Wk of Mar 9 - WISH Walking/Running Club

DH and I watched online the ING Georgia video of the course last night. Yikes, it is very hilly. I'm a tad scared. :scared:

Yes it is VERY hilly. Especially the last 3 miles. At mile 12 last year I had a TNT coach yell out to me that there was one more hill. It was funny because you could see everyone around me slow down. There was almost like a wave effect as the entire field of runners slowed down.

It was the hills at the end that I liked best! I train on hills. I train to aggressively attack hills. I passed almost everyone on those last hills at the half! It gives me the illusion of being fast.

I can't believe you are in taper already I can't believe it is only two weeks away! I don't taper for a half other than taking it easy during the week prior so I am still thinking its weeks from now.

DON'T FORGET: Peachtree apps will be in this Sundays paper!!! Get a copy of your driver's license and qualifying time today!

Hey Shan! GREAT JOB on that 12 Miler :). Your pace is excellent for a long run...I think you trained smart! Sounds like you are all ready to go girl. Enjoy the taper....let your body heal up and rest up....I'm certain that you will beat your goal :hug: . As for tapers...I always taper before a half too...just gives me that extra rest to allow my body to go that much faster :). About the hills...I know they can be daunting but try not tense up and psyche yourself out when you see them...if your pace slows that's FINE...if you have to walk that's FINE...you'll make up time on the downhills. What goes up MUST go down right? ;)

Judy...THANK YOU for the link to the YouTube foam roller vid. It was perfect...I just got my foam roller last week and it's one of the BEST stretching/massage tools you can get! :thumbsup2

Kevin...Yeah...those NYC hotels are awfully expensive :(. IF I ever run NY at least I don't have to worry about the hotels...can drive right in. I think I'm going to head into the marathon this year as a spectator...I sure hope to see some Green Shirts running! :thumbsup2

Angie...you speed demon. GREAT run!!!

Hi team :). YAY...found my missing motivation. Had a nice run yesterday...hopped on the bike trainer for a good 10 miles and then did some Pilates. I think I'll head out for some hill repeats and a few miles today. It's FINALLY somewhat warm here :sunny: . A balmy 50 degrees!!!! I had a rough week of training...but finally feel back in the saddle! Have a great weekend.
Craig, Kristi, Cecilia: DOOD is the same way. Has all his race bibs, with notations on his time, pace, how he felt on the course, what he ate for breakfast, notable things about the event. He's not interested in the medals or the t-shirts, but the big is important. I'll have to have more experience to see if that's how I feel, but I certainly see the logic.

Craig: Have a good trip!

Leana: Good luck with the shins & the shoes. It does seem a bit early to replace them, better new shoes than unhealthy shins! :thumbsup2

Maherae: Ah, I've never thought about how us back-of-the-packers might indeed add extra distance. No wonder I get so tired! :rotfl:

Jen & All: I'm interested in volunteering for the 1/2!!! I've signed up for the full. :scared1:

CarolA: Middle of nowhere & no gym? Who'd you upset??? :rotfl2: I hope you're feeling better & are breathing easier.

Angie: Yay! :yay: for your run. I hope work & life ease up a bit for you so you can concentrate on the things that really matter, like us! :lmao:

TXAng: 90? Geez, I'm having a hard time breathing when I just think about running in that heat.

AlohaJeff: Hey, you and Angie could be virtual training buddies, as your paces are similar!

Shan: Good pace, great mileage, and you've demonstrated a willingness to do the ice bath. Enjoy your taper, and all the hard work it took to get there. I just know you're gonna do great!

Kevin: We don't have fall running schedules either, and are avoiding doing the budget thing. I hope your cold & LTO both subside. Does chocolate milk sound good after a diet of Alka-Seltzer Cold and Zycam spray?

GarminGang: That's it, I'm now utterly convinced both DOOD and I need them.

Judy: Yay for following your plan and "only" doing 2 miles. Double-yay for even contemplating running in cold, rainy weather.

Amy: Excellent news on the motivation--not lost, just playing hide-and-seek from you. You and Cecilia & your hills always impress me.

As for me: Not a lot to report today, except steady rain & a XT day. Tomorrow I'm scheduled to do 5 miles, which is my LR, so I'm hoping the rain lets up.
Hey teammates! Hope everyone is enjoying a little bit of Spring weather. We've had some beautiful weather here the past few days. Definitely lifting my spirits! Did some bike/elliptical xtraining yesterday and did a 1hr yoga class today. Holy Moly, that yoga is some serious business! But ya know I go for the 10 min relaxation session at the end--gotta love that mommy only time!;)

Shan--sounds like you're very well prepared for your half. Enjoy your taper!

