WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

Good morning all! :goodvibes

I'm so impressed with all of the great numbers that you have sent me and the way our participant list is already looking like a rainbow! :cool2: We are off to a great start for sure. ::yes::

I have updated everything through the PMs I received so if I haven't replied to your weigh in PM or I missed something please just let me know.

After all this hard work I think we need a little break for the week-end so I will go with a fun QOTD for the week-end.

QOTD Saturday, October 5, 2013 and Sunday October 6, 2013: If you were at Disneyworld or Disneyland right now where would you be and what would you be doing?

If I was at Disneyland right now I would be waiting for the gates to open at Disneyland for Early Admission so I could ride Haunted Mansion Holiday. :hmghost:

If I was a Disneyworld right now I would be at ESPN WWS running the Disney Happy Haunts 5K Trail Run.

BRB with replies.

So right now if I were to be at Disney World - I'd be eating samples from the Food and Wine festival for lunch .. MMMMMM

Good morning all and HAPPY MONDAY! (Is that an oxymoron?? Is there such thing as a "happy" monday??? :confused3).

Anyhow.... I am up and moving and dressed for work today. Coffee is brewing, but I still have lunches to make and a few pots to wash. I RARELY leave pots in the sink overnight, but we got home late last evening from DMIL's potluck birthday party and of course, I showed up at home with POTS to empty and wash and I just didn't have it in me. Of course, they haunted me all night!!:rotfl: Plus the dishwasher needs to be emptied. oh well.

Here is today's QOTD for Monday, October 7, 2013:

Mornings are tough for many folks.... especially MONDAY mornings. What do you do in advance to make sure that you get a good healthy breakfast and a good start to your week?

If you struggle with this, what is one new thing you think you could try this week?? Maybe a new make-in-advance breakfast recipe?? Maybe packing up something healthy to eat during your commute? Maybe getting to bed earlier and setting the alarm for 15 minutes early so you have time to have breakfast at home??

I'm off to work and of course I don't know what kind of computer access I will have. I will pop on during the day if I am able....otherwise I'll be back to chat about 3:30 today! Make it a GREAT ONE!.................P

My Monday like others starts on Sunday, I get all my clothes ready for the week ahead, make breakfast for a week - either omelets or crustless quiches with some bacon or sausage patties, pack 2 days worth of lunches and cut veggies for all 5 days , and pack up my zumba bag for Thursday..

BTW thanks Kathy for your kinds words.. we are slowly adjusting and I don't think either of us had tears on Sunday so we are getting there..
My Monday morning is not so breakfast friendly. I usually get my backpack ready for school the night before, so that is one less thing I have to worry about. I get my water bottle ready to go in the morning (although I have not been drinking it) and then I will usually grab a protein bar for breakfast to eat on my way to class.

I really need to work on getting a better breakfast in so once vacation is done after the weekend I am going to go to the store and get some bread to make toast. At least that is something easy and I can still eat it on my way into school.
I have accepted that my go to breakfast of bagel and cream cheese at my desk is staying. I've done it for years. I've tried to change it and eat at home and just does not work for me. So this week I am trying to make what I already do better by using mini whole grain bagels and adding a fruit and a couple of boiled egg whites. I'll let you know how that goes. :goodvibes


I'm at 113% for my ActiveLink challenge so staying right on plan! :yay: It does help to have to report here so thanks for the personal mini-challenge this month. :thanks:

Great way to modify your breakfast that is working for you into something that will work even better for your body!!! And awesome job on the ActiveLink! :cool1: :thumbsup2:

QOTD for Monday, October 7, 2013:

Mornings are tough for many folks.... especially MONDAY mornings. What do you do in advance to make sure that you get a good healthy breakfast and a good start to your week?

If you struggle with this, what is one new thing you think you could try this week?? Maybe a new make-in-advance breakfast recipe?? Maybe packing up something healthy to eat during your commute? Maybe getting to bed earlier and setting the alarm for 15 minutes early so you have time to have breakfast at home??

I feel like breakfast is one of the healthy habits that is routine for me now. It took a long time for me to build to it, but right now it feels under control. I think the important thing for me was to figure out what my body needs in the morning, and that is definitely protein and not too early. So, I have routinely been making egg white cups each weekend and eating them with fruit. They are very easily taken to work and warmed in the microwave. Making them in those very large muffin tins makes the portions the perfect size. If I am particularly hungry, I can have a bagel thin with it. This week's variety is spinach, mushroom & onion with egg whites.
LOL! I batch-cooked this weekend Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. I haven't had time to plan my meals for the week, just to cook and prepare everything I need for them. I just made a list of everything I prepared this weekend and I am laughing at myself; I think I need a larger family to cook for:

chicken Andouille sausage
steamed shrimp
jambalaya (using grilled chicken breast from freezer, shrimp and Andouille sausage)
roasted butternut squash (roast it long enough and it tastes like candy)
mashed cauliflower (substitute for mashed potatoes)
spinach, mushroom & onion egg white muffins (breakfasts all week)
turkey veggie chili (huge vat; lots now in freezer)
bacon (needed for a recipe, so I cooked extra)
roasted brussel sprouts
hearty brussel sprouts (boiled with FF chicken broth, bacon & onion)
2 apple pies (DS20 did a lot of this)
mock apple pie filling (for me instead of pie -- apple slices baked with artificial sweetener and cinnamon)
prepared enough green salad for several lunches & dinners
portioned grapes for snacks
thank you Pamela. It's so good to see you and I'd definitely love to get together for lunch one day. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch either. How is dd doing? Where did she go to school? How are you and the boys doing without her at home? I thought of you and dd as I watched my niece head off to Montana State this august. She is loving it there, and was so ready. I'm sure dd is doing fantasticly. Is that a word? hmmm one of the teachers can correct me. :rotfl2:

She is in RI at Roger Williams University. I am missing her like crazy. She is loving the school and slowly but surely adjusting to the rest of "college life".

We are okay at home, but things are definitely QUIET!

ah what is this? Pamela not following the rules? :rotfl2: How is WW going? Are you a leader or receptionist? What a great job for you.

I am a leader! Right now I am doing just one meeting. Honestly, the pay isn't outstanding and I've been offered a few other meetings, but the drive was too much for the short meeting/small pay. Hopefully things will pick up in January, but for now I am just grateful that my meeting has stayed open, as they have closed lots of meetings in NH over the past few weeks/months!

Kathy - Thank you for your kind words, sweetie. :hug: And yes, I have journalled today. :) I am on a journalling streak. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for that. ;)

And you SHOULD be proud of that accomplishment!

I have had such a productive weekend and hope to get a lot more accomplished today. Friday night, I cooked myself a nice dinner and then started my favorite author's most recent book and went to bed early. Howard is away at WDW for the Tower of Terror race (last night), so my Friday night would have been lonely without the book.

Yesterday I went to the Y and did 60 minutes on the treadmill at race pace and 60 minutes on the elliptical (to save my knee and hip for next weekend's half-marathon). I also did grocery shopping and some batch cooking for the week (roasted butternut squash and veggies egg cups).

