BL Summer Challenge 2009

Hi everyone. I haven't been able to get to the boards much lately, but I got some information that I thought might motivate some people if I shared it. I had some blood work done last week and was very surprised by the results. My cholesterol had always been low, but a few years ago it had started creeping up to around 180. Still acceptable, but way higher than it used to be. My glucose had been around 110 and that was considered pre-diabetic. I started dieting with the BL 7 challenge and lost 57.5 pounds so far in the last 5 1/2 months. My cholesterol has already gone down to 134 and my fasting blood glucose was 83! My blood pressure has also dropped significantly. I didn't expect such a drastic change so quickly after starting this. I'm not even done losing! Any way, I wanted to share this with everyone to show how much and how quickly losing some extra pounds can improve our health. Come on Losers! We can all get healthier with a little determination. :cool1:
My plans for this weekend are to start my 2 week vacation which starts in Va. Beach, then goes to Savannah, then to Beverly Hills (the one in Florida), and ends at the Mouse! :cool1: for the first part of vaca. I plan on walking the beach everyday and trying to eat healthy, the Savannah part is out the window because you know I have to eat at Paula Deen's restaurant. Then while at Disney I'll be walking my butt off (hopefully literally). So W.I.S.H. me luck!
Good Thursday afternoon. SOrry that I did not post COW 2 last week. Between the end of the school year and getting ready to have surgery next week my life has been crazy. Thanks for understanding.

Here are the results for COW 2 and COW 3

Cow 2 out of 35 points
Luvbaloo 25

lisah0711 26
princessbride6205 26

sahbushka 28

bobnjenn0828 29

TammyNC 31

And the winner for COW 2 is

tink1963 33 :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Cow 3 out of 42 points

luvbaloo 22

maznorm 29

princessbride6205 32

sahbushka 36

ANd the winner for COW 3 is

TammyNC 37 :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Whoo hoo!! Congratulations to all our cow winners and participants. Thank you Dona for running the cow every week. It is motivating, and I just copied it down to get back on this week. I've been slacking in the exercise the past 2 mornings, and need to get back on.

Thanks Melanie for coaching last week, and welcome coach Tammy!:yay:

QOTD - What are your weekend plans and how do you plan on keeping them healthy?

Looks like rain, but I'm hoping for my son to have his last baseball game tomorrow morning, and we're supposed to go to a minor league game tonight. I'm going to eat before the game tonight, and go to ww tomorrow morning and then go grocery shopping. I'm on call sunday 7a-7p, so that is a hanging out at home, cleaning day. I'm going to plan something healthy for tomorrow night, maybe fish and cook at my mom's house. I'm also going to get up both mornings and do a watp video. I am not going to shut the alarm off and go back to sleep like I did the past two days. If I posted it, I have to do it.

Hi everyone. I haven't been able to get to the boards much lately, but I got some information that I thought might motivate some people if I shared it. I had some blood work done last week and was very surprised by the results. My cholesterol had always been low, but a few years ago it had started creeping up to around 180. Still acceptable, but way higher than it used to be. My glucose had been around 110 and that was considered pre-diabetic. I started dieting with the BL 7 challenge and lost 57.5 pounds so far in the last 5 1/2 months. My cholesterol has already gone down to 134 and my fasting blood glucose was 83! My blood pressure has also dropped significantly. I didn't expect such a drastic change so quickly after starting this. I'm not even done losing! Any way, I wanted to share this with everyone to show how much and how quickly losing some extra pounds can improve our health. Come on Losers! We can all get healthier with a little determination. :cool1:
That is awesome!! You are doing amazing. They say as little as 5% can help change those numbers, so even if it's slow going, every little bit helps.

