Wk of Mar 5--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Morning WISH Team!

Dave, Great idea about the get-together. I don't have young 'uns, yet if I go I would still be glad to attend and chat up with the group. And, thanks for looking for my flight. I've found a similar fight option, and will be pouring once more over my financial budget for this, and maybe some additional time off from work which I'm kinda sitting on as I play with flight options and room rent.

Dawn, I really have nothing much more to add to what Kevin said. I'd stay on the trail. But if you haven't heard, "That's my happy place!."

Mel, glad you grabbed that quote, I just couldn't touch it! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Kevin, good thing on working with a plan. It does help for this event. Even if you can't follow it absolutely, it is still a great thing to have the guide to follow.

Nancy, ouch, that is amazing that you are keeping at it through all the difficulty. You are a hero! worship:

Celeste, so you will be on the challenge to get in your w/o early a.m. now? Good to have you back. You mean there is no instant gratification in healthcare? ;)

Good luck to those running events this weekend. Everyone out there this weekend have fun! I will. I leave you with a couple of my trail pics of last week.

Spring is on the way


Great Blue Heron Rookery, there are many pairs nesting and the view is spectacular.


Our first Bald Eagle nest here in ever since I've been on this planet! The new couple have moved into one of the heron nests. We are enthused about this event around here.
I haven't been able to do anything since Wednesday since I am working late yesterday and tonight and all day tomorrow. We have training sessions. I am hoping tomorrow I will get done mid afternoon and be able to stop at the Y afterwards. I will drive right by it, so it's an option if I get out on time.

Dave - my princesses will be there to cheer me on. They will be 3 1/2 and 6 at that time. I am sure they would love to meet other Disney crazy kids. People here just can't relate!!!! Maybe I started them at too young of an age!!
I love the idea of having a get together with our families after the race. I have two boys 4 and 16 mos and they will definately be there with me.

Well, yesterday was a rest day for me (much needed), however today I was back at the gym running the track. 2 miles in 17m52s. NOT HALF BAD!! It was just a short run today, tomorrow I go for 4 on a trail near my house. Thank goodness they have marked every mile and half mile. Much easier to track your distance like that.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I will check back in with the results from tomorrow's run!!

Take Care,
I think I'm resting today, although I'm considering an evening kickboxing class...DD had a field trip so my normal work-out had to be cut. Tomorrow is my offical rest....and Sunday I'll do my 3 mile run. Still in 5K training plan. Hoping to finish in 30 minutes....but happy just to finish! I ran yesterday at a 10.7 mpm, hilly run. :goodvibes

Dana: :thumbsup2 Wow that pace rocks. Great work-out.

Lily: Thanks for sharing pictures of your trail! How cool about the Eagles nest.

Dave: Fantastic idea about a "kids meet" for marathon weekend. I'll have my two little girls (ages 6 and 9) with me. I really think it will make them even more excited knowing they have their own special "get-together" to look forward to.

Sunny: Bummer about your speedo :(. But at least you got a good workout in :).

Kevin: Glad you're feeling better! Nice run yesterday. Your "goofy" plan sounds solid!

Christa: We're really cheering for you on the tri this weekend. Can't wait to hear how it went! I'm sure you'll do great!! :cheer2:
When I got home from my 2 mile wog last night, DH's comment was something like "you need to be able to do 3 miles, don't you?", so tonight I went to the park and did 3 miles in 43 minutes!!!! I can actually do the Minnie without dying!

We're having fabulous spring weather - it was 76 today, supposed to be 75 tomorrow and 82 Sunday. I can't decide whether to concentrate on running or being lazy.

Jodi - Congrats on reaching your goal!

Kimickey - Great picture!

Lily - Keep massaging that budget. You have to find a way to join us at the Minnie. And I love your pictures - I can't imagine actually having an eagle's nest that close!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hello to all! :wave: I'm finally caught up with reading the posts but I forgot to take notes. Oops! Just imagine a lot of witty comments and you got it. This is a very chatty group. :hyper2: :jumping1:

keenercam said:
Dave -- I LOVE your idea of a family get-together! Alas, DD will be away at college by then or home staying with DSthen13 who won't be able to miss another week of school after having missed the week in September for the DL Half.
Well now I really feel like the young 'un, if your DD is in college. So do I get to play with the adults or am I gonna be banished to the playground? I'm almost an adult (6 days to 21). :tigger: or as adult as I'm gonna get hehehehe

keenercam said:
Oh, and I didnt' work out last night. Unless you count the 3 "walks" I made up to the chinese buffet. :blush:
Oh it definitely counts. ::yes:: I'm voting that we start a marathon on the premise...to the food...eat the food...to the food....eat the food...mmmm. :cloud9:

I have learned a great lesson this this week :rolleyes2 My jogs had been going very well up until this week. Then all of a sudden it was like I hit a wall. It wasnt just my cold (though that didn't help). I realized as I was wincing through my 13mi slow walk today (I usually jog at least half of it) that I had stopped fueling my body the way I should. I had stuck to eating 1500 Kcals per day which is good, but I [this past week] have been eating over 600 of those Kcals in cookies and ice cream and icing. I'm good if I make smart eating choices with those 1500 kcals and I'm fine if I eat the sweets on top of a good nutrition plan (other than the fact that I tend to start looking like a cow--mooO), BUT my muscles just aren't recovering (they were super-sore like they were when I first started) and my aerobic fitness level is down also. My food is the only thing that has changed over the last few weeks, so my dear Watson, I deduce that that is the source of the problem. So my plan is to take a disciplined plan to eating, selecting a good Balance of foods to Fuel my exercise. ::yes::
And that way when Jan rolls around I will be fully fuelled and ready to roll for :goofy:

Have a splendid weekend everyone!
lilouisianagal said:
Oh it definitely counts. ::yes:: I'm voting that we start a marathon on the premise...to the food...eat the food...to the food....eat the food...mmmm. :cloud9:

This sounds like a great plan to me, but sadly the stale plastic wrapped muffins at the end of the disney races would not be enough to get me to walk a mile!!! :rotfl: I must say there was no magic as far as the post-race food was concerned!!!! I've done 5k's that had a breakfast buffet at the end, but disney's food stunk!!!! The last marathon i did had chicken and dumplings, unlimited fresh fruit and yogurt. That's good stuff!
Dave, I too, like the idea of a kids activity. I have a wonderful DS, age 7- who will be 8 in January. He ran the kids race last year and really enjoyed that. Anyone else have their kids running?

DH- Mickey
Me- Donald
DS- Chicken Little

Lilly- thank you for the welcome back to the living. I am undecided about getting up early to exercise before I work. It would depend if it was a cardio or running day- because the gym isn't open early enough. I already leave for work at 4am- so I would have to be at the gym around 2:30 :lmao: AM!!! It is much easier to go to bed at 4 or 5 AM and get up at 2pm- vs going to be at 4 or 5pm and doing the same. There are a few benefits to working nights. However, I would probably handle getting up early on work days to run on the TM or something. :rolleyes:
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

I did 1 mile yesterday in ~13 min before my 1 hour yoga class. I did some additional stretching and strengthening for my shins after class.

Sunny, Christa, MickeySP and everyone else I forgot - Good luck to everyone running races this weekend.

Dave, I too, like the idea of a kids activity. I have a wonderful DS, age 7- who will be 8 in January. He ran the kids race last year and really enjoyed that. Anyone else have their kids running?
Celeste - I don't know anything about the kids races. When are they? How far are they? I think my princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, would be interested in this. Maybe we can get all the kids running WISH team shirts too.

OK, except for my yoga class yesterday, I had a really crappy day. Lots of "lifestuff" getting me down. My Mother's health has not been great for a while now, she has lots of cardiovascular troubles, leading to little to no mobility, dementia, macular degeneration, and lots of other troubles. Anyway, I think it is time we really start thinking of assisted living options for her. So I was on the phone all afternoon talking to my Sister and Father about it. I think I may have to drive down to Delaware next weekend to have a big family meeting about it and come up with a plan for my Mom.

Uuugh, we have tickets to a matinee performance of "The Lion King" that is performing here in Rochester, and I really have no excitement or enthusiasm to go. I waited in line at 6am back in December to get these tickets for the opening weekend, the whole family has been counting down the days to the show, and now it's here and I could care less.
So far, I cannot find any information regarding the run for 2007 or 2006 on the internet- but here is the info for 2005. It was a fun event, but poorly run. My son LOVED doing it and really enjoyed his medal- I wish I would have gotten him a shirt, but you only got it if you registered for the 5K.

Wide world of sports family 5K and fun run

Sorry about the crappy day, Dave. I'm know how that goes. :rolleyes:

Sometimes literally.

Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

I did 1 mile yesterday in ~13 min before my 1 hour yoga class. I did some additional stretching and strengthening for my shins after class.

Sunny, Christa, MickeySP and everyone else I forgot - Good luck to everyone running races this weekend.

Celeste - I don't know anything about the kids races. When are they? How far are they? I think my princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, would be interested in this. Maybe we can get all the kids running WISH team shirts too.

OK, except for my yoga class yesterday, I had a really crappy day. Lots of "lifestuff" getting me down. My Mother's health has not been great for a while now, she has lots of cardiovascular troubles, leading to little to no mobility, dementia, macular degeneration, and lots of other troubles. Anyway, I think it is time we really start thinking of assisted living options for her. So I was on the phone all afternoon talking to my Sister and Father about it. I think I may have to drive down to Delaware next weekend to have a big family meeting about it and come up with a plan for my Mom.

