Would You Return These Apples?

I might return them, I might not.

I certainly wouldn't consider it tacky.

I probably spend thousands of dollars every year at my friendly neighborhood grocery store. I bet they'd be more than happy to take a return from me for whatever the reason if I'm not happy with my purchase.
In the words of Jerry Seinfeld

"I don't return fruit. Fruit's a gamble. I know that going in." ;)


I would bake something with them. If I wasn't a baker, I'd throw them into my woods and let the squirrels have an expensive treat.
Yup - I would be returning them. But, then I'm spoiled, we get really good apples year 'round here. I've returned cantaloupe to Costco. You buy them there in a 3 pack and these tasted like squash. I wouldn't return fruit or veggies after a day or so, since it can spoil rather quickly. But yeah, if I had the receipt and it wasn't a long drive, I'd return it.
No, I would not. It would never occur to me to return groceries. I have never heard of anyone returning groceries.

I take it you aren't from here in the south, and had the joy of shopping at Publix. They will and do take food back if you aren't satisfied. I wouldn't shop anywhere that didn't.
We got bad apples this time too. Time to stop buying apples for a while. Celery too.
No, I wouldn't take them back, but I'm not one to return much. Plus, I absolutely hate going to the grocery store, so it definitely wouldn't be worth it to me to have to make another trip to return them.

Like you, I'd just throw them out.
I accidentally bought the honeycrisp apples without realizing how expensive they were too. They were pretty good though.

I will return food depending upon the circumstances. One time I bought some chicken that was spoiled even though it was a few days before the "sell by" date. It was pretty expensive, so I felt it was worth it. Other times, I just don't return it because it is not worth the hassle. I shop at Safeway and they are always good about taking things back or letting me exchange things.
I wouldn't return them. I only return food if something is wrong with it, not just for being bland. I would do like others suggested and make applesauce or apple cake.
Most markets around here WILL take them back, but I wouldn't bother. Now if they were actually rotten or spoiled inside, I might, but even then probably not. But never for just tasteless produce.

Bringing the apples in to work today to give to a friend who will eat ANYTHING. I've seen him eat some shriveled up apples so these will probably be a real treat for him!


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