WONDERful Cruise TR- 4 night July 26, 2009 MORE PICS THAN WRITING... TR FINISHED

Day 3 Part 3:

On the way back we saw Mickey, Pluto, and Goofy dancing to the Cha Cha Slide (I think that is what it’s called. I do it all the time with my students but I’m not sure on the name). Very cute, I love it when characters dance! We were also just in time for the crab races!!! We signed up our crab and Addison patiently waited for the races to start. We named our crab after Addison (Adi-Ray is her nickname). This was also the first time I saw Pikey up close and personal! I took some pics just for the DISboards!






And then it was time. The Crab Wrangler gathered the eager crabs.


And as the crowd’s excitement was intensifying Pikey started the race. And Adi-Ray was off to a great start. She took off and wasn’t stopping. The finish line was there in her reach. Pikey was even cheering her on, thinking she was going to win. Go Adi-Ray!!!!




Here is Adi-Ray in the lead


And then, out of no where, this little crab came out of no where and one by a claw!!!!

Can you see the disappointment in their faces???

So, after a disappointing loss, we headed back to the ship. Being the optimist I am, I knew that this loss was just another reason for us to book another Disney Cruise. We had to come back and try our luck again at the crab racing. We took our time heading back to the ship and took some photos on the way. Here are some pics from our way back to the ship.




Addison decided to stop and collect some sand…

















Castaway Cay was an amazing day! I enjoyed every moment of it and Addison had a blast. After we got back on board we went and got some drinks and it was nap time. Once again, Ryan stayed in the room with Addison while I hit deck 4 and read my book. I also went to Pirate trivia, and was surprised about how much I actually knew. It wasn’t enough to win though… maybe next time?!?

Coming up next: Dinner and PIRATE Night. AARRGGHH, will Addison stay awake for the best part of the cruise!?
Great TR!! Looks like your weather was pretty good. We had rainstorms the entire time...and even a water spout. I was worried you'd have the same fate (you left the day we came back). (And yes, seriously, as we were leaving Orlando, I turned to DF and said "I hope the weather gets better for Stacey's wedding" and he looked at me blankly and was like "who's Stacey? I didn't know we were going to a wedding" :rotfl: I just rolled my eyes and shut up :laughing:)

Addison is so stinking cute. I love that she's already spotting "hidden" mickeys!

I say you were robbed... I'd demand a review of the crab races ;)

I also love that you were worried about Ryan seeing the wedding details... that is so something I would say too!

You totally sound like me... "oh well, it wasn't perfect... I guess we'll just have to come back"

Can't wait to hear more!
Great TR!! Looks like your weather was pretty good. We had rainstorms the entire time...and even a water spout. I was worried you'd have the same fate (you left the day we came back). (And yes, seriously, as we were leaving Orlando, I turned to DF and said "I hope the weather gets better for Stacey's wedding" and he looked at me blankly and was like "who's Stacey? I didn't know we were going to a wedding" :rotfl: I just rolled my eyes and shut up :laughing:)

Addison is so stinking cute. I love that she's already spotting "hidden" mickeys!

I say you were robbed... I'd demand a review of the crab races ;)

I also love that you were worried about Ryan seeing the wedding details... that is so something I would say too!

You totally sound like me... "oh well, it wasn't perfect... I guess we'll just have to come back"

Can't wait to hear more!

Thanks for thinking about me!!! :goodvibes We got very lucky as far as weather went! On our cruise (for the most part) and for our wedding. The day before our wedding it rained all day. We had to have our rehearsal inside. But the day of our wedding was gorgeous just HOT! That stinks that your weather wasn't as great as ours. Thanks for following!
End of Day 3-

I will make the end of Day 3 really quick. I thought I had more pictures, but it turns out I don’t. I must have been having too much fun to stop and take pictures. I know Ryan got a lot of video though. First of all, I finally remembered to take a picture of our door. Thanks to Millipie and the others for helping me with the DISigns! I got tons of compliments!

