Wk of March 22nd - WISH Team Walkers and Runners


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
Whoa! Been having WISH withdrawal since the boards were down!

I did 3 miles yesterday. I'm working on eliminating intervals, so I do a 5 min walk to warmup, then ran the rest. I did take a couple 1 min walk breaks, one at 21 min and 1 at 29 min. I'm fairly pleased. I've tried this in the past and struggled...seeems to be going much better this time. 10 miles on the bike this morning!

:bday: Tracy!

Maura...congrats on your fantastic Jeopardy finish! I tried out for the college tournament a million years ago...didn't make it past the written (only 8 people did). BTW, I saw a recent photo of Jamie Lee Curtis...kinda reminded me of you.

I think I have DD16 talked into doing the local Muddy Buddy in May :thumbsup2 And my niece and nephew may join us for 2010 marathon weekend or Princess weekend (or both!)

Here's some trouble I got into this weekend:

I'm new here.
Been walking at about 4 miles per hour at about 4 miles a day for the last couple months. Decided today to train for my first half marathon. Unfortunately, not one of the Disney ones initially... but that really is my ultimate goal.

Yesterday DH and I walked 8 miles (then I came home and cut the grass). Today was a very "I'm not walking anywhere" kind of day... but I did work in my flower beds for about 3 hours... rested my knees though.

My training is taking the form of Podrunner Intervals. I have 27 weeks (with some less training time over the summer for not being in a place where I can train) to get ready and hopefully loose a little more of the weight I need to get rid of in the mean time.

Been reading everyone's posts and you guys all seem incredibly supportive.

12 miles banked today. Hot weather has finally returned to the islands. I stayed better hydrated than last week.

Got home and did yard work afterwards. Now I can chill until later this afternoon, when I have to go move some stuff for an aunt.

Have a great week everyone.
Hi everyone,

Today's supposed to be my long run, but I was feeling slightly under the weather so I did a short steady-state instead. 4.5 miles in 35 minutes. Hopefully, I'll get my long run in tomorrow or tuesday.

Hello everyone! Tomorrow will be W2D2 of C25K. I'm feeling much better this week than I was 2 weeks ago. I hope that restarting this program gets me on track for the full next January.
:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Please join us on the 'Ohana team thread for the Monday Mixer. The Mixer starts here.

There are many reasons why we race. Sometimes it's a way to challenge ourselves. Sometimes it's a strategy to keep ourselves motivated. Sometimes it's a reason to reunite with old friends and meet new ones. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's about the goodies. :teeth:

This week's question is about those goodies:

What is your favorite medal/t-shirt/race-bag goody, and WHY?

So come on over to 'Ohana. Share with us your favorite pictures and stories. Brag about the bling. If you haven't done a medal-awarding event, tell us about a shirt. If you love a particular expo, we want to know why. And if you're new to races, visit anyway. You can get some ideas for future races and "ooh" and "ahhh" over the pretty, shiny things.

On a more serious note: Two of our 'Ohana cousins, Maria and Richard, could use some extra hugs, well wishes, and PD this week. If you've got the time, please let them know you're thinking of them. :hug:
Mel-- I love the tattoo! You are a bad girl!!!:rotfl:

I did 7.2 miles outdoors yesterday. It did not feel like Spring. :confused: But still good to get outside.
No time, but wanted to be accountable!

Just back from the Y track:
- 9.06 miles
- 2:06:05
-13:55 avg. pace
- W4 / R1 entire time
- negative splits!

Not too shabby, but not good enough to beat 3 hours at Great Bay on the 5th.
Oh well!
Hi all,

I have been a reader of the WISH board for along time. I would like to be part of the team. I ran the WDW 1/2 this year and had so much fun that I signed up to do it again in 2010.

I am currently training for the Derby festival 1/2 in Louisville on April 25th. I love to run and have great joy for all things Disney.:cool1:
Racey Tracy: Looking forward to hearing those b-day stories. The ones you can share with us, anyway. :rotfl2:

Frank: Do you follow a particular training plan or a running guru? (Me, I'd love Aloha Jeff's guru Les, but I make do with books...) Just curious. I'm going to try and talk DOOD into traveling to see a City Stars game since we're going to once again miss the Cleveland International Film Festival. :sad2: After all, we haven't yet been to the Great Lakes Brewing Company yet. I'm hoping for May, as he'll be gone all the month of June. Just something to keep in mind.... Or as a warning. :rotfl:

Maura: I love the Jeopardy story and particularly the way you spun it. You are a natural storyteller, I think. You do Faulkner proud. And I'm proud to be in such company--I would never have the confidence to try out for Jeopardy. So, tell us the real dirt. What is Alex like? Or post us a pic of the Fenway Park cake. I'm easy that way.

