Wk of Sep 24--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good morning everyone!! :sunny: For my cross training last night I walked 4 miles, I don't know how long it took me or what I was walking because I didn't have my Garmin with me. We had to take Hines to PetSmart for a bath and to get his nails clipped (he has to look good for puppy camp on Friday :dog: ) and the running park I usually run at is right behind the shopping plaza where PetSmart is. While we were waiting for Hines to get beautiful, Stephen ran 6 miles and I walked. It was nice to be out there and move without constantly looking at wrist to see my pace, time, or distance. But it was hard being there and seeing everyone else run and not be running. I'm doing 45 minutes tonight, skipping the usual Wednesday work out, so I can take a rest day tomorrow and do my 9 miles on Friday. We all know I am NOT going to feel like running 9 miles on the first day of vacation. :teeth:

Ladies--Check out this link: http://health.msn.com/womenshealth/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100145768 a study was done that shows cutting too many calories can cause more running injuries.

Judy--Don't listen to that jerk. You are an athlete. You are a runner. In a few months you will be a marathon finisher. Maybe we should take a group picture after the marathons with everyone wearing their medals and flipping off the camera. We can then blow the picture up to 11x14 and mail it to him. :furious: :furious:

Cam--Sorry you haven't been feeling well lately. :grouphug: Good to see you back and jealous of your bling.

Kevin and Dave--You guys are speedy!!!! Wow!!! I am thoroughly impressed.

Dave--Have you told your wife about the marathon yet?

Helen--Oh, Barnes and Noble--the big time!! What are the names of your books? I'd love to check them out.

Carrie--I think the half marathon sounds good and shouldn't affect your training in a negative way. Just take your time and don't rush, you don't want to risk injury.

Sunny--I'm glad you sort of got some answers and some relief from the pain. Good luck with Applefest, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers on Saturday.

I better go, my desk is slowly starting to get cluttered with papers I have been ignoring. I just keeping thinking to myself "this time next week"... :cloud9:
Judy - I finally read that article. He is talking aobut me. Although i've done several marathon (which i basically did all together so as not to waste all that goofy training) i'm much slower than the author suggested people should run. Basically, he just cracked me up. Since he is so fast and finishes so quickly, why should he care who is behind him? and if they are too commericalized, then he should just go out and do his own 26.2 miles. He sounds like a dork!!! Basically, I was just happy for him that he can run so fast, that way he can at least out run the angry mob he offended!! :rotfl2:
Judy-- We had a similar discussion last year about "elitist" attitudes. There's a big difference between elite runners and elitists. For one thing, elite runners have special accommodations and don't have to put up with the "likes of us bumbling idiots". He's clearly the latter. There are plenty of runners who could leave him out in the cold claiming marathons should only be for sub 3:00 runners, everyone else is just muddling up the course! (I'm assuming he's not a sub 3 or he would have flaunted it).

Don't worry about the elitists, they are elite wannabes.

Hi WISH Team!

I read that article with jaw dropped! That man is a sad person. I feel sorta sorry for him. He must be lonely and have a massive inferiority complex. That does not give him any excuse to try to bring down others. All the supportive comments here are real! He is not.

I love the Eleanor Roosevelt quote and have grown to truly understand it.

Krista, thanks for that link on the article about proper nutrition while making those steps.

Lynne, I don't think I could take the babies. It breaks my heart to hear a baby cry. I'd be a mess. I've also heard from our ped oh so long ago that the money is not in the pediatric field. You gotta go with what it is that makes you enjoy though since you will be doing this long-term. Good luck figuring it all.

Sunny, I am glad that you are encouraged. Fantastic! news.

I am thrilled to see some of our MIAs stopping by. :grouphug:

I've had a most fantastic week. I gained some speed and don't know from where it has come. All of a sudden I've kicked in. It feels surreal. I've been enjoying the cooler days where I've jumped on the trail right after work before the dark time makes me TM. I feel like I am flying (for you "runners" I would be wayyyy slow still). It's amazing to me how putting in the time--over time--really makes all this easier.

