What size suitcases


Goofy, Truely Goofy
Aug 12, 2000
I'm thiking the one I have might be a little to big. Help do you think 29"x20"x10.5" is to big? What size do you take and how many?
wow...i didn't think of this....
we're coming in from overseas and will be in the states for a month with lots and lots and lots of luggage...
is there a limit on the amount of luggage that can be taken on board?
Each person is limited to two checked pieces of luggage (and I believe one carry on due to increased security)

As for the size, one of our pieces is huge. I am not sure of the dimenisions, but it is the largest pullman I could find. No one has turned it away in three cruises, but I do tip extra because it is so heavy.
I have never read of a size or weight limit for DCL but you need to be aware of weight limits for you airline if you are flying in.
oh.....then that's ok....
all of our stuff makes the airline limits.....
on the way to the states that is...
going back home is anohter question (alll that stuff we buy has to go into all the new suitcases we buy.....doing our little bit for the US economy)....but on an airline you just fork over some more money and they'll let you check all your worldy goods and then some...
Storing a large suit case. Where will it fit or will I be tripping on it the entire cruise. Would it be better to bring to small ones or one big one.
thank you goofy33
Having just help my mother pack for her cruise last week I know what U.S. Air allows. the size is posted on their website the largest can be 62 in. and 70 lbs. According to your measurement you will be o.k. just add all the sides together. If you are overweight they charge you more but I'm not sure what they do about the size being over. You are allowed 3 suitcases total, can check 2 carryon 1 or check 1 and carryon 2, that was the airlines restrictions as well as the cruiseship. Hope this helps some. I would check out what ever airline you are taking as I was told they all have their restrictions posted on them.:smooth:
We had TWO of the huge suitcases. We tucked one in the space between the ned and the bathroom. A little inconvenient for the staeroom hostess but it was out of the way. The second one we put under the foot of the bed. The feet of the bed were elevated about 2 inches but not enough to make the bed uncomfortable. Every empty bag was consolidated, shoved into another and stuck under the bed with no problem.



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