WISH Away the Pounds - Spectacular September Challenge...Everyone Welcome


DIS Veteran
Jul 26, 2010
Welcome to WISH Away the Pounds—Spectacular September

Whether you are new to these threads or are a return visitor – everyone is welcome! Please read the complete instructions in post 2, and then let me know if you have any questions.

The philosophy behind our new challenge: small achievable goals. One month at a time, one week at a time, one day at a time, one bite at a time.

Results will be posted as a % lost (pounds) towards monthly goal.

Thanks to Rose&Mike for creating our new challenge format which has been a great success since January! And thank you to all the previous hosts who have kept the challenge going since then.

Weigh in Days--Weight Loss

PM Weight to Eliza32
September 1 (starting weight AND pounds lost goal for month; ex 165, goal 5 pounds)
September 6 (Fri)
September 13 (Fri)
September 20 (Fri)
September 27 (Fri)
September 30 (Mon) last chance!!

Weight Loss Goals:
10%, orange
25% bright pink
50% purple
75% turquoise
100%WISH green

Weigh in Days--Maintainers:

PM Weight to Eliza32
August 1 (pm starting weight, maintain range, and goal for the month; 145, range 141-149, goal 4 weeks)
Weigh-in days as above

Maintainer Goals
25% bright pink
50% purple
75% turquoise
100%WISH green

Please see list of participants and results in post #3
Welcome to Spectacular September WISH Away the Pounds

Losers and Maintainers welcome!

How the challenge works:
This is the new and improved challenge that replaces the BL challenges. Like the show has evolved, so have our challenges and this format takes the best of that long standing tradition and makes it even better!

The goal of the new challenge is to meet your weight loss/maintain goals on a monthly basis. Results will be posted as percentages toward goal and your color will change as you approach your goal, similar to the exercise thread on the WISH boards. It is the hope that this new format will encourage some great discussions about weight loss, maintaining, diet, exercise and healthy living!

It is up to the hostess each month as to whether she wants to have coaches/Question of the day, mini-challenges, etc. It is her month, so she can choose to handle it how she wants.

Here is how the new challenge will work. It is going to be a monthly individual challenge. Each month is a new start. You are competing against yourself to meet your goals for the month. No one will know your actual weight (unless you share it) except the hostess for the month. NO GOAL IS TOO SMALL.

Let me repeat: NO GOAL IS TOO SMALL. A loss is a loss is a loss. Your color will change based on your % lost toward goal.

On September 1st you will PM Eliza32 (hostess for September) your starting weight AND your goal for the month. On the dates indicated you can PM Eliza32 an updated weight. On Monday nights (UK time) the thread will be updated with percentage toward goal.

Here is an example of what the stats will look like.

Updated August 9, 2013
Minnie Mouse 25.00 %
Daisy Duck 12.00 %
Goofy 0.00 %
Donald Duck 33.33 %
Mickey Mouse 40.00 %

Weight Loss Goals:
10%, orange
25% bright pink
50% purple
75% turquoise
90% red--ALMOST THERE!
100%WISH green

In this case Goofy, put on a few pounds, but that will be reported as 0%. We are not going to call people out, but just report positive moves towards your goal!

Minnie Mouse had a starting weight of 110 with a goal of 4 pounds. At her weigh in she reported a weight of 109 with a percentage loss of 25%.

Your color will change based on your % loss. If you gain, your percentage will decrease, and your color will change, but no one will know your weight except the hostess. Only your % loss toward goal will be reported. Negative percentages will not be reported

Participants (other than the hostess) will not know your pound lost goal or actual weight unless you choose to share it with them.

Maintainers will set a goal for the month of number of weeks they would like to stay in maintain range (+/- 4 pounds).

They will weigh in on the first day of the month and then on each of the weekends. Their results will be reported as percentages along with their goal.

For example:
Pluto 1/4 25%.

Pluto has a goal of maintaining all four weeks. He put on 1 pound at the first weigh in, but is in his maintain range.

Maintainer Goals
25% bright pink
50% purple
75% turquoise
100%WISH green

It really is pretty simple. Remember, no one will see your weight or pound loss goal except the hostess unless you choose to share it.