This one is from Castaway Cay


This one is from Pirate Night


Before dinner we went to A Pirate’s Life For Me. I thought it was cute and we all enjoyed it. We also went and met Captain Jack Sparrow. Addison didn’t like him very much!


We ate in Animator’s Palate again. I can’t remember what any of us ate, sorry again. It was good though. Now, I don’t know if I mentioned this, but I love soufflé. Our waiter said I could have it every night except tonight. So up until now he always gave me two soufflés for dessert. Yummy. I do remember I didn’t enjoy my dessert as much on Pirate Night as I did the other nights… I did take one picture at dinner of Addison’s ketchup.


After dinner we headed up to deck 10 for Pirates in The Caribbean Deck Party. I think this is the highlight of the Disney Cruise. They do an AMAZING job. In my mom’s words “That’s just like Disney, they take a normal deck party and make it extra special” and she is right! There isn’t a deck party out there that can compare to Disney’s! Even though Addison was tired she tried her hardest to stay awake. After the fireworks we headed down and went to bed to rest up for a WONDERful day at Sea!!!




Day 4- Part 1:

We set an alarm and once again didn’t need it. Addison slept in a little later than normal, but was still up and ready to go. Now, what you must know about our family is Ryan takes a lot longer than me and Addison to get ready. So while he got ready, I took Addison to the Playhouse Disney Dance party. She loves dancing! It was very cute, the only thing is, they use all the old Playhouse Disney shows, like Bear in the Big Blue house and JoJo’s Circus. Addison doesn’t know any of those, but she had fun dancing anyway.






After that we went to meet Disney Royalty in the atrium. Once again, she saw Cinderella, who she loves. She didn’t like Aladdin though! She didn’t want anything to do with him. She likes Snow White, but she was too busy telling Snow White that “Rella” was over there. Snow White found it funny!







I know we went and ate breakfast somewhere in here but I don’t remember when. And I think we went to Parrot Cay. The guy outside who was handing out wipes was really rude and was telling everyone it was full (it really wasn’t, they had about 30 minutes til they closed and I think they were just trying to clear it out). We told him we would wait, but just then someone who “didn’t speak English” walked right by him, so everyone standing around followed them, and they had PLENTY of tables for all of us!

To be continued...
We were just walking around the ship when we remembered some of our favorite pictures from our last cruise were in the windows so we took Addison to get some of these shots.







Addison thought it was a blast and while her and Ryan were playing around I noticed they were setting up for something in the lounge. And then it dawned on me it was the Castaway Club thing that I had an invitation for in our room. I asked if we needed the invitation and they said it was fine (he knew were Castaway Club because of our lanyards). So we were in the right place at the right time and went on in and got some juice and rice krispy treats! I think Disney does a great job with this also! Maybe it’s just because I really love the rice krispy treats…





Oh, and Pikey was there so I went up to him and said, okay I need a picture with you, because you’re like a celebrity on the boards I’m on and it would be wrong not to have a picture with you. He was like “the DISboards!? I LOVE THE DISBOARDS!!!” So here is my picture…


After the Castaway Club Reception we walked by Lumiere’s which was just opening for lunch, so we though, why not!?




After lunch it was time for Addison’s nap. So once again, I grabbed my book and headed out to my favorite spot. I took some pictures on the way of some pictures that stood out to me. (I love the art work on both ships)…



When I came back to the room I realized I didn’t take a picture of our door magnets from the first day, so I recreated it and took a picture of Day 1 and then today…



To be continued…
After Addison’s nap we went up and got some ice cream. We sat out on the back and enjoyed the peacefulness of being at sea.








It was then that I noticed some dark clouds, so we moved under cover just in case…


Good thing we did because this was the scene 5 minutes later…


At this time we headed down to trivia for one last shot! And guess what!?! WE WON!!!! Well, I honestly think I can say I won, not we. There were a couple questions that Ryan thought it was a different answer and I was like no, I’m pretty sure it’s this one and I went with my gut. If I didn’t do that, we wouldn’t have won! I won an awesome “Winner” hat and a Disney Cruise Line winner coffee cup/mug thing, I don’t know what they are called! I was so excited!!!!