I gotta jet back to the world of work. More later...
That's an awesome quote, thanks for posting it :goodvibes

Lily - I won't be able to make chat tonight because I'm covering a shift for a co-worker. I get home @8pm, 10pm est, so I doubt anyone will still be on chat, but I'll check in just in case. Have a good chat guys.
Greetings – :sunny:

Today’s post is brought to you by the word “ouch”.

This morning I actually heard my alarm clock and got up and went on the TM for 45 min. But man, my quads are sore! And the insides of my thighs (I don’t know what those muscles are called. I probably don’t know that because I don’t HAVE any muscles there. Just fat. Jiggly fat.) Anyway, it was tough going at first. I didn’t think I’d make it 45 minutes. But the longer I went the better I felt. And when I was done it was just as if I hadn’t missed almost two whole weeks! So, yay! :cheer2:

Thank you to everyone who sent congratulations my way. :blush: I am very happy to have my first ever event under my belt. I am looking forward to another 5K this Saturday.

Speaking of belts, I think I’ll go with the RunLite since I can customize it however I need. I think that’s a good plan since I have no idea what I need yet.

BTW, when we were at WDW last week I made a complete fool of myself on the bus. :rolleyes: Thank goodness there was only one other family on it. On the way from the MK to the YC, we went down the hill in front of the CR. The very same hill I understand we will be going up during the Half. I stood up on the bus and said – very loudly I might add – “Oh My God, that’s the Contemporary Hill!” OK, not for nothing, but it is not such a small incline, people. Memo to Honeibee: Get some darn hills in quick!

I have a question about our WISH shirts. How do you wash them? :confused3 I put ours in the washing machine with cold water and just a little detergent and on the gentle cycle. I don’t want to ruin the Moisture-Wicking.

BTW the shirts were a HIT this past weekend! People really do love them. We even got sent into Volunteer parking by accident because the police officer thought we were “with the band”.

I guess I’m full of questions today. I think I’m making up for lost time! Do you have to drive to get to where you run? We live on a pretty busy road, although we do have a 941’ long driveway. I was thinking that I should go to the local reservation, as they have fabulous trails, and I could run there. But it seems kinda silly to drive to run, KWIM? But maybe that’s just what I have to do. We’ve had a couple of close calls on our road.

Monte – I have Colorado question for you. What do you know about Telluride? I’m kinda thinking of next year going there for vacation…. :teeth:

Dave – That guy’s an idiot. Ignore him. I am. You of all people should not feel bad. You’ve made incredible progress. :thumbsup2 The heck with him. He’s probably compensating for something we don’t want to know about.

Helen – I can’t believe you aren’t just allowed to move here if you want to! I am shocked! Want me to adopt you? :goodvibes I didn’t know you wrote books. Wow! I’m impressed! On B&N even! Can you tell me what they are called? How extremely interesting! The most I’ve ever written are DIS posts!

Cam – YAY! :banana: There you are. We WORRY you know! Ohhh, sorry about the migraine. Ouch. (And this post happens to be brought to you by that very word!) Wait. Stuffing your face ISN’T XT???? I hear ya about the weight. I gained six pounds in WDW, but came home, got sick and lost seven. I don’t know that a week of cough syrup and meds was worth it.

Kevin – Wow, you said it! He obviously has issues. When it comes to running, I don’t. I just want to do it. Finishing is my goal. :woohoo: Not winning.

