Who here uses CM's SBC+ for digital scrapping?

Besides for the above question, I have another question.

Once you save a page as a jpeg or after you print the page or make a storybook....do you erase the orginal page (or album) from SBC+.
I have 150 pages in my WDW album. I am thinking I should delete some to make the program run a little faster but I have no clue. I'm kinda scared to delete them.

What do you do?

I have over 300 pages done in SBC+ and they are taking up a TON of space on my hard drive... so I am going to delete a bunch of them. I am going to wait until I print my photobooks, and then I am going to save the LOs as full sized JPEGS (which only take up a tiny fraction of the space) and back them up to disks so I can always print again if I want.... At first I thought I would never delete any... but honestly, I have my digi supplies and all of the pictures... so if for some reason I wanted to recreate a LO, I could do it in a snap.... Now that I am faster and more efficient in SBC+, the thought of deleting them doesn't scare me as much as is used to.... Also, if I have a multi pic LO, or one with lots of layers that I really like, I do turn it into a template and save it, so I can use it later if I want.
Ok, sooooo I am growing my dig files and kits WAYYYYYY faster than I thought. Right now they are all loaded to SBC+. Should I not load them all? It is running a bit slower now...is that the reason or is there a different reason?

SBC+ can hold as much as your hard drive will allow.... but as your hard drive gets fuller, the program will slow down.... At first I was bringing everything into SBC+, but now I am not... I have too much stuff, and I kind of like just opening the file and looking at it all spread out .. then I just right click on what I want, copy and paste it onto my page in SBC+... The only thing that is annoying is that (as far as I can tell) if you want to use a template, you need the papers IN SBC+ in order to "fill" the selected areas with whatever paper you want... SO I usually just bring the papers that I want to work with in as Pictures and then use them on my LO... then I delete them out when I am done... anyone do it a different way???
I have over 300 pages done in SBC+ and they are taking up a TON of space on my hard drive... so I am going to delete a bunch of them.

Christy! I have seen your work... it's beautiful! And you're a mother of 3... it seems to me maybe you consider burning your albums off to blank DVD discs as files (not movies). Blank disks run between $0.50-$1 each (depending on sale, qty, etc). That is WAY cheaper than your valuable time!!! I have number 3 on the way and it was a big driving force in my finally going digital. Efficient or not, time is time. Anyway, I just wanted to put another idea out there for you. Clearly, you do what you think is best. :)
Christy! I have seen your work... it's beautiful! And you're a mother of 3... it seems to me maybe you consider burning your albums off to blank DVD discs as files (not movies). Blank disks run between $0.50-$1 each (depending on sale, qty, etc). That is WAY cheaper than your valuable time!!! I have number 3 on the way and it was a big driving force in my finally going digital. Efficient or not, time is time. Anyway, I just wanted to put another idea out there for you. Clearly, you do what you think is best. :)

Thanks!! :) Actually I was going to do that, but a whole album (100 pages)will not fit on a DVD, will it? I guess I could split the pages between two DVDs... My techy husband was trying to tell me something about compressing them or spanning them or something... He lost me... Thanks for your kind words... glad you found us over here... :) I'm actually technically a mother of two -- unless you count DH -- which I DO most of the time.. LOL!!! :rotfl2: A lot of my disney LOs have my nephew in them too...Congrats on #3 on the way! :)

If 1 album won't fit on 1 DVD, simply split it. Let's assume you can get away with splitting the album in half.

1. Make a copy of the album.
2. In the first album, delete the second half (last 50 pages). Save.
3. In the second album, delete the first half (first 50 pages). Save.
4. Burn each album half to its own DVD.

Another space option: get a terabyte external drive. My dh says you can assemble one on newegg.com for about $130 ($99 for drive and $30 for case). Your dh sounds technical enough to handle this. It is very easy, really. This is what my dh plans to do for me for all of my stuff.

Now, to help with speed...
Get a large thumb drive. Plug it into your computer. As soon as you plug it in, you will be prompted asking if you want to browse the files or speed up your system. Click Speed Up System. What happens is the computer now uses the thumb drive memory as extra RAM which means it does a better job managing all of these graphics we work with. At that point, your limintation with be your video processor, but the external thumb drive should help a bit for sure.

Good luck!!
Alright, so I'm new to SBC+ and trying to figure things out. I have read this thread a coulpe of times, taken some notes, and now I can't find the section dealing with Extrnal Hard Drives. I have a new laptop, with Vista, and SBC+ loaded onto that, and an External Hard Drive. I have downloaded alot of freebies and bought a couple of things, unzipped them and loaded them into SBC+, but now I need to move them to the EHD, but I can't figure out how. Also after I get them to the EHD, I can delete them off the laptops hard drive right? Do I have to put the zipped files over to the EHD and unzip them? And after this would it just be easier to download things to the EHD and unzip them there? I have tried to transfer things over there, but when I open SBC+ the collections are not there and it tells me that it can't follow the path, so I'm just lost. :confused3 Thanks for the help. :flower3:


If I get something done that I'm excited about I'll share.

