVING IN FLORIDA!

We stayed until store closing and then it was time to leave! I’m so glad we were able to see her on our first night. It was so fun!

Downtown Disney West Side is so unfamiliar to me, so we had to find the bus stops. Once we did, we headed back to Coronado.

I sent my Dad the link to this trip report so he could read it if he ever has time and he sent me the most beautiful email back. I am going to save this forever so that's why I'm going to include it in here. (this is like a diary, remember? ;)) I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a supportive and loving Dad. I'm so glad he's so happy for me!


We said good night to Mark and his Mom. Then Mom and I drove over to Casitas! We were on the 4th floor and we have a BEAUTIFUL view. I can’t wait to see it in the daylight.

Our room is so incredibly gorgeous. It is so spacious and decorated so beautifully.




LOVE IT! There are so many hidden mickeys in this room!


Towel Mickey!


I took some pictures, changed into my pajamas, and watched STACEY! Welcome back into my life!




I wrote this update and then it was time for bed!

Continued in Next Post
Yeah! The suspense is killing me so I can't imagine what it is doing to you! DO you have a hotel wish list to be assigned to?:lovestruc
Yay for arriving safely! Good luck with check-in tomorrow. It's probably going to be a long, but exciting day. My sister Emma is off having fun at the parks today before she starts her training tomorrow. This time next week that'll be you. :)
Oh My Goodness you must be so excited! I am so excited for you! I read the email from your dad and got a little emotional, what a great family you have! My daughter is going to France and Italy with school over spring break and I am so excited that she has this opportunity! I feel like your second mom wishing that you have a truly magical time while you are there! By the way I am from up north near your home town and we have gotten about 12 inches of snow today!!!!:lmao: Good time to be in Disney! I think that is why I have planned our last two trips in early Feb, so we can escape the cold!!!:earboy2:
OMG Jess! :goodvibes I am so excited for you and I CAN"T WAIT to read all about your experience. I have been following on Instagram and your Coronado pics are awesome. I want to stay there now! SO, where are you going to be concierge at?? Any ideas? -Amanda
Glad you had a good flight there. Coronado looks lovely looking forward to seeing the view. I can't wait to hear which hotel you'll be working at. I loved the email from your dad xx
what a magical first night- a beautiful resort, yummy dinner, good friends & family- everything you need!

Your dad's sweet email made me cry! You have wonderful parents, and they have raised you right! :) I am also fortunate enough to have awesome, supportive parents but I have learned that most people are not so lucky.

Can't wait to here more as your program progresses!! Good luck tomorrow!!
An update already?! pixiedust: YAY!

Wow I can't even imagine that feeling of "I'm here and I don't have to leave!" AHH!

That message from your dad is really something to treasure. What a sweet father. You are so blessed!

I just continue to be so so so so so SO happy for you and I can't wait to see what the future brings :D I also think I'm pretty solid on the time I want to come down there but we will talk about it when you are all settled in and have time! EEEE!!!!!

p.s. I would just like to reiterate my previous comment of WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Loving the updates . . . you are going to have such a wonderful time. Love the email your dad sent back. I must say I got a little teary eyed. You can feel how proud he is of you. Just wonderful. Keep smiling.
Your dads email made me tear up! It was so sweet! Nothing beats a fathers love and support! Loving you adventures so far, can't wait to hear what resort you get!
I just wanted to comment on your comment that you aren't going to comment when a reader makes a comment and comment that this no comment on a comment plan is genius and if you don't comment on this comment about you no longer making a comment to every comment,I want to comment that I will totally understand why you cannot comment on this comment.;):)
I just wanted to comment on your comment that you aren't going to comment when a reader makes a comment and comment that this no comment on a comment plan is genius and if you don't comment on this comment about you no longer making a comment to every comment,I want to comment that I will totally understand why you cannot comment on this comment.;):)

I am a lurker on all of the Frump trip reports and love reading about all of your Frump Adventures. I also follow you on Twitter and Instagram. I am MarshaLynn24 on Twitter and was the one who let you know how long the holiday sandwich was at Earl of Sandwich for. I cried reading your email from your Dad, I wish I had things like that to remember my Dad by. I am trying to get a trip planed for June, maybe I will get to meet you. Good luck and enjoy your time here in Florida and make a lot of magical memories. :cheer2:
Ahhhh this is all so exciting! I really need to try Wolfgang Puck Express, it looks so goood :love:
Can't wait to hear what hotel you're placed at! asdfghjkl I'm seriously so exctied for you! Good luck!:thumbsup2 :goodvibes


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