Wk of Sep 3--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Maherae said:
Dave , do you need a link to all the blister info the pros gave a while back? How's DW reacting to your running now? Is she impressed that you have stuck with it this long? What about your surprise plans? pirate:
Hi Anne :wave2:, if you have a link to the blister info, that would be great. I think I remember the discussion. I've been covering the blisters with bandaids, and then covering the bandaids with sports tape. I haven't tried putting vaseline on top of the sports tape, but I may do that next. I did try putting the new skin liquid bandaid on the blister before the bandaid, but that gave me a real stinging/burning sensation. So I haven't been using that. Essentially, the blisters start to heal, but then at least once a week I'll do something to open them up again.

I think DW is getting more "on board" with my running, and has been impressed that I've stuck with it for this long. She said just this week that she was impressed with how much thinner I look and how much weight I've lost. I haven't done anything more about the surprise plans. I'm still waiting to spring that. I want to wait until I'm well into the marathon training - maybe 10 weeks in or so.
Maherae said:
Speaking of marathons...I just learned about Dean Karnazes and his 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days!!! He starts with the Lewis and Clark in Missouri, which I have friends in, on September 17th! He'll be joining our own Monte/Monica for the Boulder Backroads marathon the following Sunday! On the days when there is not an actual marathon, he runs a recreation marathon of the official event, complete with rolling road blocks and aid stations. Unbelieveable!

I think he's doing a marathon here in NH in late Sept./early Oct. Chad wants to do the race that he is doing. I think it's too close to DL & Applefest (1/2 that Chad is doing on 9/30 also).
I did 2.85 in 14:11 pace :cool1: now that's more like it!!!! That marathon dude is going to be here running our marathon course sometime. Can't remember when. Its not during the marathon , but its the same course.

Jen-your family is in our prayers :grouphug:

Matt- I thought we told you: taper, taper, taper. Dont wear yourself out before DL!

Heather- Where are you??!?!?! Are you still coming to DL?

Christa-good luck with your show!
Bye guys! I'm off to the Yacht Club for a week! :wave2:

:banana: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :dance3: :yay: :bounce:

Have a week of great training!
thndrmatt said:
Yeah I saw his website, but strangely enough someone else had just done the same thing, 50 marathons in 50 days, earlier this year. I saw the article showing all his times on another site, can't remember it now. He ran his fastest one at New Orleans, that's all I remember. Just strange because of all the sponsorship the new guy is getting, when it's already been done, recently...

There was an article about this in Runners World. Dean Karnazes had his 50 marathons in 50 days scheduled and planned before the other guy (I can't remember his name Joe maybe?). The other guy did his after he saw what Karnazes was planning, trying to steal his thunder, I guess.
thndrmatt said:
Yeah I saw his website, but strangely enough someone else had just done the same thing, 50 marathons in 50 days, earlier this year. I saw the article showing all his times on another site, can't remember it now. He ran his fastest one at New Orleans, that's all I remember. Just strange because of all the sponsorship the new guy is getting, when it's already been done, recently...

Matt -- THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I think Howard thought I was nuts because I told him this had already been done. As a matter of fact, the other guy ran in Delaware in August. Howard literally thought I was crazy, like I'd dreamed actual event dates, etc. Now I know I am not crazy. Yeah, another guy already did it. I feel so much better. Did I already say that? ;)

Tiff -- Awesome pace! Congratulations! :cool1: :thumbsup2

Christa -- Good luck on your show!

Krista - You are so funny! I think DH is going to wish you were his DW -- someone to be as crazy about the Steelers as he is! :cheer2:

Judy -- Have a great time. We will miss you. :sad1:
Yes, Sam Thompson finished up his 50 in 50 in 50 on August 19th. His was "Run for Hope" to bring awareness to the Katrina victims and that all is NOT fixed yet. Dean Karnazes talks about meeting and running with him in his blog. On Sam's site, he ended up doing 2 marathons in one day, so his is 51 in 50 in 50!

Dave Post #79 and #123 from Calcio/Craig had this info:
For blisters this usually works:

Vasline on the blister
Bandaid next
White athletic tape over the bandaid
Vaseline on the hot spot on the tape
I always run in 2 pair, a super thin pair next to the skin and a double-layer over that. Double-layer is a sock with 2 really thin layers which slip against each other.
Blisters are caused by heat, created by friction while you run. Anything which increases the easy slipping and sliding of sock, shoe and foot reduces the friction and blisters.

Putting vaseline over the white athletic tape allows the sock, or socks in my case, so slip over the hot spot. Then vaseline on the hot spot of the sock and the shoe does the same thing.

