What Rooms can you see the Fireworks from at WL?


Wanna be at Disney World!
Aug 21, 1999

I was wondering what rooms you can see the firworks from?
I know that it is the upper floors, but can anyone give me room #'s or locations? Thanks, Wendi
I really would like to know that too.. my kids would love to be able to see them from our room.. Michelle
Woods view over the otter pond, MK side 5th floor and up.
Courtyard view, villa side, over main pool, 5th floor and up.

Sorry can't remember room numbers. :rolleyes:
Thank You so much for the information. I am forwarding this information to my friend. I hope this will help them get the best
room for there first Disney trip.

Thanks again.

Wendi ºoº
Although the pine trees block some of the view the Woods view rooms on the North side of the building are your best bet.

Rooms with lower numbers will be on the North side. Our room was 5012 and it had a nice view of the MK, and the Cont. Of course that was several years ago so the pines may have sprouted some branches...

I think the Woods view rooms on the 5th floor or above that are numbered less than xx90 would put you in the right place!


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