Today, my sweet furbaby Cali woke me up pretty early (I think she misses her big sister who is away for the weekend and her daddy). So, I've been up and have already cooked myself a nice egg white omelette with spinach, onion, grape tomato and feta and have started a veggie turkey chili. I also have a bunch of other stuff I have to cook today: salad, mashed cauliflower, roasted brussel sprouts and apple pies. I'm already packed for the gym tomorrow morning, the bed sheets are changed, and I have everything pulled together to do "thank you for your condolences" cards.

Trying to keep myself busy and not lonely until Howard gets home.

I hope everyone has a great day!

You've been on a roll in the kitchen. I'm embarrassed to admit that my menus for this week include a sandwich night and a yogurt parfait night! :rolleyes:

Enjoy your Sunday, Pamela, and thanks for coaching for the next few days! :thanks:

You are SO welcome!!

I am happy to report that I am at 108% of my ActiveLink goal for the week so far. :goodvibes Today will be fine, it's those days chained to my desk that are tough. :sad2:

WOOHOO on 108%!!!!!!

Weigh ins and colors are updated -- I'm very impressed with how colorful we are so early in the challenge. :cool2:

Enjoy the rest of your week-end! :flower3:

Well did great with the water yesterday but diet coke has been calling my name all day today. I'll start on the water as soon as I get home. Sitting at e laundromat right now waiting on my comforter.

Pjilla I think you asked me about the outlet location I'm actually in Gettysburg so it's their outlets. I think we're too close to the DC metro area to get great deals at our outlets. You really need to wait until the outlet itself has sales and clearances. Very excited though mid month a Chicos is opening at our outlets. Funny I go into the store and never finis anything in like but I get hand me downs from a friend and an aunt and I love what they give me. I just have no fashion sense myself.

Today is the first day in two weeks that my poison ivy reaction hasn't been absolutely miserable. I got a good dose of it clearing out wandering ivy that apparently had poison ivy or oak interspersed. Ugh. I didn't know I was susceptible until now! It's been miserable... This morning I panicked because lighter areas really puffed up red after my run. I finally broke down and applied an old steroid prescription cream I had, and that work a miracle I should've been using it sooner. Feeling much better! I'm still going to look pretty pathetic when the beau gets into town later this week, but what're you gonna do.

Oh my!! Get better soon! Take care of your skin so you don't end up with scars!!

My 'good Monday' starts on Sunday afternoon........make sure I have an outfit ready for work, make sure my work bag is packed (laptop and god knows what else!!!), make sure I have enough fuel in the car (nothing worse than getting up on a Monday to find there's nothing in the tank) and make sure that I have something planned/made/defrosted for Monday lunch.

If all of the above goes to plan, then I have plenty of time for breakfast on Monday morning!!!

I agree with your statement that a "good Monday" starts on SUNDAY!! Sounds like you are an organized lady!

Not having the best week directly due to the fact that I've been naughty. 66 days I've been doing great and then the last 3 days I "need" snacks. Guess I need to purge the pantry again.

Give yourself a fresh start..... with the very next meal! And be sure to have some healthy delicious snacks on hand for when those munchies hit!!

I have accepted that my go to breakfast of bagel and cream cheese at my desk is staying. I've done it for years. I've tried to change it and eat at home and just does not work for me. So this week I am trying to make what I already do better by using mini whole grain bagels and adding a fruit and a couple of boiled egg whites. I'll let you know how that goes. :goodvibes

Great job making your "usual" desk breakfast work for you!!

I'm at 113% for my ActiveLink challenge so staying right on plan! :yay: It does help to have to report here so thanks for the personal mini-challenge this month. :thanks:


QOTD: Monday mornings are a non-issue for me, since Mondays aren't always work days for me. I'm a nurse and work three days a week in a hospital, and my days vary. My usual breakfast items are either scrambled Eggbeaters with a bunch of veggies mixed in, or a piece of Ezekiel bread toasted with a slice of Swiss, or on work mornings it's oatmeal with PB mixed in and a banana.

YUM! I haven't made oatmeal in DAYS.... I think I'll fire up the mini crockpot for some steel cut oats this week!

If I have work, I wake up extra early to get my run in, I then shower and get dressed for work and head out the door with a fruit smoothie. I find it so much easier if everything is planned the night before. I put out a running outfit, my shoes, and a bottle of water in the ice box. I pick out and iron something for work. I also have everything I need for work ready to go. I also make sure I have breakfast every morning by making a week's worth of smoothies on Sunday, I then freeze them and just defrost one the night before, it's all ready to go for 7:30!

If I don't have work, I pretty much have the same routine. I just don;t get up quite as early for my run. I will have a different breakfast sometimes, I like oatmeal, or grits with an egg in it. I always make sure to have water on hand as well!
Have a great Monday everyone!

Sounds like we have another uber-organized lady!! I never thought of freezing a smoothie. I should do that for DS, as he has one every single morning! I am darn sick and tired of washing the blender every day!

My Monday like others starts on Sunday, I get all my clothes ready for the week ahead, make breakfast for a week - either omelets or crustless quiches with some bacon or sausage patties, pack 2 days worth of lunches and cut veggies for all 5 days , and pack up my zumba bag for Thursday..

It sounds like you have some great weekend organizing! I love picking out my outfits ahead of time too... it allows me to think a bit extra about it and maybe make a new combo that I wouldn't have thought of if I were rushing in the a.m.

My Monday morning is not so breakfast friendly. I usually get my backpack ready for school the night before, so that is one less thing I have to worry about. I get my water bottle ready to go in the morning (although I have not been drinking it) and then I will usually grab a protein bar for breakfast to eat on my way to class.

I really need to work on getting a better breakfast in so once vacation is done after the weekend I am going to go to the store and get some bread to make toast. At least that is something easy and I can still eat it on my way into school.

How about putting together some individual yogurt cups (cheaper and more eco-friendly than buying individual cups)? Yogurt, fruit, and a bit of granola or sliced almonds to top it. Or maybe make ahead some egg patties that you can just warm in the microwave and drop on your toast for a quick egg sandwich? If the protein bar is working for you that is fine too!

I feel like breakfast is one of the healthy habits that is routine for me now. It took a long time for me to build to it, but right now it feels under control. I think the important thing for me was to figure out what my body needs in the morning, and that is definitely protein and not too early. So, I have routinely been making egg white cups each weekend and eating them with fruit. They are very easily taken to work and warmed in the microwave. Making them in those very large muffin tins makes the portions the perfect size. If I am particularly hungry, I can have a bagel thin with it. This week's variety is spinach, mushroom & onion with egg whites.

Yum, yum! I used to make those for DD for early swim mornings. I don't know why I'm not better about making them for myself! :confused3

LOL! I batch-cooked this weekend Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. I haven't had time to plan my meals for the week, just to cook and prepare everything I need for them. I just made a list of everything I prepared this weekend and I am laughing at myself; I think I need a larger family to cook for:

chicken Andouille sausage
steamed shrimp
jambalaya (using grilled chicken breast from freezer, shrimp and Andouille sausage)
roasted butternut squash (roast it long enough and it tastes like candy) I SO AGREE!!
mashed cauliflower (substitute for mashed potatoes)
spinach, mushroom & onion egg white muffins (breakfasts all week)
turkey veggie chili (huge vat; lots now in freezer)
bacon (needed for a recipe, so I cooked extra)
roasted brussel sprouts
hearty brussel sprouts (boiled with FF chicken broth, bacon & onion)
2 apple pies (DS20 did a lot of this)
mock apple pie filling (for me instead of pie -- apple slices baked with artificial sweetener and cinnamon)
prepared enough green salad for several lunches & dinners
portioned grapes for snacks

What time is dinner???? I'm not nearly organized enough this week..... hence the sandwich night and the yogurt parfait night. Plus I'm really trying to reduce our meat intake and I'm struggling to come up with some low carb non-meat meals for the 3 of us. And of course, I was pretty busy/gone most of the weekend, so I didn't have enough time to do my usual planning and prep. But I did buy a spaghetti squash and have a new recipe to try!!

