Why would someone do this?

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Well..I only scanned through the posts, but as a mom with 2 well behaved kids, who go to DW once a year, (and have never thrown a fit in public at DW) this is how I feel about it. :wizard:

Maybe the parents made the ADR'S months before the trip, and HAD to take a late dinner time because that was all that was available.
Maybe they didn't know it was more of an "upscale" type resturant. (Is there a dress code there?)

They may have felt that since they had made the ADR's, they shouldn't cancel them because the kids were tired. I am sure they were all hungry and tired after a long day.

I can imagine that after all the dreaming, planning, saving, packing, and traveling they had done prior to the trip...they just couldn't force themselves to "give up" their once in a lifetime chance to eat here..in essence messing up a portion of the trip they had planned out to a tee.

Should they have jerked the kids up & left? Perhaps. But considering all the above, they are not perfect.....

On a final note..and this is not meant to sound mean or anything. But some people seem to have no tolerance for anything that inconviences them in the least, even for 10 minutes...an hour..any amount of time. They are more entitled to enjoyment, pleasure, relaxation..etc than the strangers next to them. In a way, that is inconsiderate too. I remember reading some of the COS airplane seat thread in amazement. It is entitlement and a me first (or me only) attitude..or could be seen that way by others.

I realize that it is natural to care more about your own comfort and enjoyment above others.but maybe that is what these parents were guilty of so if works both ways.

Sorry this is JMHO... Hope I didn't offend... :sunny:
notnothin said:
And that came from someone about to attend a seminary! Wild stuff here! popcorn::
Yeah, I am. First, many ministers and other religious professionals know people who cannot help but complain about their privileged lifes and call them on it. I'm far from the first (in fact, learned the term from a minister). But if that's a problem for you, please utilize the ignore button. The OP complained because her $150+ meal was interrupted, slightly, by a family on the other side of the restaurant. Privilege definitely comes to mind there.
whoever says people without kids are the inconsiderate ones needs to step back. I am going on my honeymoon in January to disney and we are paying a HECK of a lot of money to do it, and its not fair when some ppl do not know how to raise their own children. It's not the kids fault either (well, not fi they are really little) you cannot expect a 2 years old to sit through a nice 2 hour dinner, its not fair to them.

I was at out local mexican restaurant the other night with my DF trying to enjoy a nice dinner, now mind you it was close to 9:00 and ther is a family there with a 3 year old boy and about a 9 or 10 month old baby. the baby kept screaming and the boy kept talking ssooo loud and everyone was staring and the parents pretended like nothing was wrong. i was miserable. shouldn't those kids be in bed?!? when they left a few people cheered and clapped.

please don't ruin it for everyone trying to relax and enjoy their vacaton b/c you feel entitled to disney b/c you have small children. they don't want to eb in those restaurants any more than the people around you want YOU to be in there!
Sometimes it is a matter of thinking it through with children. Plan to eat at the times you feed them when they are at home and a meltdown is less likely. You can't feed a child at 4:30 pm everyday and then switch it to 8pm because you are on vacation. Whenever we travel with small ones (nieces and nephews now since my children are teens and tweens) I just ask the parent about the child's regular routine at home, I make the ADR's as close as I can to their normal dining schedule and it cuts down on the drama. In December my sister left with her 18 month old for a few minutes from one restaurant and from the entire first CP at Epcot because the child would not calm. Sure we missed them, but it was not appropriate for everyone to suffer becasue the 18 month old was not happy.

Uncle, etc. I' know the messes your talking about all too well, we once had friends that had four children--by child #4 the Mom was so frazzled that she just tossed rolls to the youngest in his playpen, but that's another story ;)-- and I was appalled at how the table was left after we completed the meal. I told them I'd forgotten something at the table and returned to clean it up a bit, and gave the bus person an extra $20 as well as an apology. Needless to say we do not dine with these folks anymore! My children have always been taught that we use and treat things as we would at home, just because we are out or using something that does not belong to us does not give us the right to wreck it! It sounds so simple, but so very many people do not do that.
This morning I went to breakfast at a little local restaurant here on Cape Cod.....my husband and I were meeting friends and were heading into the restaurant when a woman came out telling me she could barely stand it in there as it was so noisey. It is noisey, but not from the children.....it is from the adults, some of them older than others and speaking louder than others....it happens. Is it an upscale, signature restaurant, no it is not.. it is a local joint with all that that entails....lots of kids, lots of noise from adults as well as children and good home cooking.

I can understand where the OP is coming from. If I go to Citrico's and I do often, I want to enjoy my meal with my husband and friends, sit back and have a great experience with food and wine. If I choose to go to Prime Time, well then I am not looking for the same experience.....I just used that restaurant as an example. There is a difference and I do not think it has anything to do with privilege....I think it has to do with ambiance and a great meal without disruption from a tired, misbehaving child. JMO
The suggestion that the Signature restaurants not cater to children after a certain hour is bothering me.

Many families take great efforts to make sure that their children are well rested so they can take advantage of EMH's.

