Why Priceline, Folks?

Hodar @ work

Earning My Ears
Mar 30, 2001
OK, first off; I am not employed by Priceline.com nor any of it's competitors, nor own any stock in this industry. That said, here's my question "Why does one buy anything on Priceline, where you cannot cancel your ticket, nor have control your flight?"

I have been in line at the Delta Check-in Desk, and have seen families bumped because they bought a non-'Y' class airline ticket on Priceline. Posters here have complained about the inability to cancel their reservations.

I have used expedia.com (owned by Microsoft) for years, and have consistently gotten great fares (exactly the same fare as Travelocity), but can chose my flight and even pick my seat. I have never been issued anything other thatn a full 'Y' class ticket, so my seat on the flight is assured. Furthermore, I can cancel my reservation at will.

What is it with Priceline? Is William Shatner that good of a spokesman?
We love Priceline. I have a family of 7. Very hard to afford that many airline tickets. We have been successful twice at getting airfare through Priceline from Dallas to Tampa for $70-$75 + taxes and fees. Not bad, eh? We feel like we're paying the fare of a family of 3 instead of 7. We are willing to put up with some unknowns and inconvenience to not have to waste four days just driving. I received a 3 star hotel in Houston (Thanks TravelSheryl) for $5 per room (two rooms) per night. My large family is staying for a total of $30 including taxes and fees, for two nights (two rooms). If we had to back out of the trip, how much have we lost? Worth the risk, I'd say. We have used Priceline for WDW area hotels on 3 occasions and been very pleased. You have to be willing to be very flexible to bid on Priceline. If you are rigid--it's not for you. You have to be a little bit of a gambler :)

Why do I use Priceline?
Here are some examples:
- Sheraton Four Points Inn (Maingate area); $7 a night for four nights.
- Days Inn (Maingate area); $3 a night for eight nights.

And this is just what I have done in Orlando. I have used Priceline to save in many other parts of the country. Of course this was all accomplished with bonuses. Now that the bonuses are skimpier, I have to weight the tradeoff of flexibility versus price much more carefully.

But, given the great savings, even if I have to back out of a trip, I am still way ahead of the game.

The bottom line is that the advantages of using Priceline depend on the person. How much do you value flexibility and certainty? There are some trips that I would never use Priceline for. For example, any trip in which a particular flight time or hotel is important to me. If you use your head, and know what you are getting into, you won't be dissapointed.

Just my 2 cents!
In addition to the above posts, you can read to your heart's desire the many people (me included) who are very pleased with Priceline at the board I administerhere. As stated above, it's all about flexibility. If you have specific needs, Priceline is not for you. If you are flexible, you can save a huge amount of money.

You are misinformed about the assurance of your airline seat when purchasing conventionally. If you read the information that comes with your ticket, you will see that all airlines overbook and that your ticket is subject to the overbooking rules and re-accommodations of that airline. You can read the rules as to overbooking by going to http://www.onetravel.com and clicking on Rules of the Air on the lefthand side of the page.

As I responded elsewhere, Priceline-ticketed passengers are eligible for the same re-accommodations as anyone else. If you were told otherwise, it was by a misinformed airline employee.

Unless you paid more than $1,000 per ticket, you were not issued a full Y class ticket nor can you cancel your ticket "at will" unless you pay a $100 fee. You were issued a seat in the Y (Coach) cabin. Not the same thing as a Y (full fare) ticket.

