Wk of Sep 17--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

:cool1: Congratulations to all the weekend run/walkers. Way to go!

My Saturday LR got bumped again this weekend due to kid's soccer games. Got out there Sunday evening...
12:46 Mile 1
12:47 Mile 2
11:51 Mile 3
12:29 Mile 4
13:04 Mile 5
11:08 1/4 mile
Was suppose to do 6 miles, but for some reason my motivation ran out. I spent the better part of today internally flogging myself for being a quitter. If I don't put in the steps now, I'm definitely not gonna make it in January. I think tomorrow's run will be better focused...will have that "keep moving foward" attitude back.

CJ-Fishers, IN
1k @ a time
Congrats DL halfers! The pics are great.

Christa-- just when I was getting my courage up to start biking... ouch!

Have you seen the soldier running the Kuwait marathon video? It's a yahoo, I'll try to post the link here-- I thought it was great:


Soldier Running Kuwait 26.2

I did an hour of DWR today. It felt great. I did an 8 mile walk on Saturday with an avg pace of 15:28, no wogging. I'm not willing to risk losing any benefits from the epidural at this point.

Thank you so much Sunny. I sooooo needed that video. Thank you. I can't tell you how much I needed that tonight. :grouphug:
Colleen, thanks for starting us along this week. So glad that you found the joy in going a bit slower and enjoying the conversation/company. It is nice when it comes along. Doing Goofy that way is, I think, smart! You will absolutely love Wicked if you haven’t seen it yet. Great idea to do that while you are in Chi-town.

Kelley, that is good news about your 14 miler. Glad you had those revelations about what is working.

Christa, I’m reading the first page where you were thinking of taking a nap instead of biking, but I know what happened and I saying stay home! What a picture, Ouch! I must say that pace is moving even if you think it slow. I don’t race bicycle so that is moving. I must say I’ve got clips not cages, and it’s kinda funny. I’ve fallen over when I’ve tried to unclip in a hurry. Twice I’ve seen a photo op and wanted to slow down, jump off and get that shot. Nope, in the dirt I’ve gone. Lucky me I mostly ride on the gravel trail. However, I got my first case of poison ivy on that path last year and when I fell onto the weeds this year it was me thinking I’ve really done it now. Whew! Came away ok. Then I’ve fallen where I’ve slid out on those loose trail stones going like almost 0 mph around a narrow curve. Folks came up running to see if this old one needed help. Oh, my pride! There I was laughing up a storm, I think the motorcycle cops used to say that they were taught to hold onto the bike and slide with it if they took a spill. Well those toe things sure make it that way for the bicycle! (Hope your run went better that that bike thing did!) Ummm, are you sitting on that ice? Great advice on race goals there! I’m with you on that! Hope you can get that reflux problem managed a bit better. Sounds like you've been having a time at it. I deal with that and nutcracker esophagus and it is not pleasant for sure.

Darcey, honey, your time was Great! to me anyway. I don’t usually go that fast. I hope you enjoyed your event. Stop by more often. It will be great to get to know you. Hope you are feeling better.

Kareneast, so you had an eastern US WISH Team race going with Darcey and Mike! Fantastic. Hope you had a great adventure.

Marissa, glad you managed to get it done in DL. Sorry that you didn’t get to meet up with any of the WISH Team and that you had to work. Yech! Oh well, I guess that’s what pays for these trips, huh. Glad you got to take pics on your half. Sounds like exactly what I did in WDW and I can say it was THE BEST time! Stop by more often. I’d love to hear how your training is going. Thanks for sharing the pics.

Mike your race time for me sounds great! Also with a bothersome knee. Eek! Hope it is better today. Amazing, we had a WISH Team doing PDR and I’m sorry I didn’t realize that.

Mel, you are now officially a runner! You are! Way to go! You had a good pace going on in WDW. Your “scouting” report for our Friday meet up is appreciated. Thanks for doing that. I was wondering if a “warning” to the facility that the locusts will be descending early might be wise.

Monica, sorry you won’t make Chat Wednesday eve.

Dave that was an excellent rest day you had there. Perfect! You are fast! Glad things are working out better for you and hope no more probs with those shins. Good work cheering on those runners in your area. I know they appreciated it. I love when people are doing that. You will be fine at the marathon. Worst case…you’ll have to slow down and wait for me!

Sara, what a wonderful cross training experience you have planned in today. You got some pretty good steps in this weekend.

