What to wear on the plane?


Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2001
We are leaving in 11 days and was wondering if anyone had a good tip on what to dress DS 10 and DD 7 in for the trip down. We will be leaving NJ and arriving in Orlando which I am hoping will have a dreastic temp. change. Any ideas or tips would be appreciated.
I would suggest maybe wearing shorts (the soft knit kind) under sweatpants or maybe under a windsuit. That way, when you get there, you can just remove the top layer. We've done this going to warmer locations before and it works just fine. Hope this helps. :D
Jeans are very uncomfortable in the heat and humidity of Orlando...

Rodrigo Silva

Disneyland 91
Disneyland Paris 93
WDW Offsite 97
Dixie Landings 99

Wear something that you will be comfy in regardless of climate. Think about it. You will be sitting in the airport for x-hours. Sitting on the plane for x-hours, and then you will be in another airport walking to get your luggage and everything for x-hours.

What you may want to consider: leaving in one set of clothes, and then changing either in the airport bathroom (with DW or DH supervising) or as soon as you get checked in.

Just a thought. I flew up from Florida to NC in shorts. Sure it was cold, but as long as my upperbody was warm, I was fine.


I miss my Christi-bear. :(
my ds (13) is wearing the zipper off pants (even though he doesnt know were going yet) and my dd (3) is wearing capri's. :cool:



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