You can just copy or move the files in whichever format to your external drive, just as if you were doing the same to a flash drive or CDE. I've even downloaded kits onto my laptop, both in the zipped and unzipped formats and later transferred them onto my desktop.

Right now I'm in the process of moving everything over to my new computer, but for the moment I have my Memory Manager and SBC+ on my c: drive and the created Storybooks and pages, and my shadow copy (backup) of the MM and kits, etc., on the external.

Is this the information that you were looking for?
Hi ladies!

Has anyone heard whether CM is going to try to add the 'text path' as an upgrade. I would love to be able to have circular text on a page, like I've seen in PS layouts. I know it was mentioned way back in the pages here.

And how often will/does CM upgrade the software? I know it checks for upgrades all the time, and I do install the upgrades, but never really notice any new cool stuff that it can do.
Thanks, I think that I finally have it figured out-how to get things to go to the EHD and still work in the "my stuff" of SBC+. I have read and learned alot here. Thanks! :goodvibes
Hi ladies!

Has anyone heard whether CM is going to try to add the 'text path' as an upgrade. I would love to be able to have circular text on a page, like I've seen in PS layouts. I know it was mentioned way back in the pages here.

And how often will/does CM upgrade the software? I know it checks for upgrades all the time, and I do install the upgrades, but never really notice any new cool stuff that it can do.

I'll be going to my Regional Convention in a few weeks. I'll try to get a few answers. I know that I am dying to get text paths on SBC+, too! How fun that would be! I have heard that they are working on an upgrade for a while, so hopefully it will be soon.
I'll be going to my Regional Convention in a few weeks. I'll try to get a few answers. I know that I am dying to get text paths on SBC+, too! How fun that would be! I have heard that they are working on an upgrade for a while, so hopefully it will be soon.

Please, report back and let us know all the fun new stuff they are working on! I hope its text paths, and torn edges, and maybe a better wand, and(OK, now I'm pushing it, but I can dream!!):goodvibes
I love Britt-ish designs, and I just saw a few two-page templates that she is selling at SM. How does that work on SBC+? On some of the templates, a picture will be on 'both' pages. Has anyone used two page templates with this software? I'd love to see any pics!

I have a few layouts I do over and over that I created pages in shades of grey with photo holes and everything. I can't figure out how to save them as individual .page files like the rest of you have. Can someone please walk me through the probably obvious of how to create a template?

Laurie Beth
I love Britt-ish designs, and I just saw a few two-page templates that she is selling at SM. How does that work on SBC+? On some of the templates, a picture will be on 'both' pages. Has anyone used two page templates with this software? I'd love to see any pics!

I do -- Britt usually includes her 2 pager templates in one 12x24 template and then also in two individual 12x12 templates.... So you can work on one big LO or do 2 separate side by side pages. I did a 2 pager in one LO recently for the first time and kind of liked doing it that way. I opened up a custom project w/ page size 12 x 23.9 (for some reason SBC+ wouldn't let me have a width of 24 -- but 23.9 worked fine?) Then I worked up the whole 12 x 23.9 page. Then I saved it as a jpg and brought the whole page into my 12 x12 Storybook twice (allowing the left side to show on the left page and the right side to show on the right page). That probably makes no sense whatsoever.... Please feel free to ask more questsions. :)

ETA -- Here's a 12 x 23.9 2 pager I did....

I have a few layouts I do over and over that I created pages in shades of grey with photo holes and everything. I can't figure out how to save them as individual .page files like the rest of you have. Can someone please walk me through the probably obvious of how to create a template?

Laurie Beth

I am so bad at explaining this file stuff... someone else pleeeasseee jump in. If you have made the page into a template (grays w/ photo spots), then your page files should just be on there.... You have really already done the work. All of your pages in SBC+ get saved as you go as individual files... the weird thing is that SBC+ saves them with these random number/letter names that I can find no rhyme or reason to. ??? So, after I make a template, I will usually go find the file (with the random name) on my hard drive, right click on it and rename it something that makes sense to me. The easiest way for me to "find" the right file before I rename it is to look at the date and time last modified, when I put the cursor over the file...The most recent one will be the one I was just working on. I am probably missing some obvious step here and making things sound way more complicated than they are. Does that answer your question at all? What is it you are wanting to do with you template .page files once you have them ready to use? I put all of mine in their own Storybook so I can open it up and look through it to see if there is a template I want to use... then I "import page" into whatever Storybook I am working in.
Okay, I thought I had tried that yesterday but it must have been user error on my part (ie looking for the .page file in the wrong place?). But now it works. So here are the follow up questions:

1. Where do you all share your stuff? (I like to share too.)
2. Would you guys prefer an album style upload/download or single files?

