Would you shift for 4 nights?


DIS Veteran
Sep 21, 2017
I'm doing a solo trip over Memorial Day weekend. I am hoping to see Fantasmic on its opening night. I'm hopeful dinning packages will be available. It makes me a bit nervous. I want to be there for the buzz and excitement of its return night.

That being said- the nighttime entertainment is my jam and I love it all. I remember the days of Fantasmic showing twice a night..

I'm debating if I should shift my trip so I have 4 nights in the parks. I have 4 day tickets but right now on my 4th day I would need to leave for the airport around 2pm. I could add a night at my hotel and take an early am flight for no additional cost- just the added night at the hotel.

I wonder because- I want to see WOC, Pixar fireworks that are returning, Fantasmic... and whatever this galaxy's edge fireworks/music thing is. Is it going to be possible to do all that in 3 nights if they don't offer 2 Fantasmic showings?
Disneyland at night is just the best, so I would say yes stay the 4th night if you can

Fantasmic should be running twice when it reopens at least, maybe later it will be once a night but would assume it will be twice a night so everyone can see it
Disneyland at night is just the best
I was just thinking about this the other day. I really prefer DL during the early morning hours and into the early evening hours while it is still light out.. I am sure you also like the day time hours but maybe prefer the evening hours?

This could be an interesting thread asking ppl what their fav hours are and how it changes for them whether it is day or night.
After our recent trip where we did three days (one at CA and two in DL), next time it will be three in DL. Once you go more days, you can never go back to less.

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