Wk Of Sept 1 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Ran 4 today with JRT. Ave pace 8:30.
Listen to this!
The police found a dead body on the greenway I run/bike on. They found it b/c it was stinking! AHHHH! I was there Thursday biking.:eek: They do not know at this point if it was dumped there or killed there or the gender. Well they have not told the public yet anyway.:scared: Not sure what to do about this...I always felt kinda safe..well as safe as a female running alone can feel. But OUT OF CONTROL!

Not to lesson this person's death--but I do hope it isn't random, b/c then you can rest assured that you might be a bit safer. (always sucks to say that--but we had a murder locally--like a couple of streets over--and as soon as they said it was NOT a random attack....I felt much better).

My husband asked me the other day WHY I wait until the sun is breaking before I will go out for a morning run. I told him that I was terrified when I did it a few seasons ago and I just don't want to do it anymore. He's a guy--at worse, someone may mess him up for "fun"--well I'm a girl and "messin' me up" takes on a whole new meaning.:eek: I have no desire to become a statistic. I run along A1A which is pretty safe in daylight. Pretty safe at night as well, but the last time I ran it, I ran with my cell phone in my hand, 911 pre-dialed and my thumb on "send".

Blessings to you that you are kept safe in your training!
Christa - No fair - the greenways are supposed to be the safe places. But please be careful - I try to only run on ones where there are other people around (or at least that's what I tell DH so he doesn't panic!)

Cam - Hooray for the supportive doc. Hope the bloodwork is full of good news.

- I couldn't stop laughing at your post! We must have been crawling off the ceiling at the same time. I did the exact same thing at my podiatrist's office this morning - he asked "does it hurt here?" and I screamed. When he finished laughing he was able to tell me what was wrong...

I need lots of PD now. According to the podiatrist today, I have tendonitis in the posterior tibial tendon. I have an MRI scheduled for Monday to determine if it's torn, which he thinks it is based on my description of the shooting pain during my last LR. I have a walking boot for the next 3 weeks with instructions to do NOTHING until I see him again. After the MRI he'll know whether or not I'm doing the Raleigh half/full or not; we'll talk about Disney. I only cried in his office when he wasn't in there!

DH and I are going out for Mexican tonight - there WILL be margaritas! I just keep telling myself that plenty of you have done this too and are back training... I know if it weren't for this group there would be no way I could even think of continuing to run after this ordeal. I'd just give up now.



Okay--work with my brain here--are you the one who I thought maybe it was severely sprained??

I am soo sorry! Don't give up! Evaluate what it takes to recover!!!!

Remember me---I ended up running post knee surgery!!!! Now I know nothing about tendinitis--but don't lose hope! Can you cross train through it???
Jackie - I don't know how I missed your post! Lots of :wizard: & :hug: coming your way. Take care of yourself & do everything that doctor tells you to do, ok? :hug:
Hey all. No training to report from me today--even though there could have been. I purposely didn't take my workout stuff to work, b/c I was supposed to be picking up my van from the shop this afternoon ($1500 in repairs! but that's another story) But alas, it won't be ready until tomorrow. Will try to get in about 4 tomorrow--been slacking in my mid-week runs the past couple of weeks--but after Saturday, it's taper time for me!

Speaking of Saturday, I no longer have to run the 20 miles alone. :banana: DH has had to postpone his bday trip to Houston, b/c BIL's wife went into labor 3 weeks early!:cool1:Didn't think it would be cool for DH to be crashing at their house when they bring home their 1st baby. By this time tomorrow, I'll be an auntie again!

Christa--that's scary! Stay safe!

Jackie--Many hugs and PD going out to you!:wizard: :hug:
Sending lots of :pixiedust: & prayers to those in need of them. Hope everything works out. :hug: Keep moving forward (& sometimes that means mentally more than physically).

1k @ a time
I have tendonitis in the posterior tibial tendon. I have an MRI scheduled for Monday to determine if it's torn.


