Wk of Mar 5--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

OK, I am here.... lots of catching up to do. Thanks for the invite!
Morning WISH Team!

Dave, so sorry about your family situation there. I don't even want to imagine how difficult this time is with your Mom. Prayers for the strength needed to get through it all. I'm sure as soon as you get to LK that you will find enjoyment watching with your young family. Oooh, wouldn't a cuppa with the Cam be a great stress relief when you visit DE.

Claire, I love that you are so young and so in tune with yourself. You have the idea about the smart eating choices being part of a successful training. Seems to me you have earned a spot with the adults, if space is an issue I'll trade places with ya! :teeth:

Dana, so sorry about your morning. Hope your body catches the break it needs. No one left a note after smashing your car? That is sad.

Jodi, great news about your group run. Yeah, I'd have cramping issues at times too. Keep at those core strengthening exercises. It will get better for sure. I'd do it today if you want my $.02.

Cam, you said it in your post. Thanks cuz I can stop now. I agree with everything you mentioned. Congrats on your walk pace today. I understand that discomfort. Me too. Even hunting up the aleve! :teeth: Give Howard a cheer from me too.
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Go Howard! Go Howard!

Kimmickey, great to see ya again!

Sorry to those I've missed, but I only went back a little. I did my 10 miles today. It was perfect for me. Same weather as at WDW in Jan. I wish I could say my pace was as good. Alas, it was not. I didn't do badly though 15:55 pace did it in 2 hr 40 min. Well under the requirement for the April 1st half. Tomorrow DH and I will go out again and it will be at his pace. He wants to do 5 miles, we did 4 last week and he is not interested in me telling him to increase distance 10% for his weekends. Hope he doesn't learn the hard way.

Sad news, front page stuff here. The eagles have left. Flown the coop they have. It was a true event that they were nesting around for us here.
Welcome, Papa! SO glad to see you here. This group comprise some of the best/nicest/most generous people you will ever meet. And I do not say that lightly. Here you will find encouragement and celebration and advice as we all share this awesome journey.

BTW, to pick up from the other thread. You definitely can do the 1/2 Marathon starting from ground zero now. Believe me, I know (long story!) I walked the 1/2 this year and it was absolutely the most personally rewarding experience of my life. It was the first time in my life I overcame self-doubt to accomplish something that I really thought I couldn't do. I'm training to train for the 2007 Full Marathon now and I am so glad that I didn't think I could do it this year, that I enjoyed the experience of the Half and can look forward to the next challenge after sufficient training. Enjoy the journey!

Lily - I'll pass along your good wishes and cheers to Howard. He asks for you and all our WISH buddies all the time, since he is so rarely on the DIS. BTW, how is your son doing? Is he healing well? Sending pixiedust:
Hectic week here.

I had my first swimming lesson to see if it is possible for me to do a sprint Tri next month. And I am happy to say I was able to swim across the pool without stopping! :thumbsup2 This was great for me because I haven't swam a length of a pool in 25 years. The next lesson I was able to swim there and back without stopping! I will need to swim 5 laps for the Tri so I will see how next week progresses before I enter.

I ran a Leprechaun Leap 5K today that was held at our YMCA. It was the same course as our Turkey Trot last year. I ran it in 25:48, which was the exact time I ran the Turkey Trot in November. I felt like I was working much harder this race, which doesn't surprise me because in November I was logging 25 more miles per week in preparation for the Disney Marathon. I placed second in the Masters division, which really isn't that impressive because there were only about 75 runners total. I had a good time! :yay:

Welcome to all the new athletes! :wave2:

Colleen-great job :cool1: You will be surprised at how quickly your swimming will improve. I started only being able to do 1 lenght & having to rest a while before I could go back to doing the full 200 yds in 3 weeks. And I havent swam laps since I was a kid.(many moons ago :goodvibes )

Dana-that is what we on the WISH board call a STONKER! Just write it off & move on. It happens to everyone. Of course most of us dont have dents in our car to keep reminding us of it. :wizard:

Jodi-be careful with those shins & calves. You dont want to get injured!

Amy- My DH & him trained. They didnt run all the time but they made sure to train for at least the 15 min/mile. They would go out a couple times a week doing anywhere from 1-2 miles & do 3 miles every once in a while. I also did a local 5k with him prior to that. They loved it so if you think she's interested have her go for it! At that age even if they dont train a whole lot they will be o.k.