Carrie – I’ll tell you what it says that you only know that quote from the PD…that you are a funny girl! You made me laugh!! :rotfl2:

Krista – I love your idea, although I wouldn’t give that fool the time of day!! :crazy:

Mel and Sunny – Makes you kinda want to trip him in the next race, doesn’t it??? :teeth:
Judy - Telluride is a lovely town about 5.5 hrs from here. It is an old mining town turned ski town,( in the San Juan mountains), with alot of quaint shops, restaurants and tourist attractions. Go to: google.com, then type in Telluride for more information.
Hey, why not try Copper Mountain/Summit County for your Colorado get-a-way??? It's beautiful here :)
Judy - Way to go on getting out there today. WISH shirt washing instructions. I'll double-check, but I thougth the only reatriction was no softener. (I wouldn't use hot either) I wash mine in warm on the reglar cycle and they seem to be fine. I only fdrive to run at my parents, as I live right acress the street from a buike path. I'd love to drive somewher to run at my ILs, but there is nowhere. We tried to take the best route to protect my hip (injured by a very steep shoulder last year), but it's a dying town. The roads are crud, teh siewalks are crud. Just no fun. I was starting to get nigglings of pain Saturday, but I think I'm ok. Anyway,o not at home, but sometimes when I travel. COUld I have said that itn a longer fashion? ;)

BTW - Look at the contemp hill as teh gateway to MK. I was so excited about the sign on the water bridge and that we were going under teh water bridge and that we would soon see MK, that that one did not bother me. lol, Judy. That bus story's hilarious!
monte said:
Judy - Telluride is a lovely town about 5.5 hrs from here. It is an old mining town turned ski town,( in the San Juan mountains), with alot of quaint shops, restaurants and tourist attractions. Go to: google.com, then type in Telluride for more information.
Hey, why not try Copper Mountain/Summit County for your Colorado get-a-way??? It's beautiful here :)

I was born in Durango :goodvibes I've heard my parents talk about Telluride many times. They've lived in Mass for 35 years but still consider Colorado home! I remember when we first got here, new friends brought us to the White Mountains to help with the home-sickness. My parents groaned-- "You call those mountains????"
OMG! Talk of packets coming makes me nervous/excited! It relaly is getting close. 102 days for the full!

Here's the latest WDW Marathon e-mail:

WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend

Welcome to the September edition of the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend E-Newsletter. We hope that your training is going well and that you are excited for your upcoming trip to the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort! Please continue to check http://www.disneyworldmarathon.com/ throughout the year for important race information and updates. Thanks again for being a part of this event, we can't wait to see you on the start line!

Marathon Registration Update - Registration Closed

The WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon has reached its registration capacity and is now closed. Congratulations to everyone who registered to be a part of the 2007 WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend.

The WALT DISNEY WORLD® Half Marathon and Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge have also both reached their registration capacity and are now closed. For more information on groups and charities that have Marathon, Half Marathon, and Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge spots available, visit the Groups and Charities page on www.disneyworldmarathon.com.

Disney's Family Fun Run 5K and Kids' Races New Date and Time

Calling all buccaneers and royals! You are hereby invited to take part in Disney's Pirate and Princess 5K at the Disney-MGM Studios. The race will be run on Friday, January 5 at 7:00 a.m. This will be a race full of adventure that you will "treasure" forever!

Register today for Disney's Pirate and Princess 5K

Disney's Family Fun Run Kids' Races will be run at Disney's Wide World of Sports® Complex on Friday, January 5 and Saturday, January 6 at 10:00 a.m. Children can run, walk, or crawl their way to the finish line!

Register today for Disney's Family Fun Run Kids' Races

Marathon Program - Coming Soon!

Your 2007 WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend Program is being mailed to you the first week of October. It can take up to two weeks to ship, so you can expect it to arrive sometime in mid-October. The Program is designed to be a resource to help you maximize your WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend experience.

Also arriving with your 2007 Marathon Program will be your Official Race Number Pick-up Card and Waiver. You are required to sign your Race Number Pick-up Card and Waiver and bring it with you to Disney's Health and Fitness Expo Jan. 4-6 in order to receive your official race number and race packet. Don't forget to pack your Race Number Pick-up Card and Waiver and bring it with you to the Expo!

Disneyland® Half Marathon Weekend

Congratulations to the 12,000 participants who were a part of the Inaugural Disneyland® Half Marathon Weekend on September 17! We are pleased to announce that the Disney magic will continue in California August 31-September 2 at the 2007 Disneyland® Half Marathon Weekend. Registration for the Happiest Race on Earth will open on November 15, 2006. Visit www.disneylandhalfmarathon.com for more information on this exciting event.