Amy, I’m sorry to hear of your worries there. Hope it isn’t anything horrible and that doc can get you back on track. I’ve not had any experience with stress fractures, so can’t give anything other than hugs to you that it is all ok.

Jen, glad that you got to be out there with your Mom. I know you both enjoyed that. Being able to get in those steps is important and I commend you for working at that during all that is going on in your life. You keep doing that. I think it is a wonderful stress reliever and I’m thinking it probably is something that helps you. I know it has helped me…putting in those steps. Don’t be overwhelmed about hitting that wall. You will do just fine. But you know these feelings are really part of the “fun” of signing up way in advance and training along the way.

CJ, you are right, you’ve definitely got to put in those steps. No matter how fast, get them in. You’ve got a good pace going. One foot in front of the other! You can do it!

Sunny, Wow, that video was amazing. Thanks for that. Glad your able to get in that DWR and hoping that the walking continues to be good to. Great that you are getting to do something and that you are managing within your new limits.

I got in my steps tonight on TM then closed with Pilates since I couldn’t get out of bed this am to do that part. I took a cold bath tub soak after showering tonight. I’m feeling a bit of a strain along the outside of my lower leg. Not sure what’s up with that. Hoping it clears up so I won’t have to slow training. Working concession stand tomorrow eve, so I am not certain about what I am going to do to get steps in.

I'm feeling pretty good right about now since I got on the scale today and noticed I've pared down a few pounds. I'm trying to choose more wisely. Must get going on some vitamins though I think. I've slacked some on them. For the record, I know distance running time is not a good time to worry about weight loss. I'm making better nutritional choices and not worrying about the "D" word, just being careful.

Is anyone else planning to come to chat for a bit? I may be a bit late, but I plan to be there Wednesday. Have a business group early dinner meeting. I may be dressed up for chat!
Hi Lily,

Thanks so much :). Sounds like your training is going great! Congrats on the weight in :)!!!!!!

BTW...I hope to be in chat this week!!
Sunny :sunny: - Glad to hear from you...I am so glad to see that you are not pushing it too hard but still able to train! :cheer2: Loved the video clip....Don't let my stupidity on the bike scare you! :rotfl:

Lily - :cool1: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: on the weigh in! I know that makes you feel great! I am afraid to get clips b/c I cannot even get the hang of the cages....People cannot believe that I fell over with cages. :rotfl: Even my sis and friends who don't bike are laughing at me.

Just posting real quick to post a link to the trail marathon I am going to "run"...I just was studying the course and got real excited. I think Bree is going with me. :banana:
Triple Lakes Trail Marathon

May get on the bike again today to PU the girls from school...Not sure if it is going to rain though. We will see. I am sure I will have a grand story whatever happens. :goodvibes

OH...one more thing! We are staying @ BWVs for the marathon. Got a call yesterday b/c we were on a waiting list! :cool1:
Hi, everyone! Can't wait to get back here and catch up, but I've been working since 5 am and now it's time to shower and put in a full day at the parks. Does this count as cross-training?

Miss you all!

BTW, Christa -- that knee looks so painful, though your smile belies that fact. :sad1: I got all woozy seeing you injured that way.

Hoping everyone is loving their training still. Looking forward to encouraging each other through the next few months of training. :grouphug:
Quick questions cause I know we have DVC Members here:

Have any of you stayed at OKW :confused3 We have a great opportunity to stay at OKW in a 2BDR villa for a great price for our quick Oct trip.

We've never stayed at a DVC before though.

Any advice or tips would be fantastic :thumbsup2
Minnie said:
Quick questions cause I know we have DVC Members here:

Have any of you stayed at OKW :confused3 We have a great opportunity to stay at OKW in a 2BDR villa for a great price for our quick Oct trip.

We've never stayed at a DVC before though.

Any advice or tips would be fantastic :thumbsup2
Minni - I just love OKW...It is a little roomier (is that a word) than BWV and BCV. We stay there sometimes and really love it. Pools are great too...Heck, just being @ WDW is AWESOME! :love:

OK going to try to ride the bike to work! Then off to pick up the girls @ school!
FYI...The girls go to school @ our church and this is where DH works so the car is there already. We have practice for a show we do on Sundays tonight so this will help with having only 1 car there.
Here is a link JIC anyone is interested. (I am the dog). :rotfl:
Big Mama's Attic
Hi all!

COngratulations to all of you sporting that awesome castel medal!! I di dparticipate vicariously by tracking a couple of you. That helped the time go by while waiting to disembark.