Sorry to hear of the posterior tib tendon pain; I know this type of injury is both frustrating and disheartening when training has been going well and you have a goal in mind.

Best of luck with the MRI next week. Please let us now the results when they arrive. Be well and take care of yourself.
Hey team. The boards were down for me today also, I think Big Vic broke them!!!

So tonight DD6 and I went for a "run". We managed w2/r1 for 3/4 a mile before she nearly tantrumed on me. It was HOT and HUMID and she was all upset because she lost her piano music today. Her very first piano lesson and she lost the music!!! But she was doing a 16:30 pace and wasn't trying at all. I was proud of her. Then I went back out with the dog... WOW, I should have stuck to the TM. I did 2 miles in 24:30ish and we both nearly died from the heat. I was so glad to be done.

Mel - I whined and cried last week about the full training. Big Vic did too. So that means that there will be strength in numbers!!!!! We can all whine and cry the day of... together!!!! I am seriously scared out of my mind, but I know in the end I can do it if I try. AND, I was just as scared about doing the 1/2!!!

Jackie - OH DEAR!!!! :grouphug: I really hope this isn't what they think it is!!! TAKE CARE!!!

Christa - YOWZERS! I have been told that I can't run the rail trail anymore because it is potentially unsafe for me. It is a great trail, but people are far between when I run, so I understand that it may not be safe for the more than 10 miles I am planning. But now I have to find somewhere else to do my super LR's. This is not an easy thing to do!

KRISTA - WHERE ARE YOU???? You can run, but you can't hide!! Seriously tho, are you out there?? Just give us a wave if you are too busy!

OK, I have to clean some things and then get to bed. I am TIRED!!!!
Good Evening Team

Took yesterday off, think I pushed it too much this weekend, back is killing me :sad2: I HAVE HAD IT!! Thank god I have DR appt tomorrow @ 10:15. The wierdest thing is, the ONLY time it does not hurt is when I'm running. I know ya'll probably think I'm crazy but Bobby used to say the same thing. So we did 4 miles tonight and while we were running is the best I have felt since race Monday morning. GO FIGURE ?? :confused3


Christa That is very scary. I am pretty paranoid about some of the areas I run where it is a two lane country highway. :rolleyes: SCARY!!
Jackie Injuries suck!! :headache: But I know what you mean about these boards.!! They keep you focused. Lots of pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: Coming your way!!!
Cam pixiedust: For your bloodwork. I am in awe of all that you have accomplished. I just told Bobby (who is Firefighter/EMT) about the 174 resting heart rate and HE about had a heart attack!! You are awesome.

I will let you guys know what the doc says tomorrow!!

Not to lesson this person's death--but I do hope it isn't random, b/c then you can rest assured that you might be a bit safer. (always sucks to say that--but we had a murder locally--like a couple of streets over--and as soon as they said it was NOT a random attack....I felt much better).

My husband asked me the other day WHY I wait until the sun is breaking before I will go out for a morning run. I told him that I was terrified when I did it a few seasons ago and I just don't want to do it anymore. He's a guy--at worse, someone may mess him up for "fun"--well I'm a girl and "messin' me up" takes on a whole new meaning.:eek: I have no desire to become a statistic. I run along A1A which is pretty safe in daylight. Pretty safe at night as well, but the last time I ran it, I ran with my cell phone in my hand, 911 pre-dialed and my thumb on "send".

Blessings to you that you are kept safe in your training!

That is exactly what I was thinking! The hoping it was not random! I really try to stay safe on my runs. Tons of people are on this path and it backs up to a really nice neighborhood. I DO NOT use my ipod and can, at a moments notice, start foaming at the mouth!:lmao:
You should see where I have to go when I am working...that is why I want to be able to run fast!:eek: BTW, I am a therapist. But that is all I can say about that....but you can bet, I am ALWAYS on alert!...And I do know how to restrain!:eek: (I can hear the comments now:rolleyes: )

Jackie - LOTS of :wizard: :wizard: and :grouphug: for you! I am so sorry!