Good for you for cooking ahead and planning ahead and for getting some stuff in the freezer for another day! Your future self loves your today self!!


Okay ladies.... the class is at Music for 5 more minutes. We had a pep rally this afternoon that was NOT written in the teacher's plans, so things are a bit nutty. I will need to pick them up a few minutes early so we have time to put away the stuff we were using when we got called to the pep rally and get packed up to go home!

I think tonight is veggie burger night and it seems to have stopped raining, so at least I can grill them.... so woohoo for not dirtying an extra pan! :rotfl: See... it's the little things in life that can make me happy!!

Not sure what our veggie will be, but I'm thinking roasted cauliflower and red peppers.... plus I have enough salad mix in my planter for a small salad for tonight.... so another woohoo for home-grown greens!

I'll pop on here again after I get home!................P
I forgot to mention, to freeze the smoothie, I put them into muffin pans! I just throw them in the freezer and I use about two "smoothie pucks" for one breakfast or snack! They defrost in the fridge if you leave them in your cup over night. Works great!
Plus, only wash the blender once a week!!
QOTD Friday, October 4, 2013: What do you think about your own relationship with the scale? Do you let the number rule your day and how you feel about yourself? Or is it just a tool to help you monitor your health? How do you think your relationship with the scale could improve?

Be back later with some replies and my own answer.

I actually feel like the scale and I are in a friendly relationship :) I weigh myself daily or every other day just to figure out if I need to be a little stricter with my diet. But, if the scales goes up a pound or 3, I do not freak out. I just track my food and cut down the carbs.

QOTD Saturday, October 5, 2013 and Sunday October 6, 2013: If you were at Disneyworld or Disneyland right now where would you be and what would you be doing?

If I were at Disney World right now, I would probably be enjoying a meal somewhere in the World Showcase. Or, better yet, I'd be sampling all the wonderful food and wine selections. Oh, and a nice margarita from La Cava wouldn't hurt right about now. I think the cucumber margarita would hit the spot :)

Oh, no, nothing so ordinary......I've only gone and signed up for my 1st ever 10K!!!!! I've got 6 weeks to make the leap from 5K in 35 minutes to actually finishing a 10K!!! I've estimated my time to be 1:30...hope that is enough. Already been studying Jeff Galloways training page!!

Unfortunately, my laptop has died again.......telling me that the login I have used for the last 6 years is incorrect!!!! Taking it in to be looked at during the week, so I may be missing from this thread for a few days (using my work computer at the moment as I happened to be working from home yesterday).

That is an awesome way to celebrate your birthday! I did my first 10k in August and I had a blast. 6 weeks of training should be fine, just don't stress and over-train.

I hope your computer issues get worked out soon. That's the worst!

Happy SUNDAY all!! My name is Pamela (not Jill ;) ) and I am your coach this week! We already have a FUN weekend QOTD, so I won't be asking anything special today.

I was SO EXCITED to see how many of you are making a special COMMITMENT for October! What a great way to challenge ourselves to make new healthy habits! As I mentioned I have made a small double commitment (one food, one exercise) for this month. Today's mile will be a bit more of a PITA, since it is pouring rain right now and we are heading to DMIL's later to celebrate her birthday. So I need to decide if I want to head out in the rain right now and get it done or wait for DH to wake up so I can hit the TM, or keep my fingers crossed that the weather clears up for a few minutes this afternoon. At the moment I'm leaning toward the TM!

Thanks for coaching! I decided to just stick with any form of exercise daily. So far I have walked a few days, run, done yoga, and did the elliptical. So, I am 7/31 for this month. Between this and the exercise thread, I am motivated for exercise. Now, I need to make a healthy eating goal! I miss CC and her Healthy Habits. I may have to do something similar for myself.

thanks Jill. It is good to be back. I can't believe we've had Poko for almost 2 years too. Time sure does fly. Hope all is well with you and your family too. We are well, Mike's adjusting to middle school pretty smoothly, so happy about that.

Ahhhhhhhh!!! Middle school, too? Time does fly!

My family is doing well. DS's are now 10 & 7 and growing up fast. :( I haven't been around as long as others, but I feel like I've grown up with some of you and your families. I can't believe Pamela's DD is at college! Anyhow, glad you have you around again :)

Here is today's QOTD for Monday, October 7, 2013:

Mornings are tough for many folks.... especially MONDAY mornings. What do you do in advance to make sure that you get a good healthy breakfast and a good start to your week?

If you struggle with this, what is one new thing you think you could try this week?? Maybe a new make-in-advance breakfast recipe?? Maybe packing up something healthy to eat during your commute? Maybe getting to bed earlier and setting the alarm for 15 minutes early so you have time to have breakfast at home??

I'm off to work and of course I don't know what kind of computer access I will have. I will pop on during the day if I am able....otherwise I'll be back to chat about 3:30 today! Make it a GREAT ONE!.................P

I am actually pretty organized with Mondays. I pack lunches on Sunday nights and I make a dinner menu for the week so there's no guessing what's for dinner. I usually eat the same things for breakfast. I like to get to work early because of the peace and quiet before the students arrive. So, I usually take my food with me. Lately it's been a yogurt and a fruit. I have an early lunch (11:00), so that's all I need to hold me over until lunch. If I am a little hungrier, I will eat a graham cracker or two. When winter rears it's ugly head, I often want a warm breakfast. I usually have steel cut oats or a fried (in Pam) egg on a whole wheat English muffin.

Okay ladies.... the class is at Music for 5 more minutes. We had a pep rally this afternoon that was NOT written in the teacher's plans, so things are a bit nutty. I will need to pick them up a few minutes early so we have time to put away the stuff we were using when we got called to the pep rally and get packed up to go home!

I think tonight is veggie burger night and it seems to have stopped raining, so at least I can grill them.... so woohoo for not dirtying an extra pan! :rotfl: See... it's the little things in life that can make me happy!!

Not sure what our veggie will be, but I'm thinking roasted cauliflower and red peppers.... plus I have enough salad mix in my planter for a small salad for tonight.... so another woohoo for home-grown greens!

I'll pop on here again after I get home!................P

Sounds like you're busy already with subbing! I love when things get sprung on me. I often say that I'm the last to find out anything where I work. I know I work for a very small alternative ed program, but I am often as surprised as the kids when we have a fire drill! It's the running joke now when we have one that Mrs. Burns had no clue what was going on.


Oh my, what a crazy weekend. But, I have time now to catch up with everything here. I don't have much to add to the conversation, though :) It's another busy week for us, but DS7 is done with soccer on Saturday, so that will eliminate some running around. However, we are adding to our normally free Friday because DS7 was selected to represent his class on the school's float for the Homecoming parade. We were planning to go to the football game anyhow (we are playing my nephew's school and my nephew is in the band) but now we will have to be ready earlier. So, we have something every day or night from today until next Thursday (the 17th). :eek: Once again, I would like to give a shout out to my AWESOME hubby who takes over after school so I can workout. He rocks (but don't tell him that I brag about him or I'll never hear the end of it :rotfl: )!

