What would you do if your fridge looked like this?

ICK!! This is the very thing I am worried about for our first trip home in June.

I am anxious to hear what the veterans have to say about what you should do. I am sure they will provide solid insight.

Not acceptable. Contact local management. If not resolved escalate. Thanks for getting this problem fixed.
Not acceptable. Contact local management. If not resolved escalate. Thanks for getting this problem fixed.

Exactly. I wouldn't even want to walk by a fridge that disgusting. Makes me wonder if they'll leave the fridge looking like that, how clean is the rest of the room??
Is that dirt/food or rust? I couldn't tell form the picture. I was just wondering if it was a matter of housekeeping or if the were needing to replace the fridge. Not that it matters, you should have had to check into a room that looks like that! Did they fix it for you?
It's hard to tell from the pictures -- is that rust or food spatter on the refrigerator? It looks like rust to me -- which is pretty bad, but not as disgusting as grease would be.

If it was rust, I would ask for the refrigerator to be replaced. If the thing is rusting, I'd be worried about the safety of food I put inside.

If it was food, I'd probably ask for another room, or a thorough cleaning of the entire room at a minimum. As mentioned above, if it's food, how clean can the rest of the room be?

Either way, it's well short of "magical!" What resort was that?
As JimMIA said, it is difficult to tell what the problem actually is in the photos.

If it is rust, remember that BWV had some flooding and humidity problems from broken water pipes. While certainly not pretty, I doubt the function/safety of the refrigerator was compromised from exterior rust. But the refrigerator should be cleaned and repainted with a good rust proofing paint, or replaced.

If it was food residue, I certainly would be on the phone with a housekeeping manager ASAP, wanting the entire room to be re-cleaned.

EDIT: BTW I was going to post the photos for the OP, but the link only shows a thumbnail sized image without much detail, so it is best to follow the links in the first post.
I agree with Chuck S...

Rust or grease, I still would have called Mousekeeping/Maintence and had them fix the issue...

If it was grease, mousekeeping should clean it...

If it was rust, then without too much trouble, maintanence should be able to come up and swap out the fridge... I had a washer that broke in VB once, and it took them all of 15 mins to come up with a spare and switch... IMO, if they cleaned all of the rust off the fridge and repainted it with appliance paint, I wouldn't have an issue with it... As long as it is sanitary, and looks like its in original condition...
I have noticed the refrigerators at BWV have rust problems. I haven't seen anything as bad as the pictures, but I have seen some rust spots. I don't know if they are the originals from 1996 when the resort was built. The manufacturer should do something.
That is rust. Although it was relatively 'clean' I was still grossed out. I am not one to make waves on vacation, so my husband and I discussed whether or not to call or to wait until the end of our stay to avoid hassle. Well, when we turned the covers back on the bed we had a disgusting pillowcase so we decided to go ahead and call. We were also entertaining friends and relatives throughout the week, and quite frankly, I was embarrassed. I had booked day by day at 11 months to get my BW view and I planned to spend a good deal of my vacation in the villa relaxing and enjoying my balcony with friends.

The call to housekeeping resulted in a parade of people from housekeeping and maintenance coming in and out of the room over the course of 2 days. They all came and stared at the refrigerator and asked me what I wanted. I told them it should be replaced as soon as possible, but definitely before the next people checked in. One thing that irked me beyond everything else was a call I received around 9pm the first night telling me it would have to wait until tomorrow because they had other issues to deal with. I said that was fine, and the woman said that she had been told that I 'insisted' it be replaced tonight. Um, no, I didn't insist on anything and I was offended by her tone, but I was polite.

Next day, a couple more visits in the morning by staff to look and shake their heads and make comments about trying to find a replacement. The following afternoon, I went to EPCOT for lunch and a walk around World Showcase and returned to a horrible stench and a maintenance man that looked like he had been caught in the act of something. I said, "Oh, you found a replacement' and in broken English he told me the smell was from cleaning it. It was unbearable in the villa, so after turning on the fans, opening the connecting door and the balcony doors and sitting on the balcony for a long while the smell began to disspate some. Upon examination, I realized it was the same refrigerator and he had painted over the rust! I was shocked and I was MAD. My son has allergies and asthma and I could not believe they would do that right in the villa!!

Anyway, I was so mad I gave up. It had been such a hassle, and the fix was so unbelievable to me, I decided to just move on and enjoy the rest of the days I had left. I know I should have followed up on it then, but it just wasn't worth it to me at the time. I was just wondering what my fellow DVC members would have done, and there was a small part of me that wondered if I had overreacted.

Thanks for the comments.
I hear you... I am generally not one to sweat the small stuff on a vacation and let it interfere with having a good time, but I would have gone to the front desk after they spray painted the fridge in the room... :sad2:

The right thing to do would have been to swap fridges out with a new one, and then repaint and clean up the old one to put it back into use... The maintance man was probably trying to save some time and work and taking short cuts..