Angie - I am so sorry about your back!:grouphug: Hoping the doc can help you out!

Hey! Where is Krista?:confused3

Jen - You will do great at the marathon! Don't worry (even though I did when I did my 1st) it will be so much fun!:cloud9:
Good morning everyone.....so far behind again. I hope everyone's training is going great.

PD to all with injuries and going for DR appts:wizard: :grouphug:

My training is on schedule so happy about that. Just over 3 weeks till my first 1/2 and I think I am going to be able to do it:thumbsup2

Have a great day everyone

Good Evening Team

Took yesterday off, think I pushed it too much this weekend, back is killing me :sad2: I HAVE HAD IT!! Thank god I have DR appt tomorrow @ 10:15. The wierdest thing is, the ONLY time it does not hurt is when I'm running. I know ya'll probably think I'm crazy but Bobby used to say the same thing. So we did 4 miles tonight and while we were running is the best I have felt since race Monday morning. GO FIGURE ?? :confused3

I wonder if it is b/c when we run--we tend to hold our core strong (as in suck in that tummy--keep the back straight--all that stuff).

When I have sacrum issues--I run just fine. Notice it more when I am resting b/c I am not making as much an effort to maintain proper posture.

Me: Trying to figure out when to put in today's speed run!:eek:
Hello, WISHers!

I am very happy to report that I was able to complete my run this morning, relatively pain-free! (Maybe it had something to do with that extra strength excedrin I took before I left? :confused3 )

Not only that, but I conquered a run that I've had trouble with in the past! It's a long, steady uphill on the way back and I used to end up walking toward the end of it but today I ran the whole thing - easily. I kept the same pace on the way back as on the way out, so I am extremely happy! :woohoo: :woohoo: It really made me grateful to be able to get out there, especially when I know about all the WISHers who are struggling with physical/medical issues.

:wizard: for all the injuries, illnesses, etc. I hope everyone reaches their goals today and is thankful for all that they can do!

Happy training, all! :)
MINNIE I'm sorry I missed it but what happened to your back??

I always run on the side of the road. And my DRs think that this caused a hurniated (sp) disk in my lower back which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve :headache: I've been basically beeen given the option of surgery or to live with it so right now I'm living with it. Trying to ease back into an exercise routine :wizard:

Suzy...don't think I congratulated you on graduating!

Thanks Mel :hug:

Listen to this!
The police found a dead body on the greenway I run/bike on. They found it b/c it was stinking! AHHHH! I was there Thursday biking.:eek: They do not know at this point if it was dumped there or killed there or the gender. Well they have not told the public yet anyway.:scared: Not sure what to do about this...I always felt kinda safe..well as safe as a female running alone can feel. But OUT OF CONTROL!

Christa - PLEASE be careful!!!!!!!!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I need lots of PD now. According to the podiatrist today, I have tendonitis in the posterior tibial tendon. I have an MRI scheduled for Monday to determine if it's torn, which he thinks it is based on my description of the shooting pain during my last LR. I have a walking boot for the next 3 weeks with instructions to do NOTHING until I see him again. After the MRI he'll know whether or not I'm doing the Raleigh half/full or not; we'll talk about Disney. I only cried in his office when he wasn't in there!

Tons of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: coming your way!!!!! :grouphug:

CAM - WISHing that your blood works brings you only the best of results :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Missed my walk last night due to WTO (12+hrs) but will be out there tonight somehow someway :)
What a morning! And it's only 10:30!! :scared1: And all of it is computer related.

We have new laptops that were issued this summer at our office. It comes with fingerprint software which I set up and rather like using. If I have something in one hand I don't have to put it down to log onto my machine. Well, it's coughing up a hairball and won't let me log into my machine. It's not the first time it's happened but the tech guy said to keep an eye on it. It happened yesterday and again today and he finally uninstalled it. I KNOW they blamed me for doing something the first time around. This time they have a LOT more reports of it so it's not me.

