Wk of March 22nd - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Hi everyone,

I've been a little under weather/am on vacation this week so I'm going a little easy on the training.

I did 30 minutes of cross training yesterday and then did 3.5 miles in 27 minutes today.

Tracey, Love the flower and garden pics.

Tricia: "All my other tattoos are cats...." How many do you have? Tattoos, that is, but you can also tell me how many cats you have! Congratulations to your sister on her good news--and to you for throwing a fun and fabulous baby shower! And double congrats for getting back on the TM--that 10K is right around the corner. How exciting that you have a new race distance to go for--a guaranteed PB! :thumbsup2

Aloha Jeff: I bow and :faint: to your intestinal fortitude. I'd be in a coma if I tried to eat something that size in one sitting. At least that's my story.

Christa: So good to see you. WTG with your Shamrock 4 miler--you had a great time! You know me, I'm always one for the "take out your competitors" strategy. But that's probably not the nicest thing to do. You could try my alternate plan--getting old enough that there's no one else to compete with in my AG! :lmao: Speed training is probably a more expedient strategy.

Brandie: I didn't realize you worked at a local running store. How cool is that? Of course, you're always reinvesting your salary in the workplace, as you suggested. That's one way of guaranteeing job security, huh? How are you feeling today after your hill run?

Racey Tracy: Aww, just look at the baby face! And that cake. Mmmm, cake. Both are beautiful. Not to mention the rest of the World. Now, THAT's a birthday to remember.

Frank: That would be so cool to meet you in person! And I have to say that you're an excellent ambassador for Cleveland. I'll look into our schedules--we're doing a weekend in Stratford, Ontario in May to see some theater, but not Memorial Day weekend. I can't help having the sneaky suspicion, though, that the podcast cruise would miraculously shift dates to coincide with my arrival in town. Not that you'd avoid me or anything. :rotfl2: Oh, and I understand what you mean by that 29 degree temp being really tough to run. I did mine today at it was 30ish--hard to get the clothing right. I wore gloves that I ended taking off halfway through, etc. It's just an inconvenient temp, that's all. Harumph.

TM Tracy: Congratulations on adding speed drills, hills, etc. to your runs. I admire that. I doubly admire the fact you called it speedPLAY and not speed-fracking-WORK. Flat where you live, I take it?

Jennifer: Oh, I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather, especially because you're on spring break. :hug: Yes, do take it easy on the running. And tell us you're doing some fun things that are completely frivolous, social, and relaxing!

As for me: A good run outside today, although a bit chilly for my taste. You know how some people are "errand" runners? Turns out I'm not one of them. I decided to drop some mail off at the post office as part of my run. Bad idea--crowded streets, too much traffic. It made me claustrophobic and I wanted to run INTO traffic just to get away from pedestrians. That, or run over them. Yeah, races are such a good idea for me. :rolleyes1
Hello everyone!

Tracy - Those are beautiful WDW photos! It really makes me wish I was there right now. We are skipping our usual Disney vacation this summer, so I'm not going back until Marathon weekend, and I am in major withdrawl! Of course, we're skipping because we're going to Europe instead, but still . . . I do plan to check out Disneyland Paris for one day, which should be really cool!

Mel - I love the tattoo! I'm due for a second one myself, and have given a bit of thought to what I want it to look like, but haven't settled on anything yet. I am also very curious about where your tat is located!

And to everyone else: great job on getting out there!

I did my longest run since January on Sunday - a nice 5 miler around the neighborhood. I am still a good 30 seconds slower per mile than I was doing last fall, but I am beginning to feel the effects of consistent training, and I'm back to enjoying my runs again. Today I went to the gym and did 4.3 on the TM. It was nice enough to go outside, but since my youngest daughter loves the child care there I've been taking her there with me every Tuesday. She actually thinks of this as a treat, go figure! - I think it's because she is so much older than most of the other children there, and she likes helping take care of them. She's really cute with younger children, and doesn't get a chance to express that at home.

Last piece of news is that all the families at the school where I work have now been informed that I will be leaving after June. This is a great relief (I gave my notice in January), and I am really looking forward to having much more time to devote to my travel business.
Debra - I have 4 tattoos - 2 on my right ankle that are portriats of 2 of my cats (well one has since died - the other is in his normal spot on my lap and laptop as I type) then I have a tribal cat on my lower back (no one ever sees it though) and another tribal cat on my left calf. And I have 3 cats. Thanks for asking.
Debra: Yea, I never make any money at the store. I came home with 3 new pairs of shoes last week alone. The the owner put me in charge of ordering the women's clothing, not going to be pretty. But hey, at least I get cost plus 20% off of whatever I buy and I can get things 6 months before they come out. My hubby says if I don't spend any money, then things are good.
Hi WISH Team! Glad to see everyone! Hi to the new folks!

