Where did you experience the best pixie dust?

Where was your best pixie dust experience?

  • At my resort

  • On the bus

  • Just walking around in a park

  • At a restaurant

  • On a ride

  • At a parade or fireworks

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We were at Disney last week and I was able to spread a little pixie dust.

We had breakfast at CRT (myself and my 31 year old daughter). For some odd reason we were given the wands that unsually go to the little girls. I just stuck mine in my bag and wondered what I would do with it. My daughter said she was going to give hers to her boyfriend's little girl.

Fast forward to afternoon. We were on the bus back to our resort. A young man and his little girl (age 4) sat next to me. Her mom and brother were near by. We were passing the Contempary and she told her Daddy that that hotel was broke because there was a hole in it. I asked her about the princesses she had seen and who was her favorite. Since she had redish hair and blue eyes = it was obvious. So, at that moment I remembered the wand in my bag and gave it to her.

Those big blue eyes just lite up and she said thank you (with out being told). She then turned her Mom into a truck so they could get free parking and her Dad into a pair of shorts. She was just so cute. It brought a tear to my eye.

Her mother told me that she knew that this wand would be her favorite. She already had 3 others per her brother.

Before we got off of the bus, her Dad told the whole family that you can meet really nice people on the Disney bus.
Last year DD was battling tendonitis in both knees and I had plantar fasciitis. (Not the best condition for a walking vacation) We realized early on we would need to cut back on the commando style of seeing everything we did the year before, so we ended up sleeping late and not getting to ride everything.

When we finally made it to Soarin (which we missed the year before), they were out of fastpasses, so we figured we would just wait for the 45-60 mins. We sighed and started walking in, figuring we would maybe lean or sit down while we waited. We were slowly walking up to the end of the line and suddenly a man leaned over the wall from the FP lane and offered us his FPs. He said his family didn't want to do it and he wanted to share them.

I was so touched that he would share, even though we had done the same thing at the MNSSHP earlier in the week. It touched us both and was a HUGE help since the wait was only 10 mins.

One of our first magical times was when we first took the family. DD was 3 1/2 and her favorite character was Esmeralda. We HAD to find her, no matter what. When we did, Esmeralda sat down and pulled DD onto her lap and talked to her for at least 5 mins. DD was in heaven and listening to Esmeralda you could tell she really was interested in everything that DD was saying. It melted out hearts to see a stranger give DD so much attention. There were other kids waiting, but she kept talking and then posed for several pictures. As we left, she even called DD by name and said goodbye. :love:
We have been fortunate to have visited DW quite a bit. On each and every visit, we have had some type of magic whether it was a kind CM, a kind guest, or a special character interaction. Sometimes I am able to spread the magic myself, sometimes our happy attitude attracts it. Rarely we get free things (but we have!), but very often we get happy vibes or nice words from others. That is what the magic is all about!:lovestruc
I can't think of one single experience, but just walking around in the parks gives me that warm fuzzy feeling that only WDW can do. The CMs enthusiasm (with the exception of a few grumpy's) is so infectious. That's why I keep going back!!
We always go in September due to crowds but because of the time of year we run into alot of rain. One day at EPCOT the whole family (wife,son and me) were slogging towards the Land to see if would get on SOARIN but really to get out of the elements. As we were making the climb up the walkway towards the doors, a man stopped us and handed us 3 fastpasses for Soarin which we could use right away. We thanked him big time and as he walked away he said "Enjoy some pixie dust today".
Wow, that is a tough one.Perhaps, about 5 years ago during our first WDW on a crowded June trip. Me, DW, and DD who was 7 at the time. We didn't know anything about how difficult it was to get a table at Cinderellas Dinner table in the castle. As we were already there by the castle my wife and daughter wanted to try to eat in the castle. Well, I thought I saw a gentleman ahead of me come back from talking to the cm and tell his party no, nothing available. I told my wife this but no use she insisted I ask. So, I go to the CM and he tells me its reservation only, but then hesitates and asks me to wait one moment. Next thing I know we are being shown inside.
Only later did I find out how lucky that was.
Another time was while visiting the princesses. we were the last in the line and DD has mobility issues but can walk while holding anothers hand. The princesses would each take turns walking her to the next one. They must have been ready for a break or change because we were the only ones in the room left. So I ask if she can have a photo with all of them together. They agree, and this is onel of our all time favorite disney photos.
Last week. Our way out of AK I had extra FP for EE and Dinosaur (we used Ridemax, got there at RD and did both multiple times). On our way out I gave them to a young couple. The next day at Epcot as we were walking from TT to Soarin a young mother gave me 3 extra FP she had for Soarin. Thats what I call karma :goodvibes
oh that reminds me, we got FP's as we were heading into the area near Soarin, we so excited because it turned out to be out of FP's and we did not want to do the stand by line.
I love this thread so much more than the rudeness one!