Wow...it took me 45 minutes to go back and read and reply. Now I have to run because DS10 has drum lessons. Have a great night!

Mornings are tough for many folks.... especially MONDAY mornings. What do you do in advance to make sure that you get a good healthy breakfast and a good start to your week?

If you struggle with this, what is one new thing you think you could try this week?? Maybe a new make-in-advance breakfast recipe?? Maybe packing up something healthy to eat during your commute? Maybe getting to bed earlier and setting the alarm for 15 minutes early so you have time to have breakfast at home??

Time to answer my own QOTD! I love breakfast and try to never miss it! I love yogurt, eggs, toast and peanut butter, oatmeal, breakfast sandwiches, smoothies, cottage cheese... all of it!

If I know the morning is going to be nutty, I will do steel cut oats in the crockpot or portion out a serving of ff/sf plain yogurt (with Splenda or stevia, vanilla, etc) or cottage cheese into a "to go" container the night before. If I have a bit more time I will make an egg white omelet, egg white/cheese breakfast sandwich, peanut butter and banana toast, change-it-up breakfast bowl (recipe available here.....
http://disboards.com/showpost.php?p=47783954&postcount=127 ) or the like.

If things get REALLY out of hand I grab a single serving of low fat cheese, an apple, and maybe a Vitamuffin and call it a done!

I always try to plan in enough time in my morning for a real breakfast eaten at home, but sometimes I get caught up doing laundry/dishes, or online in the morning and lose track of time!

To make the rest of my life easier, I also plan ahead my dinners for nearly every night, do cooking prep on the weekends or on a slow/down day, plan out and iron a week's worth of work clothes, and pack up a week's worth of something for lunches, so that I can just grab a glasslock container (soup, stew, etc) and an apple and a bottle of seltzer and my lunch is packed!

I forgot to mention, to freeze the smoothie, I put them into muffin pans! I just throw them in the freezer and I use about two "smoothie pucks" for one breakfast or snack! They defrost in the fridge if you leave them in your cup over night. Works great!
Plus, only wash the blender once a week!!

I may have to try this. DS's smoothies are milk (usually lowfat organic cow's milk but sometimes soy), 1-2 bananas (which were sometimes previously frozen), 2 Tb of natural peanut butter, a heaping TB of dark chocolate cocoa powder, a squirt of honey, and a big scoop of Juice Plus chocolate protein powder. How do you think it would work being frozen???? Would it get icky and separated?

I actually feel like the scale and I are in a friendly relationship :) I weigh myself daily or every other day just to figure out if I need to be a little stricter with my diet. But, if the scales goes up a pound or 3, I do not freak out. I just track my food and cut down the carbs.

That's great.... my relationship with the scale is still so volatile!

If I were at Disney World right now, I would probably be enjoying a meal somewhere in the World Showcase. Or, better yet, I'd be sampling all the wonderful food and wine selections. Oh, and a nice margarita from La Cava wouldn't hurt right about now. I think the cucumber margarita would hit the spot :)

Well THAT sounds interesting!!:drinking1

Thanks for coaching! I decided to just stick with any form of exercise daily. So far I have walked a few days, run, done yoga, and did the elliptical. So, I am 7/31 for this month. Between this and the exercise thread, I am motivated for exercise. Now, I need to make a healthy eating goal! I miss CC and her Healthy Habits. I may have to do something similar for myself.

I miss CC too.... and her Healthy Habits! Anyone know if she is still around the Dis?????

I am actually pretty organized with Mondays. I pack lunches on Sunday nights and I make a dinner menu for the week so there's no guessing what's for dinner. I usually eat the same things for breakfast. I like to get to work early because of the peace and quiet before the students arrive. So, I usually take my food with me. Lately it's been a yogurt and a fruit. I have an early lunch (11:00), so that's all I need to hold me over until lunch. If I am a little hungrier, I will eat a graham cracker or two. When winter rears it's ugly head, I often want a warm breakfast. I usually have steel cut oats or a fried (in Pam) egg on a whole wheat English muffin.

I often think of that morning peace at work as "the calm before the storm"! And sometimes it is VERY TRUE! :rotfl:

Sounds like you're busy already with subbing! I love when things get sprung on me. I often say that I'm the last to find out anything where I work. I know I work for a very small alternative ed program, but I am often as surprised as the kids when we have a fire drill! It's the running joke now when we have one that Mrs. Burns had no clue what was going on.

Yup.... I was the clueless sub today! Yes, they are keeping me busy, but with DD gone my life is SO MUCH QUIETER that I don't mind subbing nearly every day....especially since I don't have to go anywhere in the evening!!:thumbsup2 Plus, with college bills rolling in the $$ is needed now more than ever!!


Oh my, what a crazy weekend. But, I have time now to catch up with everything here. I don't have much to add to the conversation, though :) It's another busy week for us, but DS7 is done with soccer on Saturday, so that will eliminate some running around. However, we are adding to our normally free Friday because DS7 was selected to represent his class on the school's float for the Homecoming parade. We were planning to go to the football game anyhow (we are playing my nephew's school and my nephew is in the band) but now we will have to be ready earlier. So, we have something every day or night from today until next Thursday (the 17th). :eek: Once again, I would like to give a shout out to my AWESOME hubby who takes over after school so I can workout. He rocks (but don't tell him that I brag about him or I'll never hear the end of it :rotfl: )!

Wow...it took me 45 minutes to go back and read and reply. Now I have to run because DS10 has drum lessons. Have a great night!


Well. congrats to your DS for getting a spot on the HC float! He must be really excited. And how neat that you get to see your nephew play in the band as well.

Take a deep breath and take a minute for yourself every day during this super busy time. How great that your DH takes over like that!!


Evening all! Well, I'm caught up a bit and everyone seems to be doing well! Dinner was yummy, but I did end up dirtying that frying pan because the skies OPENED UP right at dinner time! oh well.

I made the cutest bowl of salad from my homegrown greens. They weren't really as large as I would normally let them get in the garden, but I was anxious to try them. It was just a perfect portion of greens for a side salad for three along with some shaved carrot and chopped red pepper. I also tossed in some fresh parsley and basil from the herb bed, but I got a bit wet for my troubles!:lmao: DS even picked out the few bits of lettuce left to put on his burger. I ended up with a Morningstar Farms California T'key burger... they are one of the lowest carb veggie burgers that I've found and they are truly delicious! I topped it with some Wholly Guacamole (100 cal packs... gotta love it!) and MMM, MMMM, MMMMM! Add a side of roasted cauliflower with red pepper and I am plenty full!

I hope everyone else had a chance to enjoy a healthy delicious dinner.

So far I am not scheduled to work tomorrow. I am supposed to go to Bible study in the morning (9-11) and then my WW meeting tomorrow night, so even without subbing I will have a busy day. I planned sandwiches for tomorrow night because I've been getting home later and later and I don't want the men to always have to wait for me to have a sit down dinner... plus DH has started going to the gym and sometimes it's hard to get us all together for dinner on Tuesdays, so unless I put in a crockpot meal, I think from now on it will be sandwich night. That way everyone can get their own meal when it fits their schedule.