I went to my doctor yesterday for the final pre op check up. The surgery almost got cancelled since the hospital did and EKG and said that there was a problem. Almost 4 years ago I was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat (PVC's for those who know these things). It is a minor electrical problem that has been able to be fixed by just changing my bp medication (even if my bp gets to 90/30 I am still going to be on medication). I have had this all checked out by a cardiologist and my internist does an EKG on me once a year. This new problem threw us. SHe then did another EKG and it was fine. So I am off to surgery next week.
Glad that worked out for you. So frustrating to have to cancel. Fingers crossed all goes well next week.

Yep, I can see your WISH ribbon (I always admire and covet it!), your BL Summer Challenge clippie, and your moose. Computers are so confusing! :rotfl:
That is a nice ribbon. Your ribbon looks pretty nice too Lisa.

I am the same as last week, but after being up 2 pounds on monday, I'm happy to have gotten back to that.

Good luck everyone with your weighins, and have a great day.
Good morning all. Sadly I am up 2 lb. this morning. It couldn't all be from the small margarita and ice cream I had on my birthday, but I had a lot of unusual foods this week (we celebrated Father's Day early with my Dad last Sunday), so perhaps I wasn't counting things as accurately as I should. I am feeling bloated, so I wasn't surprised by the number... just disappointed. But I kept up my exercise almost every day this week and I kept up my water and I won't let the disappointment derail me.

QOTD - What are your weekend plans and how do you plan on keeping them healthy?

As I mentioned before, we are going to a rehearsal dinner tonight and a wedding tomorrow and of course, Father's Day on Sunday. There will be LOTS of food involved in all of this, but I have already packed a "healthy snack" bag and cooler to take along.... 100 calorie packs for when I need a sweet, fresh fruit, tea, LC cheese, carrot sticks, my own low fat salad dressing, etc. I ordered the salmon meal for tonight, even though I am not a big fan. I will resist any starches like rice or potato and eat lots of plain veggies. I'm not sure what the wedding meal is, but I will try my best to eat plain protein (scraping off any sauces or coatings) and plain veggies. I will not indulge in any alcohol other than the toasting champage. I will be sure to drink plenty of water and plain seltzer. I have already packed my workout gear and plan on running tomorrow morning (or using the hotel workout center) for a good 60 minutes.

I'm sure that the kids will want to make something sweet and indulgent for DH on Father's day, but I don't have any trouble resisting things like cinnamon rolls and pancakes. However, if we decide to buy him an ice cream cake, that might be a problem!! :rotfl: If we decide to go out for lunch or dinner, I can make smart choices like a grilled chicken salad and seltzer.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm not sure if I will be able to get on much, so I'll catch up on Monday if I can't............................P
Good morning, losers!

Thank you MelanieC for being our coach last week and welcome to our new coach, TammyNC!

And big congratulations to the COW winners! :cool1: Thanks, donac, for running the COW and helping us with our healthy habits. :goodvibes

Nice job, SpaceMtnFan and DisneyFam5, on the good check ups. That is a good reminder that there are other ways to measure success besides the numbers of the scale. You two and pjlla are our BL superstars for 2009! :cheer2:

Wednesday QOTD: If you could go to WDW right now- Where would you be and what would you be doing?

I would be getting ready to have dinner at Trails End in Fort WIlderness and then go to the movie. It's "The Incredibles" tonight. And then a swim in the new pool at FW and a dip in the new hot tub. FINALLY

That sounds like so much fun and relaxing, too!

I had WI tonight and gained .8. I honestly expected it after running around all week eating fast food and having such a big loss last week. It could have been a lot worse, so I am happy. At least I didn't gain back all the weight I lost last week! I've had that happen before and it's so discouraging.

Jessi, just take one step at a time while it is so busy for you. You will be able to get yourself back on track once you are moved and get settled. You can't control the chaos of moving but you can control how you react to it and take good care of yourself. :thumbsup2

I'm having a mad rush this morning so it's just a quick post and then I'll catch up on everything next week.

I had yet another gain I am now 203.5 pounds. I just can't seem to get back on track.

What do you do to push you back on the straight and narrow?