Our magical moment came on the bus one night, returning to the BW from the MK. We only took the buses two or three times, but this time we did so because we headed there in the afternoon and figured the parking options would be poor. We went to dinner at CRT, and DD5 was in full princess regalia.

As we boarded the bus to head back to the BW, in the late twilight and after a long day in the sun, the bus driver greeted DD5 with the standard "hello, Princess", which made her smile, curtsy, and say thank you. We then went to the back sat down, and as the bus started moving a special announcement came over the loudspeaker, asking all the passengers to be on their best behavior because a "very special princess is riding with us tonight". As soon as DD5 realized they were talking about her, she positively glowed in the dark she was so happy, and as we left the bus back at the resort, she glowed again as everybody said "goodbye, Princess".

Such a relatively small thing, and obviously a pre-recorded announcement that they use frequently, but it was so special to her and so representative of what we love about WDW!
We were watching the flumes on Splash Mountain go down, and I was trying to get my friend to go on it with me because she was scared to go on (eventhough she loves coasters like The Hulk haha!). Anyways, a woman comes up to us and randomly gives us her fastpasses for Splash Mountain! My friend agreed to go on it because of the fastpasses and it turned out to be my favorite ride and my friend got over her fear of flume rides. She loved it too! =]
In 2008, while at DHS, we made our way back to RnR. My husband and my kids and I were just standing around outside the ride and my husband said he would like to ride the Rollercoaster. There were no more FPs and the standby line was 120 minutes (approx. 6:30 pm). A CM was standing talking to a few guests and I decided to join the conversation. I didn't say much except 2 hours is a long time to wait. After the other visitors walked away, I decided to continue the chat and asked him about himself and why his name tag had the name of a school instead of a place. So he commenced to explain that he was in school for hospitality management (I think) and working at Disney was part of his program. He asked me where I was from and then I said good bye and was going to walk away because we were not going to wait in the standby line. Before I got to far he came up beside me and handed me 2 FPs for RnR and wished me a Happy Thanksgiving! Boy was I gushing and I was so happy that we would be able to experience the ride. True Disney magic. I was so overwhelmed, I called my friend at home who is a Disney veteran and even she was impressed.
My DH and I were lucky enough to get to spend our honeymoon at Disney last Spring and recieved a ton of Disney magic and pixie dust....just the standard things like lots of congratulations, a signed pic from Mickey and Minnie, a discount Photopass card, a free dessert, etc. Nothing all that HUGE since the resorts and CM's do this daily for birthdays, honeymoons, anniversaries, etc. but for us it was extremely magical. The three things about that trip, however, that stick out for me were....

We had gotten our pic taken by a Photopass CM at AK in front of the Tree of Life and then about two days later we were at AK again and were walking down the one of the greeting trails after meeting the characters and we saw the same CM again and he recognized us and talked to us for a while and then said he had a surprise for me if I could answer a trivia question. He asked who was responsible for spreading the magic and the Magic Kingdon....which of course is Tink. He gave me a special Tinkerbell pin that you can't buy and can only get from the CM's. SO neat!