After trivia we went and got ready for the Disney Dreams show. I took some pictures WITHOUT my flash, but none really turned out. Oh well. Now I will admit, this was the final time I cried! And in fact, I think it was more like BALLING!!! When Mickey came out at the end Addison got so excited. She kept naming all the characters throughout the show and the couple near us thought she was cute.


After the show we went down to some High School Musical dance. Addison enjoyed dancing to the music before it started, but when it started, they were teaching them some choreography and I knew Addison wouldn’t be able to do it so we headed out.




We then saw this adorable couple in the atrium so we stopped and got a picture.


Now, the cruise we were on was one of the ones with the Disney Channels stars at sea. I kind of forgot about this the whole cruise, I never even noticed anything different or special. But on the way to dinner, we did run in to some kids asking this girl for an autograph and it was the first time we encountered anything to do with the stars at sea. I guess she is from Jonas?! She seemed really nice and was talking to the little girls…



Up Next: Dinner and saying farewell…
stacey - love your TR and pics. Thanks! Addison is too precious! We sail Sept 19th...thanks for all the tips!
stacey - love your TR and pics. Thanks! Addison is too precious! We sail Sept 19th...thanks for all the tips!

Thanks for reading! I bet you're super excited, Sept 19th is going to be here before you know it!!! I'm excited for you!!!!
Alright, we left off at dinner on our last night. Parrot Cay is my favorite restaurant on board. I love the theme and the colors and the BANANA BREAD! And yes Becky, they still have it! You scared me in your TR because you couldn’t remember. I ate enough for you though!!! It was delicious! Here are some pics for dinner. And look, I finally remembered to take some pictures of our food!!! Too bad it was the last night…











Ryan’s dessert:


And this is what I ordered for dessert. I decided to try something other than soufflé. And I quickly changed my mind.


I wasn’t very fond of it, so our server went and go my usual. Mmm….


After dinner we headed to the lobby for the Farewell with the characters. We were standing by the rope to watch all the characters come down the stairs, and this rude lady pushed her granddaughters right in front of Addison’s stroller so Addison couldn’t see much. I mean I know in the big picture it isn’t a big deal, I just think at the time I was mad because that wasn’t the first time I had encountered rude people on the cruise! I think the worst part was how many people cut in front of us while we were waiting for an elevator, kids especially. I mean don’t parents tech their kids manners anymore? We would push the button and wait for an elevator and by the time the half full elevator came people were pushing in front of us. Eerr, it annoyed me. And it wasn’t just us, another family told us they experienced it a lot on the cruise. But, now that I have vented, let me get back to the good stuff!





Oh, and we decided to get see Minnie first because we didn’t have her autograph yet and when we walked over to them her and Goofy were playing around and doing these dance spins. Well Goofy fell right in to the wall. I felt so bad, but at the same time, it was kind of funny. Ryan got it on video.

After Minnie we asked Addison who she wanted to go to next. Can you guess!? Yup, Cinderella. Although, she was too busy pointing out all the other characters to Cinderella as you can see in the pictures.





After Rella, Addison wanted to see Snow White. But when it was her turn, once again she was pointing out everyone else and then she couldn’t take her eyes off of Cinderella. The picture where she is looking to the right, that is who she is staring at!





Here are some more pictures. Addison didn’t want to go near Goofy so here he is handing back Addison’s autograph book.



After seeing everyone we wanted to see we started heading back to our room. On our way we passed through the Promenade Lounge and they were having a Disney Disco. And my little Dancing Queen wanted to dance. We let her and here are some pictures of that.




We finally had to drag Addison away from her dancing and head back down to the room. We hadn’t put our luggage out yet and were cutting it close for the deadline. Almost all of the luggage was gone and the guys were collecting the last few suitcases. I ran in to the room and threw as much stuff in to our suitcase that I could as fast as I could. Remember, I procrastinate…

After we got our luggage out we went to sleep, sad that we would be leaving the next morning.

Breakfast the next morning was great. We said goodbye to our waiters one last time and had to see this sign… what a tease. It will never be soon enough for us.


