Your 2007 Financial Goals.....


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2003
anyone want to share what their goals are this year?

I would like to accomplish:

saving 10% of both DH's and my salary
pay additional $100 a month on the mortgage
really track daily spending...I have a Nemo notebook just for that....started today
pay off DD's prepaid college plan (it was a 5 year investment which would be Nov of '08 I think)
cut my grocery bill...I have serious issues with Publix and them sucking money right out of my purse!

It may not seem like much but it's a start I think. I'm also planning on picking up the Automatic Millionaire for some motivation.
My goals for 2007 are:

1. Put DH's raise % all into the retirement fund this year.
2. Cut down grocery shopping-1st week $112, 2nd week $89
3. Save money for 2008 trip to WDW!!!!
4. Stick to my $30 a week spending allowance(except for clothes when NEEDED)
5. Use Discover credit card for groceries and gas ONLY.

I'm doing fine with most. #5 was broken last night by buying magazines. That should have been with cash, but I put it on the card. Oh well, I'll do better next trip.

Good luck on all your goals!
I feel your pain about Publix lately:sad2: My goal is to save on groceries.

Also, save 24K in DD's 529 plan again this year.

We already max out 401ks and Roths, so I'd like to add $1000/month savings into a Vanguard index fund. I need to get off my duff and set this up today.
Pay off the little bit of debt I just racked up.
Save money - for a future WDW trip and for life in general.
Start clipping coupons and actually using them.
Shave at least $25 a week off my weekly budget.

oh and most importantly - STOP shopping
Not to drop a $100 every time I walk into Costco! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mine would be the same but instead of Costco insert Target!

Actually my goals are to continue to put $100 from dh's paycheck & $25 from mine (I only work 1 day a week) into our savings account this way when it goes up a significant amount I can use it to pay off a big chunk off a credit card & that makes me feel better.

I have 3 credit cards to pay off this year. One should be paid off by the end of January if not the first week or two of Feb.

I will be paid off around the fall time. I can not commit to a month because I don't know the exact total. DH gets a bonus in November so if there is any part of a balance on it then it will go directly to that credit card.

Then there is that Disney Visa that I can not use since that has my highest balance. It kills me not to use it. Heck, I don't even carry it anymore. I hope to have that total be halved if not 1/3 left by the end of the year & quite possibly almost be paid off with dh's bonus if not paid off.

I hope the winter continues to be warm like it has been so when we have to pay for our oil in October we won't have to pay that much since we will have alot left over.

I need to start selling again on Ebay & continue to look on Craigslist to see if anyone wants what I have this way I can help pay off some things quicker.

And most importantly, I need to start planning & bugeting a 2008 Disney vacation.

I/we paid off 2 credit cards in Nov/Dec. They were small balances but every time you pay $100 on something or even $200 that is less going towards something else. Since paying them off, I feel like I have so much more money to move around in accounts but in stead I have been paying more on the GM card & it shows.

I will be so excited when that gets paid off so I can start on the next lowest bill.
I'd like to pay off at least one credit card, build up the emergency fund, and cut back on grocery spending. The grocery thing seems to be almost universal!
I really am horrible at the grocery store.....Monday, in prep for the big game, I spent over $80 on nothing substantial at all!

Monthly budget and monthly menu planners are a bit much for me....I think I am just going to start the weekly to begin with at least. I would love to get down to under $100 for the week....
I really am horrible at the grocery store.....Monday, in prep for the big game, I spent over $80 on nothing substantial at all!

Monthly budget and monthly menu planners are a bit much for me....I think I am just going to start the weekly to begin with at least. I would love to get down to under $100 for the week....

I know what you mean. I finally got the grocery bill to $89 this week and took advantage of Kroger's B1G1 free on pork tenderloin and roast this week. I stuck with fruits/veggies, meat, dairy, bread, and Teddy Grahams LOL.
1. As with most people I need to get the grocery bill in check. It is only the 10th of the month and we have already spent all but $50.00 of our budgeted amount.
2. We are on Dave Ramsey's Baby step 3 so we are half way to having 3-6 months expenses in savings. I would like to complete that this year.
3. We already have DS next year's school tuition put away and he will be on his own for college since he doesn't want to go to St. Louis University (where he can go for free -because I work there). So that money will go toward DVC to buy with cash!
4. I have only been putting 5% into my empolyers 403 and they put in 10% so we would like to start putting some into my DH Roth IRA this year.

Now that they are in writing I guess I better stick to them!
DH and I have decided to save as much as we can until April 15th and then make decisions about where it should go.

We are doing Dave Ramsey somewhat, but our goal is really to finish off this house (updating some places, new flooring and finish off the 950 sq. ft. unfinished space) and then sell for profit, enabling us to not only pay off car and student loan, but enabling us to buy a house with cash or close to cash with very little mortgage.

My goals are actually a little longer than the end of 2007, DH is deploying anywhere between now and May and three months after he returns he is getting out of the Army so our goals include those things and are until he comes home, hopefully in May 2008. They are:

1)Pay off credit cards (should accomplish in '07) by stopping unneccessary spending.
2)Save for a vacation when DH gets home, a "celebration of life" trip to celebrate DH coming home safe and DS being cancer-free for 5 years.
3)Save for a down-payment on our FIRST house and moving expenses (although the Army will help us with moving).

I'm not sure how realistic my goals will be to accomplish in just a year and a half on our income, but that's what I'm working toward and since they're important to me I'm hoping that will be enough motivation to spend less/save more.
stopping unnecessary spending is a goal of mine as well. There is not a toy, nor outfit that either of my girls need. They may need new shoes in the coming months as they grow....but really other than that they are set. There is nothing DH or I need either.....I am going to purposely avoid going to places like Target and Walmart on Saturday's and instead take the girls to the park or beach if it is nice enough, maybe with a picnic lunch. (DH works on Sat's and I usually go shopping and then we all get lunch out)


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