[This message was edited by TravelSheryl on 04-19-01 at 04:04 PM.]
because of priceline I can get 4* hotel rooms for $45 a night when they are listed for over $200 on expedia(why would I choose expedia unless I want to loose $155 on that same hotel). I always get 4* hotels at around $45 in several states including orlando,san antonio,houston,kansas,and so on and on. Not only that I can get airfare to orlando,kansas,new york and so forth for around $80to$90 when those same flights are listed for $300+ on expedia(now why would I want to use expedia?to lose $200 not). Yes you have to be flexible on timings on airfare but it is definitly worth it even if I have to wait for the next available flight which I never had to and have used priceline several times. I also have gotten great timings on those flights. If it wasnt for priceline I would not be able to take short weekend trips and stay in 4* hotels at a price on which I wont loose sleep over if I decide not to go. If I wanted to use a travel agency to get full fares at discounted prices than expedia is not considered the best because there are others offering better prices but then again why?why? when there is my favorite PRICINE!!!!!!! :D
Well, if you saw a family get "bumped" off a flight on Priceline tickets, although they may have been inconvenienced, any passenger who is involuntarilly denied boarding must be compensated (even on Priceline tickets), so they probably received more in compensation for the inconvenience than they paid for their tickets.
The best thing I find about Priceline is that it will let you do a few other things on your vacation and stay within your budget. Maybe we'll eat out at a nicer restaurant, or get some souvenirs that were tough to find and not have to worry about it blowing our budget up.
Incidentally, Sheryl, my company's web security people have blocked our access to your board. :(
The reason that we have used Priceline is the same as most people to save money. In January we used priceline for a rental car and got a van for $25.00 per day through budget. We now going down to WDW in October and got Airline tickets through them for $173.00 per ticket out of my pocket, from Seattle to MCO and $25.00 a day for a Towncar through budget again. I have used Expedia alot, but they have never offered a ticket anywhere close to $173.00, and the ones I have gotten through them where non refundable also. The airlane we got for October is the same airline that we got through Expedia in January but for $82.00 per ticket less. And we already have our seats assigned.
Never use priceline, any savings you make will come back to get you sooner or later.

Why? $50 round trip Greensboro to Orlando Easter week. That savings adds up for a family of 6. Without it, we have to drive!




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I bid on a flight that included the redeye and received anything but what I wanted with USAIR. Within 10 minutes of my approved priceline bid I called USAIR and asked if there was a way to change my flight times. I received a later arrival which I wanted, a direct flight back which wasn't at all originally but just asking. She not only changed this for me but got my window seats the whole trip that I wanted and I also received an additional $20 credit since I was taking a direct flight back. So don't believe Priceline when they say you can't change the itinerary. Forgot the best part, since I did this right away USAIR didn't charge me a thing to do all the changes:)
Use Priceline all the time and have never been unhappy, but then again I always try to keep a good attitude no matter the situation. I got tickets for June from GSO to SAN for a total of $155 roundtrip. The times are fine, I personally would like early morning flights ( the ones I got were for around lunch time) but for the $570 I saved I can definately live with it!!!

All great deals! I took my hubby for a romantic weekend in Wine Coutnry at a Hilton for $40, going to Anaheim Marriott for a Disneyland weekend for $24, Hilton Anaheim/Orange for $24, and going to Redding with 2 families for only $14 a night at a 2 star hotel we have checked out before and it is nice. San Jose Doubletree for only $24 a night. Try to find better prices than those : )

Priceline is what it is good deals, but nonrefundable and relatively not flexible" but that is fine with me! If it were, then everyone would use it and then the deals wouldn't be as good. If people are uncomfortable trying it the first time, I'd recommend trying it for just a weekend away and booking it last minute. That way you know what the weather is like, if everyone is healthy and if you are really wanting to go somewhere. Of course, like all travel, it does book up, but there are still lotsof places to go and you can book even on the same day now with Priceline.

Here's why: (tax not included)
4 RT tickets MSP - TPA $90 EA, Total: $360
Cost w/o priceline $228 EA.

2 nights at Chase Suites,Tampa $10, Total - $ 20
Cost w/o priceline $79/nite (special).

2 nights Holiday Inn,Melbourne Bch, $30,Total -$60
Cost w/o priceline $79/nite

3 nights at Rosen Centre,Orlando $18, Total - $54
Cost w/o priceline $200/nite

Total cost of airfare and lodging:
W/ Priceline $494
W/O Priceline $1828

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I don't ever plan on using Priceline because I like being in control too much. I like knowing exacly what I'm going to get and I'm willing to pay for that knowledge. I wouldn't be suprised if I could have saved $50 a ticket but being able to say what flight I want was worth the $150. Same thing with a car, I won't go through Dollar or Budget or the other "vacation" rental firms and if I went through Priceline I may end up with them.

Priceline is good for someone who doesn't mind giving up some of the control in exchange for saving money. It would work great for my retired mother but not for me where I don't have the timing flexibility but don't need the savings.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. -- Soldier's Axiom
No schedule survives first contact with WDW. -- Tourist's Axiom
I've gotten wonderful deals through priceline (usually hotels)! I mix and match - I book directly if I really care where we stay during certain nights, and I bid on priceline when I want to be surprised and/or save money! I love staying at 4* hotels for $29 a night when listed price is $219! How can you not enjoy that?!? Everything else is then icing on the cake.


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