Then when I finally got to log on, email is down!! My particular email account is on a server that has apparently gasped it's last breath and they are trying to resuscitate it. Hasn't worked so far. So I've been rather out of the loop. Depressing how much we rely on these things. Maybe I should just go home.

Cam: what blood work are you having done?

Christa: geez--be careful! We want you in one piece. Your times are what I strive for but know will never hit. Still, it's good to have a goal and I just don't want anything to happen to you!!

Angie: pixiedust: for your back! Let us know what the doctor says.

Jenn: try to stay out of the heat! Hope DD appreciates you running with her.

nucpharm29: congrats on becoming an auntie again!

Jackie: :hug: I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't have a torn tendon. Will they have to surgically repair it or just rest?

I apologize to those I've missed!! Have a great day everyone.
Christa -- PLEASE be sooo careful. Wasn't it you that reported on another assault on a runner about a year ago? Please tell me you carry mace or something with you! How ferocious is your furbaby? Mine would lick someone to death! Oh, and bless your heart for saying I am "a finely tuned athlete!" :love: :hug:

I need lots of PD now. According to the podiatrist today, I have tendonitis in the posterior tibial tendon. I have an MRI scheduled for Monday to determine if it's torn, which he thinks it is based on my description of the shooting pain during my last LR. I have a walking boot for the next 3 weeks with instructions to do NOTHING until I see him again. After the MRI he'll know whether or not I'm doing the Raleigh half/full or not; we'll talk about Disney. I only cried in his office when he wasn't in there!
Jackie -- I will keep you in my prayers. I hope the MRI shows no tear and just an overuse injury. I hope you medicated with margaritas last night. Sending you a :hug:

Shan -- I hope your foot and knee are feeling better today. :goodvibes: Please dont' worry about those other two runs this week. You are very well-trained and you have been so disciplined. You may just have to give your body a short break and then ease back into training. Now is not the time to exacerbate an injury.

Mike -- Once I got over being skeeved at the thought of ticks, I came to really appreciate Brad Paisley's humor in that song. He says he's classier than the guys who want to take the girl home; instead he's going to take her walking in a field of wildflowers. And then he offers to check her for ticks -- who knows where they may be hiding? :lmao: He recently followed up that song with another really funny one called "On-line", or something like that.

Kristi -- I WISH I could consistently get that pace. You are so fast!!! And yes, please get some pepper spray for those middle of the night walks. Geez, do I have to go all "MOM" on you too? :love: You know I wouldn't nag if I didn't love you! ;)

Stephanie -- I am so glad you don't have to do your 20 miles solo! :thumbsup2 What a sweetie your DH is to do the LR with you. So, are you an auntie yet? We want all the details!! :hug:

JEn -- congrats to DD6 for that distance and pace. But what were YOU doing out there in that heat with the dog at that pace? OMG!!! :eek: Very very impressive, but also worrisome!

Angie -- I think what Lisa said makes a lot of sense, but I hope by now you've gotten some feedback from your doctor. Sending you pixiedust: sweetie!

Renee -- congratulations on conquering that run!! :woohoo: You do realize what this means, though, right? You will never be content again walking at that point! :rotfl: You are going to know that you have been able to run it in the past and you are now going to push yourself to do that! Do I know you, or what? :goodvibes

Lisa -- Not only am I wondering how in the world you find time for your training with 3 little ones, but where the heck do you get the energy? My goodness!!! I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion and I am not even "mommy-ing" these days. Well, except for here of course, when I need to get out my Mom voice with all these wild, risk-taking WISHers! Seriously, though, please do not wear yourself out. We don't want you to get :sick:

Susie -- sending you pixiedust: for your back. I hope you are easing back into exercise gently! And, ouch on the 12 hour work day! :eek:

I only had time for a brief TM workout last night. 2 miles in 27:56 and then lots of XT with running errands and packing the kitchen . I may have to be content with short workouts for a while until life calms down. I am very excited because Carrie is visiting this weekend and is willing to slow her pace WAYYYYY DOWN to do a LR/W with me on Saturday a.m. :cool1: Howard and I will take our first muscle pump class Saturday morning and will drag her along with us and then we will all go to the state park for a LW/R. :cheer2: I havent' looked forward to a non-race LW in SUCH a long time. :thumbsup2
Greetings fellow WISHers...