Trying to figure out what my snack will be during DWTS. I must admit I've grown very accustomed to my nightly popcorn treat and with my effort to reduce my carbs this month, I think I'm really going to miss it!

Off to read a bit more elsewhere and get some laundry done before I settle down to watch some Dancing!.......................P
Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?

Well, good morning again! I can't believe NO ONE was on here since I last visited! What a quiet night!

I was prepared for a nice easy morning.... drop DS off at school early, return home for my walk, breakfast, shower, and then off to Bible study.... but the phone range at 6:10 for work and I made the decision that I could use the money!! So it was a crazy 40 minute dash of washing, ironing, making coffee/breakfast/lunch, etc. And we (DS and I) actually left the house at 6:49with 1 minute to spare!!:yay: I brought instant steel cut oats to make here at work (not my first choice but it worked well today) and thankfully I had packed up a few lunches on Sunday night (homemade soup). I did take an extra minute to pick a decent outfit and iron it, since I have to go from here to my WW meeting tonight.

I'm the computer teacher today.... thank goodness the kids know MORE about the computers than I do!!:lmao: It will be an easy but slightly boring day and at least I have access to pop on here and say hello!

I did grab my sneakers and will try hard to find some time today to at least take a 1 mile walk here at school. I've got to ask someone how many laps around the building make a mile. Otherwise I will be struggling to get in my mile after dinner at 8 or so tonight. :rolleyes:

Off to check email!..................P
What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?

I would like to improve my dinner eating habits! I always eat a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch, and then dinner comes along and I'm so tired from the day I just grab whatever is fast. I would love to start finding the time to make dinner healthy. I will try to look online (Pinterest) for some healthy quick meals to cook and make a trip to the store! I steeped on the scale this morning and didn't lose but didn't gain:thumbsup2
So I plan to work a little bit harder over the next few days to see that scale jump down!
I didn't get to the last QOTD - I always make sure I have breakfast. There are thee tiers

Tier one - super healthy for me anyway, consists of either one egg and one egg white nuked in a poaching pouch and served on pumpernickel with either a weight watcher cheese stick or laughing cow cheese spread. Or no bread just the eggs scrambled with feta cheese and a little later some plain Dannon yogurt with sugar free high fiber preserves mixed in

Tier two - no time to get that together which means mcdonalds and an egg mcmuffin no cheese but with that breakfast sauces - they never put much on and it makes it feel like eggs Benedict.

Tier three - I'm being bad, Roy Rogers pancakes with ham! I don't do that too often....

Good Morning all!!! QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013: What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"? ..................P

One hour of exercise a day. I have found I really need that for the good eating to continue. The only thing that keeps me from overeating is knowing I'm wasting my time exercising if I'm just going to eat a bunch of junk. But I have found after essentially finding an hour a day to walk/run or Zumba, that I've really upped my strength and it's a great reward. Last night I did an hour of Zumba for wii using one of the high intensity sets. Managed to get 97% accuracy. Four months ago that would have killed me, so it's a real rewarding thing to have the energy and strength to accomplish that. And the 4 mile lake walks I'm now jogging every other song... I really hope I can keep it up through the cold winter, that will be the challenge for me now. I have a treadmill, that will help. Starting today I bringing my workout clothes to work so I already have them on when I get home as every second counts against the sinking sun and soon I'll have to find a decent circuit down where I work.

But I'm determined to keep to an hour a day! It's so easy to let it slip by between work, commute, dinner and household stuff. Sometimes I'm doing Zumba at 10pm!
Hi! :)

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?

Timely! I would like to get more sleep. Every night. Last night, I had 3 1/4 hours of sleep, which is just ridiculous. I went to bed too late (work, laundry, home stuff), had trouble falling asleep thanks to DH snoring (I swear, I thought I was sleeping next to Chewbacca), and woke up a couple of times, the last when DD6 crawled in and passed out all warm and pressed up against me. That part wasn't so bad. But I am terrible about being able to shut my day down and just Go To Bed Already.

I started wearing a FitBit Flex, which has highlighted for me how little sleep I get on some nights. Seeing that does make me want to make a more concrete effort because it really puts the writing on the virtual wall, and I know how much sleep affects my overall health, eating, etc. Here's to an early bedtime tonight!

This week is a rough one for sleep - had a 3 hour board meeting yesterday followed by deposition prep. For me, because today I have to give a deposition in a lawsuit against my employer. UGH UGH UGH. I cannot describe how little I am looking forward to this! I leave for that in 45 minutes, and I've been asked to block four hours. With no lunch break. Joy. I'm hoping to get a short run in this afternoon when the deposition is over (two short runs on the schedule for midweek this week). My uncle arrives this afternoon for a visit - we'll get dinner together while DH and DDs are out at swim class. Tomorrow is work in the morning, chiropractor at lunchtime, then our refinance closing in the afternoon followed by DD gymnastics after dinner. Thursday is a commuting morning, then lunch with a friend on bedrest, then a doctor's appointment to check out my noisy, wonky knee. I'm bailing on my Thursday rehearsal because I just can't this week. Friday I'll head to CT for Saturday's half marathon, and I get to see my cousin, my mom, and two of my aunts! Lobster rolls with my mom Saturday night, and home on Sunday. So yeah, enough sleep? It's a definite challenge...

I hope you all have restful weeks that are decidedly free of depositions and lawyers!

3 weeks from today I'll be in Disney for Halloween.

Any advice to keep my changed eating habits going strong? Any tips for not focusing on all the great food around me? Any pointers for moving more and eating less?
What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?

I would like to improve my dinner eating habits! I always eat a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch, and then dinner comes along and I'm so tired from the day I just grab whatever is fast. I would love to start finding the time to make dinner healthy. I will try to look online (Pinterest) for some healthy quick meals to cook and make a trip to the store! I steeped on the scale this morning and didn't lose but didn't gain:thumbsup2
So I plan to work a little bit harder over the next few days to see that scale jump down!

Great plan to improve your dinner habits. Why don't you try starting with something easy like a stir-fry or a one pot meal? Or perhaps an easy crockpot meal so it is ready when you are hungry? What kinds of things do you like? Perhaps some of us could offer up some easy recipes and meal ideas to help you out. And try checking out the WISH recipe thread!

I didn't get to the last QOTD - I always make sure I have breakfast. There are thee tiers

Tier one - super healthy for me anyway, consists of either one egg and one egg white nuked in a poaching pouch and served on pumpernickel with either a weight watcher cheese stick or laughing cow cheese spread. Or no bread just the eggs scrambled with feta cheese and a little later some plain Dannon yogurt with sugar free high fiber preserves mixed in

Tier two - no time to get that together which means mcdonalds and an egg mcmuffin no cheese but with that breakfast sauces - they never put much on and it makes it feel like eggs Benedict.

Tier three - I'm being bad, Roy Rogers pancakes with ham! I don't do that too often....