Kathy-I am so jealous that you get to go back so soon. Be careful with your foot. It will be too hot at the Minne to wear a cast :sunny: How is Erin doing in the college program? Does she like it? If I go back to grad school do you think DH would let me do the college program at Disney? :rotfl2:

Cam-have fun cheering on DH! Wow 8 miles! WTG :cool1:
TiffJ said:
Jodi-be careful with those shins & calves. You dont want to get injured!

Trying to be :) I know it wasn't smart to run two days in a row.....but when I worked out last night, I didn't know for sure that I was going out with the running team - I think I would have done better with the group if I would have just took another rest night last night and went out - Oh well, lesson learned. :thumbsup2

I'm going to be resting tonight and tomorrow (but will be on the Dis - here and there).

I have definately dealt with "Stonkers" before, :rotfl: I love that word!! But yeah the real kicker was my poor bumper. I have only had the car for 6 months, it isn't "new" or anything, but it was new to me. I love that car. Didn't leave a note or ANYTHING!! The nerve of some people!!

I think I am gonna take Sunday and Monday off to rest, then start back only running 3 days a week. I know I can do 3 miles without hurting, I think I just pushed myself too far. I'll do two miles on Tuesday and Thursday then on Saturday I'll try my 3 again and see how that works. I made sure to ice my shins real good once I finally got home, and there hasn't been any pain since, so that's gotta be a good sign!!
OK, so I will introduce myself to those who don't know me. I guess with 6000+ posts, most of you have an idea of who I am.

I'm a 43 year old father of twin daughters, who are almost 5 years old. MArried guy for almost 7 years.

The last time I was in really good shape was about 8 years ago, I think. I was down to 225 pounds, and still fat, but was riding my bike about 125 miles a week. I was able to do a 70 - 75 mile bike ride for charity. But I could ONLY RUN 2 MILES!

So, now I want to get back even better shape than that! I want to get to 175 pounds of chiseled granite! :rotfl2:

I have 85 pounds to lose. I can run about 250 FEET before I get tired out. I have a goal of running the Disney HALF MARATHON next year.

I have lost 11 pounsds since the Super Bowl, mostly through diet, with little exercise until last week.

Tonight I will try to run 300 feet after I get home.
Dana- most of the people here only run 3 days a week, sometimes 4. Sprinkle in some rest days and cross training and you have a full schedule.

I told my Mom(NYcpa) earlier today that it's a good thing that I'm going to have Boards to study for while tapering in May or I would probably kill something. I have no idea what to do anymore if I don't have long workouts to do on both Saturday and Sunday. We finished a system yesterday and don't start another until Monday afternoon so I couldn't fall back on school work and I couldn't take advantage of the 50s and sunny and spend hours on the bike unless I wanted to seriously bite it running the half tomorrow morning. I'm just relatively rested and ended up restless. What's really odd is that this didn't happen during the taper for the Disney Marathon. Probably because I was sick and then back in school for the last couple of days before the race.

I'm not even actually tapered- ran 7 Mon, 6.6 Weds, and 4.2 Thurs; swam 8600 yards split between Tues, Weds, and Fri; and biked hard Tues and easy Thurs and today. Other than taking is easy from Tues on except in the pool, this has been pretty typical of my workout schedule lately. Only switch is that I usually swim Mon rather than Tues. Start a new schedule Monday though that drops a run day. However, the bike time starts going up. Yeah! I love the bike! M,W,F swim; T,F,Su run; W,Th,Sa bike and some weeks Sat is rest day. Of course, that's because Sun then becomes bike and run day, also known as the brick.

Colleen- WTG on the 5K
:wizard: for Howard, Sunny, Lisa(MickeySP), Christa, and anyone else racing this weekend
:wizard: :wizard: for the people facing life and physical challenges

Time to go get gas in the car as I can't count on stations being open at 0430 tomorrow morning. Should try getting to bed early tonight too. I'm driving almost 2 hours to get to the race tomorrow and I still get to sleep in later than many people did for the Disney races :rotfl2:

MelRhoads said:
This sounds like a great plan to me, but sadly the stale plastic wrapped muffins at the end of the disney races would not be enough to get me to walk a mile!!! I must say there was no magic as far as the post-race food was concerned!!!! I've done 5k's that had a breakfast buffet at the end, but disney's food stunk!!!! The last marathon i did had chicken and dumplings, unlimited fresh fruit and yogurt. That's good stuff!
MelR: That sounds similar to my first 5K, a homecoming race. They had biscuits, eggs, sausage, grits, fruit, donuts, juice, etc. but somehow they managed to forget water... :sad2:

Amy: pixiedust: get to feeling better

MickeySP said:
Claire - Hey my son is older than you, he's just turned 21! He's a single baseball player and movie production student here in Boston. HMM maybe I'll bring him along in January
:thumbsup2 :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: My heart melts for any guy who loves Disney :flower3: :love2: :rolleyes:

keenercam said:
lilouisianagal -- I'm with Tiff! Demonstrate facility with a knife and fork and you can sit at the grownups' table. Oh, and I totally agree with you about the food as fuel thing. It is a lesson I still haven't perfected! I don't think my body will cooperate if I feed it cakes and cookies.
:woohoo: :Pinkbounc Yay! I'm an adult now! oh wait...is that a good thing??? And the cookies, etc certain tasted good while they lasted but now I'm gonna be good ::yes::
:cheer2: for Howard tomorrow

Dana: pixiedust: :hug:

Papa Deuce: :welcome: :donald: You can do it! Most of the really tough part is mental and that's why you now have this great team to cheer you on. :cheer2:

Tiger Lily 03 said:
Claire, I love that you are so young and so in tune with yourself. You have the idea about the smart eating choices being part of a successful training. Seems to me you have earned a spot with the adults, if space is an issue I'll trade places with ya!
Yes I have the idea ...now I've just gotta stick with it. And thats sad that the eagles left, but at least you got to see them :)

keenercam said:
Welcome, Papa! SO glad to see you here. This group comprise some of the best/nicest/most generous people you will ever meet. And I do not say that lightly. Here you will find encouragement and celebration and advice as we all share this awesome journey.
:blush: gee Cam you're so sweet. And btw you are such an inspiration to me. I can't wait to meet everyone at the Marathon. ...10 months *looks at watch impatiently*

Colleen:: Wow thats a great time in my book! Congrats.

And those red oranges at the end of the race were GOOD!

Sooo instead of a rest day today I got to do my 5K. I ended up finishing in 35:40, which is slower than I wanted (and than I have running in training before) but still within my goal. The course started out going uphill rather steeply before turning and heading toward the capitol building. It had that odd forced perspective look that the castle had, so naturally that got me thinking about WDW :) . Then the course turned and when downhill steeply. My thought here was, "oh crud that means that there is an uphill further on" :guilty: I ran the first mile in just a tick over 10 min which was dead on what I had planned. It was nasty hot and humid so I walked the water station (I still ended up with more water on me than in me, but I was rather happy about that hehe). The second mile was rather flat but it was in the sun and all of a sudden there was NO breeze. It was nastiness. Then the course took an extra little turn toward the river that I was SOO not expecting. Mentally this kicked my bum. I ended up walking for approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the second mile. I had just gotten up the energy to jog down the train hill (I had just walked up it) and had a nice little pace going when I got to the next water station. Now I'm a college student, and as such it is instinctual for me to accept anything that is free, so of course I just had to walk and splash down some more water. This was at the 2 mile mark and I reached it at 23 minutes. A bit slower than I would have liked (and I could have done without that walk), but okay. Then the course goes back uphill (told you so :sad2: ). I found a nice jog pace just after the water station so it was all good. By this point we had finally sorted out into pretty steady groups. There was one guy who was dead on the same pace as me. We went around the bend and started up a series of "gentle" hills. So we had a nice conversation about the hills and the breezes. It was really nice to have someone to talk to. The course takes the final turn and starts down a nice shady Downhill road. There was a cop at the turn cheering us on and telling us it was the last turn. I swear I could have hugged him! I kicked up the pace a little here and started running with two other people. We had a nice little rejoicing over the downhill. There was one final lovely DOWN hill to the finish. I love whoever thought that out. I ran down that hill and into the chutes. I know I finished top 1000. They handed us "ice water" (a bottle of room temp water). There were tents with a little free food (Sun Chips, Yogurt, Cereal). Man, I miss the Mouse's treatment. I decided to grab a bottle of water and catch my friends who were still walking the 5K. Overall it kicked my bum. The heat, humidity, and hills were not good. But I was talking to my friend who had planned to run it in 19min (and he certainly can and has run 5K in that time) and he also found it a tough course (he ended up with something over 20min, 22 or 23?).

And I finally picked up a copy of Marathoning for Morals! I can't wait to soak in a nice hot bath and read up.
I made it to the gym after work today. i spent my time on the machines which didn't involve too much standing up or pressure on the feet. I currently have my foot elevated to try and get the swelling back down. I think I should take it a little easier and condcentrate on using my stability ball and hand weights.

I want to get walking but know that is not in my best interest. I need to foot to heal so I can get started doning what I need to do to get ready for the Minnie.