I had a wonderful cruise adn did ok training wise. WIll share and Alaska trainign report as soon as I can. hopefully tonight.

Back to the moutnain of e-mails. Just wasnted to check in with a quick post.
Christa, the marathon looks great...are you running the 40 miles, or doing the marathon? You've motivated me so much that I've decided to join WW next week...I'll let you know how it goes. :goodvibes
Hi Guys...

Just a quick post....visited the doc today and was sent straight on for x-rays of my lower leg :(. I'm just sitting here waiting for them to call with the radiologists report. Ugh. :guilty:

Minnie: OKW is fabulous!!! I really love the size of the villas and the property is really beautiful!!! I think that if you have an opportunity to stay there you should...you won't be disappointed! :thumbsup2

Carrie: Welcome back from the cruise!! Can't wait to hear a report on that trip! Need some pictures too :). :goodvibes

Cam: So proud of you!!! Nice to see you posting!!! How are you feeling since the race????
I do have pics that I plan to put in my ALaska Training Report. If not, I could have posted now.

Amy - Sendign lots of pd your way! Hope you're ok. FYI - My doc x-rayed and told me to ice, do advil and take it easy for ~ 3 weeks (nor more than 2 to 3 miles). Then, if it was not better by then, she'd do an MRI. Don't know what to hope for in your case. If it shows up on an x-ray, it would have to be a pretty bad stress fracture. Hope it gets figured out an dheald soon!

CHrista - SOrry about your biking boo boo!!!!
Hello Everybody! DL was fantastic! It was so great to see all my WISH friends. I had so much fun during the race. I took my digital camera and took 50 pictures during the 1/2. I will post a link later tonight. My pace was a lot faster than I expected (finished in 3:15). I probably could have finished in close to 3:00 if I hadn't stopped to take so many pictures and 2 bathroom breaks. I am so excited about training for the full in Jan. My DH said that he might have to train harder if I plan on doing 13 minute miles. :rotfl: (For those who don't know, DH is going Goofy in Jan. He'll do the 1/2 at his pace, which is around 7 minute miles, and then do the full with me at my pace). More later.

Carrie- Glad you had fun on your cruise! Did you get to ride on the dogsleds?
Greetings TEAM: :wave: Happy International "Talk Like A Pirate Day" pirate: Arrrrrrrr pirate:

I've been really enjoying reading all the reports on the DL half marathon. It sounds like everyone had a great time. I did my 30 min x-training this morning as called for by MfM. Was on the elliptical in the gym by 6am and did 40 min total including a 5 min warm up and cool down.
plutosmyfav said:
I did an hour of DWR today. It felt great. I did an 8 mile walk on Saturday with an avg pace of 15:28, no wogging. I'm not willing to risk losing any benefits from the epidural at this point.
Great job on your 8 mile walk Sunny! I'm sooo impressed with your tenacity. And good job on keeping up with the swogging too. Sounds like you are doing all you can to keep in shape. Way to go! You stay with it girl! I haven't been able to watch the video yet of the Kuwait marathon, but I will as soon as I can.

CJ- You are NOT a quitter, not now, not Sunday, not ever!!! Get that out of your head right now. You are doing what you can do. You got off the couch and got out there and exercised the best you can, and that's more than many people do. Don't defeat yourself by putting artificial goals in your head. So you missed your 6 mile goal by 0.75 miles. So what! Let's celebrate the fact you did do 5.25 miles!!! Keep it up CJ.
gatorphipps said:
Dave - I am not going to lie to you...running a marathon is hard at mile 23 but how hard depends on several factures:
1) How well you are trained....What does your plan take you up to? 20 or above?
2) How many LRs you missed...I tell you Don't miss if you can help it!
3) How fast you went out...don't go out too fast.
4) Drinking enough...you WILL cramp and feel like CRAP if you don't drink enough...just ask my buddy Bree who found this out the hard way on the Charlotte marathon!
5) I always have 3 goals in running a marathon...b/c so much can change over the course of the race...I have a Great Run goal (just in case I feel so great and run the race of my dreams and PR), a good run goal (so if it is a good run but there is no PR), and a just finish w/out dying goal (need I say more??). This way, I always meet my goal. :goodvibes
You will do great...I can tell you are focused and will complete the training...Hey this is your 1st marathon right? You will PR no matter what. :rotfl:
Christa- Thanks for the message and advice. I'm doing the MfM Run Marathon training plan, and it takes me up to 20 miles 3 weeks before the marathon. I am trying to be very dedicated about doing my LRs. I'm only on week 5 of a 20 week plan right now, but I haven't missed any days yet. I figure somewhere along the way I'll end up missing a day for something, but I want to make sure I am good about those LRs. I also am trying to establish good habits right now, not miss anything, and hopefully the good habits will pull me through when the training gets tougher and I get busier. I like your 3 goals for the marathon. My goal for this one is to complete it and to enjoy myself. And your right, just doing that, I will still PR (since it's my first)!

