Wk of Sep 17--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Heather- Those were great pictures of the race. Thanks for posting them. I really enjoyed looking through them all. Congratulations!!! It looks like you had a lot of fun!
:grouphug: Oh no Judy :(. My goodness...that's awful!! You are the 2nd person who recently has returned from WDW with bronchitis!!!!! That's so weird. And I'm so sorry for you. I know how hard it is to miss training...but please please please focus on getting yourself all better!! You still have time....you will be fine with training...just get better first!!! :grouphug:
Colleen - You go Girl!! 18 miles!!

Christa - So sorry about your fall. I had a knee that looked like that from falling while running on the road. I still have the scar to prove it too.

Jen - I am terrified of that "wall" too. That's why my training plan calls for a LR of 26 miles about 3 weeks before Disney. That way I know that I can do the distance.

Carrie - The pics from your trip are amazing. I hope you had a wonderful time!!

CJ - I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. You are in my thoughts.

Heather - those pics were wonderful. But ...... when did everyone get together for a group picture? I was sitting right in front of Napolini's trying to feed the kids until after everyone had left. Guess I am gonna have to make sure I get in a group pic at WDW in January, huh?

Judy - I am hoping you get over your brinchitis soon... and hoping you didn't leave any behind at WDW for me to catch next weekend.

Lily - Yes you did read some good news. The WDW Marathon is back on!! After watching part of the DL half this weekend DH has said we can do it. I am sooooo excited and I am really looking forward to my 14 miler this weekend!!

Dana, that is go great you are doing Disney!! :cool1:

What training plan calls for a 26 mile long run?? There is a lot of literature that says you don't need to get that high. Good luck with your 14 this weekend.

Actually, it's the Jeff Galloway training plan. Link

Here is that website's explanation of why you should go the full 26.

Why Do I Need to Run 26 Miles Before the Marathon?

"You don't, but our experience tells us that you will have a good experience in the marathon if you do and a negative marathon experience if you don't. You can't expect your body to cover a distance that is significantly longer than it has trained to go without complaining loudly and/or breaking down. By gradually increasing your long one up to 26 miles, you train the body and mind for the specific challenge needed."

"But I've Heard That Going Beyond 20 Miles Breaks You Down?"

"Only if you do the long one too fast. By going slowly and taking walk breaks, you do no more damage in an increase from 23 to 26 miles than increasing from 18 to 20 miles (or even 12 to 14 miles). Indeed, most whom I've interviewed over the years who train for the marathon using other programs run the long ones too fast and take longer to recover from an 18 to 20-miler than our folks do from their 23 to 26-milers. The slow pace makes all the difference. This gentle increase of two to three miles usually produces only a subtle tiredness as long as you're running those long ones at least two minutes per mile slower than you could run them.

The wonderful advantage which the 26-miler bestows is that by the time you've started the marathon itself, you know that you can cover the distance because you have! Time goal folks in our program have a reserve endurance because they go up to 28 to 30 miles. Again, the secret in recovering from the long ones, especially when the distance goes beyond 20, is running at least two minutes per mile slower than you could cover the course on that day AND taking the walk breaks early and often."

Since I am so terrified of the "wall" I thought this would be a good plan for me, that way I KNOW that I can do it before I get there in January!!

Dana - If you've got a plan you're happy with, that's great. I know many people are really frightened by not covering the whole distance before running it. However, with each jump we made last year in the MfM plan, we became more and more confident that we could do what he said. Not trying to talk you out of it in any way, just don't want to scare off anyone doing the MfM plan. :goodvibes

Monica - We were on Holland America (Veendam). Saw NCL in several ports, though.
I could be on my own here being a first time marathoner, but my plan is to only run 19.9 as my longest long run. I figure if you're gonna waste half your day running 20 or more, you might as well run a marathon, and I'd rather save that for when thousands of people are suffering with me and friends and family are cheering me on. :) Would be a lot tougher mentally to finish a marathon if I knew I'd already done it a few weeks before, where's the fun in that? :confused3
Good point Matt. Last year, there was something really special about breaking a new distance record every few weeks. I miss that this year.
I think it depends on your race goals. If you really want to "RACE" the marathon, I think you need to go past 20 miles. If you just want to take it easy and run the marathon 20 is plenty.
I always go up to at least 24 miles....and last year, I did a full marathon before the Goofy (But that was b/c there was a marathon in my home town I wanted to run.) I believe you can do go up to 20 and finish well, but somewhere btwn 18 & 20 miles the race changes...it is really mental (at least for me). I have heard many marathoners say the real marathon starts at mile 20. These are people who have raced 50+ marathons.
Just my opinion....but I have run the distance several times....and never (thank the Lord) hit the wall. I think it was b/c I was well trained.
Now with all that....I am only training to 18 for the trail marathon, but my goal is to do that as a training run...not a race. :confused3
Having one marathon as experience, :teeth: I can offer my insight. I had a stonker of a run on one of my LD weekends last training year. My next ones were "adequate" and that is how I trained after that major stonker. The last MfM LR calls for 20 miles and it seemel like everyone else here posted doing 22. So, that lovely COLD snowy Sunday of my LR on TM I accomplished 22 miles! I did it. It was not pretty; it was not anything but doing the minimum time requirement, barely; but I KNEW I could do 26.2 then. I've read/been told that the distance after a certain point, unless it is a RACE you are doing as Christa said, the distance is in the mind more than anything. You must put in those training steps, and do your LR's at the pace you want to manage. For me, I NEEDED that "First-time" experience of the total distance to BE at the WDW event. I am so glad I waited. I knew I could and would do it after that 22 miles. I didn't want to do all the miles before the event. It was spectacular and beyond description to be in The World to experience that first full for me.