Mel, yay for the tat!

Traning has been going slow for me. I struggle right now, but at least get something done.

Here's hoping for better days ahead!
Lily: We understand, do what you can and keep us in touch! Go fellow Warrior!

Sharon: Hey my Minnie 15K friend. How's it going? Thanks for the Birthday WISHes!

TMTracy: Nice job on doing "Drills" I also like doing things like that as it keeps things from getting too monotonus!.

Tricia: I may look into that 10K, not too far to drive for me about 45 min or so. Not too many 10ks around S.FL so I will think about it and will let you know if I do it!

Jennifer: hope your taking it wasy and will be feeling better before you know it.

Debra: Yes, the cake was DEELISH!! I'll remember to not send you on any of my errands as I don't want to send you out into traffic.:rotfl::rolleyes1

Frank: Hey, anytime I can help with photos from Florida, jsut let me know. I am more thatn willing to help you out. Where did you live? Nice job on your miles even if you didn't quite love the temps outside. Of course I always love being outside than inside on a TM or something.

Kira: Glad your enjoying your runs again! Getting into Full Time Travel agency? Many good wishes coming your way! (are you booking a block of rooms for the WISHers in Jan at either the POP or POLY? I am loving the WISHers on FB!)

Brandie: Hey Amiga! How is it going? Aren't you suppose to make some money and not spend the money?:lmao: How is your training coming along? What is your next race?

AFM: I was able to do a nice 4 miler tonight after work. Did negative spilts.
Mile1 in 14min 48sec (warmup)
Mile2 in 13min 39sec
Mile3 in 13min 6sec
Mile4 in 12min 25 sec.

I will have one more walk on Thursday before my Racewalk on Saturday and just hoping to beat my last 5k Racewalk which was 39min 53sec.

Have a good Tuesday Evening everyone!
Racey Tracy

"Its fun to do the Impossible" - Walt Disney
Tracy: All is well here, looks like you had a blast at WDW!!! I will never make money at the running store, and I am OK with that. I am running the Eggs and Ears 5K on April 11th and then doing a sprint tri the next weekend. After that who knows, our season is alomst over unless they throw in something at the last minute. Has been known to happen, so here come the boring summer months till I start training for Goofy. What are your race plans??
Brandie: Hey just trying to do at least one race or charity walk a month while our "race season" slows down here in FL! I will either do a 5k or a 10K on April 11th, I have a march of dimes walk the end of april. I have a breast cancer walk in may and there are local July4th and Memorial day 5ks. I will be doing the Spacecoast Half Marathon in November. I will most likely do the RFTT in October. I am alreayd signed up for the Half in Jan.

Debra: Yea, I never make any money at the store. I came home with 3 new pairs of shoes last week alone. The the owner put me in charge of ordering the women's clothing, not going to be pretty. But hey, at least I get cost plus 20% off of whatever I buy and I can get things 6 months before they come out. My hubby says if I don't spend any money, then things are good.

Brandie...you may be my new best friend! Which running store do you work for? We'll have to check it out next time we're in your neck of the woods. Where's the sprint tri you're doing?

TMTracy...I'm just impressed you said speedplay instead of everyone's favorite giggle word...fartlek.

Christa...that was a crazy fast field!

Thanks to all! The tat is just above my right ankle. It's a couple inches tall. The design is loosely based on the Mickey peace pin there on Tracy's lanyard and a Tshirt we found in Adventureland when we were there for the Princess. I've been wanting to do the peace, love, Mickey, 13.1 thing for awhile, but was planning on 4 separate symbols, til we found the shirt that combined all but the 13.1. I moved the LOVE from the right ear to the left and changed the background from the shirt.
Hey Frank,

In case you missed these in the other thread. :rotfl2:




Yeah, someone has to live here, and it might as well be me! :thumbsup2

Way to get in your reps everyone. Keep up the good work, I'm proud of you all. :yay:
Kira: Glad your enjoying your runs again! Getting into Full Time Travel agency? Many good wishes coming your way! (are you booking a block of rooms for the WISHers in Jan at either the POP or POLY? I am loving the WISHers on FB!)

So far I've only booked for Jeff & Marcia (at Pop). I'd do more if there was a request for it, but we're a pretty independent bunch!

Actually, what I'd really love to do is put together a WiSH/Disney Running running cruise. I think that would be an unbelievably good time!
So far I've only booked for Jeff & Marcia (at Pop). I'd do more if there was a request for it, but we're a pretty independent bunch!

Actually, what I'd really love to do is put together a WiSH/Disney Running running cruise. I think that would be an unbelievably good time!

The WISH cruise would be fun, maybe doing it around the Space Coast Marathon in Cocoa Beach. It is close to the port and there is a full and half and a pretty cool metal. I was debating doing the run this year but am doing one closer to home.