The second thing that really stands out even stil today more than a year later was we were eating breakfast at Boma and if anyone here has eaten there you know the tables are pretty close together and you can't help but overhear people's conversations sometimes. Next to us was a family with a little girl around 5 or 6 yr. old and she was apparently allergic to nuts and something else (can't remember what) The head chef came out personally and talked to them, which I've seen happen before, but then he personally escorted the ittle girl all around the buffet and helped her pick things and even made a special omlet for her. While they were walking around I was up at the buffet and overheard her tell him that she LOVED banana muffins, but they always are banana NUT muffins and she didn't like the others they were offering. He walked her back to the table and about ten minutes later brought her out two HUGE muffins that were banana only and no nuts. She was absolutely beaming and so excited. That just made me smile that they'd be so considerate and take the time to help out like that.

The last thing is after our wonderful week we wanted to spread the magic as well and give back a little. Upon checking in we had found two bottles os fparkling cider and two Mickey wine glasses in our room (my husband had arranged that for me as a surprise) . It was a fantastic surprise and we enjoyed it very much, but only made it through one of the bottles. When we were checking out we gave the front desk our other bottle and asked them if they'd give it to the next couple who checked in that were either on their honeymoon or celebrating an anniversary. It felt good to hopefully make someone else's trip just as special as ours had been.
We just returned from 10 magical days in the World. One evening my DH and 2 DD's (5 and a baby) decided to head to Toontown to meet the Princesses. Once we made our way to the room we were about 4 families away from the first Princess. While waiting, our little baby Eileen starts waving her arms and smiling at Cinderella. Cinderella caught a glimpse of this and came out of her "area" over to us in line. She scooped up our daughter and gave her a kiss. Baby Eileen had a very cute lipstick kiss on her cheek for the rest of the night! Cinderella spent a few moments with us talking to the baby and her big sister.The photopass photographer saw what was going on and ran over to get shots of all this. Once we got to her for our real turn Cinderella picked up the baby again and said, "Here you are, I have been waiting for you". After we finished with everyone our baby started waving at Cinderella on the way out. Once again she came out of her area to give our girls some more loving! I was crying through it all! Once I get my photopass CD I will post the pics.
In 2005, I put up a post here asking for suggestions about what would be a good thing for my 7 year old DD and I to do on our first Mother-Daughter trip. A fellow Disser asked if we had ever done the Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian, we hadn't. He insisted on paying for us both to go. I had never had anything like that happen to me in my life! Sure enough, we were got there at the correct time and everything had been taken care of. We had the most wonderful tea, walked around the Grand Floridian (which we had never visited before), listened to the piano player and looked out the huge windows towards Magic Kingdom. It was Magic! I don't want to mention his name, but my daughter and I will never forget it and you are one special person :love: I think of him every trip to Disney we take and try to spread the pixie dust that he shared with us.
I have a few stories to share.

The first took place on my sixteenth birthday trip (August, 06). We were riding Kilimanjaro Safaris and were sitting in the first row. My mom, my sister, and I were pointing out the various animals before the guide even had a chance to point them out, since it's on of our favorite rides. I had my birthday button on and since we were there during value season (end of August), there was hardly anyone on the ride. The CM asked us if we wanted to ride again, and she just let us stay on and ride a second time!

The second story also took place on my sixteenth birthday trip. We were at Downtown Disney doing some shopping. When we were at World of Disney, we passed by the customer service desk. The CM behind the desk saw my birthday button and asked me to come over. He told me he had a special message from a friend for me. I got to listen to Goofy and Mickey wish me a happy birthday over the phone!

The third happened during one of our Christmas trips, in 2007. My sister was all dressed up and ready to go to BBB for her princess makeover. We were waiting at the bus stop at DAKL and suddenly a van pulled up. The CM asked us where we were going and then drove us (privately!), to DTD and told us some behind the scenes stories along the way!

