Which month better? September or October


Feb 3, 2000
Hi everybody,

I'm planning my second visit to IOA. Have been many times to the other parks in the past and want to know wich month is better? I have a tight schedule because can only stay 4 days and want to do the most rollercoasters I can. Here are my only alternative Dates and Schedule

1- September 6 - 10, 2001 Thursday to Sunday
2- September 20 - 23, 2001 Thursday to Sunday
2- October 4 -7, 2001 Thursday to Sunday

Thursday - Sea World (Kraken and "JTA")
Friday - Bush Gardens (All of them)
Saturday - Island of Adventure (Hulk and DD)
Sunday - Universal Studios Florida (Can't miss MIB and BTF)

Thanks for your comments.

We visited USF/IoA in mid-October, 2000. I haven't been in September before, so I can't offer any opinion on that. However, in October it was wonderful. The weather was perfect. Warm enough to enjoy the water rides, but cool enough that we weren't miserable. We didn't wait longer than 10 minutes for any ride including the coasters and Spiderman. I hope this information will help you in making your decision.

Been there, done that, going back!!!
We've visited in October 4x and September 1x. The weather was MUCH hotter in September and the lovebugs were a nuisance to my daughters, ages 2 and 4. The lines also seemed a little longer in September than October. I vote for October.
Que pasa, albertro!

Welcome back, amigo!

I've been to the parks in September and October. I really loved the weather in September 2000 but got hit by a hurricane in October of 1999 so needless to say it tainted my opinion of Octobers .. :rolleyes:

I prefer the non summer months, which are the only times I go so I think all your days are cool.

Have a great time!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

I would choose September, except for Labor Day weekend. I've encountered the least amount of crowds then. Virtually every ride was a walk-on. At Disney-MGM, the RnR Coaster was a walk-on all day long. October is a little more crowded, but it's also the start of Halloween Horror Nights.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
We had no lines, with beautiful weather in the beginning of September.


Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
Thanks everybody for the responses. There is a diference in opinion though.
What about the second option September 20 - 23, 2001 Thursday to Sunday ? which is like in the midle of the 2 month.

Robinrs how you doing? I was going to send you an e-mail but since I saw you are moderator I just posted my question, I was sure you will answer. We are going back to the same hotel (Red Roof Inn, Major Blvd). Last year experience was pretty good. Thanks again for the recommendation! I need to find a Job in Florida just to be as far as driving distance.

Thanks again,
albertro - San Juan, Puerto Rico
I would say anytime in September (excluding the Labor Day weekend) would be the best, unless you want to go to Halloween Horror Nights.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Thanks Barry,

I will take your answer as a GO. I have to wait a few more weeks before I do the arrengements because Air Fare is too high right now.

Barry I read you review about Kraken, really nice. How can you compare it to Hulk or the other rollercoasters? From 1 - 10 what will be the rate? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

albertro - San Juan, Puerto Rico :cool:

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