Good luck doing whatever you need to get you through the event.
Matt and I made it to chat tonight, at different times! So, we missed each other. Sorry I missed everyone. Maybe another time?

I'm going to put in some steps now. Have a great night.
AmyBeth-- I'm so glad teh xray was negative, but still play it safe!

Carrie-- oooooh, first my brother now you! You guys are killing me with the Alaska pics. I've got to get there someday.

Dave-- won't the pressure of the water be hard to run in Niagra Falls? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Oh, I suppose you run to them not in them.

Lily-- I didn't realize you were as insane as I am. I ran my 22 miler on a TM, too. It was a snow/slush/rain/ice day and I had no choice. Sorry, but no sane person would do that. ;)

I had a really, really bad day yesterday. I think it is because I accidentally picked up a coat rack at work (we're forced to move our office around, although I wasn't expected to actually do any moving, it just happened). It probably weighed about 40 lbs. So much for "strong as an ox" Sunny.

But today was much better and I got out to the track and did 5 miles with an avg pace of 12:38. I did mostly speed walking but a little "gentle" jogging. I'll know tomorrow if that was a mistake.

Applefest is right around the corner. It's on my mind day and night. I'm having such a hard time letting go.

Honeibee said:
Jodi - Needless to say I won't be doing the 5K Sunday. I'm trying to get DH to do it but he doesn't want to without me. I'll keep you posted.

Oh Judy - you just take care of yourself! :grouphug: That is the most important thing.
Hi Everyone!

Just checking in. I have been absent for a couple weeks because we put hardwood floors in our house. I love the new floors and am beginning to believe it was worth the utter chaos that our lives have been for three weeks.

I have been struggling with a sore hamstring for two weeks. Finally, I broke down and sat in an ice bath after my LR on Saturday. Its the first time my kids have seen dh or I do this. My kids were shocked when I
#1 sat int tub with my clothes on (they were soaked anyway)
#2 only used COLD water and then
#3 when DH dumped the entire bin of ICE in the tub.
Their little jaws dropped open and they quickly looked fom him to me and then back. I don't think I have ever seen all three of them speechless at the same time. It took some of the "sting" off to watch them.

The ice bath worked too. My legs felt great and I haven't had any more problems with my hamstring. It wasn't pleasant but it was definately worth it for the relief it provided.

Congrats to all our DL finishers!
Hi Guys!!!! I'm baaaaaaaack!!!

I got back Tuesday night but I was so exhausted that I spent yesterday on the couch while doing laundry, unpacking & getting the house recovered from DH & 2 DS's being home unsupervised :teeth:

I will post a full race report later. It was fabulous. I had such a good time hanging out with WISHers. Did DCA with Nancy, Barry, Rachel & her DH, Kristi & Chad. Then did DL the next day with Cam & her family. I have a pic of us riding Space Mtn together. DL was cool. Kind of like "Bizaro Disney" it was the same but strangely different. WDW is still my "home"

I didnt finish in the time I would have liked, but my tendonitis started acting up 2 days before the race so I was happy to finish pain free. There were alot of characters so I stopped for pics (I will post a link as soon as I figure out how) and stopped for a "flush potty" break in DL. I crossed the finish line with Anne (Mahere)

It was so funny I had a lot of cast members ask me if I won. Um, no! At first I thought it was just because I was wearing the medal, but the next day when I just had on the "I did it" shirt they still asked me.

I am taking a week off from training & will hit the ground running for January next week. After we finished I told my mom "can you believe we have to do this again in only 3 1/2 months! " Helen said she has one in 6 weeks :crazy:

Its great to be back!
Sunny - I hope today is better! It must be hard to stop yourself from doing things that used to be routine.

Lily - I was telling dh last night hta tI was going to frame your post telling me to be careful and not hurt myself with my new found speed. That just sounds so funny, as I am the biggest slacker to have ever finished a marathon.

Funny, he was taking a quiz in RUnners World, which he has decided is way above us. It was to see how obsessed you weere with running. Earky on, he realized that the higher your score was, teh more obsessed you are. Well, he had 2-2s and the rest were 1s. I think we're safe. ;) Good thing they did not ask about random last minute trips to do your 20-miler. BTW, we did make it on only 20, not 22. Did I mention we're slackers? ;)

Well, we were supposed rto do 40 min last night and 45 tonight. We can't make our run tonight (it's all Kevin's faut ;) , so we did 45 last night. Becaue we wer ecanceling one, I was going to run harder last night. I wanted to see how far I could go, but was not going to push too hard. Well, as far as I could go was 4.62. 0.04 longer than Monday. 9:45 pace. :confused3 Where the heck did that come from and I relaly hope it stays!