Percentage loss will be updated once a week. If you miss sending in your weight over the weekend, no big deal, just send an update the following weekend. Please understand that this is a volunteer job and the hostess will only be updating once a week.

Hopefully I have answered all of your questions.

Good luck! I look forward to seeing everyone meet their healthy living goals!

We all need a good loss before the Bermuda Triangle that is Halloween - Thanksgiving - Christmas kicks in!!!!
Weight Loss Participants

Desiree (MFP = skinygeekwithin)
JennStars9 (MFP = JennStars9)
MomofIndigo (MFP = momofindigo)
Ohana 4
ohMom (MFP = monarchmomx2)
Zim (MFP = intrinsicat)
I didn't do so well in August, but I plan on doing better in September. Count me in to try to lose some weight.
I'm in for the month! I have a DL trip in August and need to get my rear in gear after summer break!!
I am in for Sept. I didn't join in AUg but need to get back on track. I just got home on Thursday from a trip to DW and school starts on Tuesday so it is time to get organized.
I'm also in for September. While I was short of my goal for August, I did lose six pounds, which for me is kinda huge. :D

My DH just ran to Krispy Kreme to get donuts for our daughters as a surprise, & I could ring his neck. I don't need that kind of temptation. He promised to only get enough for them so we don't have a box of donuts calling my name all day long.

DH and I are running off to Orlando for the day tomorrow--it's our 19th anniversary. We are staying at Coronado Springs & plan to visit Downtown Disney, eat at Portobellos for dinner and visit Raglan Road & maybe see the dueling pianos. Monday morning I really want to go to the Polynesian for some kona coffee & maybe try the tonga toast. Then we will go to Ikea before driving back home. Of course, I'll be doing penance for a couple of weeks after this, calorie-wise & financially, but our anniversary is worth it & I'm a girl that believes in celebrating family events.

I'm going bike riding today & I'm sure I'll get a lot of walking in tomorrow. I'm so excited!!!

I am new to the thread.. I am in for September, I am going to Disney World in December and hope to be closer to my goal by then.
I'm in again this month. Eliza, I pm'ed you my final weight for Aug. but I forgot to add that I'd be interested in this month too so I'll send you another with my Sept. goals.
Thanks for hosting again :thumbsup2

I'm here! August was just terrible for me :sad2: so I am super excited for September. I'll PM you tomorrow after I see the horror of the scale :rotfl:

I'd like to try this to keep me accountable. Several years ago, I lost 30 pounds and have kept them off, but I really need to lose another 50-60. I don't even know how I did it back then, but in determined to do it again.
We're doing a cruise on the Wonder in mid-November and would like to lose 10-15 lbs by then.
I'll pm you in the morning with my weight!

Thanks for hosting this!
I'm baaaack! :) Fresh off of DIS Cruise 1.0. I haven't weighed myself yet, but I am so proud of the fact that I ran 4x on this trip for a total of 15 1/4 miles! I'm hoping that offset some of the indulgences...

I'll send a starting weight for September tomorrow. July & August were tough for me, and I have a few extra pounds to shed, so I'm in as a loser this month!

Fresh start all around - I work in academia, so this time of year feels more New Years to me than January does! :) So glad to be back.


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Helen thank you so much for keeping this going!!

I am back for September. I ended August with a very bad last day as my sister was here on a visit and we ended up eating out for lunch and dinner and then went to the fairground where we had glazed almonds...

Today is a new month, I just had a healthy breakfast, will go for a run later on (my absolutely best time for running is around 4 to 5pm). And am all set on getting somewhere this month!

I just realised that I forgot to step on the scale, so maybe I will send in yesterday's weight as my start weight...

Hope everyone will have a truly Spectacular September!!!
Hi I l'd like to join in if that's ok? Tried a BL challenge a couple of years back but didn't quite make my goal. Time for a fresh start!
I'm in again! Didn't hit my goal, but got partway there, and every bit gone is great! The accountability of sending my weight in helps me get back on track when I have "fallen off the wagon", so I'm gonna stick with this! Good luck all!
I'm in again for Sept. While I did fall short of my goal in August, I did manage to loose 3 lbs overall!! :)

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