I posted a topic about the Podcast cruise on the WISH main thread but I am doing a 5K the night before the race. I try to do a run on each vacation and since there is one on Saturday night it works out perfectly. Any of you FL people ever run the Mayfaire Classic in Lakewood?
Brandie: Hey just trying to do at least one race or charity walk a month while our "race season" slows down here in FL! I will either do a 5k or a 10K on April 11th, I have a march of dimes walk the end of april. I have a breast cancer walk in may and there are local July4th and Memorial day 5ks. I will be doing the Spacecoast Half Marathon in November. I will most likely do the RFTT in October. I am alreayd signed up for the Half in Jan.


Tracy - :cheer2: Good luck with your racewalk this weekend - is it the Run Like a Bunny 5K?
Definately let me know if you are going to be doing the 10k in Boca on April 11th. I never realized they have done this race for the last 30 years - and I have lived here my whole life.

Just so you know you can register at the Running Wild store in Ft Lauderdale. I always like registering in the store if I can instead of on Active.com

When in Nov is the Spacecoast Half? I have part of Nov booked in the Keys for NASCAR weekend at Homestead but the rest of Nov is open. There is normally a 1/2 in Boca in Nov but the date isn't listed yet - I did it last year but would love to do a bigger (more people) different race this year.
TM Tracy: Congratulations on adding speed drills, hills, etc. to your runs. I admire that. I doubly admire the fact you called it speedPLAY and not speed-fracking-WORK. Flat where you live, I take it?
Not even . . . I'm just north of Atlanta so it's actually a decent amount of rolling hills. :)
....a little lunch time escape from the dreaful morning that is work.......

Debra If you really feel the urge to run over someone, I will supply you with a list of people who I would like to see that happen to! ;) (Only partly kidding)

Kira Glad your running is picking up again. I must have missed thr threads on your leaving your current job and your travel biz. Sounds interesting--what's your plan?

Racey Tracy:wave2: Hope your race walk is speedy! Negative splits are a good thing--I managed to do that at Disney, although I still have no idea how, nor could I ever repeat it! (Still no sense of pace)

Lily Hang in there on the training!

Everyone else hope your day is going well.

I am off to eat more chocolate and hopefully stop sneezing--I always seem to get very "nose-y" when I go swimming (which I did this a.m.--couldn't you hear the laughing?).

Been MIA for a few days, hope you all are well!

I did nine miles on Saturday, and got my first ever black toenail! I had never run that far in the shoes I was wearing (heck, I never ran that far without walking, ever) and was surprised to see that I had a blood blister on the side of my toe, AND one underneath. I do not have pretty feet right now.

Did three miles on Monday, and four yesterday. I am due to do four more tomorrow and nine again on Saturday.
There are a few WISHers wanting to do the Spacecoast. Checked the website just now and the information for it is up.
Date is Nov. 29th. (weekend after Thanksgiving).
I think I will start a thread for it to see who might want to do it.

There are a few WISHers wanting to do the Spacecoast. Checked the website just now and the information for it is up.
Date is Nov. 29th. (weekend after Thanksgiving).
I think I will start a thread for it to see who might want to do it.


Bree and I have been wanting to do the Spacecoast mary. I will have to look at my schedule. I was trying to figure out what fall/winter mary to do. Not sure if we will do WDW this year....is it the full mary full yet?:lmao: I need a good one to BQ...nice and flat.

lil mermaid - How cool is your WISH name! My DD11 loves mermaids. Anywho, WTG on the black toenail...oh and the long run too.;) I feel your pain with the toenail thing.

RaceyTracy - OOOOH, Neg splits. I would love to do those, but I have a flawed running approach. "Go out fast, run until you feel like you may puke, then pay for it later". I know, it is stupid.....but it works for me.:scared1: Good luck on your race!

Maura - Oh yeah I hear you on the nose thing with the swimming. My clients think I am coming down with a cold every time I see one after I swim. I got new goggles and they make a ring around my eyes....so that is pretty too. I am too cheap to go buy another pair....:laughing:

TMGirl - Does the TM mean tread mill? Speedplay is crazy hard. I am restarting it with my "coach" friend next week on a track. :scared: Good luck to you. It really does work. I went from doing a 12 MPM on my 1st mary to now doing an 8:49 MPM on the last mary I ran. All b/c of speedwork. I guess it is true when they say, "To run faster, you must run faster". I alway feel like I am going to throw up when I am doing it.....apparently, that is how you are supposed to feel. What does your speed WO look like?

Lily - Hang in there girl.....:hug:

:flower3: for everyone I missed....my bike trainer (that is ALMOST as bad as the dreadmill) is calling my name b/4 I get to go into work today. I think I may put on "the Office" while riding....good fun. Or Imay just pack up and swim at the YMCA. I hate cold and rainy weather.


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