I usually don't bother with it in shorter runs, but when I get longer I try to do this to reduce the chance of blisters. For marathon day I even slip some of the vaseline between my toes. Not a lot, but I'm so fearful that at mile 18 I'll develop a blister someplace and perhaps DNF.
Hope that helps! :sunny: Anne
Best laid plans.....sigh..

Awful week at work in just about every way imaginable, but it's donea nd no one hates me. I'll take that.

I'll miss you all, but will let you know about my work outs when I come back. I do not plane on missing any runs and hope to do XT too! Still dreading 6 miles on a boat, but I can think of worse torchures. ;)

Had to log on for one very impartant thing, though.......

Good luck DisneyLand WISHers!!!! I want to see lots of picks of my teammates sporting that awesome castle medal when I get back!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

I'll be thining of you all!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Jen - Can't believe I forgot to post this the first time. I'll be sending prayer for you mom! :grouphug:
Jen - I'll be praying for you and your mom. I truly know how hard this can be! :grouphug: :grouphug:

Judy & Carrie - enjoy your trips - I want to read all about them when I return from mine.

Bill & Lynnda - Congrats on your upcoming arrival - what a true blessing for your family!

Not much to report here - got in most of my training this week despite bad seasonal allergies. Busy busy busy getting ready to for our Disney Cruise on 9/16. We are leaving on 9/15 and going to the MK Halloween party that night and then to the port early the next morning. I am taking my w/o clothes and planning some mileage on the boat so I don't lose my place in my training schedule.
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

I had a great LR this morning. 7.03 miles along the Genesee River Trail. Here's a map of my running route if anyone is interested.

I finished in 70:24 min or 10:01 mpm including 1 min walk breaks every 10 min. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 9:52 min
Mile 2: 9:36 min
Mile 3: 9:53 min
Mile 4: 10:23 min
Mile 5: 10:08 min
Mile 6: 10:10 min
Mile 7: 10:01 min

I got rained on from mile 5-7, but that's OK it was a water break.

OK it is DW's 41st b-day, and I need to get organized for that.
Dave -- Happy Bday to DW!

Well, I did something stupid last night and I am hoping the consequences are quickly resolved. :rolleyes:

I changed into gym clothes at my office. It was sooo much later than I wanted to be leaving (around 7:30), and I realized I'd missed packing socks. Decided to do my last pre-DL LW without socks. Yeah, you can see where this is going, right? I did 5 miles in 71 minutes -- 14:12 pace -- but ended up with 3 blisters. Can't remember the last time I had one blister, but THREE!?!?!?! UGH! Hoping they'll heal quickly. I also had a really rough time before I'd even gone a mile. I had the worst stomach ache and I NEVER get stomach aches. I felt really lightheaded and was sweating disproportionately profusely. I ended up taking a pause at 2 miles for some water and went back to finish the other 3. Not sure what that was all about. Dehydrated? Hardly seems possible with how much water I drink at work, but it was pretty weird and scary.

Glad I got in that last LW, though, since I won't get a chance this week to do anything significant. Some walking this morning and tonight and then I'll try to get in 3 more short sessions before we leave Friday.

DS had his first cross country meet of the season this morning and we did the walkthrough on his course and I was not huffing and puffng, which is a big improvement for me. He did well -- 2.2 miles in about 17:25, IIRC. I'm pretty sure it was a new PR for him! :banana:

Well, I am work today until we leave for the first UD football game.
Have a great day everyone!

Carrie -- We'll miss you. Have a great time, sweetie! :hug:
princessmomma said:
Oh, no, as I read this I though......please don't say you went out for a workout....I hope they heal quickly for DL :wizard: .


Thanks, Colleen! How is your training going? Sending you :goodvibes:

Quiet around here today, isn't it?

I am doing all sorts of administrative stuff at work, so I have the DIS minimized and keep checking to see how everyone is doing. Didn't Jodi have a race this weekend?
Hi Everyone...

Finished Week 3 of training :cool1: . Managed to do all 4 runs and 2 days of hour long plus KBX sessions. My body hurts ;)....but once I get back into full swing of KBX I should be fine! Tomorrow I have a 9/11 Memorial 5K Race here in NJ. I'm hoping for a pb time but....with all the running and soreness I'll just be happy to come close to my best lol! Who knows...maybe all the stars will align and I'll have a great run!

So I did my 7 miles today and finished in just over 71 minutes...which made for a 10:13 mpm pace. I'll take it...considering it was a long week for me :). I am very much looking forward to a quieter upcoming week to let the muscles repair a bit! I had some good weekday runs...pacing closer to 9 mpm but boy those wed/thurs back to backs are killer!

Cam: OUCH! Blisters aren't fun :(. I got one today...but geesh THREE? Hope they heal up quickly for you. And forgot to mention congrats to your DS on his singing. That is so amazing!! :goodvibes Oh...and you did great on your run despite all the troubles you had with stomache issues...and blisters! You are doing really awesome girl!!!! I'm really proud of you :).