We had no problems getting off the ship. In fact, this is another area that Disney wins over all other cruises that I’ve been on. They make disembarkation so easy!!! Before we knew it we were in the car.

Poor Addison was in tears and sat in the back seat saying “NO BYE BYE, I want mickey boat”

One day Addison, we will take you again. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Ryan and I however, didn’t have time to be sad. We had to go to my parents house to drop off laundry. Ryan had to go get his contacts and I had to pick up my Maid of Honor from the airport and then head to the Shades of Green for three nights and the happiest day of my life. If you are interested in reading my wedding TR join me here:

Thanks for reading.
Thanks for sharing all those pictures. I hope you create a scrapebook for you to look back on you memories that is just like this. Heck print your TR out on some acid free photopaper and your all set. I love the magnets on your door. Did you make those or did the Disney cruise supply you with them?

One of these days I hope to make it to a Disney cruise... maybe when I can get a cheaper price for living in FL. You are sooo lucky!
ohhhh I did not know souffle was also at PC...thought only offered at Palo. Good to know! :)
thanks for the report. I am heading over to your wedding thread soon!:goodvibes
Thanks for sharing all those pictures. I hope you create a scrapebook for you to look back on you memories that is just like this. Heck print your TR out on some acid free photopaper and your all set. I love the magnets on your door. Did you make those or did the Disney cruise supply you with them?

One of these days I hope to make it to a Disney cruise... maybe when I can get a cheaper price for living in FL. You are sooo lucky!

That is a good idea to print this. I'm not a scrapbooking person at all! I'm not creative and I don't have the time! :confused:

There are a lot of amazingly creative people on here who made the DISigns (as they call them) for the magnets. You can make requests to have them put your name on things and then I just printed it off on magnetic paper. You can make t-shirts also, but I ran out of time! Trust me, if I had more prep time we would have been wearing matching shirts! I love that I'm so close to the cruise, although, it was a lot cheaper when I was a cast member, I can barely afford the florida resident rate on a teacher salary!

ohhhh I did not know souffle was also at PC...thought only offered at Palo. Good to know! :)
thanks for the report. I am heading over to your wedding thread soon!:goodvibes

YAY! I love having readers! Thanks for reading! The souffle was actually on the Triton's menu, but the waiter said he could get it for me every night except pirate night! I was in heaven! I love souffle!:cloud9:
I had to come check out your TR. I love it! Thanks for all the pictures and all the explanations - since I have never been on a Disney cruise before. Me and my 2 kids sat here and looked at all the pictures. They are so excited to go on a cruise. They keep asking when we are going on "Mickey's boat" too.

And I totally understand about crying. I cried the 1st time my DD saw Cinderella b/c that is her favorite character. I usually cry at some point in the parks b/c it is amazing to see it through the excitement of my children's eyes.

Your family is so cute! You guys look so happy together and Addison is a doll baby. She should be on TV - maybe the Disney channel! LOL!
Wow! How did I miss your great report? Thanks for sharing it and your adorable pictures.

WOW! really really enjoyed reading your report! You have a beautiful family! I cant wait to try that souffle!
I had to come check out your TR. I love it! Thanks for all the pictures and all the explanations - since I have never been on a Disney cruise before. Me and my 2 kids sat here and looked at all the pictures. They are so excited to go on a cruise. They keep asking when we are going on "Mickey's boat" too.

And I totally understand about crying. I cried the 1st time my DD saw Cinderella b/c that is her favorite character. I usually cry at some point in the parks b/c it is amazing to see it through the excitement of my children's eyes.

Your family is so cute! You guys look so happy together and Addison is a doll baby. She should be on TV - maybe the Disney channel! LOL!

Thanks for all the compliments! I find myself crying at WDW also, it's funny how that magic can get the best of you...

Wow! How did I miss your great report? Thanks for sharing it and your adorable pictures.


Thank you! :goodvibes

WOW! really really enjoyed reading your report! You have a beautiful family! I cant wait to try that souffle!

Thanks!!:goodvibes You will love the souffle. It was delicious every night I had it!


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