Jennifer: I love that you have your tiers of goals. Your "safety goal" (like a safety school) and your real goal. And I'm now wondering if you have a super-secret goal time, too. ;) Great job with your new course route of hills. I'm thinking your real goal is doable (and won't jinx the super-secret goal time by mentioning it). How are you feeling today?

Aloha Jeff: The story about the Queen is very cool--what a memorable weekend for her. And I'm sure if we asked her, she'd tell us you were the prize worth keeping. (As would your aunt--you're such a good nephew.) About the burrito. Wowsa. It's as big as my head, and that's saying something. You can't possibly have eaten it all. Or maybe you just positioned it by a teensy-weensy soda can. I can see you doing that.

Megan: Yay for your C25K restart. I think it's useful to return to the program when working on rehab or speed or just to tune up. I'm glad others here like it as well. I think your plan to use it as part of the training-to-train for January is solid. :woohoo:

Mel: Why are you working on eliminating intervals? I know we've had this discussion in the past, and I go back and forth on such things. So I'm wondering if it has to do with future events you have planned, like the Muddy Buddy, or ???? So exciting to think that your niece and nephew might be there for marathon/princess weekend. And about that gorgeous tattoo. I love it. It's so "you." And I know that sounds trite or silly or whatever, but it fits with how your describe yourself, some photos I've seen of you, etc. Great choice!

FigmentFan: Hello and Welcome to the boards! :welcome: Congrats on signing up for your first of many 1/2s! (Which one.) Great job jumping right up to 8 miles for your LSD (long, steady/slow distance). I'm not familiar with the Podrunner Intervals schedule--that's one heck of an increase. But if you can accomplish that I'm sure you'll do well with your 1/2 and training. Do tell us more about yourself--goals, training, etc.--because we love to learn about our new WISHmates.

Sunny: Yay on your 7.2! You're feeling good, I presume? And do you have a race scheduled soon, or am I thinking of someone else?

Kristi: The Great Bay looks like a great course. Is it around that time every year? It's near my b-day, so I think it would be a great trip. I know you'll have a wonderful time; you did it last year, right? And I just have to say, NEGATIVE SPLITS, BABY! :cheer2:

Goofy57: Hello and Welcome! :welcome: Disney events are addictive, arent' they? The 1/2 seems like such a party, too. Derby festival, huh? Tell me more! I've only visited Louisville once, but thought everyone there was quite friendly. Of course, I was at a conference and spent my nights in bars, but I'm still sure the memory is accurate. :lmao: Seriously, I thought the area was lovely.

As for me: I finally had a good TM run (after two weekends of blah runs). Whew! Okay, so good is a relative term. But I had a run scheduled on the TM that I was able to finish and I felt strong after finishing the run. Plus, I had enough energy left over so that I could go on to my all-important weight training. (Or as I like to call it, "Wait, I have a core? Training.")
Welcome Figmentfan and Goofy57 - this place is addicting!! LOL

Sunny - Glad to see your out running. Hope you are feeling good.

Mel - I love love love the tattoo. I have been trying to think of a running related tattoo for the longest time (didn't want to get it until after the full) now I am thinking about it again. All my other tattoos are cats so I am ready for something new. Where is the new tattoo located?

Megan - you are on the right track by restarting the C25K - just stick with it and then in the fall you will be ready to ramp up your training for those long runs.

As for me - I finally got out and ran for the very first time since March 8th Princess Half Marathon. 14 long days had gone by without any excercise and I was so ready to go. I had to plan and throw a surprise baby shower for my sister in less than 2 1/2 weeks - the shower was this Saturday - it turned out awesome but I really stressed it as it got closer. I was happy that I got in 4.5 miles in 45 minutes - I didn't want to push myself too far but felt good most of the time - it was tough running back since the wind was really blowing - it was practically blowing me over!! LOL I am probably going to hop on the TM in about an hour but just to walk. I don't have any races planned - well I am planning on doing a 10k April 11th - it will be my first 10k ever!!

Hope everyone has a great rest of Monday and may the week fly by for everyone!!

It takes me just one sitting to power through one of those bombucha burritos (bombucha is Hawaiian lingo for HUGE). Of course I crave a siesta afterwards, but I have to walk all the way back to the office. Which is a good thing.

Welcome to the group Figmentfan and Goofy57.
Hi guys!