Dave: Nice runs this week! I know you had one tough day but I continue to be impressed with your pace lately....you've come so far....especially considering all your struggles with the legs!!! That is such great news and really cool to see that our splits were very nearly the same today! Keep it up..you are doing great!! And have a nice time today celebrating your DW's birthday :).

Jen: So sorry to hear about your mom :(. I'll keep her in my thoughts. :grouphug:

Carrie: Have a SUPER time on vacation!!!! :goodvibes Can't wait to see pics when you return!!!

Judy: You too!!! Wow...have a super time at the world! And Yacht and Beach have a fabulous fitness center...bet you'll get a chance to see it LOL. :teeth:

And to everyone else :wave: . Awesome job guys! Wow...everyone is really doing great with training and preps for both DL and WDW. Keep up the good work...it's very inspiring to see all this wonderful training going on!!!!
Phew, I've found a new form on cross training! Although I'm minorly afraid to admit it... Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2!

My wife and I had dabbled on and off with it and I'd played it in arcades several times, but we finally got serious and bought a very nice mat to replace the somewhat flakey one that comes with the game. Full inch of cushioning, much more comfortable and easier on the muscles. And man, after like an hour of trying to beat some difficult levels mostly unsuccessfully, I'm beat myself!

Since I'm supposed to be taking a couple days off of running I couldn't just sit there and not do anything... The long runs have been paying off as I'm now the weight I was when I ran my first half marathon 8 months ago... so no excuses for not beating that time (2:07), especially after all this training! Should be a lifetime PR at that distance a week from tomorrow at DL, but it remains to be seen if I break 2:00... :moped: (can you tell I spaz out about goals like that?)
Hey everyone! I have to go back and read...but I wanted to post my race report!

It thunderstormed all night last night - I was a wreck awake listening to it, thinking the race would be cancelled! But, it wasn't. It was cool - about 60. We got there about an hour early and got marked - woo hoo! ;)

My heat of swimmers went off right before 8 am. I ended up getting more to the front of the line-up in the water than I planned, but it was okay. Not too many people swam over me. The water didn't seem that cool -- I think my adrenalin was pumping big time! The course was out, over, then back kind of like an upside-down U. The only interesting thing in the swim was coming up to the landing where we exited, there was a huge dead carp floating in the water. Thankfully, I saw it and swam around, someone behind me swam directly in it - I heard the scream. Eewwwww! It was gross-smelling, too. My swim was just over 20 minutes for a half mile. Then, my first transition was four minutes - I had a problem with the tongue of one of my bike shoes and didn't want to risk a blister. Oh, I also didn't have a wet suit - I think that would have shaved a few minutes off my time. I definitely want to try one next year.

So, running with the bike was something I didn't practice - especially with the bike shoes. UGH! That looked awkward, I'm sure. It sure felt awful. I expended a ton of energy getting out of the transition area. The first few bike miles were awful. I felt like there was no way I could finish. But, I had a Gu and by mile 6 I was feeling good. Plus, I was right on pace which made me feel better. The course was much less hilly than what I had practiced on, so that was nice. I was worried about the passing rules and didn't want to ride too close to anyone, so I was a little less aggressive than I wanted. I finished the bike (18 miles) in a little over an hour - an hour was my goal. Again, I had to run with the bike. I more walked the bike...my legs were feeling like mush. I switched socks to run because it was wet on the road and my others were soaking and I have been having blister problems. I grabbed my other Gu and took off.

Last Saturday I walked the whole run portion of the practice. Today I was determined to run 3 and walk 2 at least the whole way. And I did! I hate to say my time because it was so slow - but for me it was progress. Three months ago I couldn't run for a minute without having to walk for 4 to recover. And today I had did each mile in just over 12 minutes. So, I finished the run in just over an hour! Much better than last week and I figure this way I have lots of room to improve for next year! I did have some side cramps and leg and hip pain the first few miles, but by the third mile I was feeling better.

So, overall my time was 2:33:54. My goal was 2:30, so I was close. I know I will be able to do a lot better next year, but I have to keep telling myself it was a big deal! I really loved doing it. I love getting to do three different things. I definitely want to do more of these next year.

I wore my WISH team shirt before and after the race and as I was standing around talking, a guy and girl passed me and said, "That is a great shirt." I turned and looked and was trying to figure out if they were DIS people, but then the girl said that she should have that because she was the last finisher. I congratulated her and just thought it was cool that my shirt started conversation - and hopefully encouraged her.

So, that was my day! Thanks for helping my find the motivation to get out and train and be ready for this! I will post a few pics later, I need to download them.


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