I suggest to the OP that they just not go to Disney and eat during DP. You live in the area and if us freeloaders are so offensive to you then just don't go.

It was a real treat for us. We had a wonderful dinner at the CG that was over $400.00. I would never be willing or able to do this, but obviously Disney wants my business or they wouldn't be offering it again.

Honeymooners and Convention goers and Locals shame on you for making Disney lure folks like me to stay on sight and have a fabulous vacation that we couldn't otherwise afford.
bsmcneil said:
Yeah, I am. First, many ministers and other religious professionals know people who cannot help but complain about their privileged lifes and call them on it. I'm far from the first (in fact, learned the term from a minister). But if that's a problem for you, please utilize the ignore button. The OP complained because her $150+ meal was interrupted, slightly, by a family on the other side of the restaurant. Privilege definitely comes to mind there.

Actually I didn't complain. I asked WHY people would bring their overtired, melting down kids to a nice restaurant where the kids weren't enjoying it and they were disrupting everyone around them.

And my life is far from "priveleged." I've worked hard to get where I am, and made many sacrifices. I do not feel at all guilty about being able to afford the things I am able to. I work two jobs to have the type of lifestyle I do. If that makes me priviledged, so be it. :rolleyes:

bsmcneil said:
Yeah, I am. First, many ministers and other religious professionals know people who cannot help but complain about their privileged lifes and call them on it. I'm far from the first (in fact, learned the term from a minister). But if that's a problem for you, please utilize the ignore button. The OP complained because her $150+ meal was interrupted, slightly, by a family on the other side of the restaurant. Privilege definitely comes to mind there.

No problem here, at least nothing worth the 'ignore button'. I guess I was just expecting a little more of a holy approach than that. :confused3 :thumbsup2
Honeymooners and Convention goers and Locals shame on you for making Disney lure folks like me to stay on sight and have a fabulous vacation that we couldn't otherwise afford.

what? :confused3
Brooknwdw said:
Well..I only scanned through the posts, but as a mom with 2 well behaved kids, who go to DW once a year, (and have never thrown a fit in public at DW) this is how I feel about it. :wizard:

Maybe the parents made the ADR'S months before the trip, and HAD to take a late dinner time because that was all that was available.
Maybe they didn't know it was more of an "upscale" type resturant. (Is there a dress code there?)

They may have felt that since they had made the ADR's, they shouldn't cancel them because the kids were tired. I am sure they were all hungry and tired after a long day.

I can imagine that after all the dreaming, planning, saving, packing, and traveling they had done prior to the trip...they just couldn't force themselves to "give up" their once in a lifetime chance to eat here..in essence messing up a portion of the trip they had planned out to a tee.

Should they have jerked the kids up & left? Perhaps. But considering all the above, they are not perfect.....

Regardless of the planning and packing, if the kids are miserable and bothering those around them, why is it right to stay? For who's benefit? Surely not the kids. Surely not other diners. That leads to one answer. The parents who are being selfish.

On a final note..and this is not meant to sound mean or anything. But some people seem to have no tolerance for anything that inconviences them in the least, even for 10 minutes...an hour..any amount of time. They are more entitled to enjoyment, pleasure, relaxation..etc than the strangers next to them. In a way, that is inconsiderate too. I remember reading some of the COS airplane seat thread in amazement. It is entitlement and a me first (or me only) attitude..or could be seen that way by others.

If you are referring to my issue of having a COS take up a full five inches of my seat so I could not sit down in my seat, what does that have to do with anything? My problem was not with the COS but with the carrier who refused to use common sense to solve the situation. I couldn't put my seat belt on because this lady was sitting on it and couldn't get off of it due to her size--it was a safety issue. I'm not sure what that has to do with this situation at all.

If you think the scene with the kids was bad, just think of what it might be if Disney actually tried to remove them for their disruptive behavior......Can you spell L-A-W-S-U-I-T, with them demanding that their whole trip be reimbursed because of the rude behavior of Disney, to dare to remove them while they were eating so nicely? LOL!!!!
denimore said:
The suggestion that the Signature restaurants not cater to children after a certain hour is bothering me.

Why? You can still feed your kids early and be done with it. They can nap in teh afternoon when they normally would. A nap is a nap.

I suggest to the OP that they just not go to Disney and eat during DP. You live in the area and if us freeloaders are so offensive to you then just don't go.

It was a real treat for us. We had a wonderful dinner at the CG that was over $400.00. I would never be willing or able to do this, but obviously Disney wants my business or they wouldn't be offering it again.

Honeymooners and Convention goers and Locals shame on you for making Disney lure folks like me to stay on sight and have a fabulous vacation that we couldn't otherwise afford.

Considering the dining plan is offered year round, that's a ridiculous statment to make. Vacationers aren't offensive to me. People who are too selfish to be considerate of their children's needs and others around them are, regardless of where they are from.

heatherlynn444 said:

The OP has referred over and over again how Disney caters to other groups other than Families.

My point is that these groups aren't spending enough $ during the end of August to beginning of October, thus free dining.
ducklite said:
Regardless of the planning and packing, if the kids are miserable and bothering those around them, why is it right to stay? For who's benefit? Surely not the kids. Surely not other diners. That leads to one answer. The parents who are being selfish.


