Zero Forky's Given - An August 2019 Dining Report - Completed 8/18

Oh!! Am I the first one!!! Can’t wait to read all about your sporty adventures! And to be featured eventually... ;)
First you are. Though no chance any semblance of my adventures will be "sporty" :earboy2: Unless of course arm curls with wine in hand suddenly counts:drinking1

This is gonna be forkin sporkin good.
And thanks for the invite
Have spork, will travel
Forkin and sporkin I like that one. I'll have to see if I can fit that in this report somewhere. Thanks for bringing your spork along on the journey

Can’t wait to read all about it ! Tipsy notes are so fun to try and translate . Looking forward to the standards with some new stuff mixed in. .
I can't wait to try and translate them myself. I know there have to be a few in there, but I haven't ready anything yet. Its fun to uncover them unexpectedly



Can't wait to read about your sporkin' veggie, fruit, salad and milk adventures!

Did you know they have a cucumber emoji? Now that we know..............................................;)
Ah thanks. I know I can always count on your for a good emoji. And I had no idea there was a cucumber out there and just explored all the randomness that is the food emojis. Baked sweet potato was my favorite 🍠 Until I found the Oden??? 🍢 What is this even? An olive, potato, and water chestnut? Who has an oden and not a spork!

As usual you had me cracking up! I feel like we need to circle back on this food truck idea!
They are ex-pen-sive!!!! When he started working just part-time a few years back this was one of his ideas and it was at least $20K for even an old crappy truck.

I’m trash! Now I’ve go this in my head! Omg what meal gets zero forkys! Forky autocorrected to formula, so I’m going with whatever meal served you something premade!
Clues its a breakfast and it was not pre-made but we probably would have been better off had it been.

I’m so sorry about your pup! We recently had to say goodbye to our baby, he was 16. I’m so sorry he Isn’t doing great! Thinking of you all
Thank you. Sorry to you all too. We lost our other one last year and its so hard Duval's spirit and health is great, his legs are just having a hard time supporting him. Breaks my heart.

WHAT!!! Who has stolen my friend Kari and what sort of alien have you put in her place!!! :scared1: Fussy feeding, non-drinking and now SPORTY Kari is never going to be the same craic as the girl we've all come to love :rotfl:
It's the new 45 year old me. Just call me sporty spice!!!

The photo of Jason by the pool really illustrates what a shy, retiring guy he is - I mean I know he's competing with a spork for your affections Kari bu seriously how can you not love that wee, happy, beery face of his :drinking1:rotfl2:
I do love that face, especially he's got a spork in it :P

Really can't wait to read all of your dining and drinking adventures and seriously curious about the 0 spork meal (please tell me you didn't venture to Raglan Road so you could indulge in a happy meal sized fish supper).
Nope it is not Raglan Road but it will be early in the trip so we got it out of the way. It was some place we'd loved for years so it was a tragedy really

Almost died laughing when I saw that the link for sporks was real 😂. Hope you get a commission on any sales. Gotta pay for those Disney trips somehow 😂😂
Oh they are real. A friend of mine got them for me a few years ago as a "joke" gift and I thought it was the best thing ever. We're on our 3rd pack of them!!!
Duval looks like a big love -- give him a belly rub for me. Hope that he's feeling ok. It's so hard as they get older.
He says thanks for the extra belly rubs! How'd ya know they are his favorite ♥

n a different note, I am not sure that I've ever eaten with a spork. :oops: Not quite ready to order 1,000 but will try to search one out on the next trip and will save the link in case it's a life-changing experience!
How have you not eaten with a spork????? They actually aren't that popular but when I was growing up KFC had them in little plastic packets with a napkin and maybe salt and pepper? We only ever ate at them when we were traveling because we didn't have one close to us so it seemed extra special and started my love affair. Haven't found any at Disney though. I guess with Forky it may mess with a few kids if they started now :P

I'm joining and excited to follow along!
Thanks for following along!