Travel Packages

Now is the best time for you to begin planning your upcoming trip to WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort. This is a weekend that is too good to keep to yourself. Bring your family and friends along to the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort for a trip that they will remember forever!

Disney Sports Travel can help you plan everything for your trip, including airfare, lodging, accommodations, theme park tickets, dining reservations, transportation, and more! For more information or to book your travel package, email wdw.disney.sports.travel@disneysports.com or call (407) 939-7810.

Discover the World- Disney's Pop Century Resort

About the Resort: Travel back in time to enjoy bright, bold, larger-than-life icons from the 1950's to the 1990's. From yo-yo's to the Sony Walkman®, from Play-Doh® to the Rubik's Cube®, experience a resort that celebrates the fashions, catch phrases, toys and dances that captivated the world through the decades.

Location: Disney's Pop Century Resort is located in Disney's Wide World of Sports® Complex area, which is in proximity to Disney's Animal Kingdom® Park.

Benefit to Marathon Weekend Participants: Disney's Pop Century Resort is located within 1/2 mile from Disney's Wide World of Sports® Complex, the site of Disney's Health and Fitness Expo.

The Endurance Series at WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort

The WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort is host to an entire calendar of endurance events. There is truly a challenge for everyone and an event for every fitness level. With the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Theme Parks serving as a backdrop, these are events that you cannot experience anywhere else.

Upcoming Endurance Series Events Include:

2006 Komen Central Florida Race for the Cure® 5K October 7, 2006

WALT DISNEY WORLD® Inline Marathon Weekend - March 31- April 1, 2007

Disney's Minnie Marathon Weekend, presented by Lady Foot Locker® - May 4-6, 2007

Go Red for Women 5K and 1 Mile - May, 5, 2007

Women Run the World 15K - May 6, 2007

Sports Enthusiasts Opportunities

Are your friends and family looking for a way to be a part of the 2007 WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend? Volunteers are needed on behalf of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. To register online, please visit our website at www.disneyworldsports.com and click on ‘Sports Enthusiasts’.

Thank You

Thank you again for being a part of the 2007 WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend. Best of luck with training! We are looking forward to welcoming you to the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort in less than four months!


1) Hotel/Travel Packages questions: wdw.disney.sports.travel@disneysports.com

2) Online registration questions: info@signmeupsports.com

3) General event questions: disneysports@emmi.com
Just a catch up post...
Jackie, so good to see you back here! :wave2:
Heather, those are GREAT pictures! :thumbsup2
MelR, Tony Campolla's, "It's Friday, but Sunday's comin'!" is a great piece! Our preacher even added to it! Wow!! to even start your race in those conditions! :scared1:
Cecilia, Yeoooowwww!! I was :rotfl2: imagining your kids' expressions with the ice bath!!
Dave, :earseek: an 8 minute mile!!!
Carrie, Wonderful Alaskan pictures!! Dog sledding was too cool!! Congrats on breaking a 10 minute mile!!
The 10 mpm was taking me too long and I started to run out of time
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Monica , way to go on your half marathon! Yikes, a snowshoe marathon??!!
Tiger Lily Glad you had a great run! You are becoming the model for our board! ;)
Sunny So wonderful to hear your great news!! At least now there is light at the end of this dark tunnel!! pixiedust: pixiedust:
Dana You got 14 miles done!!! :worship: I agree with you about it being unreal to say "only" 6 miles??!!
Nancy, :wave: I'm sure all of your walking in CA will help with the 5K!!
Valentine, Welcome back! Team Tiara was a riot at Minnie! :goodvibes
Tammy and HMHunters, :welcome:
Speaking of Minnie. It was mentioned some where else, but they redesigned the medal for next year! Now it will look like Minnie!! May have to do that one again, just for the new bling. AND to see how different a year's training makes!
Speaking of Minnie. It was mentioned some where else, but they redesigned the medal for next year! Now it will look like Minnie!! May have to do that one again, just for the new bling. AND to see how different a year's training makes!

