Wk of Sep 17--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

MelRhoads said:
Sorry about chat Lily. I wanted to be there, but it is a little difficult to explain to my literal family why I'm ditching them for my virtual family :surfweb:.
Lily, MelR, and others... this is my problem too. My family "in real life" already thinks I spend too much time on the computer, and DW finds it a little odd that I have this "relationship"/bond with people I haven't even met. And since the evenings are the only time I really get to spend with DW, I don't think it would go over well if I were on the computer chatting away. Maybe someday I'll get to chat, but I don't think I'll be joining in too much.
Just a real quick :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Judy :grouphug:

And a :cheer2: for Mel

I've been on my eating plan now for 6 days which is the longest I've made it in a very long time. Now I just need to get my rear out the door and on the road to get in the steps. If it doesn't rain here is my pledge to do it tonight :guilty:

Happy training everyone!

Oh and check out my ticker :cool1:

BTW - Thank you Christa and Amy on your comments about the 2DBR OKW. We got a fabulous can't beat it deal on it so it is definitely worth giving it a try :thumbsup2
Well, I thought I was forced into an early taper prior to my Oct 8 1/2M, but I got some time off this morning, so I did a 12 mile LR. This will definately be my last LR prior to the 1/2M. We're going for a long weekend at the world, and then I'm going to get in some short runs of 3-6 miles over the next two weeks.
For the Disney 1/2M, I'll be running with my DS21, who is having some knee issues. I figured by getting in a 1/2M where I can run at my own pace prior to Disney, I can just stay with him, and finish together. I'm more interested in having a "magical" experience than a good time.

Well, g2g. Keep up the great work everyone.
Hi everyone I am new here and won't be running until 2008. Is it ok to join here? I found your posts very motivating - enough to de lurk and join you all but didn't know if this was only for 2007. I am just starting. I ordered some marathon books and I'm looking forward to doing this. It's a commitment to myself I would like to keep. Any suggestions for those just starting out? Any sites or places I should check out?
:welcome: disneyrun! You're welcome to join us...we have some folks already planning for 2008 as well. There's a list of sites to check out at the top of the Events board. What books have you ordered?

TigerLily03 said:
I recall someone asking not too long ago where Our northern WISH Team would be meeting to do that last LR so it can be done in warmer climate. You did have a Great idea there!
Come on down! I can offer you a bay-to-beach run or we can see exactly how far it is from the tip of Lido Key to the tip of Anna Maria Island. Oh and if anyone's interested in a Spring Break race... http://www.sarasotamarathon.com

Carrie...great pictures! Looks like a wonderful trip! I think I'm kinda in the same place you are...the distances were really cool last year as each week was new. This year's a bit different 'cause it's not the first time anymore.

On the mental aspects of the LR, I added a 12 mile LR for my brain last year. Being my first time, I just felt more comfortable going out there with 12 under my belt. I will likely plan a 24 when I train for the full next year.

Thanks to everyone for sharing their DL photos! We're thinking DL over Labor Day weekend maybe doable next year...except that I'm not very good at flying. :guilty:

Minnie...congrats on your eating plan!

TIff...I was wondering why your foot was wrapped in Heather's pictures. Hope it's okay!

We are officially registered for the Minnie and looking forward to RftT!
Ok, so far we've received over a foot of snow and they're calling for another 4-6 inches. My half marathon is on Sunday.....should I wear sneakers, or my snow boots??? lol :rotfl2:
monte said:
Ok, so far we've received over a foot of snow and they're calling for another 4-6 inches. My half marathon is on Sunday.....should I wear sneakers, or my snow boots??? lol :rotfl2:

Snow??? What's that ;) You can send it down here to Florida so I can see how people here deal with it.

We made it back and as usual after a nice vacation, I am behind on everything and may be caught up in time for the WDW Marathon. :teeth: I did get a training run in since people keep talking about how much time isn't left for training. I did 4.1 miles with an 11:11 pace. It seemed to be about normal and I didn't feel any adverse reactions after the DL half.

I will attempt to get our race report up and try to catch up on everything else here this weekend.

Good morning.

Have you ever heard the expression "what a difference a day makes?" Well, I feel like I'm living it.