Hmmmm, might be joining the ranks of the red water stop this year. Would just need to find a nice wish-er to transport me to WWOS--any takers?
Judy - What time did you finish with your volunteering duty? I may think about doing it next year as long as the job would be done in time to do other things that morning.

Is anyone else interested in volunteering?

Marilyn and I are planning to volunteer for the full. Probanbly one of the early waterstops. :)
DON'T FORGET: Peachtree apps will be in this Sundays paper!!! Get a copy of your driver's license and qualifying time today!

If you want to be the super early bird, the paper will hit stores at noon on Saturday ;)

Also, they released the t-shirt designs already...check them out on www.ajc.com :goodvibes:
Planning on getting the AJC paper today. :)

If I go thru with my surgery I might miss the Peachtree. Can I give my number to one of my DH's friends?

OMG, downtown Atlanta was trashed last night. I hope nobody was hurt???

Kids have taken over the TV this morning so I was trying to look online...

I wonder if this will effect ING any? I bet they're at least gonna have to move the Expo...
Do I need to put a copy of our driver's license in the Peachtree application, too?

Read the directions carefully. Yes you need a copy of DL.

Also ANY race time will help you move up in start time so get a copy of that as well. Noone WANTS to start a 10k at 10am on July 4! Much better to be near the front even if you are walking!

I am so excited. I LOVE the Peachtree! :banana:
Happy sunny Saturday, all! A nice day to run outdoors, unless you live in the Atlanta area. Hope you're all okay with no damage.

I ran my 6-miler today which turned out to be short by a bunch (closer to 5.7miles)--I don't know what happened on Mapmyrun. I would feel really bummed by that, except that I felt good at the end and know I could have made the last .3 miles easily. Anyway, thoughts of chocolate milk, cookies and WISH got me through the middle part where I usually battle the demons of "why are you doing this running thing again?".

deekaypee/Debra You asked (many posts ago) what I did (which I assume meant work as opposed to posting/running/milk drinking)--I work for an automotive company in R&D, although not as a scientist. I help manage a global network of research/science offices.

Time to go eat and maybe watch a little basketball--MSU taking on Wisconsin.

(Who has just noticed that I passed some DIS threshold and am now a "mouseketeer", yippee!)
Goodness!! I hope all of our Atlanta area WISHers are safe!! Sure glad your ING race wasn't this weekend!!

Well, Maura, you and I were out there together today. :) I also got my six miles done. That's my longest for this year! :thumbsup2 My proudest moment came when I threw up at mile 3 without stopping. :lmao: I, too, battled those horrible running demons.."Four miles is ok to do..you don't have to do six." "Look, you can turn here and head for home.." I was successful in defeating them by thinking of Jackie and Leana who were in events this weekend, and of Sunny and Lily who WISH they could be doing six miles. I was also ticking off the landmarks of the Minnie route. Made it outside of Hollywood Studios, heading for the Boardwalk next weekend! Thanks, team!! :yay: :goodvibes Anne
Geesh..getting hit again today...this time in my neck of the woods (Canton, GA).

I hope all other Atlanta area WISHers are safe.

Shan - I bet it won't impact the expo...the Congress Center is HUGE.

I work right outside of Centennial Olympic Park, thankfully my building was not damaged...

This stuff needs to go ahead and blow over so I can go pick up my Peachtree application!!
Great job, Anne! :cheer2:

I went to the Y and did my 60 min. fitness yoga class. :thumbsup2
And I agree with Stephanie - those last 10 mins. of class are worth it!

Off to declutter and clean some more...
new furniture is coming Weds. and I want to be ready for it.
Carol A, Shan, and Cecilia - Hope y'all are ok. I heard from my parents this morning, and they were fine. That storm was something else! My son came and told me what was happening last night. (he was watching the game;) ) We are supposed to go to the Aquarium next week for our Spring Break. Called them this morning, and they said they were up and open. Is MARTA ok? I don't want to drive down there with the risk of running over glass, nails, etc.

Oh, and I did something yesterday that I never thought I would be able to do. I literally RAN to the post office. I took my running gear to work with me yesterday along with my entry for the Cotton Row. So, I ran down to the post office, dropped off my entry in the mailbox, and ran back. I did 4 miles in 52:12! I am supposed to be training at a 13:50 pace this month, and I beat it! :banana: I would never have been able to do that without the encouragement of my WISH family! :grouphug:
Geesh..getting hit again today...this time in my neck of the woods (Canton, GA).