Oh man!! I can't do the Minnie this year!! Rats! I think I have a show that weekend! Darn!!

But.. dont think I am not going to try and manipulate that one so I can Perhaps fit it in!! LOL!!!

wtpclc said:
Jen - I''ll be doing my 9-miler about 20 min NW of Milwaukee Saturday. Want to join me? :teeth:

Carrie - I would love to drive to Milwaukee and run, but I will be in Minocqua running the Rump Roast Run 5K (maybe in the rain). What brings you to this side of the Lake???

Dave - Wow Mr. Speedy. You are flying!!!!

Judy - I have the same thoughts of that hill. The first time my summer running group went up a hill like that I freaked. I told DH that there was no way I could make it up the Contemporary Hill. I will be singing "I Think I Can, I Think I Can" during that point!

Today is my rest day... Thank God for rest days!! I sure needed one. Tomorrow I run again, most likely on the dreadmill... BLUCH. Last night I did drive a new route that is very close to 7 miles round trip from home. Give or Take .1 of a mile. It has some nasty Contemporary Hills in it, so it should be good practice for those.
:sad1: Today's supposed to be my 2nd SR day of the week, but I'm bagging it in favor of resting my foot. Things are not good. I taped it as soon as I got home because I've had hip pain all day from it. I'm starting to wonder if those $400 orthotics are in my future afterall :guilty:
Of course, the day's not quite over...we'll see if I stick to the 'not running' thing :teeth: Wonder if I can run with it taped...the coaches used to tape my ankle before every game when I played basketball in high school.

:welcome: Tammy and HMHunters. Join the party:

Jen...my training route is as flat as they come and I didn't think the Contemporary Hill was that bad. Actually, the overpass going back to EPCOT was much harder.

Kathy...what kind of show do you have in May?

Dave...wow...fabulous pace! :car:

Kevin...you, too! :car:

Sunny...glad to hear things are progressing for you finally. The recent info on Levaquin is pretty consistent with what I know about it...more relationship to soft tissue problems than bone stuff. Good luck at Applefest...that one's definitely on my list! Gotta love a race that involves pies.

Nancy and Jackie...welcome back! :wave:

Carrie...I think you could do the GR half...maybe swap the 6 mile with the 12 mile week so the half falls on your 12 mile week? That would kinda give you a taper run before the half.

Helen...we've established that I don't get out much...how does the whole lottery thing work for immigration? I liked Lynne's idea about moving to Canada...Nova Scotia is my dream vacation, though I wouldn't mind hanging out on Rachael's side of the world! And there are plenty of Canadians that winter down here.

Lynne...peds was one of the rotations that surprised me. I don't consider myself particularly good with kids, but I really liked peds as well. There's just something about a patient that hugs you just because. I spent some training in peds hem/onc...good outcomes are fabulous...bad outcomes just hurt.

Cam...sorry about the migraine! Looks like some great splits for the half! How's the family?

Lily...love the tough training photo!

Where's Pat been hiding?

Krista...weird football week! I can't believe Phil Simms had to have a splenectomy after the game on Sunday. It didn't seem like he got hit any harder than in any other game. Then there was the emotional Saints game on Mon night. BTW...posted a quick thread on meeting for RftT.

Just throwing out a thought...if Minnie is a girls' weekend, how many people can technically stay in a grand villa at OKW? WISH team slumber party?
chimera said:
Just throwing out a thought...if Minnie is a girls' weekend, how many people can technically stay in a grand villa at OKW? WISH team slumber party?

Om my gosh! Don't tempt me like that!!!! I so want to do that race again next year, but with Chad losing his job by December, I am thinking it's not in the cards.

I am 99% sure a grand villa sleeps 12.