On Wednesday I started my regular short walk (5 miles) with horrible shin splints and the kids in tow. DD12 was on her scooter and DD14 was roller blading. Around the half-way mark, the kids decide to race down a pretty gentle hill. Can you guess what happened? Yup, big crash for DD. She was really banged up (blood and tears everywhere) and we had to head straight home. Plus, with my SS I was glad to cut it short.

Then, on Thursday, I set out for another try at my SW. WOW! It was great. I usually average 13:30 mpm. But yesterday I came in at 12:12. :banana: :cool1: That's my personal best EVER. In fact, it's the very first time i ever averaged less than 13:00.

If this is tapering, I think I like it. (Only 22 days til the Baltimore HM.)

Enjoy your day and weekend, everyone!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Just a quick report for me. I did my 45 min run yesterday. I did ~4.3 miles in ~46 min (10:50 mpm). I was intentionally taking it slow and easy because my legs were a little tired and sore from my speedwork on Wednesday. I didn't want to push it too much. I have a x-training day today. Usually I do the 30 min SWOG, but I think I am going to try to go to the yoga class I used to go to around noon. I feel like I could really use some stretching.
Disneyrun - Welcome!!!!! We love new people to insire us again! Just forgives us when we get kind of whacked out right before the marahton, though. :teeth:

Mel - How are you going to race around the world if you don't like flying? ;)

denny - Good to see you!! Sounds liek a great plan fro WDW!

Kel - Yay for the differnce a day makes! I can make all the difference!

Bill - Welcome back!!!! Glad you had a good trip and are feeling no post-race ill effects!

Yikes Monte! DH and I were thinking glacier boots might be good for this winter. You may want to check those out. ;) You can put your running shoes right inside them.

Minnie - Way to go! Every day you add helps you motivate for another day!! Keep up the great work!!
Hi everyone -

Today is my first day back at work in almost two weeks. Ugh.

I feel so out of touch with you all. I missed all the excitement of the DL race. There are all sorts of new people and new developments. I think before I leave today I will print out last week's and this week's posts just so I can catch up!

This morning I did a pathetic 20 min @ 3.8 @ 1%. I have a new slogan.....

Doing something is better than doing nothing which sure beats the heck out of not even trying. :rolleyes:

Well, a couple of more days and I should be back in the groove. Then...look out! :cheer2:
Honeibee said:
Doing something is better than doing nothing which sure beats the heck out of not even trying. :rolleyes:

I like it Judy! Just remeber, when your're sick:

Doing too much could take you right back to not even be able to try!

Please don't ppush too hard. Glad to hear you're back at work, at least. :hug:
Hi WISH Team!

Hey all, sorry if maybe I sounded bad about chat. I didn't mean it that way. Just as a funny that I chatted anyway! I really get not being able to fit in everything. Maybe once or twice before our big event we might consider trying for those who can.

Judy, Glad you are back, love your slogan, but what Carrie said. Take it easy and don't have a relapse! You will get there as long as you can get healthy. You've built that base and it will help you.

Monica, seems like you will have a snowshoe race then! Good luck with whatever happens.

Suzy, you are doing fantastic. You are also helping to keep me motivated. Thank you!

Bill, glad you are back safe and sound. Good that you are feeling good after the training too. I look forward to your report.

disneyrun, Welcome the group! The info with the "sticky" on top of the thread may help as you get started along the way. My suggestion is to: shop around and figure out some plan that you may follow for your training--something that you feel might work for you; start to get in steps now; and if you have time try to do other activities that will give you a "base" for when the "real training" gets going some weeks before event. You have a good amount of time and this will certainly give you the best chance at a most fun and successful event in 2008. Don't be overwhelmed. If you have questions many are more than happy to help.

Dave, it's good to hear that you are listening to you body and doing what works. Hope you can get in that Yoga. It's something I have never done and would like to some day fit in time to do that too.

Kelley, good news about your new day! Happy taper!

Mel, thanks for inviting all of us northerners to make that long training run in your area! You are sweet!

Denny, are you doing Towpath on the 8th? I think Rich (ryley26) is too. I'm still waffling between doing the half and cheering...might be an Ohio WISH Team thing going on there. Sounds like you have a good plan for making your January sucdessful and fun!