One hour of exercise a day. I have found I really need that for the good eating to continue. The only thing that keeps me from overeating is knowing I'm wasting my time exercising if I'm just going to eat a bunch of junk. But I have found after essentially finding an hour a day to walk/run or Zumba, that I've really upped my strength and it's a great reward. Last night I did an hour of Zumba for wii using one of the high intensity sets. Managed to get 97% accuracy. Four months ago that would have killed me, so it's a real rewarding thing to have the energy and strength to accomplish that. And the 4 mile lake walks I'm now jogging every other song... I really hope I can keep it up through the cold winter, that will be the challenge for me now. I have a treadmill, that will help. Starting today I bringing my workout clothes to work so I already have them on when I get home as every second counts against the sinking sun and soon I'll have to find a decent circuit down where I work.

But I'm determined to keep to an hour a day! It's so easy to let it slip by between work, commute, dinner and household stuff. Sometimes I'm doing Zumba at 10pm!

Glad you don't make it to your Tier 3 breakfast too often! :rotfl:

One hour of exercise a day is such a great healthy habit! I used to be SO MUCH better about it, but I really fell off the wagon this summer. Good for you for being good about doing it, even late at night.

Hi! :)

Timely! I would like to get more sleep. Every night. Last night, I had 3 1/4 hours of sleep, which is just ridiculous. I went to bed too late (work, laundry, home stuff), had trouble falling asleep thanks to DH snoring (I swear, I thought I was sleeping next to Chewbacca), and woke up a couple of times, the last when DD6 crawled in and passed out all warm and pressed up against me. That part wasn't so bad. But I am terrible about being able to shut my day down and just Go To Bed Already.

I started wearing a FitBit Flex, which has highlighted for me how little sleep I get on some nights. Seeing that does make me want to make a more concrete effort because it really puts the writing on the virtual wall, and I know how much sleep affects my overall health, eating, etc. Here's to an early bedtime tonight!

This week is a rough one for sleep - had a 3 hour board meeting yesterday followed by deposition prep. For me, because today I have to give a deposition in a lawsuit against my employer. UGH UGH UGH. I cannot describe how little I am looking forward to this! I leave for that in 45 minutes, and I've been asked to block four hours. With no lunch break. Joy. I'm hoping to get a short run in this afternoon when the deposition is over (two short runs on the schedule for midweek this week). My uncle arrives this afternoon for a visit - we'll get dinner together while DH and DDs are out at swim class. Tomorrow is work in the morning, chiropractor at lunchtime, then our refinance closing in the afternoon followed by DD gymnastics after dinner. Thursday is a commuting morning, then lunch with a friend on bedrest, then a doctor's appointment to check out my noisy, wonky knee. I'm bailing on my Thursday rehearsal because I just can't this week. Friday I'll head to CT for Saturday's half marathon, and I get to see my cousin, my mom, and two of my aunts! Lobster rolls with my mom Saturday night, and home on Sunday. So yeah, enough sleep? It's a definite challenge...

I hope you all have restful weeks that are decidedly free of depositions and lawyers!


YIKES! I don't know how you survive on that amount of sleep! I would fall asleep while being deposed! And that would be embarrassing! I'm glad you are aware of how important it is to get enough sleep!! Good for you for having a plan in place to IMPROVE that number!!


Glad to see we had some action here this morning! My enrichment group didn't show up at 8:45 and now I don't have a class until 9:35, so I'm off to do at least one lap around the building! Sun is shining and it is lovely out! BBL to chat..........P
Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?


No nighttime eating. I have a very hard time with fighting the urge for salty snacks after dinner, usually corn tortilla strips. When my aunt (a lifetime WW member) helped me strategize how to avoid this habit, and when DH offered to not buy that kind of chips (my kryptonite) anymore, I realized that I have to take responsibility for what I put in my mouth. I had a lightbulb moment, decided to NOT eat this type of food after dinner, and have stuck with that for 9 days straight. Another reason that I can be proud of my efforts right now. :goodvibes:

Well, good morning again! I can't believe NO ONE was on here since I last visited! What a quiet night!

I was prepared for a nice easy morning.... drop DS off at school early, return home for my walk, breakfast, shower, and then off to Bible study.... but the phone range at 6:10 for work and I made the decision that I could use the money!! So it was a crazy 40 minute dash of washing, ironing, making coffee/breakfast/lunch, etc. And we (DS and I) actually left the house at 6:49with 1 minute to spare!!:yay: I brought instant steel cut oats to make here at work (not my first choice but it worked well today) and thankfully I had packed up a few lunches on Sunday night (homemade soup). I did take an extra minute to pick a decent outfit and iron it, since I have to go from here to my WW meeting tonight.

I'm the computer teacher today.... thank goodness the kids know MORE about the computers than I do!!:lmao: It will be an easy but slightly boring day and at least I have access to pop on here and say hello!

I did grab my sneakers and will try hard to find some time today to at least take a 1 mile walk here at school. I've got to ask someone how many laps around the building make a mile. Otherwise I will be struggling to get in my mile after dinner at 8 or so tonight. :rolleyes:

Off to check email!..................P

Wow! You totally rock!! Congrats on getting out the door so quickly (being so organized really worked in your favor, didn't it?) and kudos to you for taking your sneakers and planning to walk. :thumbsup2

Hi! :)

Timely! I would like to get more sleep. Every night. Last night, I had 3 1/4 hours of sleep, which is just ridiculous. I went to bed too late (work, laundry, home stuff), had trouble falling asleep thanks to DH snoring (I swear, I thought I was sleeping next to Chewbacca), and woke up a couple of times, the last when DD6 crawled in and passed out all warm and pressed up against me. That part wasn't so bad. But I am terrible about being able to shut my day down and just Go To Bed Already.

I started wearing a FitBit Flex, which has highlighted for me how little sleep I get on some nights. Seeing that does make me want to make a more concrete effort because it really puts the writing on the virtual wall, and I know how much sleep affects my overall health, eating, etc. Here's to an early bedtime tonight!

This week is a rough one for sleep - had a 3 hour board meeting yesterday followed by deposition prep. For me, because today I have to give a deposition in a lawsuit against my employer. UGH UGH UGH. I cannot describe how little I am looking forward to this! I leave for that in 45 minutes, and I've been asked to block four hours. With no lunch break. Joy. I'm hoping to get a short run in this afternoon when the deposition is over (two short runs on the schedule for midweek this week). My uncle arrives this afternoon for a visit - we'll get dinner together while DH and DDs are out at swim class. Tomorrow is work in the morning, chiropractor at lunchtime, then our refinance closing in the afternoon followed by DD gymnastics after dinner. Thursday is a commuting morning, then lunch with a friend on bedrest, then a doctor's appointment to check out my noisy, wonky knee. I'm bailing on my Thursday rehearsal because I just can't this week. Friday I'll head to CT for Saturday's half marathon, and I get to see my cousin, my mom, and two of my aunts! Lobster rolls with my mom Saturday night, and home on Sunday. So yeah, enough sleep? It's a definite challenge...

I hope you all have restful weeks that are decidedly free of depositions and lawyers!


Liz - This totally exhausted me, just reading it. I really, really hope you can get some healthy amounts of sleep on a regular basis going forward. I know that when I don't, I am very susceptible to getting sick.

3 weeks from today I'll be in Disney for Halloween.

Any advice to keep my changed eating habits going strong? Any tips for not focusing on all the great food around me? Any pointers for moving more and eating less?