The last one is kind of trivial, but our last trip was less-than magical (nothing to do with Disney- we had a family emergency happen back home that kind of ruined things). However, this event really brightened the end of our trip! We were eating lunch at Cosmic Ray's. A CM approached us and told us he had something special to give us but that it was top secret and we couldn't share them with anyone! He opened his hands and dropped a handful of Mickey shaped paperclips on to the table.
Okay, I have one....

We were at WDW last July. DD was 13 and had spent her own money to collect pins of the princesses. She had one for every princess she'd "met" and she had them on her canvas bag we were using for autographs. Well, you know how terrible the backs of those pins can be; the back of the Belle pin came off and we couldn't find the pin.

I'm not sure how it came about, but we were talking to a CM about it and he told us to go to the store up ahead and talk to a manager and that they'd help us out. So we went into the store and the manager searched high and low to see if they had the same pin. They did not. In the end, he told dd "It's our fault that the back didn't stay on your pin. I want you to find another Belle pin and it's yours. It doesn't matter if it looks the same or if the price is more, I want you to pick out your favorite Belle pin and it's yours."

TOTALLY and completely made her day!
My best pixie dust moment was in the large shop in Toontown at the MK when I was 14. My mom and brother stood in line to see characters while my aunt and I walked around the store. In the back there used to be a place that sold fudge and drinks and stuff. We starded talking to the CM that worked there who was from Australia. I mentioned that I want to work for Disney one day. The CM just looked at me and said, "How about today?". :woohoo: Um.....Of course!!!! She led me behind the counter and taught me how to ring people up. I must have "served" at least 5 people until my Mom and brother came out. It was too cool. I got a certificate and pins sayin i had a magical "moment." And it truely was. I still tell people that i have worked at Diney World. :rotfl:
These are all so amazing! I heard on one of those "secret facts of Disney" lists that you can ask for stickers to give to others in one of the shops. Does anyone know if this is still true? I'd love to be able to pass along some pixie dust when we go. Right now the only idea I've got (aside from the FPs if we have extras) is to bring along lots of packs of glowsticks/bracelets and give them away at night. I loved when my parents gave in and bought me light up toys at night-time shows. It didn't matter what kind it was as long as it lit up, and I would love to pass along that magic! And it will be easy since glowsticks are so cheap! I'll stock up big time at Halloween, since we're not going until December.

We went to Disneyland for our honeymoon, and received some fun pixie-dust here and there. :) We got a free chocolate mousse with Mickey sprinkles at The Blue Bayou, and when we got on It's a Small World the CM asked if we wanted our own boat, and told everyone we had just gotten married! I was tickled. I think my husband was embarrassed to be called out in public. :laughing: We opted against having our own boat though, as we didn't want to force anyone else to wait any more than they had to in the long queue!
Best Pixie Dust is anywhere I am with DH.

I have had some serious Pixie Dust during stays at the Wildie.

If I had to name just one source of Pixie Dust it would have to be the day we depart from our early December holiday at WDW or DL each year. I ALWAYS ship decorations to the hotel including lights for the balcony AND a small Christmas Tree.

One of the last things we do on departure day is to go to the checkin area in the lobby....look for a family just arriving and ..... give them the decorations for thier room.

Talk about PIXIE DUST!
As soon as DD5 realized they were talking about her, she positively glowed in the dark she was so happy, and as we left the bus back at the resort, she glowed again as everybody said "goodbye, Princess".

I love this one! Something very similar happened to my DD when she was 4, and I know just what you mean when you say that your little girl positively glowed in the dark. So sweet!

What the CMs did for us will live in my heart forever. Several of them came out of the shops on Main Street to bow as she passed in her stroller. As you mentioned, the bus driver was so kind when we boarded late that evening. When we returned to the AKL, a CM at the gift shop asked my daughter for her autograph. All these little touches gave my daughter such happiness.

If there are any CMs out there reading this thread, thank you for giving so much. The happiness you shared with my family lives. We pay it forward. You make the world a better place!


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