But maybe, if I eBay his Disney license plate collection... :scratchin :teeth:
Jen - Scrapping booking weekend with good friend from college. Good thing. I just got 307 pixs in the mail Monday. :O

Mel - I so want to go to Minnie, but I may have to wait until 08. I'll be able to borrow pouints again by then. ;) If you're hobbling, rest that foot! Hip pain is not good! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I did my 40 min tonight. Not pretty, but I managed to talk dh out of running, as he's sick and it was cold and rainy. Kept waiting for him to talk me out of it, but he didn't. :( So, I ran. I'm such a whimp.
chimera said:
Just throwing out a thought...if Minnie is a girls' weekend, how many people can technically stay in a grand villa at OKW? WISH team slumber party?

Oh Mel, that sounds so great! :banana: I would love to do it too, but I need to get Chicago and Goofy finished before I even think about talking to DH about it!

That weekend would just be a hoot!

Hi All - okay in a vain attempt to talk about running, I'm off my post race rest now and so did 7km last night, I'm supposed to do 10km tonight then 16km on the weekend - but we'll see about tonight, there's a big pile of magazines upstairs that look very tempting - and I have got a cold that's gone to my chest (not good with an asthmatic!!!) and so I might skip tonight to make sure I'm fit for Saturday - it's only 6 more weeks till my next half, and apparently I'm a roadster after this one (as I've done five in a row) which means I get my own number for ever and ever - how cool is that.

Mel: The lottery is basically open to anyone who wants to emigrate to the US from a country who doesn't already send lots of people (ie the UK). You have to fit certain criteria like a profession, but then your name goes a big hat (well computer) and something like 50,000 get picked out each year. But being born in the UK rules me out - and yep Lynne we have thought Canada but I'm not a big fan of cold weather so.....big announcement here.... come April, looks like I'm moving to Sydney, Australia, who have a really cool half marathon route over the Harbour Bridge and past the opera house. This does however mean I will be training for Goofy without my running buddies so I'll need all your help even more.

Krista/Judy: I know, I'd seen my books in the US before, in the Discovery Channel Store in Orlando, but Barnes and Noble is very swish. I was trying to get to Tim to take my photo with them but he was having none of it. And, despite my current scale issues, I write diet books. If you really want more info, PM me and I'll tell you my 'true identity'.

In fact, am supposed to be writing feature about one of the books as we 'speak' so I spose I'd better get back to it - Helen
I am so sorry I haven't been around much since DL. I have been volunteering at school all week & now I have started substituting. Yesterday was my first day & it went pretty well. Much better than I expected. The kids (5th grade) were very well behaved & helped me out with their routine. Our school really needs subs so I will probably be working a good bit. The pay is not great, but for a job where you can work when you want, have school hours & be at my kids' school its worth it. More WDW money!!! :cool1:

OoHHH Mel-That would be so much fun. I guess DH might let me do it again if I keep subbing alot. I would love the new bling & to conquer that course this time! Take care of that foot!

Judy-that article made me mad :furious: And I agree with Sunny, there is a big difference in Elite runners & elitists. If he was an Elite runner he would have no idea what the thousands of people behind him were doing, nor would they get in his way or bother him.

WDW is coming fast. I am starting my official training this weekend. I wanted to ramp up my training a bit, so I found a schedule I like on marathonwalking.com. I'm hoping it will help be finish faster/better.
Hi everyone!

I ran in a race yesterday. I know, wednesday is not your typical race day but thats when the Windward Challenge is held every year. I came in third in my age group!!! I was so excited!

I ran a very hilly 5K in 27:20. I was so thrilled at my time and I wasn't even thinking about getting an age group award. I was shocked when they called my name! Luckily, one of my TNT friends had checked the list and knew that I had placed so she had everyone stick around for the awards.

The overall female winner has qualified for Boston and will use her 2 round trip tickets to fly to Boston for the marathon this spring. Wow.

The best is that my 10 year old daughter went to watch and now she has been inspried to start running as well!!! We did a little one mile run when we got home from the race to get her training started. She ran the mile in 9:05 so she is well on her way to being a great runner!

Have a great day everyone!


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