I have created about a half dozen templates so far and I have a few more I intend to create. I do a lot of block layouts (too many crops hanging around Close to my Heart folks).

Let me know where and what you prefer and I will do my best to share very soon.

So I am very new to this digital scrapbooking thing. I have decided
to get the SBC+ software but now I have a few questions. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!

- I have learned that I can get free downloads instead of buying all
the materials. Where do I get them and do they save in a particular
file type? Which download sites are better than others?

- I have been toying with getting Memory Manager as well and was
wondering if this is worth it. Also, I have learned that SBC+ saves
in .png files. Is it possible to save that type of file in MM or do
I have to get a different software program to organize all my digital
scrapping supplies? If so, which is best?

- I have heard of getting free layouts and templates. What are these
and how are they used? Do they just install like other supplies?
Do I just put my photos and journalling in places where someone else
had theirs? Where do I find these?

- How do I safe the templates, downloads and such. Do they save in files with the whole profect or can I separate each item.

- Is it true that instead of getting my books printed on CM, I can
print on Shutterfly? I have done a few Shutterfly albums and am
happy with the quality. How does this work?

I probably have more questions, but will start there!! Any help
would be great. I'm feeling a tad overwelmed but very excited to get

Jennifer and Christy...Thank you both SO much for the details on bringing them templates in...I absolutely love having more options than CM provides. As always, a wealth of knowledge around here!

SO SO late on this topic and trying to sift through to get the facts- but can you please direct me to the "how to" use someone else's template....

I would love to scraplift from some of you awesome designers... and then to offer some of mine- but I don't know how.

I'm at a loss! :confused3

thanks much!
I have over 300 pages done in SBC+ and they are taking up a TON of space on my hard drive... so I am going to delete a bunch of them. I am going to wait until I print my photobooks, and then I am going to save the LOs as full sized JPEGS (which only take up a tiny fraction of the space) and back them up to disks so I can always print again if I want.... At first I thought I would never delete any... but honestly, I have my digi supplies and all of the pictures... so if for some reason I wanted to recreate a LO, I could do it in a snap.... Now that I am faster and more efficient in SBC+, the thought of deleting them doesn't scare me as much as is used to.... Also, if I have a multi pic LO, or one with lots of layers that I really like, I do turn it into a template and save it, so I can use it later if I want.

yes yes--- that part.... How do you go about that????

Nearly all of your questions have been answered on this thread, so I would take the time to read all 42 pages (really!). This thread is PACKED full of information, free template links, and the like. A favorite free site of mine is http://www.shabbyprincess.com. There are others but this has a GREAT sampling for beginners.

But even better, I would go out to CM's website, click on Help, click on Digital, and then Storybook and you will find a TON of webinars that will walk you through the most basic of skills with the software to the coolest and creative. The training is AWESOME! And the best part, you can pause it, rewind and watch again (super for busy moms like me!). MOST of your questions will be answered in the training including .png files, etc.

As far as printing, yes, you can print anywhere. Again, read through this entire thread and you will find out where most print - many save each page as a .jpg and upload to shutterfly and create their own album cover on their site. It is definitely more economical but there are rumors they use a glued binding instead of the super tough CM sewn binding (more likely to stand up to the book being enjoyed over and over - and isn't that the point?).

Rest assured you have made an incredible investment. I am head over heals in love with SBC+ and haven't regretted my purchase for a second. I am whipping out pages faster than I can take photos (poor me, I know).

Do take time to read through the long thread - you will find answers to questions you didn't know you had, learn some cool tricks, and find links to great free templates (which I live by).

Also, pay attention to the webinars. My latest favorite thing (and this will make more sense after you start using the software some): Okay, so let's say I have 3 photos for a page and there is a free template from CM I downloaded that has the layout I want but it doesn't use paper that I want for this page. Easy: unlock the back page, and element by element assign what I want to use instead. I've turned baby boy pastel pages into bright school pages using free paper from other sites. The best part is the layout was done - I simply substituted.

Another thing I have taken time to do: use a scrapbook catalog and create templates of their layouts in shades of grey, save in a separate album/project. I can then import the templates later, sub in my paper, photos and embellishments and be nearly finished in no time flat.

Good luck and have fun! Read this thread and watch those webinars. You won't regret a minute of the time spent.


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