Tomorrow is another work day. I will use my CORE dvd's to get a work out in.

Keep up the great training.

Lynne, Sunny and MickySp - good luck on your races tomorrow.
NYcpa said:
Lynne, Sunny and MickySp - good luck on your races tomorrow.

Wow, there are a lot of people racing this weekend. Good luck to Lynne, Sunny and Lisa (hope I didn't miss anyone) on your races tomorrow, can't wait to hear from those who raced today. Christa?? Cam, make sure you report to us on Howard!

lilousinagal, you did great on your 5K :thumbsup2 , that course sounds brutal!

Tiff, thanks for the encouragement on the swim endurance. You are the one that inspired me to get into the pool and try out this swimming thing! :grouphug: Thank you by the way. You have done so well, I hope I can see some improvement from week to week because I would really like to incorporate this into my cross training.

Hi all!

Guess what?!?! I got to see the Minnie Medal ::MinnieMo yesterday at the Disney booth of our Gate River Run Expo. All of you running the Minnie are going to love it. :love: I so wish I could run a 15k by then. They had all of the recent medals displayed on a table. I just stood then touching the Donald medal for a while. :donald: I know the person thought I was weird, but I want that thing so freaking bad!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

My 5k went great! Wasn't my best run since I was sick, but I did record my best time yet!!! :banana: Finished under 40 for the first time at 39:51. I even did my first 12 minute mile. Whoa! :yay: I feel like such a success story right now. Since December I have shaved 5 whole minutes off my 5k time. I still can't believe it. :goodvibes :goodvibes
Big :thumbsup2 , Dena and Louisianagal!!! You both FINISHED! Dena, a PB is just icing on the cake!!! :woohoo: I can only imagine a 12 minute mile! 5 minutes off your 5K time????? :dancer:

We did our 8 mile today, also, Cam!! I didn't have all of the distractions you did, so I was able to stay with you!! We had almost the same time!! My problem was, we started out at 4:45 p.m....obviously, not thinking clearly. I just kept waiting for it to get cooler..it was 81 (SORRY!!!!! :sunny: ). Well, duhhhhhhh..even at a 15 minute pace..that would return us at 6:45..which means DARK!! We were not dressed for night walking, but we made it safely. I got to bring my new gadgets..my water bottle belt and some GU that I bought last week. I downed the TriBerry at 4 miles..it was OK..tolerable, not too unpleasant. I just now went to the web site to figure out what flavor I had..it says to take one 15-30 minutes BEFORE your exercise, then every 30-45 minutes DURING your exercise, finishing with one 30 minutes at the completion of your exercise! From what I have gathered on this board..that seems like an awful lot..even during the marathon! :confused3

Oh, and I did have a cool moment. Remember when there was talk on the board about DHs saying that they didn't need to train cause, "I only have to keep up with YOU.."?? Exact words of MY DH. Tonight, he kept falling behind around mile 5. I just figured he wanted some space so he could jog to catch up...NOPE!! HE was complaining that I was setting too high a pace (15:29 at that point)!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Wait till he sees you all..you'll be smokin' :rotfl:

The next training race will be the Crescent City Classic in New Orleans on April 15th. It's a nice FLAT 10K. It's Easter weekend AND tax weekend! My DH has started to groan whenever I ask him if he wants to do another event. But he's so good.."Whatever you want to do...siiighhhhhhh" :love: DH's family is there and will have my mother sorting Mardi Gras beads while we walk!

Another list for me to make...who's running races when :rotfl2:
:cheer2: :cheer2: for Howard, Sunny, Lisa, Lynne, MickeySP, Christa and any other WISHers tomorrow!! Anne :shamrock:
Dena Are you in Jacksonville? I have always wanted to run the River Run, looks like that will definately be a must do next year!! I didn't even know they had the expo, I would have loved to have seen the Disney Medals, what cool motivation!!
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

Thanks for all the support everyone. The family and I all went to Lion King here yesterday, and it was absolutely amazing! The princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, were held in rapt attention the entire time - and it was about a 3 hour show. Our tickets were in the front row on the floor, and it was incredible to be that close. It felt like the actors were singing and interacting directly with us. One of the hyenas even waved to our princesses during the curtain calls. Great show and great escape for a while.

I also had a good training run yesterday. I took the princesses princess: princess: to a local park. They had a great trail around the perimeter of the park, the princesses princess: princess: played on the playground while I ran around the perimeter. We had 2 way radios so we could talk to each other, and the princesses princess: princess: could watch me run on the trail the whole time - so we always knew where each other was. It was great. I don't know how far I ran, but I did run for about 30 min straight.