As far as the miscommunication with you 'insisting' on getting the fridge taken care of at that instance, I am not suprised... With WDW trying to reduce costs and centralizing and consolidating services, I can see them passing the wrong messages back and forth... When you called maintanence, your call was probably transferred over the call center.. The agent took the liberty of putting in your work order that you needed service now... (As that got passed down the line, it more than likely built up steam..)
I should have said this was at Boardwalk, and although I forget the room number it is the first unit on the Boardwalk over the store on the 2nd floor. It is arguably the best location in the whole resort! It is a handicapped unit (which I didn't need but I know someone has to get it) and there were some other smaller maintenance issues such as the seat in the shower that was worn through and also quite disgusting. For the life of me, I just can't understand how these things could have been repeatedly overlooked and reach the point they were at. There is obviously a problem with maintenance and a serious communication problem between maintenance and housekeeping.

For the record, I am a longtime fan of the Boardwalk and have lost count of my stays there. This was a big disappointment!
The following afternoon, I went to EPCOT for lunch and a walk around World Showcase and returned to a horrible stench and a maintenance man that looked like he had been caught in the act of something. I said, "Oh, you found a replacement' and in broken English he told me the smell was from cleaning it. It was unbearable in the villa, so after turning on the fans, opening the connecting door and the balcony doors and sitting on the balcony for a long while the smell began to disspate some. Upon examination, I realized it was the same refrigerator and he had painted over the rust! I was shocked and I was MAD. My son has allergies and asthma and I could not believe they would do that right in the villa!!

That is when you contact the manager and have them move you to another room or resort of equal or better accommodations. :sad2:
My refrigerator at home had the same problem and although cleaned to the point where no rust showed within days it would be back. We lived with it quite a while until we could get a new one. As long as my food stayed cold and the inside was clean and I was confident it was rust I could deal with it. I don't think they should have painted it while the room was being occupied and would have had words with a manager and requested a different room because of the odors. You may have lost your prime location but at least the other issues would be gone.

Had considered giving BWVs another try but the more posts like this I read the more I think not. Was not impressed the first time I stayed there in 1998 and got a HC room (which we didn't need) that had a balcony with solid boards instead of open rails. I didn't mind the fact that trying to take a shower resulted in water over the entire floor of the bathroom but just couldn't stand the fact the you had to stand up to see anything if you were on the balcony. How well does that work for someone in a wheelchair? We were only there two nights so in the grand scheme of things it really was a small thing but I don't want to take a chance with a longer reservation at this time.
Had considered giving BWVs another try but the more posts like this I read the more I think not.

We stayed at BWVs for the first time a couple of weeks ago and we were very pleased. So much so that we have added it to our list of points to buy as so as we hit the lotto. :thumbsup2 Sounds like each experience is based on luck of the draw. :wizard:
[COLOR="Blue" Sounds like each experience is based on luck of the draw. :wizard: [/COLOR]

This is what frustrates/concerns me. We are brand new members and I never DREAMED that there would be so many issues (like the refrigerator) reported on the boards. I fully anticipated burned out lightbulbs or suitcase scrapes on the wall, but not issues that would embarrass owners if they had guests coming to stay with them. It just doesn't seem like we should be anticipating our first stay (at BWV, then SSR) and worrying about what we will find when we open the door. Plus, we have a guest coming with us!!

Gosh, I just don't want to be disappointed with our DVC purchase. :confused3
I need to hear some positive/hopeful feedback.

Thanks -

This is what frustrates/concerns me. We are brand new members and I never DREAMED that there would be so many issues (like the refrigerator) reported on the boards. I fully anticipated burned out lightbulbs or suitcase scrapes on the wall, but not issues that would embarrass owners if they had guests coming to stay with them. It just doesn't seem like we should be anticipating our first stay (at BWV, then SSR) and worrying about what we will find when we open the door. Plus, we have a guest coming with us!!

Gosh, I just don't want to be disappointed with our DVC purchase. :confused3
I need to hear some positive/hopeful feedback.

Thanks -


Any hotel / resort, etc will have issues. Things just happen so don't be disappointed.

However, I would report all items directly to the front desk and not call.
This is what frustrates/concerns me. We are brand new members and I never DREAMED that there would be so many issues (like the refrigerator) reported on the boards. I fully anticipated burned out lightbulbs or suitcase scrapes on the wall, but not issues that would embarrass owners if they had guests coming to stay with them. It just doesn't seem like we should be anticipating our first stay (at BWV, then SSR) and worrying about what we will find when we open the door. Plus, we have a guest coming with us!!

Gosh, I just don't want to be disappointed with our DVC purchase. :confused3
I need to hear some positive/hopeful feedback.

Thanks -


Ellen, we have stayed at SSR 2br(2710 I think was the number) in the CP area and no problems with it, and just got back from VWL(3549) and the only problem was a burned out light bulb. Both rooms were clean(both kitchen and bathrooms). I did notice that the tv cabinets in the living rooms take alot of abuse(I figured from moving the table up against it to get the sofa bed out). Also along the breakfast bar, looks like the end chair gets banged up against the corner(really noticable with the dark green at VWL). I would have had no problem with having guests in either room.

Now the more I read, I am a little concerned about trying BWV(not withstanding the long halls).
This wasn't meant to make anyone nervous about their DVC stays! Mostly I am just mad at myself for copping out and not following through on this situation. I do think that Boardwalk has some issues and probably needs to make some major personnel changes. I am sure this is just a cycle, but even I, as a Boardwalk Lover, have been rethinking my Oct plans. But since it is for Food & Wine, I will just suck it up :drinking1 and hope for the best :)

It has been over 3 weeks since my trip and I was just getting around to uploading my photos which is what prompted my post. Do you think it is too late to write a letter?

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