To the person who said I should go dancing again (sorry haven't got time to go back and check right now), thank you, you really gave me a sign that I have been looking for. I appreciate it so much. More on that later.

Good luck everyone this week. I will be back next week to catch up on everyone's excellent progress.

maznorm, maybe you can take a page from pjlla's book and think about how you deserve all the good things that good health brings and just cross one bridge at a time. I am sure that taking up an activity that you love again will help you on your journey. We're all here to help each other!

As long as others can see it that is all that matters ;).

Moose vision, it's my super power! :rotfl: Sounds like you have a good plan for your celebrations this week-end.

QOTD - What are your weekend plans and how do you plan on keeping them healthy?

DH is taking DS and a friend to our local amusement park today and I will work a couple of hours because I am behind from being sick. Tomorrow we will go on the first boat ride of the season -- weather permitting -- and Sunday we will stay home for Father's Day. Also, because it is Ironman and there are people everywhere. I really admire all the participants because that is a hard, hard competition. To stay healthy, we already have our meals planned and lots of fruits and veggies on hand to snack on when needed. Just have to work in a bit of exercise.

sdchickie have a wonderful vacation and say "hi" to Mickey for me! :earboy2:

I'm going to plan something healthy for tomorrow night, maybe fish and cook at my mom's house. I'm also going to get up both mornings and do a watp video. I am not going to shut the alarm off and go back to sleep like I did the past two days. If I posted it, I have to do it. That is a nice ribbon. Your ribbon looks pretty nice too Lisa.

I am the same as last week, but after being up 2 pounds on monday, I'm happy to have gotten back to that.

Sounds like a nice week-end, Kathy. I like the "if I post it, I must do it" philosophy! Thanks for the comment on the ribbon. I am happy to report that I am down a pound this week and that put me at 15 lbs. for the year so I got a new ribbon today! :cool1: My next mini-goal is the 25 lbs. ribbon by the time I go on vacation in 6 weeks. It is doable if I work really hard. I'm posting it -- I will have my 25 lb ribbon by the time I go to Okoboji on 7/29!

Good luck on weigh-in and have a great, OP day!
Good morning all. Sadly I am up 2 lb. this morning. It couldn't all be from the small margarita and ice cream I had on my birthday, but I had a lot of unusual foods this week (we celebrated Father's Day early with my Dad last Sunday), so perhaps I wasn't counting things as accurately as I should. I am feeling bloated, so I wasn't surprised by the number... just disappointed. But I kept up my exercise almost every day this week and I kept up my water and I won't let the disappointment derail me.

:hug:, Pamela. You are doing all the right things, it is so frustrating when it doesn't produce the results we want! It is just a matter of time as your plans are well thought out and executed. I think our bodies try to hang on to the weight sometime even when it shouldn't but then it finally lets go. You can do it! Have a great week-end!
Hi everyone! I'm in a great mood because (1) I leave for orlando tonight! We'll be at WDW for one week, then are driving to Ohio to visit family for a second week! Wish me luck keeping on plan! And (2) I was down 2.2 lbs this week, which means I met my mini-goal of losing 30 pounds by Disney! I am so psyched!:yay:
Hi everyone! I'm in a great mood because (1) I leave for orlando tonight! We'll be at WDW for one week, then are driving to Ohio to visit family for a second week! Wish me luck keeping on plan! And (2) I was down 2.2 lbs this week, which means I met my mini-goal of losing 30 pounds by Disney! I am so psyched!:yay:

Congrats! And have a wonderful trip!

I'm down 2 pounds this week! :yay: Now I'm just one pound from my new clippie. :woohoo:

I have a four day weekend (furlough...two days unpaid) and I plan on GETTING STUFF DONE AROUND THE HOUSE! My dining out playmate (little sister) is in NC visiting our brother, so I plan on grocery shopping and cooking.

Sorry for the caps and bolding....I'm practicing the "if I post it, it will happen" theory.