What a difference 24 hours makes. :banana: This morning I was like a new woman. Three miles on the TM, and no issues. YAY! :yay: I feel like I'm really back in my groove and could not be happier about that. :goodvibes

I too would like to know where WWDave is hiding. :confused3

MikeOptimator - That would be Brad Paisley. He has some other little ditties you might enjoy....Like "Alcohol".... and "The Fishing Song". :upsidedow

Bill - You know that will never work. Lynnda is WAY too smart for that. No, sir...back to laundry you go. :lmao:

Christa - OMG! :scared: That's awful! And darn scary! Hey, I'd like to see that foaming at the mouth thing. Might make a good costume for MNSSHP. :rotfl2:

Anne - Oh Anne.... What is it with these doctors!?!?! You HAVE to get better soon. :hug: We NEED you! :hug: OK, I need you! :wizard:

Jackie - Oh no! No no no! First off, I really do think Margaritas will help, no matter what the problem is. And here..."BEEP BEEP BEEP"... That's my truckload of :wizard: backing up to you.

- Oh no! Et tu? I think rest is a good idea now. You don't want any injuries going in to the RFTT. :wizard:

Kristi - You are a lot of things, and I concur that consistent is one of them. Precisely so, I would say! :thumbsup2

Jen - Jen, Jen, Jen, you worry too much. :hug: Just think, you'll be getting all the motivation you need at Red Water Stop # 2. :cheer2:

Angie - Are you back from the doctor yet?? :hug:

Renee - YAY for you conquering that darn hill! :woohoo:
Hello Team
Thank you guys so much for all the :grouphug: , you guys are awesome.

So I have to go for an MRI. Definately a pinched nerve, either a herniated disc or a compression. Doc is concerned because I have no reflexes left in my right ankle, he did the little hammer test thing, and nothing :sad2: .

MINNIE The sciatic is exactly what I am dealing with now too. It has been going on since April so I finally decided to go to DOC. We will see what he says after MRI :confused3

That's all I have to report for now. I hope everyone's training is going well.

I am very excited because I am spending the weekend in a condo on the beach, scrapbooking, (and laying out of course) with a couple of my friends. :dance3:

Jackie, Angie...and anyone else who might be hurting: PLEASE take care of yourselves and your injuries. We are getting so close to "showtime" and we need everyone to be in tip-top shape. Sending pixie dust your way.

Christa: Wow, that's terrible......tell us more when you find out about it.

Just think: only 8 more weeks until Tower of Terror....and after that only 8 more weeks of hard training. I've been working towards this since January and can't believe it's almost here! I know that once the holidays begin, things will just zip by. I look at the course map almost every day......I'm so excited!
Greetings fellow WISHers...

What a difference 24 hours makes. :banana: This morning I was like a new woman. Three miles on the TM, and no issues. YAY! :yay: I feel like I'm really back in my groove and could not be happier about that. :goodvibes

I too would like to know where WWDave is hiding. :confused3

Judy, If you mean Mouse SkyWalker, you called him WWDave and gave him a complex. He is off on a pilgramage to find the meaning of life. That was him that went by in the orange toga beating the tamborine.

Judy, If you mean Mouse SkyWalker, you called him WWDave and gave him a complex. He is off on a pilgramage to find the meaning of life. That was him that went by in the orange toga beating the tamborine.


No, darlin', I meant you. You've been suspiciously quiet lately. What are you up to? :tiptoe:


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