Maybe viewed as selfish, but you asked why someone would do it and I posted some reasons why *they* may have done it.
denimore said:
The OP has referred over and over again how Disney caters to other groups other than Families.

My point is that these groups aren't spending enough $ during the end of August to beginning of October, thus free dining.

oh ok. sorry didn't understand the first time. makes sense since kids are in school then, and most people get married in the winter that it would be slower then.
ducklite said:
Why? You can still feed your kids early and be done with it. They can nap in teh afternoon when they normally would. A nap is a nap.

Considering the dining plan is offered year round, that's a ridiculous statment to make. Vacationers aren't offensive to me. People who are too selfish to be considerate of their children's needs and others around them are, regardless of where they are from.


You presume that I was talking about my children :rotfl: My kids are older and have dined at many fine restaurants and were always perfect!

You asked that people have a reasonable discussion on this topic and you characterize my statements as ridiculous.

I personally don't believe that most parents that have children that misbehave have been selfish...it can happen, anytime, anywhere.
denimore said:
You presume that I was talking about my children :rotfl: My kids are older and have dined at many fine restaurants and were always perfect!

You asked that people have a reasonable discussion on this topic and you characterize my statements as ridiculous.

I personally don't believe that most parents that have children that misbehave have been selfish...it can happen, anytime, anywhere.

SOrry, I thought you were talking about your family.

I agree that kids can misbehave on a whime. That's not what I take issue with. My complaint is that parents don't proactively remove the child until they can calm down, or take the food and leave. Or worse yet, the kids are obviously exhausted and melting down, why on earth would they start a meal like that? They DO have other shoices, and to not utilize them is simply selfish behaviour on the parents part.

heatherlynn444 said:
oh ok. sorry didn't understand the first time. makes sense since kids are in school then, and most people get married in the winter that it would be slower then.

NP..can see how your post about your honeymoon you thought I was directing my comments to you.

Hope you have a wonderful time..but gotta chuckle 'cause someday it will be you and your kids (assuming you are having kids) that will be disturbing others. :rotfl:
ducklite said:
SOrry, I thought you were talking about your family.

I agree that kids can misbehave on a whime. That's not what I take issue with. My complaint is that parents don't proactively remove the child until they can calm down, or take the food and leave. Or worse yet, the kids are obviously exhausted and melting down, why on earth would they start a meal like that? They DO have other shoices, and to not utilize them is simply selfish behaviour on the parents part.


If I recall you had a problem with 4 different tables in your original post...I think it's maybe time to stop and ask yourself why are you subjecting yourself to this?
I can't believe this is still going...again, let me remind those of you who think 'money' implies better manners....bil and sil, and dnephew, have to worst manners of anyone I know (but more money than God)...they think they are just 'swell' and above it all. When the three brothers, and families, eat someplace nice (and it has to be a trendy, expensive place for them to think it's nice!!), everyone in the place ends up staring at our group because of the noise and upheaval they cause. My dh no longers wants to go out to eat with them because of the behavior.

I'm really sorry that there are some of you who feel WDW is 'all about the kids'...such an incorrect mentality. I love to go with my dh and my dd..but I also love my 'adult's only solo' trips each Dec. Do I get upset with kids being cranky and tired? No. But there is a limit. I am a moderator, and I have three children...so, been there, done it all..kids are 33, 30 and almost 13, so I think I have a pretty good handle on things. I have been told that my 13 y/o dd is welcome just about anyplace...she is quiet, well mannered and doesn't run all over the place like a banshee, not even when she was much younger. It was understood that that kind of behaviour just wasn't going to be tolerated. Is is harder to 'require' this kind of behavior? Sure is..you have to be ready to back up your 'promises' of repercussions. I have bodily carried my dd out of a store, while she kicked and screamed, hitting me with her feet. I had given her 3 warnings, but she didn't stop. She was 4 at the time. So, home we went. She now believes that if I say something will happen, then it will happen. I do not make idle threats.

So, would your nice family meal be ruined if you had to get your check before finishing your meal, because your child was misbehaving? Sure, but I can almost guarentee that it wouldn't happen again. If you 'school' the kids at progressively nicer restuarants, then it shouldn't be an issue. But, if your children are used to eating at McD's only, and then you throw them into something like Citrico's, you're asking for trouble.
But, should I be forced to sit there, trying to enjoy a nice meal, which costs a goodly amount of money, having to listen to some children screaming and testing the limits of their parents' patience? I think not. I have no issue with kids being kids..drinks get knocked over, they do fidgit in their chairs, they tease their siblings. No problem with those types of things. However, you can tell when a child's actions have gone over into the 'unacceptable' zone. No one has the right to ruin other's experiences. I'm sure most adults are understanding about 'normal' misbehaviors, it's those meltdowns, with the screaming and such, that are not normal and shouldn't be forced upon other diners, especially in a 'signature' restaurant. Sorry if that offends but people do need to take responsibility for their children's actions.
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