Sounds like people had some great runs yesterday.

lilouisianagal/Claire? - great run yesterday. Thanks for the report. It does sound like you had a really hard course. Excellent job, and great pace.

Dena - same to you. Awesome run in your 5k yesterday. Any pictures? Did the :stitch: in your side run with you again? Awesome pace. WTG on the 12 min mile!!!

Maharae/Anne - Thanks for your PM - WTG on your 8 mile run too! Good job smokin' :smokin: your DH - maybe he'll train for the next one.

Cam - thanks so much for your offer to get together for a cup-a-coffee if I'm passing through Delaware. I may just take you up on it. I'm not too sure what my travel plans are at this point. I'm trying to see if I can get a cheap flight on SW down to BWI (where my sister lives), and I can drive down with her. However, I'm sure they'll be other times I'll be driving through and we might have the chance to get together. Aren't you going down to WDW soon to see your daughter march down Main Street in that parade? Was that this coming weekend?
I almost forgot, Papa Deuce welcome!!! :welcome: I'm a newbie here too just joining up about 7 weeks ago now. Without this group I would definitely not have lasted this long. I had started and stopped again so many time, not being able to make it past the 2-3 week hump. This group is great. I haven't been running since my 1st princess: was born (8 years ago), and I'm planning on going from the couch to the full marathon. We'll see how it goes. I'll listen to my body about it, but I'm not concerned about jumping right into it. Besides I have this great WISH team behind me, right?
HI! :wave:

Can I join you?

I am really trying to get my body moving! I registered last year for the half, but right after I paid, I discovered that my best friend's daugthers Bat Mitzvah was that weekend in Boston. Those girls are like my own kids and I HAD to be there! So of course instead of working out, I just quit. :sad2:

Anyway, I have registered for the Minnie..... I "Think" I can! (I feel like the little engine!)

I am up to 3 miles on the Treadmill, but went out to the park today. I think I did around 2.5 miles there (I drove what I could afterwards to figure it out) That wiped me out! I think without the TM to pace I got out to fast, plus there are HILLS!!!! :rotfl2: My time indicates I was going faster then I normally do so that may have been an issue.

I want to do the half, but I haven't registered yet.

See you!

I just have time for a quick race report. I just got home from the Run to Remember Half. The weather was good. They had called for rain today but it didn't. The race was very crowded, much more so than Disney. There were ~8,000 runners and Boston streets are very narrow. I'm glad I wasn't going for speed because it would have involved major weaving. As it was, my Garmin said 13.65 miles! I took it slow and easy. My clock time (as I saw it, didn't check the results) was 2:16 and my Garmin said 2:13:30. This race would have been much nicer a month from now when everything isn't so brown. The ground is brown, the trees are bare and brown, no one was rowing on the Charles. I had to wait in line for water at the water stops!

Overall, this race served its purpose. The only reason for this race was to keep me from becoming a slug after Disney! I'm not sure I'll do this one again. I enjoyed Applefest a whole lot more.

But the cool thing was I got to see the fastest runner! I've never seen the fastests runner(s) before. This was mostly an out and back. He flew past me at about 4.25 miles (he was on about 9).

I saw Lynn after the race. We both wore our WISH shirts. I never saw Lisa.

Lisa-- Check in soon! I hope you had a great time!

Lynn-- you may have beat me to the finish line but I beat you home ;)

Now I'm off to buy another Speedo :furious:

Good luck to everyone who is racing today! pixiedust:

Dena: party: congrats on your 5K and your 12minute mile!

Maherae said:
The next training race will be the Crescent City Classic in New Orleans on April 15th. It's a nice FLAT 10K. It's Easter weekend AND tax weekend!
Ann?: Oh wow. That is less than an hour from me. I've grown up hearing about the CCC. I had always assumed that it was a marathon, but now that I know ... :rolleyes1 It might be a bit close though to have two races within a month of each other. What do yall think?? How 'bout if I take it nice and easy? I'm gonna have to think real hard about this. Plus I could possibly get to meet a real life WISHer! :Pinkbounc Do you know if there is a time limit on it?

CarolA: :welcome:

I went on a nice easy walk around the lake this morning (less than 4 mi). I literally had to do a check every minute or so on my pace to keep from walking fast. I usually rest Saturday and since I missed that I just wanted a nice gentle restful walk today. Tomorrow I think I'm gonna go jump in the pool and goof around for a few minutes.


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