I'm here for all of the eating (and drinking-my favorite) adventures! Yay for more tipsy notes! I live vicariously through all of your signature restaurants since when we go there is typically 7-9 of us and that is a SERIOUS amount of cash per signature with that many people. ;) That's what I get for having 4 kids and daughters-in-law now ;)
Hey what do ya know drinking is my favorite too (says the lady sipping red wine as she types 🍷) Thanks for joining me again!

I can't fathom a signature bill for a family of 9!!! While Casey would have loved to have a sibling, I remind her that if she did she wouldn't get to go to Disney nearly as much!

Following along! :wave2:
Hey there lady! Great to see you again

Following! Love the forkified homage to Erika Jayne!
I was waiting to see how would catch on to that one! I love cheesy reality TV but have zero time for it. The Housewives is the only one I couldn't manage to give up. Pat the P!

what the forky!
Can't wait to hear about your latest dining adventure. I hope your dog is doing okay.
Thank you! Looking forward to sharing all our forky adventures

Love it... can’t wait to read it!

I’m here with my adult beverage just waiting for this Forky report. Why does my autocorrect put in “Gorky”?
Maybe Russians are infiltrating the DIS and want you to watch Gorky Park :confused3 Maybe this dining report is really fake forky news?

leave in 5 days to begin creating my own report and have 11 dining ADRs and ressies for Oga’s, Savi, and Droid Depot as well. I’m reading reports in case I need to call an audible and make changes.:drinking1popcorn::
Have an amazing trip!!!! We did Oga's and I wasn't impressed with the drinks (or their cost) but the place itself is pretty dang cool

You had me at KFC sporks And styrofoam mashed potato bowls... 😂
If you got the reference then we have each other. Remember the little bucket too? Also great with a spork but I figured a lot of people may not have had them

Following along! :goodvibes

After catching up on a few of your past dining reports, I'm so excited to be joining in for this one!
So happy to have you join in!
Joining in!

Your intro cracked me up! I love Forky and quote his ridiculous-little-spork-self all the time so I'm excited for your forky rating system!
Yay for another dining report! Dying over the forky theme. Already not giving any forks!

Loved seeing a glimpse of Duval! Hope he's doing better. We have an Irish Wolfhound so I speak giant breed too. And our Bella is the same, not a smart girl by any means, but knows what love is ❤
Yeah another Tipsy report. The big question is did you get your Y & Y Tuna Nachos this trip. I am now trying to guess which meal got the 0 forky's.
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I’m in! Looking forward to another report! Our dog was really sick when we were at Disney and it was so stressful. I hope your pup is feeling better these days.
I'm here! :yay: Following along!
Wouldn't be a dining report without ya :D

Love your reports!! From one tipsy DISer to another 🥂
Cheers :drinking1 Thanks for following along

I am not even sure what I was trying to say! Oye!

Joining in!

Your intro cracked me up! I love Forky and quote his ridiculous-little-spork-self all the time so I'm excited for your forky rating system!
It was definitely love at forky site for me and then add in his quotes and I was sold. Gotta see if I can sneak a few into the actual report. Nothing says California Grill like I'm litter, right?

Yay for another dining report! Dying over the forky theme. Already not giving any forks!

Loved seeing a glimpse of Duval! Hope he's doing better. We have an Irish Wolfhound so I speak giant breed too. And our Bella is the same, not a smart girl by any means, but knows what love is ❤
If you're not giving any forks then you've come to the right place. Duval is currently laying on my feet and won't move so I'd say he's doing ok today. I'm sure you know all about that ❤

Can’t wait to read all about your trip!! 😀
Thanks so much for following along!

Yeah another Tipsy report. The big question is did you get your Y & Y Tuna Nachos this trip. I am now trying to guess which meal got the 0 Corky's.
Sadly I did not. Jason was still annoyed from our last trip so no Y&Y nachos for me 😢 The zero meal will be up early so not too much guessing to do

I’m in! Looking forward to another report! Our dog was really sick when we were at Disney and it was so stressful. I hope your pup is feeling better these days.
Thank you! Hope yours is doing better too.
Looking forward to your new report. BH Housewives is the only one I watch so enjoyed your nod to Erika Jane.


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