Uuugh, we have tickets to a matinee performance of "The Lion King" that is performing here in Rochester, and I really have no excitement or enthusiasm to go. I waited in line at 6am back in December to get these tickets for the opening weekend, the whole family has been counting down the days to the show, and now it's here and I could care less.
Dave- :grouphug: for your mother. My grandfather is having alot of problems. He has alzhiemers & has been in a wheelchair for a long time. My aunt called my dad last night & said he has been having alot of problems so he is going up to SC to go to the Dr with him & see what they need to do. He is getting so old & frail, its hard to see. He has needed to be in assisted living for a while but my grandmother wouldnt hear of it. I think she is finally realizing that she cant fully take care of him. Good luck with your decision. It's a tough one no matter what. But also, go enjoy the play. It should be fabulous & it may take your mind of things for a while. Real life will still be there when you get back.

Celeste-My nieces & DS8 did the 5k & loved it. They got a t shirt & a chicken little medal. (but it was plastic not metal) DS5 was going to do the kids races but was too tired by then. Also Mel's kids did them & it was horribly organized, ran really late & had the kids standing around forever. I'm sure DS8 will do the 5k again.

Louisianagall- :rotfl2: I guess as long as you turn 21 by then & we dont have to cut up your meat for you,then you can join the "grown ups" I may be older, but I dont usually act or feel older. :teeth:

Jackie-that is awesome :cheer2: And you did that pace after doing your 2 mile wog? Good job. We had wonderful weather for my wog too. It got up to 78 here & beautiful. Wont last though, turning colder next week :rolleyes2

I did my 5 miles yesterday. 1/2 mile warm up & did the 4.5 miles at 13:39 pace. I was hoping to get below 13:30 but that's o.k.

Christa-I know its a little late but good luck on your tri :wizard:

Dana-great job! Keep it up. :banana:

Have a great weekend everybody!
Sorry I should have clarified more (I'm finishing my last night shift and am getting REALLY tired)...Noah ran the kids races for the 7 YO. I don't know if he would have liked a 5K. The short one was perfect for him- but yes horribly run. My husband said nobody knew where to go and you could have taken any child you would have liked.

I'll take one of those and one of those.

(Can I go to sleep now? BTW- the answer is NO)
I went to the gym last night and it foel great. I am limited in what I can do because of having a soft cast on my left foot. I have to stay off the foot as much as possible but I can do some of the machines. Doing nothing was not good for my mental status.

I plan on going to the gym after work today to work on the circuit my trianier set up for me a while back. I want to keep moving so I will still have time to train for the Minnie after this cast comes off on March 28. The podiatrist gave me permission to remove it early if it limits my enjoyment of WDW. We are leaving next Saturday for a week. I have a feeling this will be a looooooong week. I have to be good and let the foot heal so there are no long lasting problems. I am thinking about doing the Full next Jan but would be happy to do the Half agian and improve my time.

Need to get to work. Tax returns are calling my name.

Have a great exercise day.
WTG, Kathy!! So glad that you are still able to do something.!! :cool1: You have a good plan with a great goal..being in WDW in January!! Looking forward to meeting you at Minnie! :thumbsup2 Anne
Happy Saturday everyone.

I feel like a big old bum. I gave myself two rest days this week...yesterday and today. But I'm fighting off a cold and giving my leg some time to heal. I did 2 kickboxing classes, 2 runs so far this week. Tomorrow I plan on doing 3 miles.

Kathy: Great job on getting to the gym! March 28th will be here before you know it! Have a good time on your week away :).

Dave: Pixie dust for your mom :(. :grouphug: I know that must have been an emotionally draining day. I think once you get to the Lion King you'll enjoy it and it will give you something else to focus on if only for a few hours. Hang in there!!!

Tiff: This may be a silly question but did your DS8 train for the 5K races? My DD will be 9 and LOVES to run...but I wasn't sure how to get her ready for a 5K. It seems kids can just run and run forever LOL. But I'm not sure how she would prepare. Maybe run a few days a week? She is very serious into Tae Kwon Do so she at least exercises twice a week (occasionally 3 days a week). ANyway...would love to know how you prepared him for the race. TIA!!!! :goodvibes
Thanks for all the good wishes for this weekend. I actually have no problem being last across the line, as long as I cross the line. Hey makes it easier to find you name on the list!! :cool1:

Claire - Hey my son is older than you, he's just turned 21! He's a single baseball player and movie production student here in Boston. HMM maybe I'll bring him along in January:cheer2: :rotfl2:

Dave - You will love LK once you get there.

I tried to lay off anything yesterday but just couldn't so I kept it to a mile and did some upper body. Today will be a definite day of rest. Trying to make sure I am loaded with water. God that is hard.
Sunny -- Thanks for the :goodvibes: sweetie! You know you are one of my heroes so it really means a lot to me!