I have found delicious, healthy options at every counter service and sit-down place I've visited in WDW. And I LOVE that I can buy an apple or banana or orange almost anywhere. I have taken to choosing one treat per day and then, otherwise, always buying an apple or another piece of fruit. I was there for a weekend in September and was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't have to make food the centerpiece of the trip. There were many seasonal treats available, and you may want to plan for those. Or if you are going to the Food & Wine Festival, plan that "eating around the world" will be your main calorie intake for the day, with your other meals being light on calories. That is my plan for when we go to F&W in November.
QOTD: Monday mornings are a non-issue for me, since Mondays aren't always work days for me. I'm a nurse and work three days a week in a hospital, and my days vary. My usual breakfast items are either scrambled Eggbeaters with a bunch of veggies mixed in, or a piece of Ezekiel bread toasted with a slice of Swiss, or on work mornings it's oatmeal with PB mixed in and a banana.

Sounds yummy and healthy! :goodvibes

Mornings are tough for many folks.... especially MONDAY mornings. What do you do in advance to make sure that you get a good healthy breakfast and a good start to your week?

If you struggle with this, what is one new thing you think you could try this week?? Maybe a new make-in-advance breakfast recipe?? Maybe packing up something healthy to eat during your commute? Maybe getting to bed earlier and setting the alarm for 15 minutes early so you have time to have breakfast at home??

If I have work, I wake up extra early to get my run in, I then shower and get dressed for work and head out the door with a fruit smoothie. I find it so much easier if everything is planned the night before. I put out a running outfit, my shoes, and a bottle of water in the ice box. I pick out and iron something for work. I also have everything I need for work ready to go. I also make sure I have breakfast every morning by making a week's worth of smoothies on Sunday, I then freeze them and just defrost one the night before, it's all ready to go for 7:30!

If I don't have work, I pretty much have the same routine. I just don;t get up quite as early for my run. I will have a different breakfast sometimes, I like oatmeal, or grits with an egg in it. I always make sure to have water on hand as well!
Have a great Monday everyone!

What a great routine you have! ::yes::

So right now if I were to be at Disney World - I'd be eating samples from the Food and Wine festival for lunch .. MMMMMM

That would be fun, wouldn't it? :cool2:

My Monday morning is not so breakfast friendly. I usually get my backpack ready for school the night before, so that is one less thing I have to worry about. I get my water bottle ready to go in the morning (although I have not been drinking it) and then I will usually grab a protein bar for breakfast to eat on my way to class.

I really need to work on getting a better breakfast in so once vacation is done after the weekend I am going to go to the store and get some bread to make toast. At least that is something easy and I can still eat it on my way into school.

There are all sorts of breakfasts you can eat on the go. When my son was little and we ran out of time before we had to leave we would have "breakfast in a bag!" which I made sound like a treat but it was really cereal in a baggie. :lmao:

Cam, way to go on getting your freezer stocked with some delicious, healthy meals to carry you through the week! :yay:

I actually feel like the scale and I are in a friendly relationship :) I weigh myself daily or every other day just to figure out if I need to be a little stricter with my diet. But, if the scales goes up a pound or 3, I do not freak out. I just track my food and cut down the carbs.

Fabulous! :thumbsup2 I am always so impressed when people have a good relationship with the scale -- something we all aspire too. :hippie:

Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?

I am trying to make better use of my free fruits and veggies on WW. My plan is to add it one meal at a time each week until I get it down. But I need to actually do it. :lmao:

Not this week, though, my MIL and BIL will be visiting on Friday and all my energy is devoted to making sure the house is ready for them. My DH has informed me after 20 years of marriage this shouldn't be an issue anymore but it is to me. ;)

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?

I would like to improve my dinner eating habits! I always eat a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch, and then dinner comes along and I'm so tired from the day I just grab whatever is fast. I would love to start finding the time to make dinner healthy. I will try to look online (Pinterest) for some healthy quick meals to cook and make a trip to the store! I steeped on the scale this morning and didn't lose but didn't gain:thumbsup2
So I plan to work a little bit harder over the next few days to see that scale jump down!

Do you have a crockpot? When I use mine I am always happy to have dinner waiting for me when I get home. ::yes::

I didn't get to the last QOTD - I always make sure I have breakfast. There are thee tiers

Tier one - super healthy for me anyway, consists of either one egg and one egg white nuked in a poaching pouch and served on pumpernickel with either a weight watcher cheese stick or laughing cow cheese spread. Or no bread just the eggs scrambled with feta cheese and a little later some plain Dannon yogurt with sugar free high fiber preserves mixed in

Tier two - no time to get that together which means mcdonalds and an egg mcmuffin no cheese but with that breakfast sauces - they never put much on and it makes it feel like eggs Benedict.

Tier three - I'm being bad, Roy Rogers pancakes with ham! I don't do that too often....

One hour of exercise a day. I have found I really need that for the good eating to continue. The only thing that keeps me from overeating is knowing I'm wasting my time exercising if I'm just going to eat a bunch of junk. But I have found after essentially finding an hour a day to walk/run or Zumba, that I've really upped my strength and it's a great reward. Last night I did an hour of Zumba for wii using one of the high intensity sets. Managed to get 97% accuracy. Four months ago that would have killed me, so it's a real rewarding thing to have the energy and strength to accomplish that. And the 4 mile lake walks I'm now jogging every other song... I really hope I can keep it up through the cold winter, that will be the challenge for me now. I have a treadmill, that will help. Starting today I bringing my workout clothes to work so I already have them on when I get home as every second counts against the sinking sun and soon I'll have to find a decent circuit down where I work.

But I'm determined to keep to an hour a day! It's so easy to let it slip by between work, commute, dinner and household stuff. Sometimes I'm doing Zumba at 10pm!

That is a great habit! :thumbsup2

Hi! :)

Timely! I would like to get more sleep. Every night. Last night, I had 3 1/4 hours of sleep, which is just ridiculous. I went to bed too late (work, laundry, home stuff), had trouble falling asleep thanks to DH snoring (I swear, I thought I was sleeping next to Chewbacca), and woke up a couple of times, the last when DD6 crawled in and passed out all warm and pressed up against me. That part wasn't so bad. But I am terrible about being able to shut my day down and just Go To Bed Already.

I started wearing a FitBit Flex, which has highlighted for me how little sleep I get on some nights. Seeing that does make me want to make a more concrete effort because it really puts the writing on the virtual wall, and I know how much sleep affects my overall health, eating, etc. Here's to an early bedtime tonight!

This week is a rough one for sleep - had a 3 hour board meeting yesterday followed by deposition prep. For me, because today I have to give a deposition in a lawsuit against my employer. UGH UGH UGH. I cannot describe how little I am looking forward to this! I leave for that in 45 minutes, and I've been asked to block four hours. With no lunch break. Joy. I'm hoping to get a short run in this afternoon when the deposition is over (two short runs on the schedule for midweek this week). My uncle arrives this afternoon for a visit - we'll get dinner together while DH and DDs are out at swim class. Tomorrow is work in the morning, chiropractor at lunchtime, then our refinance closing in the afternoon followed by DD gymnastics after dinner. Thursday is a commuting morning, then lunch with a friend on bedrest, then a doctor's appointment to check out my noisy, wonky knee. I'm bailing on my Thursday rehearsal because I just can't this week. Friday I'll head to CT for Saturday's half marathon, and I get to see my cousin, my mom, and two of my aunts! Lobster rolls with my mom Saturday night, and home on Sunday. So yeah, enough sleep? It's a definite challenge...

