Write down your confirmation numbers

Got a smart phone
Go to MDE - SEE all of your reservations. Now? PRINT as PDF....
Transfer to smart phone. Bingo :). Added bonus? It's a clear MDE capture :). You can even track your FP reservations :).
Nice idea, but I'm missing reservations. It's a Thursday during our trip that my dining reservations seem to go down a black hole. I have numbers, will call tomorrow.
When I get a confirmation # for anything (ADR, etc) I copy the number into first, my travel app (TripIt), and then the notes section of my Touring Plans app. for each day. I take no chances!
This happen to me too. Its ridiculous. I called and found my reservations again. The agent was nice and put them down as notes on my app in my plans. Just crazy with all this technology that the site ir app stinks
Meh.............for us it is not the end of the world if it is "lost"...........


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