Dave -- So sorry you are going through this. Sending you a :hug: BTW, if you have time for a cup of coffee or something while you are in Delaware, I'd love to meet. I know it will be a very stressful and sad time for you, but let me know if you are interested. Oh, and I am sure you will have a wonderful time at LK once you get there. What an amazing show!

MickeySP -- Good luck! pixiedust:

lilouisianagal -- I'm with Tiff! :lmao: Demonstrate facility with a knife and fork and you can sit at the grownups' table. Oh, and I totally agree with you about the food as fuel thing. It is a lesson I still haven't perfected! I don't think my body will cooperate if I feed it cakes and cookies.

Kathy -- So glad you were able to get to the gym. Please do not overdo on your foot, so that you can take that cast off on the 28th.

Melissa -- I am with you on the issue of quality of end of race food at WDW. I was kind of surprised. I don't remember -- did they have bagels and cream cheese and stuff like that? I just remember small banana nut cakes wrapped in plastic and powerade. I do remember that Rhonda and I thought the oranges were delicious!

Well, I SHOULD be working but it's so much more fun to hang out here. I did get up at 6:15 and was at the state park by 7:10 after doing some stretching at home. I got in 8 miles in 2:05:04 (15:38 pace), which included dealing with ipod issues, peeling off layers (it was a glorious, sunny morning! :sunny: ), talking to Liz on the phone for about a mile (thanks for keeping me company, Liz!), and limping around with gravel in my shoe. So, I think I am feeling better about getting my pace low enough before the Minnie. I have to admit, my hip is killing me! I can't believe how painful it is, but I think this is the longest distance I have done since the WDW 1/2 and I needed to be sure I could get close to the 15K distance well in advance of the Minnie. I am going to find some aleve now, and hope it feels better soon. It hurts so much just sitting here at my desk.

Howard is doing a 1/2 marathon tomorrow and I am looking forward to cheering him on, but have no desire at all whatsoever to be on that course with him. It looks SO LONG! He is hoping to beat his 2 hour 15 minute time from the WDW Half and is confident it shouldn't be too hard since that was one week post-surgery with a stent (sp?) in and lots of potty breaks.

Can't wait to hear about everyone's events this weekend. Good luck, WISH buddies! :grouphug: pixiedust:
Hi Everyone,

Wow, is it beautiful out today :sunny: ......and I took full advantage of it - I finally went running the running club :cheer2: . I didn't do my best, not sure if that is just because of the tranistion from the threadmill to the road or what.....it made me feel good that I'm finally out there - I just hope that I can make it through the Goofy Challenge.....it isn't even so much the legs like it is for most - for me, it's just my core is not cooperating.....my abs started to not cramp but tighten a little but the running on the road was great - I can understand why others dislike the threadmill so much!

Well, here are my workouts for last night and today. Last night:
TM work -
10 min - 3.7
20 min - 5.3
5 min - 3.7
10 min - 5.3
5 min - 3.7
5 min - 5.3 (4.40 miles)
5 min - cooldown (4.66 miles)
acheived 4 miles a little under 50 minutes

Bicep curl with resistance rope - 12 reps, 3 sets
Straight arm lat extension - 20 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
V twist (abs) with resistance rope - 12 reps, 3 sets
Back lunge and front raise - 5 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
Curtsee and shoulder raise - 5 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets

For today - jogged/walked 3 miles

Thank you everyone for your positive comments about my reaching lifetime at WW. Oh BTW - Cam you will do it!

Believe it or not guys I'm debating whether or not to do the Bosu workout.....it won't be until later on tonight.....I think I'm going to take a nap now - I worked out late last night and woke up early to run with the team.

I'll be sure to check in later!

Well...... let's just say I am NOT a happy camper. I went for my 3 mile run this morning, and it went horribly. My calves started cramping, and my shins started hurting, all so badly that I only got in 2 miles and wogged the rest of the way. Then when I got to my Tahoe in the parking lot of the trail I see that someone had hit my car. I could have just cried. There I am standing next to my car, with my legs cramping, on the phone with my DH who is livid (not at me just in general). I am gonna take the next two days off, and see how I feel. I think I am also gonna cut down on my runs each week. This week I ran 5 days, and I think that just is a bit too much right now. Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later.


Sorry about your run :(. Sounds just like my run on Tuesday. Horrible cramp/pain in my lower calf muscle. I have stepped back a bit this week and took yesterday and today off. Tomorrow I'm heading out for a 3 mile run...we'll see how it goes. :confused3 I sure hope you feel better!

And so sorry to hear about your car :guilty: . Did the person who hit it even leave a note? Probably not...that is unbelievable! You must be so upset. Pixie Dust that your day gets better! :wizard:


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