This morning, I'm having fish for breakfast! :scared1:

Actually, some leftover crab salad on a one point muffin....very tasty.

time to hit the shower and start this day..........
Congrats to everyone working to stay on plan this week!

I had a pretty good loss this week - happy to have lost my small gain from last week and a pound extra.

I was proud of myself last night being both healthy and green by walking to the grocery store. I was stressed that I needed to pick up some items since we are bringing a side dish to a friend's house after work tonight. I've had to work late every night this week, so spending a little time with DD and working out is all I've had time for once I get home. Anyway, last night I decided I'd walk/jog the mile to Super Target, get the items needed, and walk back.

I should be feeling really positive about my WI and last night, but there are some family/personal issues bringing me down. I know they won't get better on their own, but I'm a bit at a loss for how to fix things.

QOTD: Weekend plans?
Dinner at friends' house tonight. They are serving burgers, we and another friend are bringing sides. I made a healthy pasta salad and other person is bringing either fruit or veggie, so it shouldn't send me too off plan. No other plans for the weekend.
QOTD Weekend Plans?

I know dh is doing some boy scout thing tomorrow morning and it will take most of the day. Ds1 is working and DS2 is helping dad and then working so the house will be mine. Except I feel like I have to clean it so that when I have surgery next week I won't have to look at a dirty house since we all know most men can't clean. If anything I have to get some clothes together for the first couple of days I am layed up so I don't have to think about that.

I don't know what we are doing Sunday. Probably mowing a lawn. It seems like it will never end. At least I will not be able to mow since it is a little difficult to do that on crutches. :rotfl::rotfl:
Any time I don't gain, I feel like I am ahead of the game. Would I rather be in losing mode? Oh, yeah! But maintaining beats gaining and losing will come soon, too.

What a great way to look at it!

I had a really good weight loss this week. Of course, week 1 is almost *always* good until your body catches on that you want it to shed those extra pounds, LOL. Then it revolts!
I slept in and didn't do my WI this morning, so I'll do it tomorrow.

Thanks to Melanie C for coaching last week, and to TammyNC for doing it this week!

Thanks to Donac for the COW; I don't do all of it, but it is enjoyable. I'm trying to get my aunt to try something like that, so hopefully she'll start following along. I think its so nice to have something other than the scale to judge the week by. :thumbsup2

QOTD - What are your weekend plans and how do you plan on keeping them healthy?

Have a great day everyone!!

So far, weekend includes a lot of yard and house work. DD7 wants to have a friend over, and I told her yes. DH doesn't think its a good idea since he wants to get stuff done, but they can play, while I'm doing other work.
On Saturday night, DH & I are going out to dinner with another couple and then back to their place to play board games. My girls are excited, its the second time they've had a sitter, and they really liked her last time.

Its great to see the positive health changes people are seeing.:thumbsup2
Kind of random, but I've got to share....

I was walking a student down the hall and another teacher was walking behind me. As she passed she said "I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I've got to tell you how great your butt looks in those jeans." I was thrilled. Lots of people at work have commented over the past months about my weight loss, but this woman has never said anything (not that I gave it a lot of thought). I was feeling fat because of my gain this morning, so that really gave me a boost!