I hope all other Atlanta area WISHers are safe.

Shan - I bet it won't impact the expo...the Congress Center is HUGE.

I work right outside of Centennial Olympic Park, thankfully my building was not damaged...

This stuff needs to go ahead and blow over so I can go pick up my Peachtree application!!

I know, about an hour ago the alarm went off and we had to go into the downstairs bathroom. Looks like we're gonna have a tough spring. It has been awhile since I can remember the alarm going off so much already.

DH works on Saturdays so he picked up a couple papers for us. He won't be home until later tonight so I guess I'll have to get this to the post office tomorrow. I did already print out our Gobble Jog times, but now I need his driver's license.

When is it supposed to be all gone? I need to go up to the mall - have a couple gifts I need to buy. Plus, the girls are getting stir crazy. :scared:
CarolA and Cecilia....are you two ok? We've heard from Shan and Scott...glad you two are safe and sound! :goodvibes Be careful you guys in the south...looks like a rough day :(.

Beautiful here in the northeast FOR A CHANGE! I'm not jealous of you GA people and your nice temps anymore...we don't have tornadoes like that where I live. YIKES! :scared: Makes the cold winters worthwhile imo! Hope you all (or is that y'all) stay safe!!!!

I think I'll head out for a nice walk since it's finally warmer around here. I taught my pilates class already...but have yet to do some cardio. Yesterday I managed to ride the bike trainer for a while, then did hill repeats and a few miles of warm up and cool down (legs felt like JELLY afterwards). I'm finally back into the training groove. thank goodness ;)
HI guys!

You guys in the Atlanta area...Hope you are ok! Glad to hear from Scott and Shan!!! Be careful! Looks like some pretty nasty stuff!

So...I got home yesterday and as I walk in the house, there is a gift bag. Inside is a note. It's a plain white piece of paper from DH and it says something to the effect of how proud he is of me, how he appreciates everything I do for our marriage, how much he loves me... and then there is a clue. "I have the best live growing thing sitting on me in your house. FInd that livign thing and open me up" I actually walked through the house 3 times and had to re-read it three times before it "clicked" We have a little stand that we have plant sitting on. It opens up. So..I go, open it up and inside is a Garmin 305! WOW!

The note was nice enough! Very heart-felt and something I really needed. But the Garmin...yay! I get to test it out tomorrow on my run! I'm so excited. It will be very good that I can track my heart-rate too.

Tonight we go on a double-date with my BIL/SIL. It's to a new fancy place we've never been before. My boss gave me a $100 gift certificate for there so we will try it out.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!
Hey Atlanta WISHERS, keep your heads down, and stay safe. Glad you're all safe.

My Queen just happened to pass through Atlanta-Hartsfield yesterday afternoon with her 40 students, en-route home to Honolulu. They didn't even know about the tornado until they got home. Near miss.

Today I took Princess #1 out for her first triathalon training. She did the actual race course of 50 meter swim, transition to bike for 1.1 miles, and finally .3 mile run. She did fine, and said she had fun. Must have wiped her out though, a half hour after getting home, she's taking a nap. And it's only 11 am here now. LOL.

I ran with her during the bike leg and run leg. So I got in a fast mile and a half.

I'm running early tomorrow morning, since a friend is visiting from Kansas. We're golfing over on the windward side of the island.

Have a great weekend.
Hi everyone-

Thanks for thinking of me! We had all the electronics off most of the day because of the weather. We were in and out of the basement three times due to the sirens.

At one point we had the kids check the weather on an old tv in the basement. I told them to holler if it was red where we live and they yelled back "what does it mean when the radar is black?" Huh?! black? In case you never had that, it comes after hot pink in terms of extreme. Grapefruit size hail in the atmosphere and all that fun stuff. I looked outside and the sky was completely green. Between that and the sirens it was very eery and very scary.

Tornadoes missed our neighborhood but we haven't checked out the area much. We did have hail but it was only about 1/4" and not as intense as other areas. The big thing is that we are losing trees all over the place. The drought weakened their roots and the winds are knocking them over like toothpicks. It is so sad to see them all down. Especially now when they are starting to bud.

Believe it or not, the sky is mostly blue now and the sun is shining. Of course it did this same thing between rounds 3 and 4 this afternoon so I am not letting my guard down yet.

Glad to hear most everyone else from Atlanta is ok. Waiting to hear from CarolA though.



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