Sunny - So glad to hear from you! You may have been posting for a while, I have just been out of the loop.

Mel - Love the tat! It would take me doing an IM for me to get one. I figure if I can take that pain then a tattoo would be easy!

Megan - WTG on the C25K. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction.

Welcome Figmentfan and Goofy57!

Debra - WTG on the dreadmill run....did I read that right? You did have an OK dreadmill run?

As for me.....Yes I have been MIA. Work is loaded...but I did find time to race this past Saturday. The Shamrock 4 miler in 31 minutes. I was 12th out of 74 in my AG. Was hoping to place, but no such luck. My 7:50 mile ave was not good enough. Apparently there are some fast girls in my AG here in Charlotte. I will have to change that.....with speed training....or I could hire someone to trip anyone ahead of me that looks like they could be in my AG....:rotfl2: What do you guys think is the right thing to do?;)
Hi all, I haven't been up to much lately. Bought a couple pairs of new running shoes, hazards of working at the local running store. I have been running with a running group lately in hopes that they will make me faster. Seems to be working so far. They have managed to find the only hill within miles, so up and down we went. That was a new one for me, I am sure I will feel it tomorrow.
Christa: You didn't place with a that average?? WOW that is some fast girls!:rotfl:

Frank: Thanks for the birthday wish!! Keep up with the great training!:woohoo:

Maura: I always knew you were a STAR!! and just to think I am your friend!

FigmentFan and Goofy57: WELCOME to the WISH! Glad to have you all here!:yay:

Tricia: Which 10K are you doing on April 11th, I was thinking of doing the Panther Prowl (over at the arena where the Panthers play).

Sunny: Yeah on your 7.2!!:banana: How is it going/feeling?

Mel: LOVE your tat! How big is it and did you design it yourself?

Debra: I have that workout in my schedule also. (Wait, I have a core?) :laughing: and as promised...

Me at the WCC with my wonderful waitress "Pippi" and my cake.

EPCOT Flower and Garden Show...





Animal Kingdom... Bengal Tiger, Laying Down Giraffe and the Ever Elusive Cheetahs!



Lastly some castle shots during WISHes!!


I am waiting on photos from my surprise party that my office held for me last Thursday. That was a blast!!

Racey Tracy
Mel: Nice tatoo.

Deb: I just kind of do my own thing on the training. I go by the "don't add more than 10% in any week" rule, but even that sometime gets thrown out when I realized I waited too long to get up to a target mile.

You should have let me know about the film festival. I won a bunch of tickets but wasn't able to go. As for the city starts, let me know. I have the podcast cruise in may but I can show you around our fair (I'll wait while you stop laughing) city. The Great Lakes Brewery is great, and there are a bunch of nice restaurants in the area, including some good vegetarian options. If you are a wine drinker right across from the brewery there is a great wine bar that isn't too expensive by wine bar standards. I've gotten a pretty good Argentinian malblanc for $23 which is a steal at a wine bar.

Just let me know a bit in advance, I believe our state constitution requires me warning someone in authority of your arrival. :lmao:

Tracy: I don't know which is worse, you guys and your Florida pictures or Jeff and his Hawaii pictures. It makes me miss living in FL and heading over to the world for just a quick Saturday.

I went out and did 5.5 tonight. The left calf was a little tight but nothing too serious. It was 29 degrees which is about the worst temperature for me. I am always either too warm or too cold. 3 degrees warmer or even colder would have been better. Oh well, nice spring weather is around the corner...I hope...it is Cleveland.
A quick drive-by....Happy Belated Birthday Tracy - your pics make me wish I was in WDW.
AND...Mel, cool tattoo, you wild woman!
This week I'm starting something new -- actually trying to do some kind of more formal running "drills" (hill repeats, speedplay, etc). We'll see how it goes. Unfortunately the hill work requires going inside on the treadmill (and it's soooooo nice out now) . . . the only thing saving me this week is the weather is predicting rain for the rest of the week so I guess moving inside then will keep me on track.

Anyway, so far this week I've done a long run Sunday (9.5 mi) at an avg 10:11 pace and spin class yesterday. This afternoon if the weather holds I'm hoping to try speedplay (outside, yay!).

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!
Tracy - the 10k I am doing is in Boca Raton - Merrill Lynch Bull Run 10k or 5k run/walk - its at Spanish River Park right on A1A. Its put on by my local running group but I have never done it before - last year it was too close to Minnie 15k for me. But I am looking forward to it this year.


I have never officially done a 10k (although I have done longer distances than that so have passed the 10k milage plenty of times) so it should be interesting


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