You never know when you say something to someone how it might affect their day in a positive way! I challenge you to give out a compliment today to someone... it might make their day!......................P
Hi just checking in--didn't weigh myself today but was surprised yesterday that I was down a pound from last week. This weeks been a little nuts, was dumpster diving college campus and got loads of food (mostly packaged unopened soups, pasta, rice, canned tuna (albacore lol) etc etc. so started out just trying to organize my pantry. Then found out we had free HBO. Well, I'm kind of a reformed movie nut who has scaled back cable to just Encore and rarely goes to the movie and never rents so it was all over for me. To make things worse I thought it would only be Fri Sat Sunday but we just lost it completely yesterday- had everything but on demand after Sunday anyway. I was literally sore from sitting. Also Tuesday night boss called to say they had a semi-feral cat who got hit by a car and left a single kitten about a month old would I take her? Of course, so the kitten is very tiny 4 weeks max and bottle feeding--every 2 hours mind you. So that has been my life since Tuesday, this is my first day off and I'm just trying to do basic stuff while kitty is sleeping (like bathing eating etc) It's very important to me to handle these kittens as much as possible for the first 2 months of their lives- it really impacts them socially. She is just now starting to enjoy batting at a ribbon and curled up pipe cleaner so it is more than just feeding her (which has been an ordeal- I've already gone through 2 nipples) She is awfully adorable so it is rewarding work but really no time for exercise. And food's been whatever I can throw together the fastest. I named her Daisy because of her voice (lol) she is tiger striped with calico=Torbie.
To the person who said I should go dancing again (sorry haven't got time to go back and check right now), thank you, you really gave me a sign that I have been looking for. I appreciate it so much. More on that later.

You are welcome.
Hi everyone. I haven't been able to get to the boards much lately, but I got some information that I thought might motivate some people if I shared it.

That is all such great news! It is incredible how strongly your body is able to move you toward health when you lose some excess weight. Congratulations!

Hi everyone! I'm in a great mood because (1) I leave for orlando tonight! We'll be at WDW for one week, then are driving to Ohio to visit family for a second week! Wish me luck keeping on plan! And (2) I was down 2.2 lbs this week, which means I met my mini-goal of losing 30 pounds by Disney! I am so psyched!:yay:

Have a great trip and congratulations on meeting your goal! You can definitely keep on plan - listen to your body and your wise-mind most of the time and you'll be fine!

I'm down 2 pounds this week! :yay: Now I'm just one pound from my new clippie. :woohoo:
We will get those new clippies next week, you and I! Good luck this weekend. Having a plan is half the battle!

I slept in and didn't do my WI this morning, so I'll do it tomorrow.

Ah, the hidden benefits of being the weight-keeper!

I don't know what we are doing Sunday. Probably mowing a lawn. It seems like it will never end. At least I will not be able to mow since it is a little difficult to do that on crutches. :rotfl::rotfl:

Good luck with preparing for your surgery. You are cracking me up with this idea of mowing while on crutches! :laughing:

I was proud of myself last night being both healthy and green by walking to the grocery store. I was stressed that I needed to pick up some items since we are bringing a side dish to a friend's house after work tonight. I've had to work late every night this week, so spending a little time with DD and working out is all I've had time for once I get home. Anyway, last night I decided I'd walk/jog the mile to Super Target, get the items needed, and walk back.

I should be feeling really positive about my WI and last night, but there are some family/personal issues bringing me down. I know they won't get better on their own, but I'm a bit at a loss for how to fix things.

Kudos for shopping under your own power! That's so good.

It's a shame that you can't fully enjoy your weigh-in success right now. I hope the situation improves for you soon or you find a way to improve the situation.

I was walking a student down the hall and another teacher was walking behind me. As she passed she said "I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I've got to tell you how great your butt looks in those jeans." I was thrilled. Lots of people at work have commented over the past months about my weight loss, but this woman has never said anything (not that I gave it a lot of thought). I was feeling fat because of my gain this morning, so that really gave me a boost!

It just goes to show, the scale doesn't know everything!

I named her Daisy because of her voice (lol) she is tiger striped with calico=Torbie.

Oh, the kitten sounds so cute. My mom and sister have fostered feral kittens before. I hope it goes well for you and this little one. It sounds like she's in good hands. I'd love to see a photo.

QOTD: Weekend Plans?

Where to even start! Lots going on including a picnic tomorrow, a lot of driving and two birthdays during the early part of next week. Not to mention Father's Day which we are going to observe today instead of Sunday. I am not sure what I am going to bring to the potluck, but it is BYO grill items which means Morningstar Farms Veggie Dogs and Gardenburgers for us, I'm sure!