With 2 hard runs this week, I am going to try to be slow on Saturday for our 8-miler. FUnny, last year I could not do a fast weekday run to save my life.
Well... goodmorning everyone!! I just wanted to pop in real quick and share some of the (few) pictures I did get to take while there this weekend.


and here's some pictures from the parks with my family if you guys are interested in seeing them. DisneyLand Photos!!

Morning WISH team!

Glad to hear our traveling members checking back in here.

Dana, thanks for those pics. I liked the additional ones you linked to. Especially since I've never been to DL, I am looking at it through the eyes of everyone's pics.

I must say the pic that didn't make it here has me WISHing i could have one of each:

Mmmmm! I can't wait to go get some!

Sunny, ouch on that lifting thing. I hope today you are feeling great after your wog. And High-five GF! I am crazy and know it! See, I figure as long as I admit it that it can't be all that bad. I worry about those that can't admit. :teeth:
Cecilia, glad that bath helped. I haven't gotten "extreme" in the bath part. I figure a straight cold water soak is all I can manage. I took the advice of one of our team members last training year. I get my HOT tea, sweatshirt and start with warm water just so I can get in and then woosh with the cold stuff. Can't remember who gave that advice, but it sure works for me! A new definition of a long luxurious tub soak!
Tiff, yes you won! You did it! I look forward to that trip report.

wtpclc said:
...quiz in Runners World...to see how obsessed you were with running...the higher your score was, the more obsessed you are. Well, he had 2-2s and the rest were 1s. I think we're safe. Good thing they did not ask about random last minute trips to do your 20-miler. BTW, we did make it on only 20, not 22. Did I mention we're slackers?
Ummmm, okaaaayyyy--not obsessed, safe? Sure, uh huh. :lmao:
Ooohhh and slackers, :lmao: You are both causing my sides to ache. :lmao:
I recall someone asking not too long ago where Our northern WISH Team would be meeting to do that last LR so it can be done in warmer climate. You did have a Great idea there!

I did XT stationary bike and Pilates last night after talking with myself in Chat! :confused3
Later kids...
Sorry about chat Lily. I wanted to be there, but it is a little difficult to explain to my literal family why I'm ditching them for my virtual family :surfweb:. The last time I did chat, I tried to keep a foot in both worlds, and the boy kept running to open the door every time someone new entered the chat room (i think that "ding dong" is almost exactly like our doorbell). He is so social, so he was more than a little dissappointed that there was no one coming over to play w/ him :rotfl:

We are leaving for Van Buren, MO tonight. We will be staying at my parent's house on the way and dropping the boy off for a Nana and Papa weekend while we race. I'm going to try to bank sleep (like that works!) We think the race will start in the middle of the night on Fri night and we expect to finish sometime Sunday. I think to encourage myself, I'm going to think of that T. Campollo (sp??) sermon "it's Friday, but Sunday is coming! I am the weakest link on out team, so I'm pretty worried about holding us back. The other are just faster than than me, but we all have to stay together, so basically, unless someone gets sick or something else, I'm the pace setter. I feel a little pressure about that. What generally happens is that each person tanks at a different point in the race, so I won't always be the slowest all of the time. Phil ought to the best at the sleep deprivation thing as he practices it the most b/c of work :confused3
Yes, I forgot to mention Cecelia and her ultra ice bath! brrrr... You are one brave lady. Although I'm sure teh ice does more than just cold water, it's hard engouhg fr ome to use the method Lily mentioned above.

Lily - I wanted to chat last night, but HAD to pay bills. Didn;t remeber again 'til I was on my way to bed. :( Hope you at least had a good conversation with yourself. ;) Oh, and read MelR's post again and tell me I'm not a slaker ocmpared to that. ;)

MelR - I've said it before and I'll say it again :worship: You're the weakest link? Wow. Good luck this weekend!!!

What's up with Labor Day weekend next year for DL?????? I know I could have gotten dh there! (He's starting to crave it now too. Just describing Heather's jumbotron pic was enough) Labor Day is Bridge Walk weekend. I haven't missed since 1997. Seeing as that is to my niece what marathon weekend is to me, there's no way I could miss it. Scary, dh was trying to figure out if we could do DL then get to the Bridge for Monday. Put in the 3 hour time diff and the fact that we would land at least 4 hours from Mackinaw and it really is not an option. :( Back to working on plans to get trip for me, mom, and niece to Minnie marathon. :smooth:

PS - Thanks Lily for the food pic. I'm a bottomless pit as it is today. That is not helping. ;) The fact that I made it out of the cafeteria with anything other than cookies on my tray was a big accomplishment today.


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