I hope you all have restful weeks that are decidedly free of depositions and lawyers!


Wowza! Busy week, Liz. :hug: No wonder you have trouble sleeping.

pixiedust: that the deposition goes quickly. Remember it is the lawyer's job to get you to say what you need to say. :hippie:

3 weeks from today I'll be in Disney for Halloween.

Any advice to keep my changed eating habits going strong? Any tips for not focusing on all the great food around me? Any pointers for moving more and eating less?

How exciting! :woohoo: Activity at WDW is usually not a problem. ;) My strategy is to be sensible with the food but also enjoy myself. The most important thing is to plan to get right back on track as soon as you return and do it. I managed to come back from my 12 day cruise in the Med weighing the same as when I left using this strategy so it does work. Good luck and enjoy! :goodvibes

This morning my ActiveLink is at 114% for the week so I managed to keep the momentum even being chained to my desk yesterday. :cool2:
3 weeks from today I'll be in Disney for Halloween.

Any advice to keep my changed eating habits going strong? Any tips for not focusing on all the great food around me? Any pointers for moving more and eating less?

Sorry I missed this my first time through this morning. Cam answered your question pretty much as I would have. I think I've also pointed out before to others that MUCH of the food at Disney isn't really that special. Burgers, fries, pizza, popcorn, hot dogs, ice cream.... mostly it isn't any better at Disney than anywhere else. I don't eat those things at home and I rarely/never eat them at Disney. I save my Disney calories for the special stuff that I don't/can't eat other places.... Mickey ice cream bars, caramel apples from the Confectionary, Dole Whips.

Thankfully, Disney was never about the food for me/us. We used to have one or maybe two table services meals (always character meals) during our big week long family trips.... but that was usually about meeting characters and getting into the parks early rather than the food.

Start your day off well with a good healthy OP breakfast.... it will definitely set you up for a better eating day. If you do have a big meal planned (whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner), let that be your "treat" for the day. No sense in filling up on ice cream if you have a nice dinner to look forward to!

I like Cam's idea of picking one treat a day.... and for some of us that has to be the decision between a special cocktail or dessert!

Overall it comes down to MODERATION. No one expects perfect eating while on vacation. Stay hydrated, keep moving, make healthy choices when you can, and you will be just fine!! Have a WONDERFUL TRIP!!

No nighttime eating. I have a very hard time with fighting the urge for salty snacks after dinner, usually corn tortilla strips. When my aunt (a lifetime WW member) helped me strategize how to avoid this habit, and when DH offered to not buy that kind of chips (my kryptonite) anymore, I realized that I have to take responsibility for what I put in my mouth. I had a lightbulb moment, decided to NOT eat this type of food after dinner, and have stuck with that for 9 days straight. Another reason that I can be proud of my efforts right now. :goodvibes:

Wow! You totally rock!! Congrats on getting out the door so quickly (being so organized really worked in your favor, didn't it?) and kudos to you for taking your sneakers and planning to walk. :thumbsup2

Liz - This totally exhausted me, just reading it. I really, really hope you can get some healthy amounts of sleep on a regular basis going forward. I know that when I don't, I am very susceptible to getting sick.

I have found delicious, healthy options at every counter service and sit-down place I've visited in WDW. And I LOVE that I can buy an apple or banana or orange almost anywhere. I have taken to choosing one treat per day and then, otherwise, always buying an apple or another piece of fruit. I was there for a weekend in September and was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't have to make food the centerpiece of the trip. There were many seasonal treats available, and you may want to plan for those. Or if you are going to the Food & Wine Festival, plan that "eating around the world" will be your main calorie intake for the day, with your other meals being light on calories. That is my plan for when we go to F&W in November.

That sounds like me with the popcorn! I am (I think) 4 days "popcorn free" and it is tough! I SWEAR I probably went years just eating the occasional movie popcorn or maybe once a month light microwave popcorn at home and was fine.... but as soon as I learned how to make my own fat free microwave popcorn in a brown bag, I was HOOKED! But I'm SURE that I am eating too much and too frequently, so time to back up that truck and take it back to an "occasional" treat, not a nightly habit. You should be proud of your efforts, just like I am proud of mine! BTW, have you replaced it with any other salty habits? I found myself eating a serving of peanuts last night. I did weigh the portion and didn't go back for more, but it is so calorie dense, I can't afford to do that every night!

Thanks for the cheers for our fast morning! It was a challenge, but I'm glad we did it!

I am trying to make better use of my free fruits and veggies on WW. My plan is to add it one meal at a time each week until I get it down. But I need to actually do it. :lmao:

Not this week, though, my MIL and BIL will be visiting on Friday and all my energy is devoted to making sure the house is ready for them. My DH has informed me after 20 years of marriage this shouldn't be an issue anymore but it is to me. ;)

This morning my ActiveLink is at 114% for the week so I managed to keep the momentum even being chained to my desk yesterday. :cool2:

Are you trying to add both a fruit AND a veg to each meal, or just one? Just wondering. I try to have both at each meal, but find that the veggies in the morning don't happen unless I am eating eggs.

And WOOHOO on the 114%!!!


Okay.... I had a 15 minute walk (so I am assuming I've done the minimum of a mile, since I have a very brisk pace). Hopefully I can get out one more time during my "prep" period. The weather is PERFECT for walking but not getting too sweaty! First class has come and gone too, so the day is moving along well. My next class will be here shortly, so I'm going to go wash my apple (didn't have time this morning) so I can have a snack. Lunch time isn't until 12:40 for this teacher and I am already very hungry!

Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?


Oh how I love the pixiedust: fairy! Nothing like a nice post ready to go and poof! :mad:

Anywho, if it counts, I'd like to spend alot less time watching tv and more time reading/scrapping/anything other than watching mindless entertainment. It's a great way to relax at the end of the day with the DH, and it's almost always after I've gotten my workout in for the day, but it seems like we spend so much time on the darn couch! :scared1: With so many other things I'd like to get done that just keep building up, I really don't have an excuse. However, when the DH throws out a "come sit and relax with me" and gives me the big puppy dog eyes, it's pretty hard to say no. :confused3:rotfl:

On a good note (I guess), I didn't lose anything this week, but I don't think I gained anything either. I'm pretty sure that 6 pound loss from a couple of weeks ago was a scale fluke and not close to being accurate. I was quite good at the F&W Festival and had the requisite serving of pierogies, but other than that, I didn't eat any junk food and only minimal tequila! :lmao: I even had some grilled salmon when we got back to our friends house. Me..eating FISH! Whodathunk?!? :confused3
Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?


well I'd like to be more active - however in the last few months (3ish) my left hip/thigh has been aching .. not all the time but alot of the time and whooo last week when I walked our local fair all afternoon - it KILLED! I have a Dr appt next week for my diabetes and my depo shot so I'll bring it up .. I am doing my Zumba once a week and did say I was going to commit to some other work outs but so far haven't done it i'm just lazy.. I asked my Hubs to get me a Yoga mat for my Bday on Thursday so when I get that I will have to start! I wish he was more on board with losing/eating healthy that would really help me.. I'll need to talk to him about that :)


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