I am not getting my 30 pound clippie today. I had a loss of 1.8 and I missed the 30 pound mark by .2 lbs on my official weigh in. Two hours later, of course, I was well under, but I'm just going to say: Next week. Next week..... By which time I will be enduring a lengthy family visit in a very dangerous environment. I have a plan, though, and am not going to get derailed this year as I have every previous summer around this time. I started thinking of all the dangers. The ice cream place, the cookie place, the fudge place, the Sunday brunch, the Italian restaurant. The other Italian restaurant. The gelato cafe. The pizza place. The other pizza place. The third fabulous pizza place. My SIL's kitchen with pies and donuts at all times. Three birthday cakes. The dinner theater. The cocktail parties. The bunco. I could go on. You get the idea.

So to that effect, these rules:

1. We are not buying any cookies to bring home. But each child A cookie, maybe even share a cookie, but NO big box of 1 dozen huge cookies from the cookie shop. It's just a bad idea. I know this from sad experience.

2. Ice cream- same as at home: Only when out, one scoop or cone once or twice a week.

3. Plan healthy meals at home instead of going out.

4. No donuts, no pie, no ice cream at Jeanne's. They are always there, always offered, the answer is just always going to be "no." I don't like them, don't want them, won't eat them.

5. When ordering pizza out with DH, order a small to share and a salad w/dressing on the side.

6. Follow the training plan.

7. Keep up with my daily health/weight loss reading (brainwashing) to keep my head fully in the game at all times.

All that plus continuing to track my food on WW online and keep weighing in with the BL challenge, and I should get through the summer right on track!
Well-- it's bizarre but I lost 2 pounds this week. I guess with all the hoopla I didn't eat that much either...
Hey all, I had a very slight gain this week which has completely stumped me. I worked out, ate within my "points", drank my water, took my vitamin, everything and I gained. :mad::eek::sad1: And I checked back over the past two weeks and it seems the more I exersize the less I lose. I even tried to eat some of my flex points last week to make up for the extra work outs and I guess that back fired. This week I am eating right at my points target for the week and doing 4 days in the gym at 1 hour cardio each time. A little less than last week but not much. If that doesn't work, I will try to increase my food intake a bit to see if my body thinks it needs more. I am so frustrated but I am not giving up. And I have really been enjoying my time in the gym.


1) If I was at WDW right now I would be watching the fireworks over the castle!

2) This week is going to be crazy. I just baked a cake which I have to frost and decorate tomorrow morning, Sunday I am baking a pie to take to a BBQ for fathers day and we have multiple birthdays (5) in the next 4 days. :scared1::scared1: I will try to keep with my water and my morning routine for breakfast and try to lean more towards fresh fruits and salads at the bbq though I will deff have a piece...ok, a sliver of the pie. I purposefully made a type of cake I don't care for so I wouldn't be tempted by it.

Hope everyone has a great week and good job to the losers! :woohoo:

I just went through my weekly journal and pmd my cow points. I had no idea how few days I got in enough dairy or veggies. I really thought I had done better than that....I should probably pay more attention to that!

Had a good week this week. Finally got passed my plateau. lost 3.4 and am making plans for more. which brings my grand total loss from when I started WW to 32.6 pounds. I can not believe that I have made it this far... I may actually be able to see me getting to goal. that would be amazing!
I forgot to track my cow points... that Is something I will en devour to do this week.

QOFD: Plans for the weekend
Today will be challenging. I have 2 BBQs to go to but I have created a plan to deal with both of them and I am bringing my own cooler with fresh foods since I have no doubt there will be crap there. If I don't prepare for it, I will succumb to the spread they have laid out.

Tomorrow we are planning to go to the Beach in Savannah so I will be packing a picnic lunch and snacks to get us through the day. I have total control of that so I think I will have a great weekend. Planning to jog along the waters edge and swim a lot then bask in the sun for a while. then Monday back to training at the gym and more cardio.


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