I'm planning on doing a 1/2 Marathon in Niagra Falls on Sunday, October 22nd. you can check out the course below.
The timing works out perfectly in my training because I'm scheduled to do a 12 mile LR on Saturday, Oct 21st. I keep telling myself I am going to treat the 1/2 marathon as a training run, and not go out too fast and hurt myself. Gotta keep my eyes on the prize of that Mickey Medal.

Amy- Here's hoping you heal quickly. I'll be curious to hear what the doctor says about your x-rays. Did you get any more advice about training, etc.? Remember to ice and use some sort of antinflammatories, and don't forget about the deep water running too. Even if your doctor says you can't run more than 2-3 miles, you can run indefinitely in the pool if there's no impact.
monte said:
Christa, the marathon looks great...are you running the 40 miles, or doing the marathon? You've motivated me so much that I've decided to join WW next week...I'll let you know how it goes. :goodvibes
Monte - Just doing the marathon not the 40 miles. Did not think that my 1st ultra should be on all trails. :smooth:

Dave - That 1/2 looks so fun! Do you end at the falls! OUT OF CONTROL! :goodvibes Good luck on the training!

TXBelle - Can't wait to see all your pics! So glad you had fun and :banana: :banana: on the great pace!

AmyBeth - Lotttttts of :wizard: :wizard: to you for a good report!

I did ride today. Went around 14 miles with a 15 mph pace average. I tried to keep it slow for the most part (arounf 12 to 14) but once I got on Harris Blvd, I felt like I needed to kick it up a notch...so my pace was btwn 19 and 21 mph. :banana:
gatorphipps said:
Monte - Just doing the marathon
:lmao: :lmao: Just the marathon... :lmao: :lmao:
gatorphipps said:
Dave - That 1/2 looks so fun! Do you end at the falls! OUT OF CONTROL! :goodvibes Good luck on the training!
Yup ::yes:: You end up right at the top of the falls. It should be a beautiful course. I ran a couple miles along this route (unknowingly) when my DW and I were up at Niagara Falls to celebrate our anniversary. The other cool thing (for me) is that the full marathon and 1/2 marathon start at the same time on the same course. The 1/2 marathon starts at the halfway point of the marathon. So by the time I get to the finish line will be about the same time the first full marathoners will be getting to the finish line. That will be interesting to me to run with the top full marathoners at the finish. I'm sure they'll have us segregated out though so we don't get in their way.
Just a quick post -

I have updated the results link for our tracke Disneyland participants. EVERYONE finished and received a medal. :cool1: :thumbsup2 :banana:

Congratulations to all those who participated. party:
Thanks Susie for tracking everyone!

Here are my times from the Garmin:
Last 0.19 miles = 2:26
Total 13.19 miles @ 3:03:12 or 13:52/mile

The Garmin pauses when you stop, so that is why my overall chip time was higher. The 15:33 was during my lap through Angels Stadium. I definitely slowed down to enjoy that moment. How about my 12:32 and 12:36? :cheer2:
Christa - The trail marathon sounds cool. I did my first ultra on trails b/c it was free and it does not seem as high speed and slick (in the literary sense - whatever that means) as the road races. I didn't do 40 though, I only did 32.7 :-) (not that it was only, b/c i was really tired when i was done!!!!) I did get a hot dog and some munchies at the end which made it all worth it.

Training is pretty limited as i have the 36 hour adventure race (from which Cam's licky bear was born last year) this weekend. I am thinking that it will be longer and harder this year. Last year we finished after 25 1/2 hours of continuous racing. This year he said that would be the winning time (we finished in the middle of the pack - 9th place out of 16 and the last team to complete the entire course w/o missing part or dropping out) It is supposed to be my 1st week of marathon training, but i'm just going to count this race for the whole week as we will cover at least 35-40 miles on foot and probably 35-40 bike and 20-30 water. :joker:


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