DL half for Labor Day weekend might be interesting. I still don't think I can get to that one. Won't flight $$ be up b/c of the holiday weekend though?

I got in some good steps yesterday. I changed at work and jumped in the car. Headed straight for the Towpath and putin 5 miles in 1:10. It included 5 min warmup/cooldown and strides. I think it went good and I feel the best after one of these trainings that I have ever felt. Off day for me today. Not sure what I'm getting into tonight.
Hey all! Let me do my LR report then hopefully I will be able to catch up with everyone....I have to take a nap though b/c I have a show tonight, 2 tomorrow (+ a rehearsal (SP?)), and a different show on Sunday! :scared1:

I did my 18 miler today by myself and it was really great! It was nice and cool so I had a long sleve (I cant spell today..) shirt on. That lasted about 5 miles then I did something I never thought I would do....I took it off and ran in my jog bra! :eek: But it got hot quicker than I thought it would....
I had to run around Freedom Park 6xs. :faint: They were having a festival there so I had to dodge people left and right....I only had a raspberry gu...uk....so I choked down and finished the park. That got me to mile 14 (in 2:02) Just 4 miles to go....
Got to the gas station I always get a drink at to refill my bottles...DH had already bought me a drink and it was waiting for me! :love: He and BIL did 12 miles so they were a little ahead of me. Another BIL met them and ran their last 4. 2.5 to go!
The ending.....
THis was really hard (b/c this is a really hilly course). But I dug in and said I am almost done and I thought of you guys! :love: I finished strong and really feel pretty OK...not good, but OK! :goodvibes
I finished in 2:40...and this = out to an 8:53.3 MPM. :cool1:
Went home, took a cold bath...hot shower...now a nap! :cloud9:
gatorphipps said:
I finished in 2:40...and this = out to an 8:53.3 MPM. :cool1:

Christa, do you know what this means??? You are on track for a sub 4 hour marathon!!! :banana: :banana: (knock on wood)

You rock girl!!!

wfloyd said:
Snow??? What's that ;) You can send it down here to Florida so I can see how people here deal with it.


You've obviously never seen the way people here deal with the snow. If you had you wouldn't be saying that. We had snow once in the 80's and the entire city of Jacksonville shut down because no one here knows how to drive in it. :rolleyes:
Welcome Disneyrun! I'm also participating in the 2008 full marathon (I had registered for 2007, but had to reschedule due to family matters), you'll love the support that you receive here. Enjoy :thumbsup2

disneyrun said:
Hi everyone I am new here and won't be running until
2008. Is it ok to join here? I found your posts very motivating - enough to de lurk and join you all but didn't know if this was only for 2007. I am just starting. I ordered some marathon books and I'm looking forward to doing this. It's a commitment to myself I would like to keep. Any suggestions for those just starting out? Any sites or places I should check out?
Dana - when I trained for my first 1/2 I used a combination of Jeff Galloways plan and MFM. My longest run was 16 miles. The day of my first 1/2 marathon I was so glad I had run further than 13.1miles in training. I didn't really hit the wall, but around 10 miles I started to wonder if I could finish. I told myself - of course I can, you've already gone further in training, more than once, and got nothing for it. When I finish today I will get a medal!

I am planning to doing the full at WDW in 2008 and I will follow the same program again. So my longest run will be about 28 miles!

And in your Disneyland photos Image 0704 - is us! Myself, Pat (WDWFAN9 and her husband Jim!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Just waking up and getting a little something to eat before my LR this morning. I have 8 miles scheduled in MfM, and I plan to run along the Genessee River Trail. I was able to get into the yoga class yesterday and did that for an hour for my x-training. It felt good to stretch a little bit and relax.

Have a great day everyone. Good Luck on those LRs!!!

Disneyrun- :welcome: You're definitely welcome here no matter when (or if) you plan on running the WDW races. It's the committment to exercise and staying healthy that's most important. This group is great!!!
I did my 10 mile LW yesterday based on the weather reports for today. I did 9.84 m in 2h40 min. I have to shave 10 min off to beeat the sweepers on Oct 8. My only residual soreness is in the foot I spent 4 months rehabbing and in my right hip. Today I plan to do 45 min on the bike while watching The Pretender after getting done work.

Everyone have a great training day. For thos in NY, try to stay dry.


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