When is Spring Break for locals?


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Apr 29, 2001
Hi! This is our first time planning a DLR trip since 1987. I know when going to WDW that taking school breaks into consideration is a necessity. I was wondering when the local schools are out for Spring Break - we are looking at going March 15-23 and would like to know if we will be facing big crowds, whether to avoid the weekends & how the weather is around this time. Any info is appreciated!
I'm also interested similarly in finding out when President's Week break is. Birnbaum's says President Week is packed, but is President's Week actually that week (Feb 17-23) or all the weeks around then? By us (Michigan), 2 years ago my kids had that week off, last year they had the week before, and this year the week after, which is when we're coming. Various school districts seem to give any week in Feb, but is that just a Michigan thing? We're arriving the 19th which is technically during "President's Week" - will crowds be much worse the first few days than the next week, or will they all be about the same? Thanks!

As far as people coming from this part of the country, we ALWAYS get the week after Easter, but I know the Chicago area gets the week before! Since Easter isn't until late April this year, this shouldn't affect your planning!
We live in So Cal and I can tell you that most schools are out either the week before or the week after Easter - my husbands school gets 2 weeks off (one before and one after) Easter is April 20 this year. So mid & late April will for sure be busy.
There are some schools that follow other schedules but most are around that time.

As far as other school holidays - here are the ones we have:

Martin Luther King Holiday - Jan 20
Lincolns & Presidents Days Feb 14 & 17 (most CA schools give a four day weekend - not a week off)

Hope that helps.
Thanks! That's just the info I wanted & good news too! Our Spring Break is in mid-March, our schools just get 3 day weekends for Presidents Day & Easter. Hopefully the weather will be good!
Keep in mind we have MANY year-round schools here (my daughter's included) and she is off an entire month in the spring, from 3/31 - 4/28. Spring breaks from local COLLEGES will definitely start in March. You'll find spring break crowds range from mid-March to the end of April.

President's Day is no biggie, as hookedup said, we actually get just President's Day weekend PLUS 2/10 for Lincoln's birthday.
We're from Northern CA and, at least in our area, the schools are out for Presidents Week (the whole week). There are quite a few people we know (us included) who are heading down to SoCal. We weren't planning on doing DL, as we were just there in Sept and spent 9 days at WDW in April but today my DS said he wanted to go. So we will be there on Friday the 21st. A crowded day at Disneyland is better than a work day at home!



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