Who's that doing the single digit dance? Me, that's who!


<font color=teal>No wonder I love DIS boards so mu
Feb 3, 2004
Yeehaw!! :cool1: Finally my turn. I'm going to Disney World!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

(BTW - Counter may say 10 but it is set for the time that we arrive in WDW)
Congrats. We are leaving tomorrow for Florida and will be arriving at the Beach Club Villas next Wed. June 1. Enjoy your trip.
:cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :Pinkbounc

Me Too!!! 8 more excrutiating long never ending days until I get there!
As soon as I wake up tomorrow (Friday) morning, I'll join you! 10 days to AKL!

Thank goodness for little league softball! I've needed it to keep me from thinking about the trip every second for the last 3 months!
Yay Susie!! :cool1: :cool1:

Doing my FOUR day dance here! Oh my!!!
I am giddy with excitement!
:banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

Mike :flower:
Us too! Where's the DIS meet?

Will be there with DH & 2 dd's (17 & 13) at OKW. Would love to meet some other DIS'rs! Anyone else?
ME TOO!!! Leaving tomorrow and staying at my parents overnight, then check in at SSR for our first trip "home." WOO HOO! Looking forward to SWW and TL
9 days untill we arrive at BWV, 7 days until we surprise our 3dds by flying our old au pair back from Australia for the summer and WDW!!!

Can't wait!
Have a wonderful time! We just came back and really enjoyed ourselves. The Soarin' ride was fantastic. Go see Arlo Guthrie at Epcot. We've seen his show in the past and it is great.
Pocahontas1, us too we Love Dixie Landings oops sorry POR, can't change my way of thinking. Even though we have stayed at POR several times since the name change, it will always be Dixie Landings to us.

I am driving DH crazy too. As if he doesn't have enough to keep him busy with planning all our reservations and such for our August Cruise back home with the Magic. I am driving him crazy planning an early birthday trip for our DS. After all, it is what the kid asked for for his birthday and not a birthday party with his friends. We are definately raising him right.

Sorry for making this soooo long. Can you tell how excited I am. :rotfl:

Everyone have a wonderful time.



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